Are the changes of a write transaction in ClientA immediately visible to a ClientB read, started after COMMIT? - postgresql

We are observing some behaviours/errors in some of our workflows, related to the consistency and visiblity of a Postgres write transaction, followed by a read. One of our developers offered an explanation, but I could not find any search results documenting the proposed reasoning.
Given a single Postgres 10.3 host, the following operations take place:
ClientA performs a successful write transaction
After the COMMIT, an external notification is emitted
ClientB reacts to external notification and performs a read, only to find that the UPDATE transaction changes are not visible
The explanation that was proposed is that two postgres client connections on different threads don't have a guaranteed view snapshot and may not immediately observe the write transaction update after the commit. But from what I have read, I would expect that after the COMMIT has succeeded, a read operation then starting in response should see the effects of that write.
My specific question is: Given two database client connections on different threads, is it possible for a race condition with one client viewing the effects of a write transaction AFTER the other client has committed? (no overlapping transactions).
Every bit of documentation I have found thus far only refers to concerns about overlapping/concurrent transaction and the MVCC/transaction isolation topics. Nothing about a synchronised serial operation between two different client connections.
Edit: Some extra details about the configuration.
ClientA and ClientB would be different threads accessing postgres through a connection pool. Clients may both be in the same connection pool on the same application server, or it may be ClientA/ApplicationA and ClientB/ApplicationB.
When ClientB reacts, it will access the existing Application server connection pool to make a new read.

No, that cannot happen, unless the reading transaction started earlier and is running at the REPEATABLE READ or SERIALIZABLE isolation level.
There is also the possibility that the reading transaction does not connect to the same server as the writing transaction, but to a streaming replication standby server with hot_standby enabled. Then this can easily happen, even with synchronous replication (unless you set synchronous_commit = remote_apply).


In this case from Nygard's "Release it!" why do deadlocks happen?

I'm reading over and over this paragraph from Michael Nygard's book "Release it!" and I still don't understand why exactly deadlocks can happen:
Imagine 100,000 transactions all trying to update the same row of the
same table in the same database. Somebody is bound to get deadlocked.
Once a single transaction with a lock on the user’s profile got hung
(because of the need for a connection from a different resource pool),
all the other database transactions on that row got blocked. Pretty
soon, every single request-handling thread got used up with these
bogus logins. As soon as that happens, the site is down.
When he says "because of the need for a connection from a different resource pool", is this inside the DB engine? What is this other resource pool and why would a connection from this other resource pool be needed?
Then, "every single request-handling thread" refers already not to DB threads, but to application threads, right? And they hung because they're waiting for the DB transactions (that are already hung) to finish?
The problem is in that applications interface with a LOT of different systems, any of which can run in parallel, have internal or external locks, and depend on yet more systems.
A simple example of a deadlock is basically when two processes need to acquire exactly the same two locks at the same time to proceed, but can't agree to who will go first and in which order (which is usually what the locks are for in the first place, so it's a chicken-and-the-egg problem, not exactly trivial). So processes A and B need to acquire two locks, #1 and #2, to do their thing and proceed. But while A is locking #1, B is locking #2, and then A tries to lock #2 and B tries to lock #1 - that's a deadlock. Someone's got to give in for any work to be done.
In real life, let's say you're running multiple instances of your web application, to be able to serve multiple incoming client requests (e.g. web browsers) at the same time. It doesn't matter if those are threads, processes or coroutines. Instances of your application can hang if they require locks on two database rows. Or they can hang because in addition to a database lock, they also need a lock on a file in the file system. Or they can hang because they need a lock on a file in the file system and they are using a third party remote REST API which also has locks of its own. Or because of infinite other reasons including all of the above simultaneously.

Synchronising transactions between database and Kafka producer

We have a micro-services architecture, with Kafka used as the communication mechanism between the services. Some of the services have their own databases. Say the user makes a call to Service A, which should result in a record (or set of records) being created in that service’s database. Additionally, this event should be reported to other services, as an item on a Kafka topic. What is the best way of ensuring that the database record(s) are only written if the Kafka topic is successfully updated (essentially creating a distributed transaction around the database update and the Kafka update)?
We are thinking of using spring-kafka (in a Spring Boot WebFlux service), and I can see that it has a KafkaTransactionManager, but from what I understand this is more about Kafka transactions themselves (ensuring consistency across the Kafka producers and consumers), rather than synchronising transactions across two systems (see here: “Kafka doesn't support XA and you have to deal with the possibility that the DB tx might commit while the Kafka tx rolls back.”). Additionally, I think this class relies on Spring’s transaction framework which, at least as far as I currently understand, is thread-bound, and won’t work if using a reactive approach (e.g. WebFlux) where different parts of an operation may execute on different threads. (We are using reactive-pg-client, so are manually handling transactions, rather than using Spring’s framework.)
Some options I can think of:
Don’t write the data to the database: only write it to Kafka. Then use a consumer (in Service A) to update the database. This seems like it might not be the most efficient, and will have problems in that the service which the user called cannot immediately see the database changes it should have just created.
Don’t write directly to Kafka: write to the database only, and use something like Debezium to report the change to Kafka. The problem here is that the changes are based on individual database records, whereas the business significant event to store in Kafka might involve a combination of data from multiple tables.
Write to the database first (if that fails, do nothing and just throw the exception). Then, when writing to Kafka, assume that the write might fail. Use the built-in auto-retry functionality to get it to keep trying for a while. If that eventually completely fails, try to write to a dead letter queue and create some sort of manual mechanism for admins to sort it out. And if writing to the DLQ fails (i.e. Kafka is completely down), just log it some other way (e.g. to the database), and again create some sort of manual mechanism for admins to sort it out.
Anyone got any thoughts or advice on the above, or able to correct any mistakes in my assumptions above?
Thanks in advance!
I'd suggest to use a slightly altered variant of approach 2.
Write into your database only, but in addition to the actual table writes, also write "events" into a special table within that same database; these event records would contain the aggregations you need. In the easiest way, you'd simply insert another entity e.g. mapped by JPA, which contains a JSON property with the aggregate payload. Of course this could be automated by some means of transaction listener / framework component.
Then use Debezium to capture the changes just from that table and stream them into Kafka. That way you have both: eventually consistent state in Kafka (the events in Kafka may trail behind or you might see a few events a second time after a restart, but eventually they'll reflect the database state) without the need for distributed transactions, and the business level event semantics you're after.
(Disclaimer: I'm the lead of Debezium; funnily enough I'm just in the process of writing a blog post discussing this approach in more detail)
Here are the posts
first of all, I have to say that I’m no Kafka, nor a Spring expert but I think that it’s more a conceptual challenge when writing to independent resources and the solution should be adaptable to your technology stack. Furthermore, I should say that this solution tries to solve the problem without an external component like Debezium, because in my opinion each additional component brings challenges in testing, maintaining and running an application which is often underestimated when choosing such an option. Also not every database can be used as a Debezium-source.
To make sure that we are talking about the same goals, let’s clarify the situation in an simplified airline example, where customers can buy tickets. After a successful order the customer will receive a message (mail, push-notification, …) that is sent by an external messaging system (the system we have to talk with).
In a traditional JMS world with an XA transaction between our database (where we store orders) and the JMS provider it would look like the following: The client sets the order to our app where we start a transaction. The app stores the order in its database. Then the message is sent to JMS and you can commit the transaction. Both operations participate at the transaction even when they’re talking to their own resources. As the XA transaction guarantees ACID we’re fine.
Let’s bring Kafka (or any other resource that is not able to participate at the XA transaction) in the game. As there is no coordinator that syncs both transactions anymore the main idea of the following is to split processing in two parts with a persistent state.
When you store the order in your database you can also store the message (with aggregated data) in the same database (e.g. as JSON in a CLOB-column) that you want to send to Kafka afterwards. Same resource – ACID guaranteed, everything fine so far. Now you need a mechanism that polls your “KafkaTasks”-Table for new tasks that should be send to a Kafka-Topic (e.g. with a timer service, maybe #Scheduled annotation can be used in Spring). After the message has been successfully sent to Kafka you can delete the task entry. This ensures that the message to Kafka is only sent when the order is also successfully stored in application database. Did we achieve the same guarantees as we have when using a XA transaction? Unfortunately, no, as there is still the chance that writing to Kafka works but the deletion of the task fails. In this case the retry-mechanism (you would need one as mentioned in your question) would reprocess the task an sends the message twice. If your business case is happy with this “at-least-once”-guarantee you’re done here with a imho semi-complex solution that could be easily implemented as framework functionality so not everyone has to bother with the details.
If you need “exactly-once” then you cannot store your state in the application database (in this case “deletion of a task” is the “state”) but instead you must store it in Kafka (assuming that you have ACID guarantees between two Kafka topics). An example: Let’s say you have 100 tasks in the table (IDs 1 to 100) and the task job processes the first 10. You write your Kafka messages to their topic and another message with the ID 10 to “your topic”. All in the same Kafka-transaction. In the next cycle you consume your topic (value is 10) and take this value to get the next 10 tasks (and delete the already processed tasks).
If there are easier (in-application) solutions with the same guarantees I’m looking forward to hear from you!
Sorry for the long answer but I hope it helps.
All the approach described above are the best way to approach the problem and are well defined pattern. You can explore these in the links provided below.
Pattern: Transactional outbox
Publish an event or message as part of a database transaction by saving it in an OUTBOX in the database.
Pattern: Polling publisher
Publish messages by polling the outbox in the database.
Pattern: Transaction log tailing
Publish changes made to the database by tailing the transaction log.
Debezium is a valid answer but (as I've experienced) it can require some extra overhead of running an extra pod and making sure that pod doesn't fall over. This could just be me griping about a few back to back instances where pods OOM errored and didn't come back up, networking rule rollouts dropped some messages, WAL access to an aws aurora db started behaving oddly... It seems that everything that could have gone wrong, did. Not saying Debezium is bad, it's fantastically stable, but often for devs running it becomes a networking skill rather than a coding skill.
As a KISS solution using normal coding solutions that will work 99.99% of the time (and inform you of the .01%) would be:
Start Transaction
Sync save to DB
-> If fail, then bail out.
Async send message to kafka.
Block until the topic reports that it has received the
-> if it times out or fails Abort Transaction.
-> if it succeeds Commit Transaction.
I'd suggest to use a new approach 2-phase message. In this new approach, much less codes are needed, and you don't need Debeziums any more.
For this new approach, what you need to do is:
When writing your database, write an event record to an auxiliary table.
Submit a 2-phase message to DTM
Write a service to query whether an event is saved in the auxiliary table.
With the help of DTM SDK, you can accomplish the above 3 steps with 8 lines in Go, much less codes than other solutions.
msg := dtmcli.NewMsg(DtmServer, gid).
Add(busi.Busi+"/TransIn", &TransReq{Amount: 30})
err := msg.DoAndSubmitDB(busi.Busi+"/QueryPrepared", db, func(tx *sql.Tx) error {
return AdjustBalance(tx, busi.TransOutUID, -req.Amount)
app.GET(BusiAPI+"/QueryPrepared", dtmutil.WrapHandler2(func(c *gin.Context) interface{} {
return MustBarrierFromGin(c).QueryPrepared(db)
Each of your origin options has its disadvantage:
The user cannot immediately see the database changes it have just created.
Debezium will capture the log of the database, which may be much larger than the events you wanted. Also deployment and maintenance of Debezium is not an easy job.
"built-in auto-retry functionality" is not cheap, it may require much codes or maintenance efforts.

Concerns about zookeeper's lock-recipe

While reading the ZooKeeper's recipe for lock, I got confused. It seems that this recipe for distributed locks can not guarantee "any snapshot in time no two clients think they hold the same lock". But since ZooKeeper is so widely adopted, if there were such mistakes in the reference documentation, someone should have pointed it out long ago, so what did I misunderstand?
Quoting the recipe for distributed locks:
Fully distributed locks that are globally synchronous, meaning at any snapshot in time no two clients think they hold the same lock. These can be implemented using ZooKeeeper. As with priority queues, first define a lock node.
Call create( ) with a pathname of "locknode/guid-lock-" and the sequence and ephemeral flags set.
Call getChildren( ) on the lock node without setting the watch flag (this is important to avoid the herd effect).
If the pathname created in step 1 has the lowest sequence number suffix, the client has the lock and the client exits the protocol.
The client calls exists( ) with the watch flag set on the path in the lock directory with the next lowest sequence number.
if exists( ) returns false, go to step 2. Otherwise, wait for a notification for the pathname from the previous step before going to step 2.
Consider the following case:
Client1 successfully acquired the lock (in step 3), with ZooKeeper node "locknode/guid-lock-0";
Client2 created node "locknode/guid-lock-1", failed to acquire the lock, and is now watching "locknode/guid-lock-0";
Later, for some reason (say, network congestion), Client1 fails to send a heartbeat message to the ZooKeeper cluster on time, but Client1 is still working away, mistakenly assuming that it still holds the lock.
But, ZooKeeper may think Client1's session is timed out, and then
delete "locknode/guid-lock-0",
send a notification to Client2 (or maybe send the notification first?),
but can not send a "session timeout" notification to Client1 in time (say, due to network congestion).
Client2 gets the notification, goes to step 2, gets the only node ""locknode/guid-lock-1", which it created itself; thus, Client2 assumes it hold the lock.
But at the same time, Client1 assumes it holds the lock.
Is this a valid scenario?
The scenario you describe could arise. Client 1 thinks it has the lock, but in fact its session has timed out, and Client 2 acquires the lock.
The ZooKeeper client library will inform Client 1 that its connection has been disconnected (but the client doesn't know the session has expired until the client connects to the server), so the client can write some code and assume that his lock has been lost if he has been disconnected too long. But the thread which uses the lock needs to check periodically that the lock is still valid, which is inherently racy.
...But, Zookeeper may think client1's session is timeouted, and then...
From the Zookeeper documentation:
The removal of a node will only cause one client to wake up since
each node is watched by exactly one client. In this way, you avoid
the herd effect.
There is no polling or timeouts.
So I don't think the problem you describe arises. It looks to me as thought there could be a risk of hanging locks if something happens to the clients that create them, but the scenario you describe should not arise.
from packt book - Zookeeper Essentials
If there was a partial failure in the creation of znode due to connection loss, it's
possible that the client won't be able to correctly determine whether it successfully
created the child znode. To resolve such a situation, the client can store its session ID
in the znode data field or even as a part of the znode name itself. As a client retains
the same session ID after a reconnect, it can easily determine whether the child znode
was created by it by looking at the session ID.

Pattern for a singleton application process using the database

I have a backend process that maintains state in a PostgreSQL database, which needs to be visible to the frontend. I want to:
Properly handle the backend being stopped and started. This alone is as simple as clearing out the backend state tables on startup.
Guard against multiple instances of the backend trampling each other. There should only be one backend process, but if I accidentally start a second instance, I want to make sure either the first instance is killed, or the second instance is blocked until the first instance dies.
Solutions I can think of include:
Exploit the fact that my backend process listens on a port. If a second instance of the process tries to start, it will fail with "Address already in use". I just have to make sure it does the listen step before connecting to the database and wiping out state tables.
Open a secondary connection and run the following:
LOCK TABLE initech.backend_lock IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;
Note: the reason for IN EXCLUSIVE MODE is that LOCK defaults to the AccessExclusive locking mode. This conflicts with the AccessShare lock acquired by pg_dump.
Don't commit. Leave the table locked until the program dies.
What's a good pattern for maintaining a singleton backend process that maintains state in a PostgreSQL database? Ideally, I would acquire a lock for the duration of the connection, but LOCK TABLE cannot be used outside of a transaction.
Consider an application with a "broker" process which talks to the database, and accepts connections from clients. Any time a client connects, the broker process adds an entry for it to the database. This provides two benefits:
The frontend can query the database to see what clients are connected.
When a row changes in another table called initech.objects, and clients need to know about it, I can create a trigger that generates a list of clients to notify of the change, writes it to a table, then uses NOTIFY to wake up the broker process.
Without the table of connected clients, the application has to figure out what clients to notify. In my case, this turned out to be quite messy: store a copy of the initech.objects table in memory, and any time a row changes, dispatch the old row and new row to handlers that check if the row changed and act if it did. To do it efficiently involves creating "indexes" against both the table-stored-in-memory, and handlers interested in row changes. I'm making a poor replica of SQL's indexing and querying capabilities in the broker program. I'd rather move this work to the database.
In summary, I want the broker process to maintain some of its state in the database. It vastly simplifies dispatching configuration changes to clients, but it requires that only one instance of the broker be connected to the database at a time.
it can be done by advisory locks
I solved this today in a way I thought was concise:
CREATE TYPE mutex as ENUM ('active');
CREATE TABLE singleton (status mutex DEFAULT 'active' NOT NULL UNIQUE);
Then your backend process tries to do this:
insert into singleton values ('active');
And quits or waits if it fails to do so.

How does TransactionScope guarantee data integrity across multiple databases?

Can someone tell me the principle of how TransactionScope guarantees data integrity across multiple databases? I imagine it first sends the commands to the databases and then waits for the databases to respond before sending them a message to apply the command sent earlier. However when execution is stopped abruptly when sending those apply messages we could still end up with a database that has applied the command and one that has not. Can anyone shed some light on this?
I guess what Im asking is can I rely on TransactionScope to guarantee data integrity when writing to multiple databases in case of a power outage or a sudden shutdown.
Thanks, Bas
using(var scope=new TransactionScope())
using (var context = new FirstEntities())
context.AddToSomethingSet(new Something());
using (var context = new SecondEntities())
context.AddToSomethingElseSet(new SomethingElse());
It promotes it to the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (msdtc) if it detects multiple databases which use each scope as a part of a 2-phase commit. Each scope votes to commit and hence we get the ACID properties but distributed accross databases. It can also be integrated with TxF, TxR. You should be able to use it the way you describe.
The two databases are consistent as the distributed COM+ transaction running under MTC have attached to them, database transactions.
If one database votes to commit (e.g. by doing a (:TransactionScope).Commit()), "it" tells the DTC that it votes to commit. When all databases have done this they have a change-list. As far as the database transactions don't deadlock or conflict with other transactions now (e.g. by means of a fairness algorithm that pre-empts one transaction) all operations for each database are in the transaction log. If the system loses power when not yet commit for one database has finished but it has for another, it has been recorded in the transaction log that all resources have voted to commit, so there is no logical implication that the commit should fail. Hence, next time the database that wasn't able to commit boots up, it will finish those transactions left in this indeterminate state.
With distributed transactions it can in fact happen that the databases become inconsistent. You said:
At some point both databases have to
be told to apply their changes. Lets
say there is a power outage after
telling the first db to apply, then
the databases are out of sync. Or am I
missing something?
You aren't. I think this is known as the generals problem. It can provably not be prevented. The windows of failure is however quite small.