react-leaflet-draw - onEditStart/Stop events cumulates when trying to edit multiple featureGroups - react-leaflet

I have a React application where a react-leaflet#2.7.0 + react-leaflet-draw#0.19.0 map is displaying multiple FeatureGroup components containing polygons.
On the right end side of the app is a clickable list of the feature groups names.
The groups can be selectively "activated" by clicking the names, so if a feature group is active, the EditControl therein is rendered. Only one group can be active at a time.
My problem
when I switch from one group to another and then click the edit button in EditControl, the onEditStart/Stop events of the previously active group still fire, along with the new ones. The more I switch between groups, the more events are fired.
The issue seems to be that EditControl is never unmounted, even if upon the parent state change it doesn't get rendered. If I add a random key prop to it, the issue is resolved, but then other issues occur.
I don't yet have a minimal code example to share, but to give you an idea of the implementation here is a schema:
<MapContent id="foo">
<EditControl />
<MapContent id="bar">
<EditControl />
<GroupSelector />
Except App (root component), MapContent (very basic wrapper: checks if the group is active) and GroupSelector (clickable list), all other components are from react-leaflet and react-leaflet-draw.
On click, GroupSelector updates the state of App to set an activeGroupID (i.e. "foo") and MapContent will render its EditControl only if its id matches the activeGroupID
I hope this description makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


SAPUI5 - How to change the table in the same View?

2 diferent tables, 1 view;
want to achieve:
I've got to change the table when I change the selectedKey in a select.
I already tried to create fragments with each table and call the one I want when I change the select.
fragment1 - table 1
fragment2 - table 2
select - oEvent (onChangeSelect) - getSelectedKey - if(key === 1) - call fragment1, if(key === 2) - call fragment2, but it gives me an error.
I don't know if this is correct and I'm not finding any infos related online.
If someone can show some links or give me just an idea on how can I do this, it would be perfect.
You could use the concept of binding to achieve this without coding. assume you have something like that in your view:
<Select><!-- ... --></Select>
<core:Fragment ... /><!-- table 1 -->
<core:Fragment ... /><!-- table 2 -->
First, add a model to your app, which will contain the information about the status of the app (which of the fragments is visible currently). Easiest way is to start with an empty JSON model. If you are familiar with manifest.json config, add it there. if not, you could add this in your Components init method:
this.setModel(new JSONModel(), "config");
This way, the new empty model is available under the name "config" in all the views of the app.
Now, we will add a visibility flag, which will control the visibility of your fragments (tables), and can be changed by the select:
<Select selectedKey="{config>/selectedFragmentKey}">
<core:Item key="" text="Please choose one" />
<core:Item key="showFragment1" text="Show Fragment 1" />
<core:Item key="showFragment2" text="Show Fragment 2" />
This new version will store the key of the selected item in the config model in the path /selectedFragment. Add visibility flag to fragments (tables):
<!-- table 1 is only visible if "Show Fragment 1" was selected -->
<Table visible="{= ${config>/selectedFragmentKey} === 'showFragment1'}" .../>
<!-- table 2 is only visible if "Show Fragment 2" was selected -->
<Table visible="{= ${config>/selectedFragmentKey} === 'showFragment2'}" .../>
and you're done.
Main lesson here: learn to use bindings.
If I understood the question correctly, you have a selection control (which has 2 entries), and a table in the view. Based on the selection item, you want to display ONE of the tables at any given point of time. I am also assuming here, that the tables are purely used in the current view only & not really a "re-useable" thing - which gets used in different places of the app (which then renders the use of fragments an overkill).
I am assuming, both tables are bound (although to different data sets).
In that case, consider using the "visible" property of the appropriate table to "false".
Remember - all UI components, including tables inherit from sap.ui.core.Control - which has the "visible" property.
In API reference for table :
If you scroll down to "Borrowed from:" section, you will see the "setVisible" and "getVisibe" methods.
So, in the event fired during selection change, you can grab the table control & set the visibility using the aforementioned methods.
Alternatively, you can also set an expression binding directly on the table control in XML, which evaluates to "true" or "false" (perhaps using a formatter).
Let me know if you need further info on this.
Best Regards,
Gopal Nair.

Can ReferenceArrayInput in react-admin support drag and drop ordering?

I would like to be able to easily order the tags that in my ReferenceArrayInput within react-admin by dragging and dropping the tags into the correct location. I am using within the ReferenceArrayInput.
<ReferenceArrayInput style={{width: "95%"}} label="Workouts" reference="workouts" source="workoutIds" allowEmpty>
<AutocompleteArrayInput />
Currently the order is simply set by the order that the workouts tags are added, but I would like to be able to drag and drop the tags and put them in the correct order.

Mixing and aligning non-Smart fields in a SAPUI 5 Smartform

The attached screen below works just fine but underneath the covers I have a slight problem ^^
Smartform with both simple and smart fields
Behind the view there's a smartform (no annotations used). Field "Agreement Action Type" and the last two pairs of fields are not smartfields (found no "smartcombo" or something similar to use) they are just pairs of labels and comboboxes and here comes the issue. While the smart fields were all perfectly aligned, comboboxes (aka simple fields I suppose) were not aligned along. In order to solve this for the moment, I used a couple of SAPUI5 formatting classes and...width declaration in pixels in the combo definition within the view. Results works fine, even in different size monitors but, even though I'm currently in the process of learning and understanding the technology, I already know that the latter is a crime against SAPUI5. Is there a way to align smart and simple fields in the same view (or an equivalent dropdown control for smartforms alternatively) or I will have eventually to get rid of my smartform (losing small bonuses like the togglable attribute) and use a simple form instead?
Thanks for taking time to read it.
The GroupElement aggregation manages the SmartLabel for you so try to remove the label inside the GroupElement aggregation like this:
<smartForm:GroupElement label="Label">
<Input type="Text" value="someValue"/>
On the contrary, if you want to change the appearence of your SmartField, you can use ControlType to configure the internal control.

How to stop MooTools stripping element IDs when clicked in Joomla 2.5.x using the 'modal' class [duplicate]

I have a form in a module that I want to appear in a modal window. Depending on the id the window may be blank, or if it does show any content all classes and ids are removed, so I can't validate or style the form.
Truncated Code:
<div id="feedback">
<div class="feedbackinner">
<!-- form module -->
<div id="contact-wrapper">
<!--form elements with ids and classes-->
<!-- end module -->
</div><!-- end .feedbackinner -->
</div><!-- end #feedback -->
This triggers the modal window without any ids or classes (using Firefox Web Developer outline current elements):
Click for ugly unstyled form that won't validate
This triggers a blank modal window:
Click if you like staring at a blank white box
So most importantly how do I keep all the ids and classes inside the modal window, and why won't calling the parent div work?
( As a work around I moved the form to a component view then called it using handler: 'iframe' instead of clone. I still want to know what's going on with the modal window. )
not seen the code but implications of using Element.clone on an element are apparent. By nature of HTML, id is meant to be unique. This means you are not really supposed to have more than one element with the same id injected into the DOM at the same time.
MooTools mirrors the sentiment correctly by implicitly removing the id from any element it creates a clone of:
the .clone method accepts optional arguments which allow you to override stuff:
clone: function(contents, keepid){ - see as well.
cloned elements also lose all the events you may have assigned to them (but cloneEvents can help with that).
I would recommend looking at the squeezebox implementation and double check that the clone is implemented in the intended way. A better practice may be to adopt and re-attach the elements instead - or to copy the whole innerHTML (though this will once again cause non-delegated events to fail).

MVVM Prism Nested Regions Can't Find Child Regions

I have a Menu (Telerik RadMenu) that has nested regions defined in the Shell. In my modules I will register the modules menu or toolbar items with these regions. Everything works fine for the root regions, but when I try and add something to a child region, such as the File region on the Menu, I get the error "The exception message was: The region manager does not contain the FileMenuRegion region."
However like I said if I change this code
to this
everything works fine. Below is the XAML for my menu so you can see the region names and how they are constructed. Any help would greatly be appreciated as this is bewildering and driving me crazy.
<telerikNavigation:RadMenu x:Name="menuMain" DockPanel.Dock="Top" prismrgn:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static i:RegionNames.MainMenuRegion}" telerik:StyleManager.Theme="{Binding Source={StaticResource settings}, Path=Default.CurrentTheme}">
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="{x:Static p:Resources.File}" prismrgn:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static i:RegionNames.FileMenuRegion}">
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="{x:Static p:Resources.Exit}" Command="{Binding ExitCommand}">
<Image Source="../Resources/Close.png" Stretch="None" />
The above XAML goes against the design of PRISM regions.
All regions are supposed to to be attached to controls derived from ContentControl. The process of loading region registered views replaces the content of the region container with any matching views registered for that region name. That removes your nested region name so the error you see is correct.
The idea is, that a view registered for a specified region name can itself contain other regions.