How do I associate a CoffeeScript file with a view? - coffeescript

Just installed rails 3.1 rc1 and am trying to grok the best way to manage javascript with the new asset pipeline
By default all coffeescript is compiled into a single application.js file, this is a good thing.
Each seperate coffee script file is appended to the js file and wrapped in an anonymous function which is executed via the call method
A common scenario would be to use some jquery to turn various forms into ajax forms, update UI, etc...
Many of these scripts will be specific to a controller or action, I am trying to grok the 'conventional' way to handle this,
since everything is wrapped in an anonymous function how do I only execute just
the code for a particular controller / action, by default all of the anonymous functions are being executed
I did play around with some hacks where I load the controller and action name into js variables and then in
coffeescript check those to conditionally run code, I don't like that very much
my initial thought was that each coffee file would contain a js namespace/object and I would call the specific ones from the view,
going to spike this using the default_bare = true configuration
see How can I use option "--bare" in Rails 3.1 for CoffeeScript?
Looking around some more: this looks like it might be the correct approach - "Can't find variable" error with Rails 3.1 and Coffeescript

There are two common approaches:
Make behavior conditional on the presence of a particular element. For instance, code to run a signup sheet should be prefaced with something like
if $('#signup').length > 0
Make behavior conditional on a class on the body element. You can set the body class using ERB. This is often desirable for stylesheets as well. The code would be something like
if $('body').hasClass 'user'

gistyle is a simple gem that helps you running action-specific javascript codes.
By following its setup, you set some data attributes in your body element, representing the current controller and action names. Then it will only call that action when the corresponding view is loaded.


Should I simulate FE request in Functional Testing in TYPO3?

I'm trying to understand concepts of Functional Testing in a scope of TYPO3 and overall.
My intention is to test Controller of my extension. For simplicity let's imagine, that it has only two methods: listAction() and addAction($object).
I've checked some Core tests and one of them was EnableFieldsTest from Extbase, which does following: loads some special crafted extension, simulates FE (via special JsonRenderer.ts), which calls listAction() of that extension and the output (specail JSON) is examined then.
So, I decided to do same with my Controller, simulated FE, which called my listAction(). The only difference is that my extension doesn't use JSON View, but usual Fluid, which produces HTML.
To make it work as expected I need either:
Make significant changes in my extension, so it outputs JSON in Testing context, but this seems kinda hacky for me.
Do not use provided HasRecordConstraint from the Core, but simply examine HTML, that was output with assertContains(), which also seems hacky.
Create customized version of my extension, which outputs expected JSON and use it only as Fixture. But this makes such test useless at all.
Therefore I'm stuck at this point and need to understand:
Is it right to simulate FE request, like I do, or I'm now out of Functional Testing concept?
In case I want to test object creation via addAction($object) and ensure, that f.e. a request to a REST service is made, should I stub that Service or I can catch a call somehow different?
Since TYPO3 8, acceptance tests are integrated which are more the thing you want to have.
Use functional tests to call the action and check the return value of that but don't use a frontend
Use acceptance tests to call the frontend and check the HTML output of your plugin.
The best would be to check out the acceptance tests of the core.

Can I use Eclipse templates to insert methods and also call them?

I'm doing some competitions on a website called where the objective is to solve algorithmic problems. I'm using Eclipse for this purpose, and I code in Java, it would be help me to have some predefined templates or macros that I can use for common coding tasks. For example I would like to write methods to be able to find the max value in and int[] array, or the longest sequence in an int[] array, and so on (there should be quite many of these). Note I can't write these methods as libraries because as part of the competition I need to submit everything in one file.
Therefore ideally, I would like to have some shortcut available to generate code both as a method and as a calling statement at once. Any ideas if this is possible?
Sure you can - I think that's a nifty way to auto-insert boilerplate or helper code. To the point of commenters, you probably want to group the code as a helper class, but the general idea sounds good to me:
You can see it listed in your available templates:
Then as you code your solution, you can Control+Space, type the first few characters of the name you gave your template, and you can preview it:
And then you can insert it. Be sure if you use a class structure to position it as an inner class:
Lastly - if you want to have a template inserts a call to method from a template, I think you would just use two templates. One like shown above (to print the helper code) and another that might look like this, which calls a util method and drops the cursor after it (or between the parentheses if you'd like, etc):

Cucumber's AfterConfiguration can't access helper modules

I have a modular Sinatra app without a DB and in order to test memcache, I have some test files that need to be created and deleted on the file system. I would like to generate these files in an AfterConfiguration hook using some helper methods (which are in a module shared with rspec, which also needs to create/delete these files for testing). I only want to create them once at the start of Cucumber.
I do not seem to be able to access the helpers from within AfterConfiguration, which lives in "support/hooks.rb." The helpers are accessible from Cucumber's steps, so I know they have been loaded properly.
This previous post seems to have an answer: Want to load seed data before running cucumber
The second example in this answer seems to say my modules should be accessible to my AfterConfiguration block, but I get "undefined method `foo' for nil:NilClass" when attempting to call helper method "foo".
I can pull everything out into a rakefile and run it that way, but I'd like to know what I'm missing here.
After digging around in the code, it appears that AfterConfiguration not only runs before any features are loaded, but before World is instantiated. Running self.class inside of the AfterConfig block returns NilClass. Running self.class inside of any other hook, such as a Before, will return MyWorldName. In retrospect, this makes sense as every feature is run in a separate instance of World.
This is why helpers defined as instance methods (ie def method_name) are unknown. Changing my methods to module methods (ie def ModuleName.method_name) allows them to function, since they really are module methods anyway.

i18n in Symfony Forms

Is there any way I can use the format_number_choice function inside of a actions file. In fact I need to use it for a Form error message.
'max_size' => 'File is too large (maximum is %max_size% bytes).',
In English it's simply "bytes", but in other languages the syntax changes after a certain value (for example if the number is greater than 20 it's: "20 of bytes").
I can use parenthesis, of course, but if the framework offers support for doing this specific thing, why not to use it?!
The way it's currently implemented in the 1.4 branch, you can define only one translation per message using il18n XML files.
What you could do is create a custom validator which inherits the current validator (sfValidatorFile in your example) and does the size checking in the doClean method before calling its parent's method.
I suggest you take a look at the source to see how it works : sfValidatorFile
The correct way to handle number ranges for translation is explained here in the Definitive Guide. I won't reproduce it here as the documentation itself is clear and concise. Note however that the string is not extracted automatically by the i18n-extract task, so you need to add it manually - again, the documentation explains this.
So yes, you can use the format_number_choice() function inside an action - you just need to load the helper inside the action like this:

Why the heck is Rails 3.1 / Sprockets 2 / CoffeeScript adding extra code?

Working with Rails 3.1 (rc5), and I'm noticing that any coffeescript file I include rails (or sprockets) is adding in initializing javascript at the top and bottom. In other words, a blank file gets outputted looking like this:
(function() {
This is irritating because it screws up my javascript scope (unless I really don't know what I'm doing). I generally separate all of my javascript classes into separate files and I believe that having that function code wrapping my classes just puts them out of scope from one another. Or, atleast, I can't seem to access them as I am continually getting undefined errors.
Is there a way to override this? It seems like this file in sprockets has to do with adding this code:
I understand that wrapping everything in a function might seem like an added convenience as then nothing is ran until DOM is loaded, but as far as I can tell it just messes up my scope.
Are you intending to put your objects into the global scope? I think CoffeeScript usually wraps code in anonymous functions so that it doesn't accidentally leak variables into the global scope. If there's not a way to turn it off, your best bet would probably be to specifically add anything you want to be in the global scope to the window object:
window.myGlobal = myGlobal;
It seems to be a javascript best practice these days to put code inside a function scope and be explicit about adding objects to the global scope, and it's something I usually see CoffeeScript do automatically.
You don't want to put everything into the global scope. You want a module or module like system where you can namespace things so you don't colide with other libraries. Have a read of