Can ReferenceArrayInput in react-admin support drag and drop ordering? - drag-and-drop

I would like to be able to easily order the tags that in my ReferenceArrayInput within react-admin by dragging and dropping the tags into the correct location. I am using within the ReferenceArrayInput.
<ReferenceArrayInput style={{width: "95%"}} label="Workouts" reference="workouts" source="workoutIds" allowEmpty>
<AutocompleteArrayInput />
Currently the order is simply set by the order that the workouts tags are added, but I would like to be able to drag and drop the tags and put them in the correct order.


react-leaflet-draw - onEditStart/Stop events cumulates when trying to edit multiple featureGroups

I have a React application where a react-leaflet#2.7.0 + react-leaflet-draw#0.19.0 map is displaying multiple FeatureGroup components containing polygons.
On the right end side of the app is a clickable list of the feature groups names.
The groups can be selectively "activated" by clicking the names, so if a feature group is active, the EditControl therein is rendered. Only one group can be active at a time.
My problem
when I switch from one group to another and then click the edit button in EditControl, the onEditStart/Stop events of the previously active group still fire, along with the new ones. The more I switch between groups, the more events are fired.
The issue seems to be that EditControl is never unmounted, even if upon the parent state change it doesn't get rendered. If I add a random key prop to it, the issue is resolved, but then other issues occur.
I don't yet have a minimal code example to share, but to give you an idea of the implementation here is a schema:
<MapContent id="foo">
<EditControl />
<MapContent id="bar">
<EditControl />
<GroupSelector />
Except App (root component), MapContent (very basic wrapper: checks if the group is active) and GroupSelector (clickable list), all other components are from react-leaflet and react-leaflet-draw.
On click, GroupSelector updates the state of App to set an activeGroupID (i.e. "foo") and MapContent will render its EditControl only if its id matches the activeGroupID
I hope this description makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

How to have multiple sections with images in a FluidTYPO3 flux form with TYPO3 10?

I have been using FluidTYPO3 (flux and vhs) to run TYPO3 web pages for many years now. With TYPO3 10, I face a major problem. I'll quickly write about my use case, how I solved it so far, and then what the problem with 10 LTS is.
Use case:
I want to have a content element template for a timeline using FluidTYPO3/flux. Each "point" on the timeline should have a heading, some text, and optionally some images. All in all, pretty basic (or so I thought).
Solution so far (TYPO3 <= 9):
Timeline elements are sections. Images are using flux:field.file.
Simplified example of the form:
<flux:form id="timeline" label="timeline">
<flux:form.section name="timeline" label="Timeline">
<flux:form.object name="element" label="Element">
<flux:field.input name="title" label="Heading" />
<flux:field.text name="label" label="Text" enableRichText="TRUE" />
<flux:field.file name="images" label="Pictures" allowed="jpg,png,svg" multiple="TRUE" maxItems="50" size="5" showThumbnails="TRUE"
With this, multiple elements can be created on the timeline and each of them can have its own set of images.
Problem in TYPO3 10:
The technology (TCA group fields to select files) that flux:field.file relies on was deprecated in TYPO3 9 and removed in TYPO3 10, see this notice. That is one of the reasons why flux:field.file was also marked deprecated and is going to be removed in TYPO3 10.
The TYPO3 deprecation notice says to use FAL relations instead. Of course, flux can also do this with flux:field.inline.fal. However, you can only have one FAL field per FlexForm. This precludes its usage in sections, since all sections would share the same images. This limitation is known for some time - see this bug report for example - but has never been fixed. It is also why I initially chose not to use FAL fields. Using bare file fields was the recommended workaround at the time.
So - how is everyone doing it? How to add multiple image fields to a flexform in TYPO3 10?
EDIT: More specifically, how to add an image field as part of a Flexform section that can contain multiple child records (resulting in multiple image fields)?
Note: I know that I can get a "file-like" field back by using an input field with inputLink renderType (like this), but as far as I can tell it does not allow to link multiple images.
I've found another workaround that might be appropriate for some use cases:
It is still possible to use flux:field.file fields if the useFalRelation parameter set to true, even on TYPO3 v10 LTS and in repeatable FlexForm sections. This will then put sys_file record IDs separated by comma into the field instead of raw filenames. They can be used as src argument for, e.g., f:image just as well as the filename, so the CE templates itself do not have to be modified. All existing CEs that had useFalRelation set to false need to be migrated though so that the filenames are replaced with sys_file UIDs.
This is a bit better than the inputLink workaround since it allows multiple images.
It seems the only workaround with TYPO3 core onboard methods is to go for a Flux-Container having a single column containing simple default "Text with image" or "text with media" elements and then to just ignore additional options of those elements and to just render the necessary fields.
With Gridelements this is called a "functional container", since the container determines the behaviour and appearance of those elements, while the elements themselves don't have to be custom elements at all.
Additionally this makes access to the content of those elements - i.e. while doing a search query - much easier.
The bug report you mentioned already contains the solutions, since the actual problem described there is that FAL fields in a flexform are using the same name.
So instead of
according to the bug report there should be
which is of course not working, since the dot is part of the path but not of the name.
But actually replacing the dot with an underscore and using some suffixes within the same flexform tab should do the trick:
This way you make sure that
The field names within your flexform are unique
The actual field name within the sys_file_reference entry already contains the full path information
You can use that information to fetch images i.e. within a DataProcessor and still know the FlexForm field they actually belong to
Sitll I would recommend to fully move away form FlexForms (and thus Flux too) in favor of "real" fields in the database table.
If you currently use the flux:field.file element at typo3 10 with the useFalRelation=1 you can replace it by the flux:field element. It is not deprecated and works in combination with the flux:form.object element
Following example:
Can be replaced with:
<flux:field type="input" name="myname" label="MyLabel"
type: 'group',
size: 1,
internal_type: 'db',
use_fal_relation: 1,
allowed: 'sys_file',
maxitems: 1,
minitems: 0,
show_thumbs: 1,
appearance: {
elementBrowserAllowed: 'jpg,png,svg,gif',
elementBrowserType: 'file'

Mixing and aligning non-Smart fields in a SAPUI 5 Smartform

The attached screen below works just fine but underneath the covers I have a slight problem ^^
Smartform with both simple and smart fields
Behind the view there's a smartform (no annotations used). Field "Agreement Action Type" and the last two pairs of fields are not smartfields (found no "smartcombo" or something similar to use) they are just pairs of labels and comboboxes and here comes the issue. While the smart fields were all perfectly aligned, comboboxes (aka simple fields I suppose) were not aligned along. In order to solve this for the moment, I used a couple of SAPUI5 formatting classes and...width declaration in pixels in the combo definition within the view. Results works fine, even in different size monitors but, even though I'm currently in the process of learning and understanding the technology, I already know that the latter is a crime against SAPUI5. Is there a way to align smart and simple fields in the same view (or an equivalent dropdown control for smartforms alternatively) or I will have eventually to get rid of my smartform (losing small bonuses like the togglable attribute) and use a simple form instead?
Thanks for taking time to read it.
The GroupElement aggregation manages the SmartLabel for you so try to remove the label inside the GroupElement aggregation like this:
<smartForm:GroupElement label="Label">
<Input type="Text" value="someValue"/>
On the contrary, if you want to change the appearence of your SmartField, you can use ControlType to configure the internal control.

TYPO3 extension select record when including plugin as content element

How do I select an item from storage folder, when including a frontend plugin as content element?
I have made an extension (or am trying to make), that will save blocks in a folder, that can be used on several pages.
When adding a frontend plugin to a page, and selecting the extension, I want to be able to select a record that should be displayed there...
I've been trying to set up Flexforms, but still haven't got any result.
Yes, the FlexForm is the typical place to store additional settings of inserted plugin and most comfortable for normal BE editors.
On the other hand, if you are the only one who'll administrate that page (with full admin access) and you don't need to paste this plugin more than once on the page you can also save the uid of the default record in TypoScript - setup field of the template included on the required page.
Something like
or for Extbase
While you didn't tell us how are you gonna to create the extension, we can't help you better.
There is a content element called "insert records". Perhaps that is, what you need?
If you need your extension, just paste some code. It is easier to help then.
If you want to do it by flexform you can use following way,
<label>Select property</label>
<foreign_table>Your table name</foreign_table>
<foreign_table_where>AND (your table name.deleted = 0) AND (your table name.hidden = 0) AND (tx_wellnessproperty_property.sys_language_uid = CAST('###REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid###' AS UNSIGNED) OR sys_language_uid = '-1' ) ORDER BY your table name.uid DESC </foreign_table_where>
By using this flexform method you can select records individually with every plugin..

How to fusion two content elements? / Does an all in one content element exist?

I need a content element that cointains apsects from the "Textpic" and the "Media" content elements.
Basically I need the whole palette of input masks of the textpic CE (headline, rte text, images) plus the media tab (swf, mp4, mov) from the media content element.
This special requirements for our project comes from the need that we can only use one content element for our specific javascript content slieder. So I can not use like a Textpic and underneath a media CE. No it really has to be just one CE which can handle the textpic + the media CE stuff.
Generally I ask you: Is there already a extension, trick, modification or a framework which I can/should be use to achive that i can "fusionate" content elements? Like an "all-in-one"-content element, a multi content element?
Ps: I do not use Templavoila. My Typo3 version is 4.5
I think this is the tutorial you're looking for:
Follow step 2 and 3.
You'll also need to add a specific rendering config in Typoscript ie: tt_content._your-ce_
But it can be copied from out of tt_content.textpic and You can find the expample typoscript of before mentioned CE's in: typo3/sysext/css_styled_content/static/setup.txt. Just don't alter it there, but make a copy and alter in your own file.
As you seem to only talk about reusing already exisiting fields, you really only need to change the backend interface (big keyword: "showitem"). You'll need the database names of the fields (peek into the tt_content table of some records where you know the contents), alternatively visit the module Admin Tools / Configuration, select TCA in top dropdown menu, open tt_content and columns.
Try, you'll of course have to substitue tt_content for tt_news etc.
You might also want to make a new type (the above recipe is for changing a preexisitent), but I'm sorry, I'm currently out of time for explaining that. It's not very hard, though, and the castiron link by Koopa will help you on your way.
Perhaps you can wrap the content column in another div? You can use that outer div for your content slider. Now you actually use all content elements seperately, but combine then for usage.