How to design task distribution with ZooKeeper - distributed-computing

I am planning to write an application which will have distributed Worker processes. One of them will be Leader which will assign tasks to other processes. Designing the Leader elelection process is quite simple: each process tries to create a ephemeral node in the same path. Whoever is successful, becomes the leader.
Now, my question is how to design the process of distributing the tasks evenly? Any recipe for this?
I'll elaborate a little on the environment setup:
Suppose there are 10 worker maschines, each one runs a process, one of them become leader. Tasks are submitted in the queue, the Leader takes them and assigns to a worker. The worker processes gets notified whenever a tasks is submitted.

I am not sure I understand your algorithm for Leader election, but the recommended way of implementing this is to use sequential ephemeral nodes and use the algorithm at which explains how to avoid the "herd" effect.
Distribution of tasks can be done with a simple distributed queue and does not strictly need a Leader. The producer enqueues tasks and consumers keep a watch on the tasks node - a triggered watch will lead the consumer to take a task and delete the associated znode. There are certain edge conditions to consider with requeuing tasks from failed consumers.

I would recommend the section Example: Master-Worker Application of this book ZooKeeper Distributed Process Coordination
The example demonstrates to distribute tasks to worker using znodes and common zookeeper commands.

Consider using an actor singleton service pattern. For example, in Scala there is Akka which solves this class of problem with less code.


What's the point of having a single celery worker with multiple queues?

continuing How does a Celery worker consuming from multiple queues decide which to consume from first?
I've setup a single worker and have it listen to two queues. I understand from the above linked question that the worker would consume messages from those two queues in round-robin or in the order they arrived (depending on celery version).
So what's the purpose of this setting? Why is it different than a single queue? Would that be helpful only for monitoring, or is there an operational benefit i'm missing here?
In most scenarios you will have your worker subscribed only to a single queue, however there are scenarios when having ability to subscribe to multiple queues makes sense.
Here is one. Imagine you have a Celery cluster of 10 machines. They perform various tasks, and among them there is a task that downloads files from remote file-server. However, the owner of the file-server whitelisted only two of your 10 machine IPs, so basically only two of them can download files from that particular file-server. Typically you will have Celery workers on these two machines subcribe to an additional queue, called "download" for an example, and schedule download tasks by sending them to the "download" queue.
This is a very common scenario where a subset of your nodes can do particular thing (access remote servers - file servers, database servers, etc).
One could argue "why not have just the 'download' queue on these two machines?" - that may be a waste of resources.

High Scalability Question: How to sync data across multiple microservices

I have the following use cases:
Assume you have two micro-services one AccountManagement and ActivityReporting that processes event U.
When a user registers, event U containing the user information will published into a broker for the two micro-services to process.
AccountManagement, and ActivityReporting microservice are replicated across two instances each for performance and scalability reasons.
Each microservice instance has a consumer listening on the broker topic. The choice of topic is so that both AccountManagement, and ActivityReporting can process U concurrently.
However, I want only one instance of AccountManagement to process event U, and one instance of ActivityReporting to process event U.
Please share your experience implementing a Consume Once per Application Group, broker system.
As this would effectively solve this problem.
If all your consumer listeners even from different instances have the same property then only one of them will receive the message. You need to set this property when you initialise the consumer. So in your case you will need one for AccountManagement and another for ActivityReporting.
I would recommend Cadence Workflow which is much more powerful solution for microservice orchestration.
It offers a lot of advantages over using queues for your use case.
Built it exponential retries with unlimited expiration interval
Failure handling. For example it allows to execute a task that notifies another service if both updates couldn't succeed during a configured interval.
Support for long running heartbeating operations
Ability to implement complex task dependencies. For example to implement chaining of calls or compensation logic in case of unrecoverble failures (SAGA)
Gives complete visibility into current state of the update. For example when using queues all you know if there are some messages in a queue and you need additional DB to track the overall progress. With Cadence every event is recorded.
Ability to cancel an update in flight.
See the presentation that goes over Cadence programming model.

Communication protocol

I'm developing distributed system that consists of master and worker servers. There should be 2 kind of messages:
Master gets state of worker and respond immediately with appropriate command. For instance:
Message from Worker to Master: "Hey there! I have data a,b,c"
Response from Master to Worker: "All ok, But throw away c - we dont need this anymore"
The participants exchange this messages with interval T.
Direct master command
Lets say client asks master to kill job #123. Here is conversation:
Message from Master to Worker: "Alarm! We need to kill job #123"
Message from Worker to Master: "No problem! Done."
Obvious that we can't predict when this message appear.
Simplest solution is that master is initiator of all communications for both messages (in case of heartbeat we will include another one from master to start exchange). But lets assume that it is expensive to do all heartbeat housekeeping on master side for N workers. And we don't want to waste our resources to keep several tcp connections to worker servers so we have just one.
Is there any solution for this constraints?
First off, you have to do some bookkeeping somewhere. Otherwise, who's going to realize that a worker has died? The natural place to put that data is on the master, if you're building a master/worker system. Otherwise, the workers could be asked to keep track of each other in a long circle, or a randomized graph. If a worker notices that their accountabilibuddy is not responding anymore, it can alert the master.
Same thing applies to the list of jobs currently running; who keeps track of that? It also scales O(n), so presumably the master doesn't have space for that either. Sharding that data out among the workers (e.g. by keeping track of what things their accountabilibuddy is supposed to be doing) only works so far; if a and b crashes, and a is the only one looking after b, you just lost the list of jobs running on b (and possibly the alert that was supposed to notify you that b crashed).
I'd recommend a distributed consensus algorithm for this kind of task. For production, use something someone else has already written; they probably know what they're doing. If it's for learning purposes, which I presume, have a look at the raft consensus algorithm. It's not too hard to understand, but still highlights a lot of the complexity in distributed systems. The simulator is gold for proper understanding.
A master/worker system will never properly work with less than O(n) resources for n workers in the face of crashing workers. By definition, the master needs to control the workers, which is an O(n) job, even if some workers manage other workers. Also, what happens if the master crashes?
Like Filip Haglund said read the raft paper you should also implement it yourself. However in a nutshell what you need to extract from it would be this. In regaurds to membership management.
You need to keep membership lists and the masters Identity on all nodes.
Raft does it's heartbeat sending on master's end it is not very expensive network wise you don't need to keep them open. Every 200 ms to a second you need to send the heartbeat if they don't reply back the Master tells the slaves remove member x from list.
However what what to do if the master dies well basically you need to preset candidate nodes. If you haven't received a heart beat within the timeout the candidate requests votes from the rest of the cluster. If you get the slightest majority you become the new leader.
If you want to join a existing cluster basically same as above if not leader respond not leader with leaders address.

Apache Spark - How does internal job scheduler in spark define what are users and what are pools

I am sorry about being a little general here, but I am a little confused about how job scheduling works internally in spark. From the documentation here I get that it is some sort of implementation of Hadoop Fair Scheduler.
I am unable to come around to understand that who exactly are users here (are the linux users, hadoop users, spark clients?). I am also unable to understand how are the pools defined here. For example, In my hadoop cluster I have given resource allocation to two different pools (lets call them team 1 and team 2). But in spark cluster, wont different pools and the users in them instantiate their own spark context? Which again brings me to question that what parameters do I pass when I am setting property to spark.scheduler.pool.
I have a basic understanding of how driver instantiates a spark context and then splits them into task and jobs. May be I am missing the point completely here but I would really like to understand how Spark's internal scheduler works in context of actions, tasks and job
I find official documentation quite thorough and covering all your questions. However, one might find it hard to digest from the first time.
Let us put some definitions and rough analogues before we delve into details. application is what creates SparkContext sc and may be referred to as something you deploy with spark-submit. job is an action in spark definition of transformation and action meaning anything like count, collect etc.
There are two main and in some sense separate topics: Scheduling Across applications and Scheduling Within application. The former relates more to Resource Managers including Spark Standalone FIFO only mode and also concept of static and dynamic allocation.
The later, Scheduling Within Spark application is the matter of your question, as I understood from your comment. Let me try to describe what happens there at some level of abstraction.
Suppose, you submitted your application and you have two jobs
sc.textFile("..").count() //job1
sc.textFile("..").collect() //job2
If this code happens to be executed in the same thread there is no much interesting happening here, job2 and all its tasks get resources only after job1 is done.
Now say you have the following
thread1 { job1 }
thread2 { job2 }
This is getting interesting. By default, within your application scheduler will use FIFO to allocate resources to all the tasks of whichever job happens to appear to scheduler as first. Tasks for the other job will get resources only when there are spare cores and no more pending tasks from more "prioritized" first job.
Now suppose you set spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR for your application. From now on each job has a notion of pool it belongs to. If you do nothing then for every job pool label is "default". To set the label for your job you can do the following
sc.setLocalProperty("spark.scheduler.pool", "pool1").textFile("").count() // job1
sc.setLocalProperty("spark.scheduler.pool", "pool2").textFile("").collect() // job2
One important note here is that setLocalProperty is effective per thread and also all spawned threads. What it means for us? Well if you are within the same thread it means nothing as jobs are executed one after another.
However, once you have the following
thread1 { job1 } // pool1
thread2 { job2 } // pool2
job1 and job2 become unrelated in the sense of resource allocation. In general, properly configuring each pool in fairscheduler file with minShare > 0 you can be sure that jobs from different pools will have resources to proceed.
However, you can go even further. By default, within each pool jobs are queued up in a FIFO manner and this situation is basically the same as in the scenario when we have had FIFO mode and jobs from different threads. To change that you you need to change the pool in the xml file to have <schedulingMode>FAIR</schedulingMode>.
Given all that, if you just set spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR and let all the jobs fall into the same "default" pool, this is roughly the same as if you would use default spark.scheduler.mode=FIFO and have your jobs be launched in different threads. If you still just want single "default" fair pool just change config for "default" pool in xml file to reflect that.
To leverage the mechanism of pools you need to define the concept of user which is the same as setting "spark.scheduler.pool" from a proper thread to a proper value. For example, if your application listens to JMS, then a message processor may set the pool label for each message processing job depending on its content.
Eventually, not sure if the number of words is less than in the official doc, but hopefully it helps is some way :)
By default spark works with FIFO scheduler where jobs are executed in FIFO manner.
But if you have your cluster on YARN, YARN has pluggable scheduler, it means in YARN you can scheduler of your choice. If you are using YARN distributed by CDH you will have FAIR scheduler by deafult but you can also go for Capacity scheduler.
If you are using YARN distributed by HDP you will have CAPACITY scheduler by default and you can move to FAIR if you need that.
How Scheduler works with spark?
I'm assuming that you have your spark cluster on YARN.
When you submit a job in spark, it first hits your resource manager. Now your resource manager is responsible for all the scheduling and allocating resources. So its basically same as that of submitting a job in Hadoop.
How scheduler works?
Fair scheduling is a method of assigning resources to jobs such that all jobs get, on average, an equal share of resources over time. When there is a single job running, that job uses the entire cluster. When other jobs are submitted, tasks slots that free up are assigned to the new jobs, so that each job gets roughly the same amount of CPU time(using preemption killing all over used tasks). Unlike the default Hadoop scheduler(FIFO), which forms a queue of jobs, this lets short jobs finish in reasonable time while not starving long jobs. It is also a reasonable way to share a cluster between a number of users. Finally, fair sharing can also work with job priorities - the priorities are used as weights to determine the fraction of total compute time that each job should get.
The CapacityScheduler is designed to allow sharing a large cluster while giving each organization a minimum capacity guarantee. The central idea is that the available resources in the Hadoop Map-Reduce cluster are partitioned among multiple organizations who collectively fund the cluster based on computing needs. There is an added benefit that an organization can access any excess capacity no being used by others. This provides elasticity for the organizations in a cost-effective manner.
Spark internally uses FIFO/FCFS job scheduler. But, when you talk about the tasks, it works in a Round Robin fashion. It will be clear if we concentrate on the below example:
Suppose, the first job in Spark's own queue doesn't require all the resources of the cluster to be utilized; so, immediately second job in the queue will also start getting executed. Now, both jobs are running simultaneously. Each job has few tasks to be executed in order to execute the whole job. Assume, the first job assigns 10 tasks and the second one assigns 8. Then, those 18 tasks will share the CPU cycles of the whole cluster in a preemptive manner. If you want to further drill down, lets start with executors.
There will be few executors in the cluster. Assume the number is 6. So, in an ideal condition, each executor will be assigned 3 tasks and those 3 tasks will get same CPU time of the executors(separate JVM).
This is how spark internally schedules the tasks.

Scala task parallelization with actors => How does the scheduler work?

I have a task which can be easily be broken into parts which can and should be processed in parallel to optimize performance.
I wrote an producer actor which prepares each part of the task that could be processed independently. This preparation is relatively cheap.
I wrote a consumer Actor that processes each of the independent tasks. Depending on the parameters each piece of independent task may take up to a couple of seconds to be processed. All tasks are quite the same. They all process the same algorithm, with the same amount of data (but different values of course) resulting in about equal time of processing.
So the producer is much faster than the consumer. Hence there quickly may be 200 or 2000 tasks prepared (depending on the parameters). All of them consuming memory while just a couple of them can be executed at at once.
Now I see two simple strategies to consume and process the tasks:
Create a new consumer actor instance for each task.
Each consumer processes only on task.
I assume there would be many consumer actor instances at the same time, while only a couple of them, can be processed at any point in time.
How does the default scheduler work? Can each consumer actor finish processing before the next consumer will be scheduled? Or will a consumer be interrupted and be replaced by another consumer resulting in longer time until the first task will be finished? I think this actor scheduling is not the same as process or thread scheduling, but I can imagine, that interruption can still have some disadvantages (e.g. like more cache misses).
The other strategy is to use N instances of the consumer actor and send the tasks to process as messages to them.
Each consumer processes multiple tasks in sequence.
It is left up to me, to find a appropriate value for the N (number of consumers).
The distribution of the tasks over the N consumers is also left up to me.
I could imagine a more sophisticated solution where more coordination is done between the producer and the consumers, but I can't make a good decision without knowledge about the scheduler.
If manual solution will not result in significant better performance, I would prefer a default solution (delivered by some part of the Scala world), where scheduling tasks are not left up to me (like strategy 1).
Question roundup:
How does the default scheduler work?
Can each consumer actor finish processing before the next consumer will be scheduled?
Or will a consumer be interrupted and be replaced by another consumer resulting in longer time until the first task will be finished?
What are the disadvantages when the scheduler frequently interrupts an actor and schedules another one? Cache-Misses?
Would this interruption and scheduling be like a context-change in process scheduling or thread scheduling?
Are there any more advantages or disadvantages comparing these strategies?
Especially does strategy 1 have disadvantages over strategy 2?
Which of these strategies is the best?
Is there a better strategy than I proposed?
I'm afraid, that questions like the last two can not be answered absolutely, but maybe this is possible this time as I tried to give a case as concrete as possible.
I think the other questions can be answered without much discussion. With those answers it should be possible to choose the strategy fitting the requirements best.
I made some research and thoughts myself and came up with some assumptions. If any of these assumptions are wrong, please tell me.
If I were you, I would have gone ahead with 2nd option. A new actor instance for each task would be too tedious. Also with smart decision of N, complete system resources can be used.
Though this is not a complete solution. But one possible option is that, can't the producer stop/slow down the rate of producing tasks? This would be ideal. Only when there is a consumer available or something, the producer will produce more tasks.
Assuming you are using Akka (if you don't, you should ;-) ), you could use a SmallestMailboxRouter to start a number of actors (you can also add a Resizer) and the message distribution will be handled according to some rules. You can read everything about routers here.
For such a simple task, actors give no profit at all. Implement the producer as a Thread, and each task as a Runnable. Use a thread pool from java.util.concurrent to run the tasks. Use a java.util.concurrent. Semaphore to limit the number of prepared and running tasks: before creating the next tasks, producer aquires the sempahore, and each task releases the semaphore at the end of its execution.