Should API PUT endpoint receive all parameters, even if they are not editable? - rest

There is a object of a name Car in the backend database. It contains several fields:
There is also a API that elevates adding and editing the car:
POST /car - creates a car
PUT /car/{carId} - updates a car
User of a API can provide name, age and vinNumber while creating a car in a POST body.
When updating a car user can edit name and age. VinNumber is not enabled to be edited after creating a car.
Also retailerId is not editable since it comes from another system to the backend database.
Since that said, we have two fields that should not be edited with the API: vinNumber and retailerId.
So, taking into account REST idempotency, should the PUT request require the user of the API vinNumber and retailerId to be provided also, that were received earlier by GET request? In spite these parameters should not be editable?

An important thing to recognize -- the HTTP specification describes the semantics of an HTTP request; what does this message mean? It allows clients and servers implemented by different organizations to collaborate without requiring a direct partnership between the two.
The point being that a generic client can prepare a request for a generic server without needing out of band information.
PUT, semantically, is a request that the server change its current representation of a resource to match the client's local copy.
If "the server" was just an anemic data store (a facade in front of a file system, or a document database), then the effect of PUT at the server would just be to write the message-body as is into storage.
The point of REST, and the uniform interface, is that your server should always understand the messages the same way that the anemic facade understands them.
Similarly, your server should use the same shared semantics for its responses.
If the representations you are working with include vinNumber and retailId, then the client should be sending those fields unless the request is to remove them from the representation altogether (which may or may not be allowed, depending on whether or not they are required).
The server should understand that the request missing those fields is trying to remove them, and a request with new values in those fields is trying to change them. It can then decide what it wants to do with that request, and send the corresponding response.
Roy Fielding wrote about GET semantics in 2002:
HTTP does not attempt to require the results of a GET to be safe. What it does is require that the semantics of the operation be safe, and therefore it is a fault of the implementation, not the interface or the user of that interface, if anything happens as a result that causes loss of property (money, BTW, is considered property for the sake of this definition).
The same idea holds for PUT (and also the other HTTP methods); we hold the implementation responsible for loss of property if its handling of the request doesn't match the semantics.

According to the PUT request documentation- one should provide the complete data (ie vinNumber and retailerId also) -
You could use PATCH instead for such cases.
Also what we done initally and i have see many times is POST /car/{carId}



I am designing and building a REST API. I understand the basic concept underlying the different request types. In particular PUT requests are intended for updating data.
I have a number of cases where an API call will modify the database, changing the values of a data object's attributes. However, the new values are not sent by the client but rather are implicit in the specific endpoint invoked. There are arguments needed to select the object to be modified, but not to supply attribute values for that object.
Originally I set these up to be PUT requests. However, I am now wondering whether they should be GET requests instead, because the body does not in fact contain update data.
Which would be recommended?
Just because the body doesn't contain update data doesn't mean it is not an update. Look at it from user's or at least from your API user's point of view. Is it an update from their point of view or retrieval of an object where update is not important from their point of view. If it is an update from user's point of view use PUT.
Originally I set these up to be PUT requests. However, I am now wondering whether they should be GET requests instead, because the body does not in fact contain update data.
If the semantics of the request are a change to the representation(s) of a resource on the server, then GET is inappropriate.
If the payload/entity enclosed in the request is not a candidate representation of the target resource ("make your representation look like this one right here"), then PUT is inappropriate.
"Update yourself however you see fit, here is some information that will help" will normally use POST.
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of "this action isn’t worth standardizing." -- Roy Fielding, 2009
POST is the general solution for requests that are intended to modify resource state; PUT (and PATCH) are specializations with narrower semantics (specifically, remote authoring).

How do PUT, POST or PATCH request differ ultimately?

The data, being sent over a PUT/PATCH/POST request, ultimately ends up in the database.
Now whether we are inserting a new resource or updating or modifying an existing one - it all depends upon the database operation being carried out.
Even if we send a POST and ultimately perform just an update in the database, it does not impact anywhere at all, isn't it?!
Hence, do they actually differ - apart from a purely conceptual point of view?
Hence, do they actually differ - apart from a purely conceptual point of view?
The semantics differ - what the messages mean, and what general purpose components are allowed to assume is going on.
The meanings are just those described by the references listed in the HTTP method registry. Today, that means that POST and PUT are described by HTTP semantics; PATCH is described by RFC 5789.
Loosely: PUT means that the request content is a proposed replacement for the current representation of some resource -- it's the method we would use to upload or replace a single web page if we were using the HTTP protocol to do that.
PATCH means that the request content is a patch document - which is to say a proposed edit to the current representation of some resource. So instead of sending the entire HTML document with PUT, you might instead just send a fix to the spelling error in the title element.
POST is... well, POST is everything else.
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.” -- Fielding 2009
The POST method has the fewest constraints on its semantics (which is why we can use it for anything), but the consequence is that the HTTP application itself has to be very conservative with it.
Webber 2011 includes a good discussion of the implementations of the fact that HTTP is an application protocol.
Now whether we are inserting a new resource or updating or modifying an existing one - it all depends upon the database operation being carried out.
The HTTP method tells us what the request means - it doesn't place any constraints on how your implementation works.
See Fielding, 2002:
HTTP does not attempt to require the results of a GET to be safe. What it does is require that the semantics of the operation be safe, and therefore it is a fault of the implementation, not the interface or the user of that interface, if anything happens as a result that causes loss of property (money, BTW, is considered property for the sake of this definition).
The HTTP methods are part of the "transfer of documents over a network" domain - ie they are part of the facade that allows us to pretend that the bank/book store/cat video archive you are implementing is just another "web site".
It is about the intent of the sender and from my perspective it has a different behaviour on the server side.
in a nutshell:
POST : creates new data entry on the server (especially with REST)
PUT : updates full data entry on the server (REST) or it creates a new data entry (non REST). The difference to a POST request is that the client specifies the target location on the server.
PATCH : the client requests a partial update (Id and partial data of entry are given). The difference to PUT is that the client sends not the full data back to the server this can save bandwidth.
In general you can use any HTTP request to store data (GET, HEAD, DELETE...) but it is common practice to use POST, PUT, and PATCH for specific and standardized scenarios. Because every developer can understand it later
They are slightly different and they bind to different concepts of REST API (which is based on HTTP)
Just imagine that you have some Booking entity. And yo perform the following actions with resources:
POST - creates a new resource. And it is not idempotent - if you sent the same request twice -> two bookings will be stored. The third time - will create the third one. You are updating your DB with every request.
PUT - updates the full representation of a resource. It means - it replaces the booking full object with a new one. And it is idempotent - you could send a request ten times result will be the same (if a resource wasn't changed between your calls)
PATCH - updates some part of the resource. For example, your booking entity has a date property -> you update only this property. For example, replace the existing date with new date which is sent at the request.
However, for either of the above - who is deciding whether it is going to be a new resource creation or updating/modifying an existing one, it's the database operation or something equivalent to that which takes care of persistence
You are mixing different things.
The persistence layer and UI layer are two different things.
The general pattern used at Java - Model View Controller.
REST API has its own concept. And the DB layer has its own purpose. Keep in mind that separating the work of your application into layers is exactly high cohesion - when code is narrow-focused and does one thing and does it well.
Mainly at the answer, I posted some concepts for REST.
The main decision about what the application should do - create the new entity or update is a developer. And this kind of decision is usually done through the service layer. There are many additional factors that could be done, like transactions support, performing filtering of the data from DB, pagination, etc.
Also, it depends on how the DB layer is implemented. If JPA with HIbernate is used or with JDBC template, custom queries execution...

RESTful - How to update a subresource and what ETag/payload to return concerning optimistic locking?

As an example I have an order where the invoicing address can be modified. The change might trigger various additional actions (i.e. create a cancellation invoice and a new invoice with the updated address).
As recommended by various sources (see below) I don't want to have a PATCH on the order resource, because it has many other properties, but want to expose a dedicated endpoint, also called "intent" resource or subresource according to the web links below:
Should I use a POST or a PATCH against this subresource?
The invoicing address itself has no ID. In the domain layer it is represented as a value object that is part of the order entity.
What ETag should be used for the subresource?
The address is part of the order and together with the items they form an aggregate in the domain layer. When the aggregate is updated it gets a new version number in the database. That version number is used as an ETag for optimistic locking.
Should a GET on invoicing-address respond with the order aggregate version number or a hash value of the address DTO in the ETag header?
What payload should be returned after updating the address?
Since the resource is the invoicing address it seems natural to return the updated address object (maybe with server side added fields). Should the body also include the ID/URI and the ETag of the order resource?
None of the examples I found with subresources showed any server responses or considered optimistic locking. (see provided answer) (Jim Webber at about about 31 mins)
As far as REST is concerned, "subresources" aren't a thing. /orders/12345/invoicing-address identifies a resource. The fact that this resource has a relationship with another resource identified by /orders/12345 is irrelevant.
Thus, the invoicing-address resource should understand HTTP methods exactly the same way as every other resource on the web.
Should I use a POST or a PATCH against this subresource?
Use PUT/PATCH if you are proposing a direct change to the representation of the resource. For example, these are the HTTP methods we would use if we were trying to fix a spelling error in an HTML document (PUT if we were sending a complete copy of the HTML document; PATCH if we were sending a diff).
PUT /orders/12345/invoicing-address
Content-Type: text/plain
1060 W Addison St.
Chicago, IL
On the other hand, if you are proposing an indirect change to the representation of the resource (the request shows some information to the server, and the server is expected to compute a new representation itself)... well, we don't have a standardized method that means exactly that; therefore, we use POST
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.” -- Fielding, 2009
What ETag should be used for the subresource?
You should first give some thought to whether you want to use a strong-validator or a weak validator
A strong validator is representation metadata that changes value whenever a change occurs to the representation data that would be observable in the content of a 200 (OK) response to GET.
In contrast, a weak validator is representation metadata that might
not change for every change to the representation data.
a weak entity-tag ought to change whenever the origin server wants caches to invalidate old responses.
I might use a weak validator if the representation included volatile but insignificant information; I don't need clients to refresh their copy of a document because it doesn't have the latest timestamp metadata. But I probably wouldn't use an "aggregate version number" if I expected the aggregate to be changing more frequently than the invoicing-address itself changes.
What payload should be returned after updating the address?
See 200 OK.
In the case of a POST request, sending the current representation of the resource (after changes have been made to it) is nice because the response is cacheable (assuming you include the appropriate metadata signals in the response headers).
Responses to PATCH have similar rules to POST (see RFC 5789).
PUT is the odd man out, here
Responses to the PUT method are not cacheable.
Should the body also include the ID/URI and the ETag of the order resource?
Entirely up to you - HTTP components aren't going to be paying attention to the representation, so you can design that representation as makes sense to you. On the web, it's perfectly normal to return HTML documents with links to other HTML documents.

How to handle network connectivity loss in the middle of REST POST request?

REST POST is used to create resources.
Let's say we have resource url
We want to create a new car.
We POST to "" with JSON payload containing car properties (color, weight, model, etc).
Server receives the request, creates a new car, sends a response over the network.
At this point network fails (let's say router stops working properly and ignores every packet).
Client fails with TCP timeout (like 90 seconds).
Client has no idea whether car was created or not.
Also client haven't received car resource id, so it can't GET it to check if it was created.
Now what?
How do you handle this?
You can't simply retry creating, because retrying will just create a duplicate (which is bad).
REST POST is used to create resources.
HTTP POST is used for lots of things. REST doesn't particularly care; it just wants resources that support a uniform interface, and hypermedia.
At this point network fails
Now what? How do you handle this? You can't simply retry creating, because retrying will just create a duplicate (which is bad).
This is a general messaging concern, not directly related to REST. The most common solution is to use the Idempotent Receiver pattern. In short, you
need to define your messages so that the receiver has enough information to recognize the request as something that has already been done.
Ideally, this is being supported at the business level.
Idempotent collections of values are often straight forward; we just need to be thinking sets, rather than lists.
Idempotent collections of entities are trickier; if the request includes an identifier for the new entity, or if we can compute one from the data provided, then we can think of our collection as a hash.
If none of those approaches fits, then there's another possibility. Instead of performing an idempotent mutation of the collection, we make the mutation of the collection itself idempotent. Think "compare and swap" - we encode into the request information that identifies the current state of the collection; is that state is still current when the request arrives, then the mutation is applied. If the condition does not hold, then the request becomes a no-op.
Translating this into HTTP, we make a small modification to the protocol for updating the collection resource. First, we GET the current representation; and in the meta data the server provides validators that can be used in subsquent requests. Having obtained the validator, the client evaluates the current representation of the resource to determine if it needs to be changed. If the client decides to make a change, then submits the change with an If-Match or an If-Unmodified-Since header including the validator. The server, before processing the requests, then considers the validator, immediately abandoning the request with 412 Precondition Failed.
Thus, if a conditional state-changing request is lost, the client can at its own discretion repeat the request without concern that server will misunderstand the client's intent.
Retry it a limited number of times, with increasing delays between the attempts, and make sure the transaction concerned is idempotent.
because retrying will just create a duplicate (which is bad).
It is indeed, and it needs fixing, see above. It should be impossible in your system to create two entries with the same attributes. This is easily accomplished at the database level. You can attain idempotence by having the transaction return the same thing whether the entry already existed or was newly created. Or else just have it return EXISTS if the entry already exists, and adjust your client accordingly.

Correct HTTP request method for nullipotent action that takes binary data

Consider a web API method that has no side effects, but which takes binary data as a parameter. An example would be a method that tells the user whether or not their image is photoshopped, but does not permanently store the image or the result on its servers.
Should such a method be a GET or a POST?
GET doesn't seem to have a recommended way of sending data outside of URL parameters, but the behavior of the method implies a GET, which according to the HTTP spec is for safe, stateless responses. This becomes particularly constraining under the semantics of REST, which imply that POST methods create a new object on the server.
This becomes particularly constraining under the semantics of REST, which imply that POST methods create a new object on the server.
While a POST request means that the entity sent will be treated "as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI", there is no requirement that this result in the creation of a new permanent object or that any such new object be identified by a URI (so no new object as far as the client knows). An object can be transient, representing the results of e.g. "Providing a block of data, such as the result of submitting a form, to a data-handling process" and not persisting after the entity representing that object has been sent.
While this means that a POST can create a new resource, and is certainly the best way to do so when it is the server that will give that new resource its URI (with PUT being the more appropriate method when the client dictates the new URI) it is can also be used for cases that delete objects (though again if it's a deletion of a single* resource identifiable by a URI then DELETE is far more appropriate), both create and delete objects, change multiple objects, it can mean that your kitchen light turns on but that the response is the same whether that worked or failed because the communication from the webserver to the kitchen light doesn't allow for feedback about success. It really can do anything at all.
But, your instincts are good in wanting this to be a GET: While the looseness of POST means we can make a case for it for just about every request (as done by approaches that use HTTP for an RPC-like protocol, essentially treating HTTP as if it was a transport protocol), this is inelegant in theory, inefficient in practice and clumsy in definition. You have an idempotent function that depends on solely on what the client is interested in, and that maps most obviously the GET in a few ways.
If we could fit everything in a URI then GET would be easy. E.g we can define a simple integer addition with something like;y=2 representing the addition of 71 and 2 and hence being a permanent immutable resource representing the number 3 (since the results of GET can vary with changes to a resource over time, but this resource never changes) and then use a mechanism like HTML's <form> or javascript to allow the server to inform the client as to how to construct the URIs for other numbers (to maintain the HATEOS and/or COD constraints). Simples!
Your problem here is that you do not have input that can be represented as concisely as the numbers 1 and 2 can above. In theory you could do something like;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSU… and hence create a URI that represents the resource of the results of the check. This URI will though will have 4 characters for every 3 bytes in the image. While there's no absolute limit on URI length both the theory and the practice allow this to fail (in theory HTTP allows for proxies and servers to set a limit on URI length, and in practice they do).
An argument could be made for using GET and sending a request body the same way as you would with a POST, and some webservers will even allow you to do this. However, GET is defined as returning an entity describing the resource identified in the URI with headers restricting how that entity does that describing: Since the request body is not part of that definition it must be ignored by your code! If you were tempted to bend this rule then you must consider that:
Some webservers will refuse the request or strip the body, so you may not be able to.
If your webserver does allow it, the fact that its not specified means you can't be sure an upgrade won't "fix" this and so break your code.
Some proxies will refuse or strip the request.
Some client libraries will most certainly refuse to allow developers to send a request body along with a GET.
So it's a no-no in both theory and practice.
About the only other approach we could do apart from POST is to have a URI that we consider as representing an image that was not photoshopped. Hence if you GET that you get an entity describing the image (obviously it could be the actual image, though it could also be something else if we stretch the concept of content-negotiation) and then PUT will check the image and if its deemed to not be photoshopped it responds with the same image and a 200 or just a 204 while if it is deemed to be photoshopped it responds with a 400 because we've tried to PUT a photoshopped image as a resource that can only be a non-photoshopped image. Because we respond immediately, there's no race-condition with simultaneous requests.
Frankly, this would be darn-right horrible. While I think I've made a case for it by the letter of the specs, it's just nasty: REST is meant to help us design clear APIs, not obtuse APIs we can offer a too-clever-for-its-own-good justification of.
No, in all the way to go here is to POST the image to a fixed URI which then returns a simple entity describing the analysis.
It's perfectly justifiable as REST (the POST creates a transient object based on that image, and then responds with an entity describing that object, and then that object disappears again). It's straight-forward. It's about as efficient as it could be (we can't do any HTTP caching† but most of the network delay is going to be on the upload rather than the download anyway). It also fits into the general use-case of "process something" that POST was first invented for. (Remember that first there was HTTP, then REST described why it worked so well, and then HTTP was refined to better play to those strengths).
In all, while the classic mistake that moves a web application away from REST is to abuse POST into doing absolutely everything when GET, PUT and DELETE (and perhaps the WebDAV methods) would be superior, don't be afraid to use its power when those don't meet the bill, and don't think that the "new subordinate of the resource" has to mean a full long-lived resource.
*Note that a "single" resource here might be composed of several resources that may have their own URIs, so it can be easy to have a single DELETE that deletes multiple objects, but if deleting X deletes A, B & C then it better be obvious that you can't have A, B or C if you don't have X or your API is not going to be understandable. Generally this comes down to what is being modelled, and how obvious it is that one thing depends on another.
†Strictly speaking we can, as we're allowed to send cache headers indicating that sending an identical entity to the same URI will have the same results, but there's no general-purpose web-software that will do this and your custom client can just "remember" the opinion about a given image itself anyway.
It's a difficult one. Like with many other scenarios there is no absolutely correct way of doing it. You have to try to interpret RESTful principles in terms of the limitations of the semantics of HTTP. (Incidentally, I don't think it's right to think of REST having semantics, REST is an architectural style which is commonly used with HTTP services, but can be used for any type of interface.)
I've faced a similar situation in my current project. We chose to use a POST but with the response code being a 200 (OK) rather than the 201 (Resource Created) usually returned by RESTful Web APIs.