pythonanwhere newbie: I don't see sqlite option - pythonanywhere

I see an option for MySql and Postgres, and have read help messages for sqlite, but I don't see anyway to use it or to install it. So it appears that it's available or else there wouldn't be any help messages, but I can't find it. I can't do any 'sudo', so no 'apt install', so don't know how to invoke and use it!

sqlite is already installed. You don't need to invoke anything to install it. Just configure your web app to use it.


magento . PHP extension "soap" must be loaded

I have shared server from
And when I try to install full package I get this issue : PHP extension "soap" must be loaded.
And I ask my customer service, he told me we can't solve this issue you must get VP host (VIP ) not shared server. Please help me to solve this issue.
Simply go in php.ini file and Find this code ;extension=php_soap.dll remove terminate sign like do it extension=php_soap.dll
I solve the problem by editing:
and changing this line from:
In my case, only un-commenting extension=php_soap.dll line didn't work. My PHP version is 7.0 & i installed apt-get install php7.0-soap (used this because i'm using Ubuntu).After soap installation, it worked for me.
Although your question is very confusing, I believe to have understand partially what you need.
A shared server is one that other people are sharing with you. These are usually very cheap but you don't get much control over what happens there; specifically, you usually can't install stuff or have much freedom of configuration. These servers usually offer specific services (i.e., they already have PHP and MySQL installed, but you can't run, say, Ruby). You rarely (if ever) get shell access to such servers.
Dedicated servers are the opposite. You usually have full control over the machine's configuration as it's not shared with other users, but they are often way more expensive.
The reasons for this are clear: when a server is shared it's cheaper to the provider to keep and maintain a running machine, because several clients are paying for it. If you want/need a fully dedicated machine then you can manage it, but you have to pay it yourself. In this case, if you need to install PHP modules and your provider is denying you access, you must either find a provider that does allow it or find a dedicated machine. You're out of luck on that regard.
please go to this
and find
remove the semicolon at the end and restart your appache server from the host server
On my XAMPP in php.ini this extension calls extension=soap

PHP5 - pgsql Module not loaded

I am trying to get work PostgresSQL with PHP, but i stuck on that apache error:
Call to undefined function pg_connect().
When i run phpinfo() i cannot see that my module is loaded, but i do not know why. The pgsql.ini files were loaded. And when i open them, i can see, that the extension is enabled Under /usr/lib64/php5/extensions there is the .so file. Even the permission are same like the other modules.
Any idea what am I doing wrong?
It would help if you could describe what operating system you are using. I'm assume Linux, but which distribution? One package that is often forgotten when installing postgresql and php is php5-pgsql. This is the connection between the two. For some reason I cannot explain, it is best if all three are installed together. So I suggest uninstalling postgresql and php and then installing postgresql, php5 and php5-pgsql. I hope this works for you!
I found it out. Some libraries where not found.
1.) First of all run php -version
2.) If there is an error where it described that some libraries are missing, you can solve it like me
3.) Search for the files on your system find / -name {LIBRARY NAME}
3a.) If you found them, just create a symlink to /usr/lib64
3b.) If not, find a way to get them and 3 3a

Determine Inno-setup command line options

I have a program, mingw-get-inst-20111118.exe
I want to do a silent install with this.
I have been using mingw-get-inst-20111118.exe /silent with success, but now I want to customize the install, if possible. Is there a program that will analyze this installer and show the possible parameters?
Related links
As the install is based on InnoSetup, the standard command line parameters available are documented at
Looking at the installer source, I don't see much in the way of configuration. You can pass the /DIR parameter to change the default install directory. I'm not sure what other configuration you'd want to do though.
It appears that the developers have not added a Components section to the source, making it impossible for a silent, custom installation.

Running java without installing jre?

As asked and answered here, python has a useful way of deployment without installers. Can Java do the same thing?
Is there any way to run Java's jar file without installing jre?
Is there a tool something like java2exe (win32), java2bin (linux) or java2app (mac)?
You can use Launch4j for this. Well documented and easy to use. While the resulting program still needs a JRE to run, you don't have to install the JRE on the target system. You can just copy it with your application and tell Launch4j were to find it or just wrap it up with everything else.
For creating native executables, you can use Excelsion Jet, which compiles Java to native code. We used it for a project at work, and we had to perform zero modification to the original source code (which targetted Sun's JDK).
you can embbed the JRE inside your application and create a setup or installation for your application.
You can have a look at
You might get it what you want.
You might want to check out how Eclipse does it - it has a native .exe that can use a local (to the installation) JRE.
You might be able to get some luck with GCJ - haven't tried it myself.
You can do it with NetBeans and a couple of tools. The result is a standalone installer that packages everything you need, so your software can run without installing JRE. It is also completely portable, because it install your software on AppData, that is, it does not need privileges to be installed. Maybe you can even configure the installation path, or you can install it on your own PC, locate the folder and copy it to distribute your software in that way.
Check the Answer I made on different post
You can use jlink to create your own customized jre which would contain only those dependencies which are needed for execution. This deployment method is really efficient. please follow **this**link for one such example.

FireBird install using InstallShield

I can't seem to find a good script or anything to use for installing Firebird (the InterBase-decendent RDBMS) using InstallShield. There is a way to silently install it using the firebird install executable, but I don't know enough about InstallShieldscripts to be able to do it! If anyone knows any information on
a) how to execute an exe from InstallShield
b) how to install firebord using InstallShield
I would be very appreciative! Thanks a lot, Matt
You should probably reword your question to get answers about how to execute an external program using command line parameters in an InstallShield script. Maybe the documentation would have enough info on that already.
Regarding the installation of Firebird, please have a look at this document which comes with the Firebird installation and shows all available switches for the Firebird setup executable. If you don't want the user to see that your program is installing Firebird you should probably use the /SP-, the /VERYSILENT and /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES switches. Other switches worth looking into are /NOICONS to suppress the creation of a program group in the start menu, and /COMPONENTS=... to install only what is absolutely necessary for your program to function.
Please note that installing Firebird is only a part of what you should do. For clear separation from other programs using Firebird you should create a new Firebird user account with password, and it's always a good idea to add an alias for your database to the aliases.conf file.