Getting "app:transformClassesWithMultidexlistForDebug" error - flutter

I am getting this error while building the app. I have done all the changes related to MULTIDEX but still getting this error.

Android MultiDex Error Solution
Link :


Flutter: User-Defined Issue (Xcode): Unsupported Swift architecture

I am trying to run my flutter app in ios via android studio, and i am encountering this error which i do not understand.
Making these changes resolved my issue

When running the App, I get the error: Cannot find 'webviewController' in scope

I have searched the internet but cannot find others with the same problem. Does any one know how to fix the below error?
After updated XCode to version 14.0, my Flutter app failed to build. I have found out that the problematic package is html_editor_enhanced. If I remove it, then the build is successful, but I need it for allowing WYSIWYG editor. I see that it depends on another package called flutter_inappwebview, so I added it, but to no avail. When I try to build, the error in VSCode is:
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Cannot find 'webviewController' in scope /Users/<username>/development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ 2
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Cannot find 'webviewController' in scope /Users/<username>/development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/
And in XCode, the error is:
Cannot find 'webviewController' in scope
Below is the screenshot from XCode.
running the following command fixed the problem:
flutter pub cache repair

Flutter Firestore throwing Google Playstore exception on emulator

I am using Firebase auth and Firebase Firestore. My auth implementation i working fine. As soon as I hooked the Firebase Firestore, I keep getting a FATAL error that Google Playstore service is needed. I am running on Pixel_3a_API_30_x86 emulator. Firestore does not require Google Play service as per the google documentation. I am not sure why is this happening. I have googled but nothing have I found. On a different emulator, it is working fine. I am using a Mac. Here is the error reported in IDE. Thanks in advance for any advise.
/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3512): Google Play Store is missing.
E/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3512): GooglePlayServices not available due to error 9
W/Firestore( 3512): (23.0.4) [GrpcCallProvider]: Failed to update ssl context:
I/TetheringManager( 3512): registerTetheringEventCallback:com.theshuk.rental
W/.theshuk.renta( 3512): Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->getAlpnSelectedProtocol()[B (greylist-max-q,core-platform-api, reflection, denied)
W/.theshuk.renta( 3512): Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/AbstractConscryptSocket;->getAlpnSelectedProtocol()[B (greylist-max-q, reflection, denied)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3512): FATAL EXCEPTION: grpc-okhttp-0
After further investigation it turns out the exception is pertaining to grpc-okhttp-0. Even though GooglePlayServicesUtil is reported as E ( Errors ) it still continues.
The grpc-okhttp-0 exception happens only on some emulators, not all. For example pixel 4a works fine. To solve the problem, I added the following to my build.gradle file.
implementation "io.grpc:grpc-okhttp:1.41.0"
It worked.

There is errer on ios device when executing firebase in flutter

There is an error when running on an iOS emulator from a flutter firebase
I don't know what the error is. Please help me.
Error Log is here

Nativescript RadSideDrawer gives symbol not available at run time error

I am following nativescript RadSideDrawer doc at:, but once I started the app in ios emulator, I am getting this error:
CONSOLE ERROR file:///app/tns_modules/#angular/core/./bundles/core.umd.js:1052:24: ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: Metadata for "TelerikUI.TKSideDrawerView" found but symbol not available at runtime.
I tried several times and always got the same error.
What's wrong with this? Is the documentation having errors here?
It looks like there may be inconsistency and incompatibility in the used dependencies in your package.json. You can take a look at the sdkAngular repository that showcases many scenarios for using the RadSideDrawer and the other components of the nativescript-telerik-ui-pro plugin here.
Other things that you can try is to clean the project, by deleting the platforms and node_modules folders and running tns run ios after that.