I've written a decorator that can generate parameterized functions as in the docs
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if not hasattr(metafunc.function, '_bdd_spec_test_runs'):
metafunc.parametrize(('name', 'index'), [(n, i) for (i, n) in enumerate(metafunc.function._bdd_spec_test_runs)])
If I have this at the bottom of the file where tests using my decorator appear it works. If however I move it to its own module (for example alongside the decorator itself) it results in my test not passing through it.
This seems to be because at the time that pytest sees that hook it has not yet collected the tests targeted yet. So Where am I supposed to put this function? Is there some way that I can tell pytest "here, this is the hook you should use after you're done collecting all tests".
I'm new to pytest and I can't find solution for my question.
I know about some pytest's hooks like pytest_addoption() and pytest_configure()
I'm trying to figure if and how pytest_addoption() runs first and only then pytest_configure().
If anyone know where I can find some information or can share his knowledge.
The flow of the hooks in pytest are specified here:
see first line in the docstring below
def pytest_configure(config):
""" called after command line options have been parsed
and all plugins and initial conftest files been loaded.
This hook is called for every plugin.
I'm trying to understand concepts of Functional Testing in a scope of TYPO3 and overall.
My intention is to test Controller of my extension. For simplicity let's imagine, that it has only two methods: listAction() and addAction($object).
I've checked some Core tests and one of them was EnableFieldsTest from Extbase, which does following: loads some special crafted extension, simulates FE (via special JsonRenderer.ts), which calls listAction() of that extension and the output (specail JSON) is examined then.
So, I decided to do same with my Controller, simulated FE, which called my listAction(). The only difference is that my extension doesn't use JSON View, but usual Fluid, which produces HTML.
To make it work as expected I need either:
Make significant changes in my extension, so it outputs JSON in Testing context, but this seems kinda hacky for me.
Do not use provided HasRecordConstraint from the Core, but simply examine HTML, that was output with assertContains(), which also seems hacky.
Create customized version of my extension, which outputs expected JSON and use it only as Fixture. But this makes such test useless at all.
Therefore I'm stuck at this point and need to understand:
Is it right to simulate FE request, like I do, or I'm now out of Functional Testing concept?
In case I want to test object creation via addAction($object) and ensure, that f.e. a request to a REST service is made, should I stub that Service or I can catch a call somehow different?
Since TYPO3 8, acceptance tests are integrated which are more the thing you want to have.
Use functional tests to call the action and check the return value of that but don't use a frontend
Use acceptance tests to call the frontend and check the HTML output of your plugin.
The best would be to check out the acceptance tests of the core.
I have a modular Sinatra app without a DB and in order to test memcache, I have some test files that need to be created and deleted on the file system. I would like to generate these files in an AfterConfiguration hook using some helper methods (which are in a module shared with rspec, which also needs to create/delete these files for testing). I only want to create them once at the start of Cucumber.
I do not seem to be able to access the helpers from within AfterConfiguration, which lives in "support/hooks.rb." The helpers are accessible from Cucumber's steps, so I know they have been loaded properly.
This previous post seems to have an answer: Want to load seed data before running cucumber
The second example in this answer seems to say my modules should be accessible to my AfterConfiguration block, but I get "undefined method `foo' for nil:NilClass" when attempting to call helper method "foo".
I can pull everything out into a rakefile and run it that way, but I'd like to know what I'm missing here.
After digging around in the code, it appears that AfterConfiguration not only runs before any features are loaded, but before World is instantiated. Running self.class inside of the AfterConfig block returns NilClass. Running self.class inside of any other hook, such as a Before, will return MyWorldName. In retrospect, this makes sense as every feature is run in a separate instance of World.
This is why helpers defined as instance methods (ie def method_name) are unknown. Changing my methods to module methods (ie def ModuleName.method_name) allows them to function, since they really are module methods anyway.
Just installed rails 3.1 rc1 and am trying to grok the best way to manage javascript with the new asset pipeline
By default all coffeescript is compiled into a single application.js file, this is a good thing.
Each seperate coffee script file is appended to the js file and wrapped in an anonymous function which is executed via the call method
A common scenario would be to use some jquery to turn various forms into ajax forms, update UI, etc...
Many of these scripts will be specific to a controller or action, I am trying to grok the 'conventional' way to handle this,
since everything is wrapped in an anonymous function how do I only execute just
the code for a particular controller / action, by default all of the anonymous functions are being executed
I did play around with some hacks where I load the controller and action name into js variables and then in
coffeescript check those to conditionally run code, I don't like that very much
my initial thought was that each coffee file would contain a js namespace/object and I would call the specific ones from the view,
going to spike this using the default_bare = true configuration
see How can I use option "--bare" in Rails 3.1 for CoffeeScript?
Looking around some more: this looks like it might be the correct approach - "Can't find variable" error with Rails 3.1 and Coffeescript
There are two common approaches:
Make behavior conditional on the presence of a particular element. For instance, code to run a signup sheet should be prefaced with something like
if $('#signup').length > 0
Make behavior conditional on a class on the body element. You can set the body class using ERB. This is often desirable for stylesheets as well. The code would be something like
if $('body').hasClass 'user'
gistyle is a simple gem that helps you running action-specific javascript codes.
By following its setup, you set some data attributes in your body element, representing the current controller and action names. Then it will only call that action when the corresponding view is loaded.
I have some NUnit tests which uses a TestCaseSource function. Unfortunately, the TestCaseSource function that I need takes a long time to initialize, because it scans a folder tree recursively to find all of the test images that would be passed into the test function. (Alternatively it could load from a file list XML every time it's run, but automatic discovery of new image files is still a requirement.)
Is it possible to specify an NUnit attribute together with TestCaseSource such that NUnit does not enumerate the test cases (does not call the TestCaseSource function) until either the user clicks on the node, or until the test suite is being run?
The need to get all test images stored in a folder is a project requirement because other people who do not have access to the test project will need to add new test images to the folder, without having to modify the test project's source code. They would then be able to view the test result.
Some dogmatic unit-testers may counter that I am using NUnit to do something it's not supposed to do. I have to admit that I have to meet a requirement, and NUnit is such a great tool with a great GUI that satisfies most of my requirements, such that I do not care about whether it is proper unit testing or not.
Additional info (from NUnit documentation)
Note on Object Construction
NUnit locates the test cases at the
time the tests are loaded, creates
instances of each class with
non-static sources and builds a list
of tests to be executed. Each source
object is only created once at this
time and is destroyed after all tests
are loaded.
If the data source is in the test
fixture itself, the object is created
using the appropriate constructor for
the fixture parameters provided on the
TestFixtureAttribute or the default
constructor if no parameters were
specified. Since this object is
destroyed before the tests are run, no
communication is possible between
these two phases - or between
different runs - except through the
parameters themselves.
It seems the purpose of loading the test cases up front is to avoid having communications (or side-effects) between TestCaseSource and the execution of the tests. Is this true? Is this the only reason to require test cases to be loaded up front?
A modification of NUnit was needed, as documented in http://blog.sponholtz.com/2012/02/late-binded-parameterized-tests-in.html
There are plans to introduce this option to later versions of NUnit.
I don't know of a way to delay-load test names in the GUI. My recommendation would be to move those tests to a separate assembly. That way, you can quickly run all of your other tests, and load the slower exhaustive tests only when needed.