Passing a cmd-line IF statement through Invoke-Expression breaks on output - powershell

If I pass an IF statement through PowerShell's Invoke-Expression, the command appears to be running and completing, but then it appears that the output is being evaluated as a new command instead of being returned to PowerShell. Three examples:
Invoke-Expression 'echo "hi"' (No IF statement)
Normal Output: hi
Invoke-Expression 'cmd /c IF exist C:\Windows (echo "hi")'
Error on Output: 'hi' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Invoke-Expression 'cmd /c IF exist C:\Windows (query user)'
Error on Output:
'" USERNAME SESSIONNAME ID STATE IDLE TIME LOGON TIME"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
What's the best way to run a command-line IF statement from PowerShell and be able to read its output? I tried Start-Process but cannot figure out for the life of me how to read its output. Tried a System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo object copied from another StackOverflow post, but no luck there either.
Because people are bound to ask: The reason why I'm passing this through cmd in the first place is because this entire code block needs to be passed through Invoke-Command to a remote machine and cmd has folder/file access to computers on its network while PowerShell does not.

Your immediate problem is unrelated to the use of Invoke-Expression, which should generally be avoided:
cmd /c IF exist C:\Windows (echo "hi") # WRONG
is interpreted by PowerShell first, up front, and (echo "hi") is the same as (Write-Output "hi"), which PowerShell expands (interpolates) to the command's output, a string with content hi.
The - broken - command line that cmd exe ends up seeing is the following, which explains the error message:
cmd /c IF exist C:\Windows hi
For an overview of how PowerShell parses unquoted command-line arguments, see this answer.
There are several ways to fix that problem, appropriate in different scenarios:
# Single-quoting - passed as-is.
cmd /c 'IF exist C:\Windows (echo "hi")'
# Double-quoting - PowerShell would still expand $-prefixed tokens up front.
cmd /c "IF exist C:\Windows (echo `"hi`")"
#`# The stop-parsing symbol, --%, prevents PowerShell from parsing subsequent arguments,
# with the exception of cmd-style environment-variable references (%FOO%)
cmd /c --% IF exist C:\Windows (echo "hi")
Now, with Invoke-Expression you'd have to add escape those quotes due to having to specify them as part of a string, but, as mentioned in the comments, there is rarely a need for Invoke-Expression, and it is neither needed here, nor would I expect it to help with the "double hop" authentication problem you describe in a comment.
To address the latter, try this answer, which uses explicitly passed credentials to establish an auxiliary drive mapping on the remote machine.


Powershell 7: using ampersand (&) in string literals

I'm trying to execute the following command in PowerShell, but I have no idea how to escape the ampersand character which is part of the URL
az rest `
--method GET `
--uri ("`$count=true&`$filter=startsWith(displayName,'some+filter+text')&`$select=id,displayName") `
--headers 'Content-Type=application/json'
As the & character is used to start a new command, it breaks the url and want to execute the remainder.
Is there a way to tell powershell not to do that?
Olaf's answer provides an effective solution; let me add an explanation:
The source of the problem is a confluence of two behaviors:
When calling external programs, PowerShell performs on-demand double-quoting of each argument solely based on whether a given argument value contains spaces - otherwise, the argument is passed unquoted - irrespective of whether or not the value was originally quoted in the PowerShell command (e.g., cmd /c echo ab, cmd /c echo 'ab', and cmd /c echo "ab" all result in unquoted ab getting passed as the last token on the command line PowerShell rebuilds behind the scenes to ultimately use for execution).
The Azure az CLI is implemented as a batch file (az.cmd) and when a batch file is called, it is cmd.exe that parses the arguments given; surprisingly - and arguably inappropriately - it parses them as if the command had been submitted from inside a cmd.exe session.
As a result, if an argument is passed from PowerShell to a batch file that (a) contains no spaces, yet (b) contains cmd.exe metacharacters such as &, the call breaks.
A simple demonstration, using a cmd /c echo call as a stand-in for a call to a batch file:
# !! Breaks, because PowerShell (justifiably) passes *unquoted* a&b
# !! when it rebuilds the command line to invoke behind the scenes.
PS> cmd /c echo 'a&b'
'b' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
There are three workarounds:
Use embedded "..." quoting:
# OK, but with a CAVEAT:
# Works as of PowerShell 7.2, but arguably *shouldn't*, because
# PowerShell should automatically *escape* the embedded " chars. as ""
PS> cmd /c echo '"a&b"'
# Ditto, using an *expandable* (interpolating) PowerShell string:
PS> cmd /c echo "`"$HOME & Family; can't put a `$ value on that.`""
"C:\Users\jdoe & Family; can't put a $ value on that." # e.g.
Use --%, the stop-parsing token - but see the bottom section of this answer for the limitations of --% and its associated pitfalls.
# OK, but with a CAVEAT:
# Requires "..." quoting, but doesn't recognize *PowerShell* variables,
# also doesn't support single-quoting and line continuation.
PS> cmd /c echo --% "a&b"
Call via cmd /c and pass a single string encompassing the batch-file call and all its arguments, (ultimately) using cmd.exe's syntax.
# OK (remember, cmd /c echo stands for a call to a batch file, such as az.cmd)
# Inside the single string passed to the outer cmd /c call,
# be sure to use "...", as that is the only quoting cmd.exe understands.
PS> cmd /c 'cmd /c echo "a&b"'
# Ditto, using an *expandable* (interpolating) PowerShell string:
PS> cmd /c "cmd /c echo `"$HOME & Family; can't put a `$ value on that.`""
"C:\Users\jdoe & Family; can't put a $ value on that." # e.g.
Taking a step back:
Now, wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to worry about all these things?
Especially since you may not know or care if a given CLI - such as az - just so happens to be implemented as a batch file?
As a shell, PowerShell should do its best to relay arguments faithfully behind the scenes, and allow the caller to focus exclusively on satisfying only PowerShell's syntax rules:
Unfortunately, PowerShell has to date (PowerShell 7.2) generally done a very poor job in this regard, irrespective of cmd.exe's quirks - see this answer for a summary.
With respect to cmd.exe's (batch-file call) quirks, PowerShell could predictably compensate for them in a future version - but it looks like that isn't going to happen, unfortunately; see GitHub issue #15143.
I don't have access to an Azure tennant right now to test and I actually don't have experiences with the Azure CLI in general but I'd expect this to work:
az rest `
--method GET `
--uri '$count=true&$filter=startsWith(displayName,some+filter+text)&$select=id,displayName' `
--headers 'Content-Type=application/json'
or this:
az rest --method GET --headers "Content-Type=application/json" `
--% --uri "$count=true&$filter=startsWith(displayName,some+filter+text)&$select=id,displayName"
I only added the backticks for better readability - you may remove them in your actual code.

Execute a PowerShell script within RunAs in a script

I have a need to run a PowerShell script as another user (the users will actually be doing the auth) based on detected environment. The script leverages a smartcard for login. The problem I have is when the PowerShell.exe instance launches from the runas, it simply prints my command and doesn't actually run it.
Note: The filepaths have spaces that get escaped with double-`, just not shown here hence the escaped ``' in the actual command. Have also used ```".
Start-Process runas.exe "/netonly /smartcard /user:domain\$env:USERNAME ""powershell.exe -noexit -Command `'&$filePath -arg1 -arg2`' "" "
Start-Process runas.exe "/netonly /smartcard /user:domain\$env:USERNAME ""powershell.exe -noexit -File `'$filePath -arg1 -arg2`' "" "
File path points to the same .ps1 file. The dir is similar to: C:\Users\Username\My Documents\script.ps1
When this runs I simply get a script window that doesn't actually run, it just prints the File name. I have also tried using -File but that simply crashes (regardless of -noexit). The runas bit works fine, I get my smartcard prompt etc its just the actual PowerShell launch that I am struggling with.
These work just fine calling them directly from PowerShell Cli but when in a .ps1 it just won't work.
Any help would be greatly appreciate.
There's generally no reason to use Start-Process to run a console application such as runas.exe - unless you explicitly want the application to run in a new window, asynchronously (by default) - see this answer for more information.
Eliminating Start-Process simplifies the quoting:
runas.exe /netonly /smartcard /user:domain\$env:USERNAME "powershell.exe -noexit -File \`"$filePath\`" -arg1 -arg2"
Note the - unfortunate - need to manually \-escape the embedded " chars. (`"), which is required up to at least v7.1 - see this answer.
As for what you tried:
On Windows, passing a '...'-enclosed string to the PowerShell CLI's -Command (-c) parameter from outside PowerShell (such as via runas.exe) causes it to be interpreted as a verbatim PowerShell string, printing its content as-is (except for whitespace normalization).
You can verify this by running the following from cmd.exe, for instance:
C:\>powershell -c 'Get-Date; whatever I type here is used as-is - almost'
Get-Date; whatever I type here is used as-is - almost
Note how the multiple spaces before the word almost were normalized to a single one.
The reason is that on Windows only double-quoting ("...") has syntactic function on the command line - ' characters are interpreted verbatim and therefore passed through.
Therefore, when the -Command (-c) argument sees its argument(s) -- after command-line parsing - and then interprets the resulting space-joined, possibly double-quote-stripped arguments as PowerShell source code, a span of '...' is interpreted as a verbatim PowerShell string, as usual (see the conceptual about_Quoting_Rules help topic, which discusses the types of PowerShell string literals).
In concrete terms:
'Get-Date; whatever I type here is used as-is - almost' is parsed by the PowerShell CLI as the following arguments(!):
'Get-Date;, whatever, I, type, here, is, used, as-is, -, almost' - note how any information about the amount of whitespace that originally separated these argument is lost in the process.
These arguments are then joined with a single space to form the string that PowerShell then interprets as PowerShell source code, which yields:
'Get-Date; whatever I type here is used as-is - almost'
This amounts to a verbatim (single-quoted) PowerShell string literal, whose content is then output as-is.

Trying to run a headless executable command through Powershell that works on cmd line

I am trying to run an executable through powershell to run headless, to install a program onto a VM/LocalHost machine. I can get the wizard to open, but for whatever reason I cannot get it to run headless. Here is the cmd line that I run that works:
start /WAIT setup.exe /clone_wait /S /v" /qn"
This is my attempts in powershell
Start-Process .\setup.exe /S -Wait -PassThru
Start-Process .\setup.exe /S /v /qn -Wait -PassThru
Start-Process setup.exe -ArgumentList '/clone_wait /S /v /qn' -Wait
In the cmd line instance the application installs without issue - in the powershell instance the wizard opens and is on the first "Next" prompt. Any help would be appreciated!
I also attempted to add the additional parameters "/v" and "/qn" which return an error : Start-Process : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '/v'
The bottom attempt runs but it's not waiting for the installation to complete
You may be overthinking it. Remember that PowerShell is a shell. One of the purposes of a shell is to run commands that you type.
Thus: You don't need Start-Process. Just type the command to run and press Enter.
PS C:\> .\setup.exe /clone_wait /S /v /qn
Now if the executable (or script) you want to run contains spaces in the path or name, then use the call/invocation operator (&) and specify the quotes; for example:
PS C:\> & "\package files\setup.exe" /clone_wait /S /v /qn
(This behavior is the same no matter whether you are at the PowerShell prompt or if you put the command in a script.)
This worked for me. You need to quote the whole argumentlist, plus embed double quotes to pass what you want to /v.
start-process -wait SetupStata16.exe -ArgumentList '/s /v"/qb ADDLOCAL=core,StataMP64"'
Running the command normally and then using wait-process after might be a simpler alternative, if you're sure there's only one process with that name:
wait-process notepad
To follow-up to all that you have been given thus far. Running executables via PowerShell is a well-documented use case.
PowerShell: Running Executables
Solve Problems with External Command Lines in PowerShell
Top 5 tips for running external commands in Powershell
Using Windows PowerShell to run old command-line tools (and their
weirdest parameters)
So, from the first link provides more validation of what you've been given.
5. The Call Operator &
Why: Used to treat a string as a SINGLE command. Useful for dealing with spaces.
In PowerShell V2.0, if you are running 7z.exe (7-Zip.exe) or another command that starts with a number, you have to use the command invocation operator &.
The PowerShell V3.0 parser do it now smarter, in this case you don’t need the & anymore.
Details: Runs a command, script, or script block. The call operator, also known as the "invocation operator," lets you run commands that are stored in variables and represented by strings. Because the call operator does not parse the command, it cannot interpret command parameters
& 'C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe' "c:\videos\my home video.avi" /fullscreen
Things can get tricky when an external command has a lot of parameters or there are spaces in the arguments or paths!
With spaces you have to nest Quotation marks and the result it is not always clear!
In this case it is better to separate everything like so:
$CMD = 'SuperApp.exe'
$arg1 = 'filename1'
$arg2 = '-someswitch'
$arg3 = 'C:\documents and settings\user\desktop\some other file.txt'
$arg4 = '-yetanotherswitch'
& $CMD $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4
# or same like that:
$AllArgs = #('filename1', '-someswitch', 'C:\documents and settings\user\desktop\some other file.txt', '-yetanotherswitch')
& 'SuperApp.exe' $AllArgs
6. cmd /c - Using the old cmd shell
** This method should no longer be used with V3
Why: Bypasses PowerShell and runs the command from a cmd shell. Often times used with a DIR which runs faster in the cmd shell than in PowerShell (NOTE: This was an issue with PowerShell v2 and its use of .Net 2.0, this is not an issue with V3).
Details: Opens a CMD prompt from within powershell and then executes the command and returns the text of that command. The /c tells CMD that it should terminate after the command has completed. There is little to no reason to use this with V3.
#runs DIR from a cmd shell, DIR in PowerShell is an alias to GCI. This will return the directory listing as a string but returns much faster than a GCI
cmd /c dir c:\windows
7. Start-Process (start/saps)
Why: Starts a process and returns the .Net process object Jump if -PassThru is provided. It also allows you to control the environment in which the process is started (user profile, output redirection etc). You can also use the Verb parameter (right click on a file, that list of actions) so that you can, for example, play a wav file.
Details: Executes a program returning the process object of the application. Allows you to control the action on a file (verb mentioned above) and control the environment in which the app is run. You also have the ability to wait on the process to end. You can also subscribe to the processes Exited event.
#starts a process, waits for it to finish and then checks the exit code.
$p = Start-Process ping -ArgumentList "invalidhost" -wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
#to find available Verbs use the following code.
$startExe = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo -args PowerShell.exe

Command line arguments for msiexec break on PowerShell if they contain space

I'm trying to set a public property in an InstallShield installer with a value containing space. While running the MSI installer, I'm using below command on PowerShell prompt. Since the value contains a space so I used double quotes to pass the value
msiexec -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"
It breaks the command as the argument value C:\new folder\data.txt has a space in the string new folder. It results in showing up below error prompt of msiexec:
It suggests that arguments passed to the msiexec command has some problem.
But if I execute the same command on Windows default command prompt then it runs fine:
Few other options that I've tried to make things work on PowerShell prompt are as below:
Using single quote in place of double quotes
Using a back tick (`) character before space in the argument as per this answer.
Try with this
msiexec -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH=`"C:\new folder\data.txt`"
The escape character in PowerShell is the grave-accent(`).
This answer addresses direct, but asynchronous invocation of msiexec from PowerShell, as in the question. If you want synchronous invocation, use Start-Process with the -Wait switch, as shown in Kyle 74's helpful answer, which also avoids the quoting problems by passing the arguments as a single string with embedded quoting.
Additionally, if you add the -PassThru switch, you can obtain a process-information object that allows you to query msiexec's exit code later:
# Invoke msiexec and wait for its completion, then
# return a process-info object that contains msiexec's exit code.
$process = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru msiexec '-i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"'
Note: There's a simple trick that can make even direct invocation of msiexec synchronous: pipe the call to a cmdlet, such as Wait-Process
(msiexec ... | Wait-Process) - see this answer for more information.
To complement Marko Tica's helpful answer:
Calling external programs in PowerShell is notoriously difficult, because PowerShell, after having done its own parsing first, of necessity rebuilds the command line that is actually invoked behind the scenes in terms of quoting, and it's far from obvious what rules are applied.
While the re-quoting PowerShell performs behind the scenes in this particular case is defensible (see bottom section), it isn't what msiexec.exe requires.
Up to at least PowerShell 7.1, some of the re-quoting is downright broken, and the problems, along with a potential upcoming (partial) fix, are summarized in this answer.
Marko Tica's workaround relies on this broken behavior, and with the for now experimental feature that attempts to fix the broken behavior (PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing, available since Core 7.2.0-preview.5), the workaround would break. Sadly, it looks like then simply omitting the workaround won't work either, because it was decided not to include accommodations for the special quoting requirements of high-profile CLIs such as msiexec - see GitHub issue #15143.
To help with this problem, PSv3+ offers --%, the stop-parsing symbol, which is the perfect fit here, given that the command line contains no references to PowerShell variables or expressions: --% passes the rest of the command line as-is to the external utility, save for potential expansion of %...%-style environment variables:
# Everything after --% is passed as-is.
msiexec --% -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"
If you do need to include the values of PowerShell variables or expressions in your msiexec call, the safest option is to call via cmd /c with a single argument containing the entire command line; for quoting convenience, the following example uses an expandable here-string (see the bottom section of this answer for an overview of PowerShell's string literals).
$myPath = 'C:\new folder\data.txt'
# Let cmd.exe invoke msiexec, with the quoting as specified.
cmd /c #"
msiexec --% -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="$myPath"
If you don't mind installing a third-party module, the ie function from the Native module (Install-Module Native) obviates the need for any workarounds: it fixes problems with arguments that have embedded " chars. as well as empty-string arguments and contains important accommodations for high-profile CLIs such as msiexec on Windows, and will continue to work as expected even with the PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing feature in effect:
# `ie` takes care of all necessary behind-the-scenes re-quoting.
ie msiexec -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"
As for what you tried:
PowerShell translated
MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt" into
"MYDIRPATH=C:\new folder\data.txt" behind the scenes - note how the entire token is now enclosed in "...".
Arguably, these two forms should be considered equivalent by msiexec, but all bets are off in the anarchic world of Windows command-line argument parsing.
This is the best way to install a program in general with Powershell.
Here's an example from my own script:
start-process "c:\temp\SQLClient\sqlncli (x64).msi" -argumentlist "/qn IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES" -wait
Use Start-Process "Path\to\file\file.msi or .exe" -argumentlist (Parameters) "-qn or whatever" -wait.
Now -wait is important, if you have a script with a slew of programs being installed, the wait command, like piping to Out-Null, will force Powershell to wait until the program finishes installing before continuing forward.

PSExec and Powershell fails to run a program located in Program Files (x86)

I am struggling to use Psexec inside of a PS script to execute an interactive program.
I have tried this:
PsExec.exe -i \\ -u Administrador -p Test1234 cmd /c "echo . | powershell notepad" 2> $null
... and it runs perfectly fine. Notepad is launched on a remote machine. Now, when I want to run .exe from Program Files (x86) I get absolutely nothing.
I have tried this variations to run 1.exe located in ProgramFiles(x86):
PsExec.exe -i \\ -u Administrador -p Test1234 cmd /c "echo . | powershell "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\1.exe"" 2> $null
PsExec.exe -i \\ -u Administrador -p Test1234 cmd /c "echo . | powershell "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}" + "\1.exe"" 2> $null
However none of them work. Any idea what´s wrong?
Try the following:
psexec cmd /c 'echo . | powershell "& \"${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\1.exe\"' 2>$null
Note: To better focus on the fundamentals of the solution, I've simplified the psexec command, but the original command should work too.
The entire string passed to cmd /k is single-quoted to prevent PS from interpolating elements up front, notably ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} whose expansion should be deferred until the command is executed on the target machine.
Note that you normally need a double-quoted string when you pass a command line to cmd /c when invoking from cmd.exe itself. From within PowerShell, however, this is not a requirement: PowerShell first parses the string - whether single- or double-quoted originally - interpolates, if applicable, and then passes the resulting string double-quoted to the external command.
Note the & \"...\" construct in the context of the powershell argument, which ensures that the path with embedded spaces is correctly executed.
Curiously, PS requires " chars. to be escaped as \" when a parameter is passed from the outside world (as opposed to escaping as `" inside the realm of PS).
The command passed to powershell as a whole must be double-quoted, because cmd.exe - in whose context powershell is invoked due to cmd /c - only recognizes double quotes as parameter delimiters and only double quotes protect the enclosed content (mostly) from interpretation.
Why your commands didn't work:
The primary problem was that the executable path that you wanted powershell.exe to invoke ended up containing spaces (C:\Program Files...), causing PowerShell not to recognize the entire path as a single argument. Such a path must be (a) quoted and (b) invoked with &, the call operator.
(In the 2nd attempt, with + ... (string concatenation), you would have had to use & also, and enclose the concatenation in (...)).
For debugging, using cmd /k instead of cmd /c can give you a better sense of how the command is ultimately executed (/k keeps the console window open after execution of the command).
A subtler point is that by using a double-quoted string overall, ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} was expanded on the source machine rather than on the target machine, where the definition of that environment variable may or may not be the same.
You're putting yourself in Escape Hell by mixing PowerShell, CMD and PsExec. If all you want is run an executable on a remote host, just stick with CMD and PsExec (run the command from CMD too):
PsExec.exe -i \\ -u Administrador -p Test1234 cmd /c echo. ^| "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\1.exe" 2>nul
That way you just need to escape the pipe (^|) and put the path with spaces in double quotes.