Difference between using withStateHandler and withState + withHandler - recompose

Does withStateHandler has some benefit over using withState and withHandler together?
Why should I use withStateHandler at all when I can get same functionality with withState and withHandler?

withStateHandler has little benefits like less code and fewer function imports, but that won't do a lot of performance increment, practically they do the same thing in the same way if you do not worry about the size of your code splitting or something like this


How to call Rust functions in Flutter (Dart) via FFI, but with convenience and safety?

I know we can call Rust from Flutter/Dart via FFI. But Flutter only allows the C ABI when doing FFI. Therefore, I have to manually write down boilerplate code. Especially, Rust unsafe code - since I have to deal with lots of raw pointers :(
Therefore, is there any approaches to do it in a safe way? We know Rust itself is very safe (since its unique memory management approach), and Dart/Flutter itself is also very safe (since GC). But I do not want the ffi call be the Achilles heel and destroy the safety of my app!
There are several ways to do it.
a. JSON/Protobuf-based Approach
The first way that I have used in the production environment for a year is that, you can use JSON or Protobuf to pass all the data between Rust and Dart/Flutter. By doing this, you do not need to write down tons of boilerplate code to allocate/free a String, a List of bytes, a struct/class, etc. All you need to do is to write down one single function that accepts a byte array payload and outputs a byte array result. By saying "one" function, I mean, you can have an action field in your JSON/Protobuf, so calls to indeed different Rust functions can be interleaved into this one thin interface.
Despite its convenience (only a bit of unsafe boilerplate), the drawback is also evident. The serialization and deserialization does not come for free. You will have to pay the CPU time and memory for it, which can be quite large sometimes. Moreover, you cannot easily pass around big objects. For example, if you have an image (you know, at least megabytes of size), serializing it to Protobuf, then deserialize it from Protobuf can be quite a waste of both CPU and memory - useless copies! Even worse, since Flutter/Dart FFI does not support a convenient way of async FFI, you have to make it running in a separate worker isolate - one more memory copy. You can see more here: https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/1862 (this is an issue that I opened).
b. Code generator
The second way that I use recently is to write down a code generator. Indeed the code follows several common patterns, such as "allocate - fill data - call FFI - free", etc. So it is not that hard to write a generator to automatically do such kind of things. The idea is to mimic what human beings will do when they write down boilerplate code manually.
I did hope that there already exist some code generator such that I could directly use, but it seemed that none exists... So, go and write it by yourself.
c. Use existing open-source code generator
After I write down the code generator, I guess people may have the same problem as me, so I open-sourced it: https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge
Indeed, my code generator not only solves the problem above, but also have rich type support, allows zero-copy, allows async programming and direct call from main isolate, etc, which can be implemented via code generator but will require lots of boilerplate code if you do it by hand.
Disclaimer: This is a Q&A-style answer to show my thoughts and what I have done on this problem that is critical to my own app in production environment. Indeed I have used the JSON approach since last year, and later refactor into the code generator approach. Hope it also helps other people who faces the same situation!

Swift. How to avoid repetition of pushViewController()?

In my code I have many pushViewController() (with instantiateViewController() and other stuff) methods in one ViewController. I am just thinking how I can avoid repeating on this chunk of code and make it more clear and dry.
I have found protocol solution here https://stackoverflow.com/a/43124539/6866265
It looks nice but I would like to see other options.

What's the point of using "map()" for two elements in perl?

I've seen code where there are just two rather static elements to be mapped such as time intervals with start and end dates, yet map() is being used rather than explicit code for mapping, e.g.
{ map { ... } qw(start end) } # vs.
{ start => ..., end => ... }
Which way is preferrable, and why?
The map form may be less concise but looks more functional (as in functional programming), so I guess that's why it may be preferred over explicit code and is perhaps more DRY.
However, it looks less legible to me because there is more logic going on behind, and mapping should also be less efficient because it invokes calls a and consists of more atomic operations.
There is a conflicting goal in programming: KISS (keep it { pick 2 from: small, simple, stupid }). Using map slightly complicates code.
Assuming you're not just setting both items to the same constant or something similarly trivial, I would expect the map version to be more concise.
IMO, the main point in favor of the map version is that you know the same process will be used to produce both values. Not only for the sake of DRY, but also because it eliminates any concern that one might have a subtle change which the other doesn't.
As for the performance concern... If your use case is sufficiently performance-sensitive for any potential difference to matter, then you shouldn't be using Perl in the first place. Switching to well-written C (not C#, not C++, not Objective C - just plain C) will have a far greater performance impact than micro-optimizing whether you assign two values individually vs. using a loop to set them. But the odds of your use case being that sensitive are approximately zero anyhow.
There is a principle of coding known as DRY. Don't Repeat Yourself.
It asserts that:
Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.
And that can be interpreted as condensing duplicate typing with (things like) map/for.
I use idioms like the one you've quoted when I'm trying to expand some text - for example:
my #defs = map { "DEF:$_=$source_file:$_:MAX" } qw ( read write );
This generates me some DEF lines for rrdtool.
I'm doing it this way, because for some cases, I've got considerably longer lists of 'things I want to define' and want to be consistent. (Sometimes I have say, 10 similar lines that differ only by a single word).
But also because:
my #defs = ( "DEF:read=$source_file:read:MAX",
"DEF:write=$source_file:write:MAX" );
There's not much in it for two elements, and I'd suggest it's as much a matter of style as anything. However, if you've got more than that, it quickly becomes very beneficial because you can change the single line - say you've got a different file location? Want to swap MAX for AVERAGE?
It's also quite shockingly easy to go 'punctuation blind' when looking at a long sequence of similar statements, where someone's typo-ed and added a , where it should be . or similar.
And ... you probably don't lose a great deal in terms of readability. But will acknowledge that's something of a style point, because whilst map is pretty amazing, it can make for some rather hard to read code if you're not careful.
Also to specifically address:
mapping should also be less efficient because it invokes calls a and consists of more atomic operations.
A wise man once said:
premature optimization is the root of all evil
Don't think about the efficiency of a statement - look at the legibility/readability. Compilers are pretty clever. Most "obvious" optimisations, they already make for you. Processors are also pretty fast. Your limiting factor in most code isn't the amount of CPU cycles you need, it's IO throughput and memory footprint. So don't worry about it - write clear code.
And if there's a performance critical demand on your code, you should be using a code profiler to look at where you gain the most efficiency for your effort at refactoring. You may end up with less clear code in doing so (sometimes) but that's a more clear tradeoff.

What can use to avoid the msgSend function overhead?(Obj-c)

Hello everyone help me please!!!!
What can use to avoid the msgSend function overhead?
maybe answer is IMP, but I not sure.
You could simply inline the function to avoid any function call overhead. Then it would be faster than even a C function! But before you start down this path - are you certain this level of optimisation is warranted? You are more likely to get a better payoff by optimizing the algorithm.
The use of IMP is very rarely required. The method dispatching in Objective-C (especially in the 64-bit runtime) has been very heavily optimised, and exploits many tricks for speed.
What profiling have you done that tells you that method dispatching is the cause of your performance issue? I suggest first you examine the algorithm to see first of all where the most expensive operations are, and see if there is a more efficient way to implement it.
To answer your question, a quick search finds some directly relevant questions similar to yours right here on SO, with some great and detailed answers:
Objective-C optimization
Objective-C and use of SEL/IMP

Stream in production code

Do people really use Scala's Stream class in production code, or is it primarily of academic interest?
There's no problem with Stream, except when people use it to replace Iterator -- as opposed to replacing List, which is the collection most similar to it. In that particular case, one has to be careful in its use. On the other hand, one has to be careful using Iterator as well, since each element can only be iterated through once.
So, since both have their own problems, why single out Stream's? I daresay it's simply that people are used to Iterator from Java, whereas Stream is a functional thing.
Even though I wrote that Iterator is what I want to use nearly all the time I do use Stream in production code. I just don't automatically assume that the cells are garbage collected.
Sometimes Stream fits the problem perfectly. I think the api gives some good examples where recursion is involved...
Look here. This blog post describes how to use Scala Streams (along with memory mapped file) to read large files (1-2G) efficiently.
I did not try it yet but the solution looks reasonable. Stream provides a nice abstraction on top of the low level ByteBuffer Java API to handle a memory mapped file as a sequence of records.
Yes, I use it, although it tends to be for something like this:
(as.toStream collect expensiveConversionToB) match {
case b #:: _ => //found my expensive b
case _ =>
Of course, I might use a non-strict view and a find for this example
Since the only reason not to use Streams is that it can be tricky to ensure the JVM isn't keeping references to early conses around, one approach I've used that's fairly nice is to build up a Stream and immediately convert it to an Iterator for actual use. It loses a little of Stream's nice properties on the use side especially with respect to backtracking, but if you're only going to make one pass over the result it's frequently easier to build a structure this way than to contort into the hasNext/next() model of Iterator directly.