Difference between executing StreamTasks in the same instance v/s multiple instances - apache-kafka

Say I have a topic with 3 partitions
Method 1: I run one instance of Kafka Streams, it starts 3 tasks [0_0,0_1,0_2] and each of these tasks consume from one partition.
Method 2: I spin up three instance of the same streams application, here again three tasks are started but now, it is distributed among the 3 instances that was created.
Which method is preferable and why?
In method 1 do all the tasks run as a part of the same thread, and in method 2, they run on different threads, or is it different?
Consider that the streams application has a very simple topology, and does only mapping of values from a single stream

By default, a single KafkaStreams instance runs one thread, thus in "Method 1" all three tasks are executed by a single thread. In "Method 2" each task is executed by its own thread. Note, that you can also configure multiple thread pre KafkaStreams instance via num.stream.threads configuration parameter. If you set it to 3 for "Method 1" both method are more or less the same. How many threads you need, depends on your workload, ie, how many messages you need to process per time unit and how expensive the computation is. It also depends on the hardware: for a single-core CPU, it may not make sense to configure more than one thread, but you should deploy multiple instances on multiple machines to get more hardware. Hence, if your workload is lightweight one single-threaded instance might be enough.
Also note, that you may be network bound. For this case, starting more thread would not help, but you want to scale out to multiple machines, too.
The last consideration is fault-tolerance. Even if a single thread/instance may be powerful enough to not lag, what should happen if the instance crashes? If you only have one instance, the whole computation goes down. If you run two instances, the second instance would take over all the work and your application stays online.


Does Kafka Streams library kill idle StreamThreads?

Say, KStream topology is simple: input topic -> process -> output topic. Partitions of input topic = 4.
If there is a single instance of app running with num.stream.threads=4, all 4 StreamThreads are utilized.
If a second instance is launched (with num.stream.threads=4), stream tasks are now distributed between the two. Task 0_1 and 0_2 on first instance, Task 0_3 and 0_4 on second instance.
On first instance, does kafka streams library kill the threads which were running 0_3 and 0_4 so far?
For your case when input topic has only 4 partitions, what will happen When starting 8 instances with num.stream.threads=1?
4 instances become idle but not be killed. They are remaining and get assign a task if any of other already assigned instance goes down.
So, same thing happens when you start multiple treads in one instances. In your case, 8 treads in 2 instances 4 per each. same scenario happen I will explained above. 4 of your threads getting idle and remain idle until it is getting a task by going down other instance.
more reference :
Let’s take an example. Imagine your application is reading from an input
topic that has 5 partitions. How many app instances can we run here?
The short answer is that we can run up to 5 instances of this
application, because the application’s maximum parallelism is 5. If we
run more than 5 app instances, then the “excess” app instances will
successfully launch but remain idle. If one of the busy instances goes
down, one of the idle instances will resume the former’s work.
You can see more information of threads by set up metrics referring this

What exactly is StreamTask in StreamThread in kafka streams?

I am trying to understand how Kafka Stream work under the hood (to know it a little better), and came across confluent link, and it is really wonderful.
It says two terms viz: StreamThreads and StreamTasks.
I am not able to understand what exactly is StreamTasks?
Is it executed by StreamThread?
As per doc, StreamThreads can have multiple StreamTasks, so won't there be any data sharing and won't this thread run slower? How does a StreamThread "run" multiple StreamTasks?
Any explanation in simple words would be of great help.
"Tasks" are a logical abstractions of work than can be done in parallel (ie, stuff that can be processed independent from each other). Kafka Streams basically creates a task for each input topic partition, because data in different partitions can processed independent from each other (it's a simplification, but holds if you have a single input topic; for joins it's a little bit different).
A StreamThread is basically a JVM thread. Task are assigned to StreamsThread for execution. In the current implementation, a StreamThread basically loops over all tasks and processes some amount of input data for each task. In between, the StreamThread (that is using a KafkaConsumer) polls the broker for new data for all its assigned tasks.
Because tasks are independent from each other, you can run as many thread as there are tasks. For this case, each thread would execute only a single task.

How can (messaging) queue be scalable?

I frequently see queues in software architecture, especially those called "scalable" with prominent representative of Actor from Akka.io multi-actor platform. However, how can queue be scalable, if we have to synchronize placing messages in queue (and therefore operate in single thread vs multi thread) and again synchronize taking out messages from queue (to assure, that message it taken exactly once)? It get's even more complicated, when those messages can change state of (actor) system - in this case even after taking out message from queue, it cannot be load balanced, but still processed in single thread.
Is it correct, that putting messages in queue must be synchronized?
Is it correct, that putting messages out of queue must be synchronized?
If 1 or 2 is correct, then how is queue scalable? Doesn't synchronization to single thread immediately create bottleneck?
How can (actor) system be scalable, if it is statefull?
Does statefull actor/bean mean, that I have to process messages in single thread and in order?
Does statefullness mean, that I have to have single copy of bean/actor per entire system?
If 6 is false, then how do I share this state between instances?
When I am trying to connect my new P2P node to netowrk, I believe I have to have some "server" that will tell me, who are other peers, is that correct? When I am trying to download torrent, I have to connect to tracker - if there is "server" then we do we call it P2P? If this tracker will go down, then I cannot connect to peers, is that correct?
Is synchronization and statefullness destroying scalability?
Is it correct, that putting messages in queue must be synchronized?
Is it correct, that putting messages out of queue must be synchronized?
Assuming we're talking about the synchronized java keyword then that is a reenetrant mutual exclusion lock on the object. Even multiple threads accessing that lock can be fast as long as contention is low. And each object has its own lock so there are many locks, each which only needs to be taken for a short time, i.e. it is fine-grained locking.
But even if it did, queues need not be implemented via mutual exclusion locks. Lock-free and even wait-free queue data structures exist. Which means the mere presence of locks does not automatically imply single-threaded execution.
The rest of your questions should be asked separately because they are not about message queuing.
Of course you are correct in that a single queue is not scalable. The point of the Actor Model is that you can have millions of Actors and therefore distribute the load over millions of queues—if you have so many cores in your cluster. Always remember what Carl Hewitt said:
One Actor is no actor. Actors come in systems.
Each single actor is a fully sequential and single-threaded unit of computation. The whole model is constructed such that it is perfectly suited to describe distribution, though; this means that you create as many actors as you need.

How to design task distribution with ZooKeeper

I am planning to write an application which will have distributed Worker processes. One of them will be Leader which will assign tasks to other processes. Designing the Leader elelection process is quite simple: each process tries to create a ephemeral node in the same path. Whoever is successful, becomes the leader.
Now, my question is how to design the process of distributing the tasks evenly? Any recipe for this?
I'll elaborate a little on the environment setup:
Suppose there are 10 worker maschines, each one runs a process, one of them become leader. Tasks are submitted in the queue, the Leader takes them and assigns to a worker. The worker processes gets notified whenever a tasks is submitted.
I am not sure I understand your algorithm for Leader election, but the recommended way of implementing this is to use sequential ephemeral nodes and use the algorithm at http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.3.3/recipes.html#sc_leaderElection which explains how to avoid the "herd" effect.
Distribution of tasks can be done with a simple distributed queue and does not strictly need a Leader. The producer enqueues tasks and consumers keep a watch on the tasks node - a triggered watch will lead the consumer to take a task and delete the associated znode. There are certain edge conditions to consider with requeuing tasks from failed consumers. http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.3.3/recipes.html#sc_recipes_Queues
I would recommend the section Example: Master-Worker Application of this book ZooKeeper Distributed Process Coordination http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920028901.do
The example demonstrates to distribute tasks to worker using znodes and common zookeeper commands.
Consider using an actor singleton service pattern. For example, in Scala there is Akka which solves this class of problem with less code.

Does it make sense to use a pool of Actors?

I'm just learning, and really liking, the Actor pattern. I'm using Scala right now, but I'm interested in the architectural style in general, as it's used in Scala, Erlang, Groovy, etc.
The case I'm thinking of is where I need to do things concurrently, such as, let's say "run a job".
With threading, I would create a thread pool and a blocking queue, and have each thread poll the blocking queue, and process jobs as they came in and out of the queue.
With actors, what's the best way to handle this? Does it make sense to create a pool of actors, and somehow send messages to them containing or the jobs? Maybe with a "coordinator" actor?
Note: An aspect of the case which I forgot to mention was: what if I want to constrain the number of jobs my app will process concurrently? Maybe with a config setting? I was thinking that a pool might make it easy to do this.
A pool is a mechanism you use when the cost of creating and tearing down a resource is high. In Erlang this is not the case so you should not maintain a pool.
You should spawn processes as you need them and destroy them when you have finished with them.
Sometimes, it makes sense to limit how many working processes you have operating concurrently on a large task list, as the task the process is spawned to complete involve resource allocations. At the very least processes use up memory, but they could also keep open files and/or sockets which tend to be limited to only thousands and fail miserably and unpredictable once you run out.
To have a pull-driven task pool, one can spawn N linked processes that ask for a task, and one hand them a function they can spawn_monitor. As soon as the monitored process has ended, they come back for the next task. Specific needs drive the details, but that is the outline of one approach.
The reason I would let each task spawn a new process is that processes do have some state and it is nice to start off a clean slate. It's a common fine-tuning to set the min-heap size of processes adjusted to minimize the number of GCs needed during its lifetime. It is also a very efficient garbage collection to free all memory for a process and start on a new one for the next task.
Does it feel weird to use twice the number of processes like that? It's a feeling you need to overcome in Erlang programming.
There is no best way for all cases. The decision depends on the number, duration, arrival, and required completion time of the jobs.
The most obvious difference between just spawning off actors, and using pools is that in the former case your jobs will be finished nearly at the same time, while in the latter case completion times will be spread in time. The average completion time will be the same though.
The advantage of using actors is the simplicity on coding, as it requires no extra handling. The trade-off is that your actors will be competing for your CPU cores. You will not be able to have more parallel jobs than CPU cores (or HT's, whatever), no matter what programming paradigm you use.
As an example, imagine that you need to execute 100'000 jobs, each taking one minute, and the results are due next month. You have four cores. Would you spawn off 100'000 actors having each compete over the resources for a month, or would you just queue your jobs up, and have execute four at a time?
As a counterexample, imagine a web server running on the same machine. If you have five requests, would you prefer to serve four users in T time, and one in 2T, or serve all five in 1.2T time ?