Command line arguments for msiexec break on PowerShell if they contain space - powershell

I'm trying to set a public property in an InstallShield installer with a value containing space. While running the MSI installer, I'm using below command on PowerShell prompt. Since the value contains a space so I used double quotes to pass the value
msiexec -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"
It breaks the command as the argument value C:\new folder\data.txt has a space in the string new folder. It results in showing up below error prompt of msiexec:
It suggests that arguments passed to the msiexec command has some problem.
But if I execute the same command on Windows default command prompt then it runs fine:
Few other options that I've tried to make things work on PowerShell prompt are as below:
Using single quote in place of double quotes
Using a back tick (`) character before space in the argument as per this answer.

Try with this
msiexec -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH=`"C:\new folder\data.txt`"
The escape character in PowerShell is the grave-accent(`).

This answer addresses direct, but asynchronous invocation of msiexec from PowerShell, as in the question. If you want synchronous invocation, use Start-Process with the -Wait switch, as shown in Kyle 74's helpful answer, which also avoids the quoting problems by passing the arguments as a single string with embedded quoting.
Additionally, if you add the -PassThru switch, you can obtain a process-information object that allows you to query msiexec's exit code later:
# Invoke msiexec and wait for its completion, then
# return a process-info object that contains msiexec's exit code.
$process = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru msiexec '-i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"'
Note: There's a simple trick that can make even direct invocation of msiexec synchronous: pipe the call to a cmdlet, such as Wait-Process
(msiexec ... | Wait-Process) - see this answer for more information.
To complement Marko Tica's helpful answer:
Calling external programs in PowerShell is notoriously difficult, because PowerShell, after having done its own parsing first, of necessity rebuilds the command line that is actually invoked behind the scenes in terms of quoting, and it's far from obvious what rules are applied.
While the re-quoting PowerShell performs behind the scenes in this particular case is defensible (see bottom section), it isn't what msiexec.exe requires.
Up to at least PowerShell 7.1, some of the re-quoting is downright broken, and the problems, along with a potential upcoming (partial) fix, are summarized in this answer.
Marko Tica's workaround relies on this broken behavior, and with the for now experimental feature that attempts to fix the broken behavior (PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing, available since Core 7.2.0-preview.5), the workaround would break. Sadly, it looks like then simply omitting the workaround won't work either, because it was decided not to include accommodations for the special quoting requirements of high-profile CLIs such as msiexec - see GitHub issue #15143.
To help with this problem, PSv3+ offers --%, the stop-parsing symbol, which is the perfect fit here, given that the command line contains no references to PowerShell variables or expressions: --% passes the rest of the command line as-is to the external utility, save for potential expansion of %...%-style environment variables:
# Everything after --% is passed as-is.
msiexec --% -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"
If you do need to include the values of PowerShell variables or expressions in your msiexec call, the safest option is to call via cmd /c with a single argument containing the entire command line; for quoting convenience, the following example uses an expandable here-string (see the bottom section of this answer for an overview of PowerShell's string literals).
$myPath = 'C:\new folder\data.txt'
# Let cmd.exe invoke msiexec, with the quoting as specified.
cmd /c #"
msiexec --% -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="$myPath"
If you don't mind installing a third-party module, the ie function from the Native module (Install-Module Native) obviates the need for any workarounds: it fixes problems with arguments that have embedded " chars. as well as empty-string arguments and contains important accommodations for high-profile CLIs such as msiexec on Windows, and will continue to work as expected even with the PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing feature in effect:
# `ie` takes care of all necessary behind-the-scenes re-quoting.
ie msiexec -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"
As for what you tried:
PowerShell translated
MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt" into
"MYDIRPATH=C:\new folder\data.txt" behind the scenes - note how the entire token is now enclosed in "...".
Arguably, these two forms should be considered equivalent by msiexec, but all bets are off in the anarchic world of Windows command-line argument parsing.

This is the best way to install a program in general with Powershell.
Here's an example from my own script:
start-process "c:\temp\SQLClient\sqlncli (x64).msi" -argumentlist "/qn IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES" -wait
Use Start-Process "Path\to\file\file.msi or .exe" -argumentlist (Parameters) "-qn or whatever" -wait.
Now -wait is important, if you have a script with a slew of programs being installed, the wait command, like piping to Out-Null, will force Powershell to wait until the program finishes installing before continuing forward.


Execute a PowerShell script within RunAs in a script

I have a need to run a PowerShell script as another user (the users will actually be doing the auth) based on detected environment. The script leverages a smartcard for login. The problem I have is when the PowerShell.exe instance launches from the runas, it simply prints my command and doesn't actually run it.
Note: The filepaths have spaces that get escaped with double-`, just not shown here hence the escaped ``' in the actual command. Have also used ```".
Start-Process runas.exe "/netonly /smartcard /user:domain\$env:USERNAME ""powershell.exe -noexit -Command `'&$filePath -arg1 -arg2`' "" "
Start-Process runas.exe "/netonly /smartcard /user:domain\$env:USERNAME ""powershell.exe -noexit -File `'$filePath -arg1 -arg2`' "" "
File path points to the same .ps1 file. The dir is similar to: C:\Users\Username\My Documents\script.ps1
When this runs I simply get a script window that doesn't actually run, it just prints the File name. I have also tried using -File but that simply crashes (regardless of -noexit). The runas bit works fine, I get my smartcard prompt etc its just the actual PowerShell launch that I am struggling with.
These work just fine calling them directly from PowerShell Cli but when in a .ps1 it just won't work.
Any help would be greatly appreciate.
There's generally no reason to use Start-Process to run a console application such as runas.exe - unless you explicitly want the application to run in a new window, asynchronously (by default) - see this answer for more information.
Eliminating Start-Process simplifies the quoting:
runas.exe /netonly /smartcard /user:domain\$env:USERNAME "powershell.exe -noexit -File \`"$filePath\`" -arg1 -arg2"
Note the - unfortunate - need to manually \-escape the embedded " chars. (`"), which is required up to at least v7.1 - see this answer.
As for what you tried:
On Windows, passing a '...'-enclosed string to the PowerShell CLI's -Command (-c) parameter from outside PowerShell (such as via runas.exe) causes it to be interpreted as a verbatim PowerShell string, printing its content as-is (except for whitespace normalization).
You can verify this by running the following from cmd.exe, for instance:
C:\>powershell -c 'Get-Date; whatever I type here is used as-is - almost'
Get-Date; whatever I type here is used as-is - almost
Note how the multiple spaces before the word almost were normalized to a single one.
The reason is that on Windows only double-quoting ("...") has syntactic function on the command line - ' characters are interpreted verbatim and therefore passed through.
Therefore, when the -Command (-c) argument sees its argument(s) -- after command-line parsing - and then interprets the resulting space-joined, possibly double-quote-stripped arguments as PowerShell source code, a span of '...' is interpreted as a verbatim PowerShell string, as usual (see the conceptual about_Quoting_Rules help topic, which discusses the types of PowerShell string literals).
In concrete terms:
'Get-Date; whatever I type here is used as-is - almost' is parsed by the PowerShell CLI as the following arguments(!):
'Get-Date;, whatever, I, type, here, is, used, as-is, -, almost' - note how any information about the amount of whitespace that originally separated these argument is lost in the process.
These arguments are then joined with a single space to form the string that PowerShell then interprets as PowerShell source code, which yields:
'Get-Date; whatever I type here is used as-is - almost'
This amounts to a verbatim (single-quoted) PowerShell string literal, whose content is then output as-is.

How do I call the PowerShell CLI robustly, with respect to character encoding, input and output streams, quoting and escaping?

This self-answered question aims to give a systematic overview of the PowerShell CLI (command-line interface), both for Windows PowerShell (powershell.exe) and PowerShell (Core) v6+ (pwsh.exe on Windows, pwsh on Unix).
While official help topics exist (see the links in the answer), they do not paint the full picture and lack systematic treatment (as of this writing).
Among others, the following questions are answered:
How do the edition-specific CLIs differ?
How do I pass PowerShell code to be executed to the CLIs? How do -Command (-c) and -File (-f) differ?
How do the arguments passed to these parameters need to be quoted and escaped?
What character-encoding issues come into play?
How do the PowerShell CLIs handle stdin input, and what stdout / stderr do they produce, and in what format?
PowerShell CLI fundamentals:
PowerShell editions: The CLI of the legacy, bundled-with-Windows Windows PowerShell edition is powershell.exe, whereas that of the cross-platform, install-on-demand PowerShell (Core) 7+ edition is pwsh.exe (just pwsh on Unix-like platforms).
Interactive use:
By default, unless code to execute is specified (via -Command (-c) or -File (-f, see below), an interactive session is entered. However, unlike in POSIX-compatible shells such as bash, you can use -NoExit to still enter an interactive session after executing code. This is especially handy for troubleshooting command lines when the CLI is called without a preexisting console window.
Use -NoLogo to suppress the startup text that is shown when entering an interactive session (not needed if code to execute is passed). GitHub issue #15644 suggest not showing this startup text by default.
To opt out of telemetry / update notifications, define the following environment variables before entering an interactive session: POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1 / POWERSHELL_UPDATECHECK=Off
Parameters and defaults:
All parameter names are case-insensitive (as PowerShell generally is); most parameters have short aliases, such as -h and -? for -Help, which shows command-line help, which with pwsh (but not powershell.exe) also lists these short aliases.
Caveat: For long-term stability of your code, you should either use the full parameter names or their official aliases. Note that PowerShell's "elastic syntax" also allows you to use prefixes of parameter names ad hoc, as long as such a prefix unambiguously identifies the target parameter; e.g., -ver unambiguously targets -version currently, but - at least hypothetically - such a call could break in the future if a new parameter whose name also starts with ver were to be introduced.
pwsh supports more parameters than powershell.exe, such as -WorkingDirectory (-wd).
There are two (mutually exclusive) ways to pass code to execute, in which case the PowerShell process exits automatically when execution ends; pass -NonInteractive to prevent use of interactive commands in the code or -NoExit to keep the session open after execution:
-Command (-c) is for passing arbitrary PowerShell commands, which may be passed either as a single string or as individual arguments, which, after removing (unescaped) double-quotes, are later joined with spaces and then interpreted as PowerShell code.
-File (-f) is for invoking script files (.ps1) with pass-through arguments, which are treated as verbatim values.
These parameters must come last on the command line, because all subsequent arguments are interpreted as part of the command being passed / the script-file call.
See this answer for guidance on when to use -Command vs. -File, and the bottom section for quoting / escaping considerations.
It is advisable to use -Command (-c) or -File (-f) explicitly, because the two editions have different defaults:
powershell.exe defaults to -Command (-c)
pwsh defaults to -File (-f), a change that was necessary for supporting shebang lines on Unix-like platforms.
Unfortunately, even with -Command (-c) or -File (-f), profiles (initialization files) are loaded by default (unlike POSIX-compatible shells such as bash, which only do so when starting interactive shells).
Therefore, it is advisable to routinely precede -Command (-c) or -File (-f) with -NoProfile (-nop), which suppresses profile loading for the sake of both avoiding extra overhead and a more predictable execution environment (given that profiles can make changes that affect all code executed in a session).
GitHub proposal #8072 discusses introducing a separate CLI (executable) that does not load profiles in combination with these parameters and could also improve other legacy behaviors that the existing executables cannot change for the sake of backward-compatibility.
Character encoding (applies to both in- and output streams):
Note: The PowerShell CLIs only ever process text[1], both on input and output, never raw byte data; what the CLIs output by default is the same text you would see in a PowerShell session, which for complex objects (objects with properties) means human-friendly formatting not designed for programmatic processing, so to output complex objects it's better to emit them in a structured text-based format, such as JSON.
Note what while you can use -OutputFormat xml (-of xml) to get CLIXML output, which uses XML for object serialization, this particular format is of little use outside of PowerShell; ditto for accepting CLIXML input via stdin (-InputFormat xml / -if xml).
On Windows, the PowerShell CLIs respect the console's code page, as reflected in the output from chcp and, inside PowerShell, in [Console]::InputEncoding. A console's code page defaults to the system's active OEM code page.
Caveat: OEM code pages such as 437 on US-English systems are fixed, single-byte character encodings limited to 256 characters in total. To get full Unicode support, you must switch to code page 65001 before calling a PowerShell CLI (from cmd.exe, call chcp 65001); while this works in both PowerShell editions, powershell.exe unfortunately switches the console to a raster font in this case, which causes many Unicode characters not to display properly; however, the actual data is not affected.
On Windows 10, you may switch to UTF-8 system-wide, which sets both the OEM and the ANSI code page to 65001; note, however, that this has far-reaching consequences, and that the feature is still in beta as of this writing - see this answer.
On Unix-like platforms (pwsh), UTF-8 is invariably used (even if the active locale (as reported by locale) is not UTF-8-based, but that is very rare these days).
Input-stream (stdin) handling (received via stdin, either piped to a CLI call or provided via input redirection <):
To process stdin input as data:
Explicit use of the automatic $input variable is required.
This in turn means that in order to pass stdin input to a script file (.ps1), -Command (-c) rather than -File (-f) must be used. Note that this makes any arguments passed to the script (symbolized with ... below) subject to interpretation by PowerShell (whereas with -File they would be used verbatim):
-c "$Input | ./script.ps1 ..."
To process stdin input as code (pwsh only, seems to be broken in powershell.exe):
While passing PowerShell code to execute via stdin works in principle (by default, which implies -File -, and also with -Command -), it exhibits undesirable pseudo-interactive behavior and prevents passing of arguments: see GitHub issue #3223; e.g.:
echo "Get-Date; 'hello'" | pwsh -nologo -nop
Output-stream (stdout, stderr) handling:
(Unless you use a script block ({ ... }), which only works from inside PowerShell, see below), all 6 PowerShell's output streams are sent to stdout, including errors(!) (the latter are normally sent to stderr).
However, when you apply an - external - stderr redirection you can selectively suppress error-stream output (2>NUL from cmd.exe, 2>/dev/null on Unix) or send it to a file (2>errs.txt).
See the bottom section of this answer for more information.
Quoting and escaping of the -Command (-c) and -File (-f) arguments:
When calling from PowerShell (rarely needed):
There is rarely a need to call the PowerShell CLI from PowerShell, as as any command or script can simply be called directly and, conversely, calling the CLI introduces overhead due to creating a child process and results in loss of type fidelity.
If you still need to, the most robust approach is to use a script block ({ ... }), which avoids all quoting headaches, because you can use PowerShell's own syntax, as usual. Note that using script blocks only works from inside PowerShell, and that you cannot refer to the caller's variables in the script block; however, you can use the -args parameter to pass arguments (based on the caller's variables) to the script block, e.g., pwsh -c { "args passed: $args" } -args foo, $PID; using script blocks has additional benefits with respect to output streams and supporting data types other than strings; see this answer.
# From PowerShell ONLY
PS> pwsh -nop -c { "Caller PID: $($args[0]); Callee PID: $PID" } -args $PID
When calling from outside PowerShell (the typical case):
-File (-f) arguments must be passed as individual arguments: the script-file path, followed by arguments to pass to the script, if any. Both the script-file path and the pass-through arguments are used verbatim by PowerShell, after having stripping (unescaped) double quotes on Window[2].
-Command (-c) arguments may be passed as multiple arguments, but in the end PowerShell simply joins them together with spaces, after having stripped (unescaped) double quotes on Windows, before interpreting the resulting string as PowerShell code (as if you had submitted it in a PowerShell session).
For robustness and conceptual clarity, it is best to pass the command(s) as a single argument to -Command (-c), which on Windows requires a double-quoted string ("...") (although the overall "..." enclosure isn't strictly necessary for robustness in no-shell invocation environments such as Task Scheduler and some CI/CD and configuration-management environments, i.e. in cases where it isn't cmd.exe that processes the command line first).
Again, see this answer for guidance on when to use -File (-f) vs. when to use -Command (-c).
To test-drive a command line, call it from a cmd.exe console window, or, in order to simulate a no-shell invocation, use WinKey-R (the Run dialog) and use -NoExit as the first parameter in order to keep the resulting console window open.
Do not test from inside PowerShell, because PowerShell's own parsing rules will result in different interpretation of the call, notably with respect to recognizing '...' (single-quoting) and potential up-front expansion of $-prefixed tokens.
On Unix, no special considerations apply (this includes Unix-on-Windows environments such as WSL and Git Bash):
You only need to satisfy the calling shell's syntax requirements. Typically, programmatic invocation of the PowerShell CLI uses the POSIX-compatible system default shell on Unix, /bin/sh), which means that inside "..." strings, embedded " must be escaped as \", and $ characters that should be passed through to PowerShell as \$; the same applies to interactive calls from POSIX-compatible shells such as bash; e.g.:
# From Bash: $$ is interpreted by Bash, (escaped) $PID by PowerShell.
$ pwsh -nop -c " Write-Output \"Caller PID: $$; PowerShell PID: \$PID \" "
# Use single-quoting if the command string need not include values from the caller:
$ pwsh -nop -c ' Write-Output "PowerShell PID: $PID" '
On Windows, things are more complicated:
'...' (single-quoting) can only be used with -Command (-c) and never has syntactic function on the PowerShell CLI command line; that is, single quotes are always preserved and interpreted as verbatim string literals when the parsed-from-the-command-line argument(s) are later interpreted as PowerShell code; see this answer for more information.
"..." (double-quoting) does have syntactic command-line function, and unescaped double quotes are stripped, which in the case of -Command (-c) means that they are not seen as part of the code that PowerShell ultimate executes. " characters you want to retain must be escaped - even if you pass your command as individual arguments rather than as part of a single string.
powershell.exe requires " to be escaped as \"[3] (sic) - even though inside PowerShell it is ` (backtick) that acts as the escape character; however \" is the most widely established convention for escaping " chars. on Windows command lines.
Unfortunately, from cmd.exe this can break calls, if the characters between two \" instances happen to contain cmd.exe metacharacters such as & and |; the robust - but cumbersome and obscure - choice is "^""; \" will typically work, however.
:: powershell.exe: from cmd.exe, use "^"" for full robustness (\" often, but not always works)
powershell.exe -nop -c " Write-Output "^""Rock & Roll"^"" "
:: With double nesting (note the ` (backticks) needed for PowerShell's syntax).
powershell.exe -nop -c " Write-Output "^""The king of `"^""Rock & Roll`"^""."^"" "
:: \" is OK here, because there's no & or similar char. involved.
powershell.exe -nop -c " Write-Output \"Rock and Roll\" "
pwsh.exe accepts \" or "".
"" is the robust choice when calling from cmd.exe ("^"" does not work robustly, because it normalizes whitespace; again, \" will typically, but not always work).
:: pwsh.exe: from cmd.exe, use "" for full robustness
pwsh.exe -nop -c " Write-Output ""Rock & Roll"" "
:: With double nesting (note the ` (backticks)).
pwsh.exe -nop -c " Write-Output ""The king of `""Rock & Roll`""."" "
:: \" is OK here, because there's no & or similar char. involved.
pwsh.exe -nop -c " Write-Output \"Rock and Roll\" "
In no-shell invocation scenarios, \" can safely be used in both editions; e.g., from the Windows Run dialog (WinKey-R); note that the first command would break from cmd.exe (& would be interpreted as cmd.exe's statement separator, and it would attempt to execute a program named Roll on exiting the PowerShell session; try without -noexit to see the problem instantly):
pwsh.exe -noexit -nop -c " Write-Output \"Rock & Roll\" "
pwsh.exe -noexit -nop -c " Write-Output \"The king of `\"Rock & Roll`\".\" "
See also:
Quoting headaches also apply in the inverse scenario: calling external programs from a PowerShell session: see this answer.
When calling from cmd.exe, %...%-enclosed tokens such as %USERNAME% are interpreted as (environment) variable references by cmd.exe itself, up front, both when used unquoted and inside "..." strings (and cmd.exe has no concept of '...' strings to begin with). While typically desired, sometimes this needs to be prevented, and, unfortunately, the solution depends on whether a command is being invoked interactively or from a batch file (.cmd, .bat): see this answer.
[1] This also applies to PowerShell's in-session communication with external programs.
[2] On Unix, where no process-level command lines exist, PowerShell only ever receives an array of verbatim arguments, which are the result of the calling shell's parsing of its command line.
[3] Use of "" is half broken; try powershell.exe -nop -c "Write-Output 'Nat ""King"" Cole'" from cmd.exe.

Powershell not running on cmd

I'm trying to run the following command but when I do it the CMD windows closes without the command being executed
the command is
cmd.exe /c powershell.exe (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(https://site,'%temp%\file.txt');Start-Process '%temp%\file.txt'
You don't need cmd here at all¹. You can spawn a process without a shell just as well. Furthermore, it's usually a good idea to quote arguments to avoid surprises with argument parsing (cmd for example has its own meaning for parentheses, which may well interfere here).
powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://site',$Env:Temp + '\file.txt');Invoke-Item $Env:Temp\file.txt"
I've also added quotes around the URL you want to download, since that wouldn't otherwise work, either. And since cmd is no longer around, environment variables can be expanded by PowerShell as well, with a different syntax.
Start-Process also is for starting processes and Invoke-Item is closer to what you actually want, although I'm sure with ShellExecute behavior, Start-Process could launch Notepad with a text file as well if desired.
¹ If in doubt, it's always a good idea to reduce the number of parts, processes and different wrapped concepts needed. Same reason why you don't use Invoke-Expression in PowerShell to run other programs: Unnecessary, and complicates everything just further by introducing another layer of parsing and interpretation.

What is shortest possible way to download script from HTTP and run it with parameters using Powershell?

I have a PowerShell script file stored in an internal artifact server. The script URL is http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1.
What is a concise way to download that script and execute with a custom parameter?
I want to send such a command to users, who will copy-paste it over and over, so it must be a single-line and should be short.
What I currently have works, but it is long and unwieldy:
$c=((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1'));Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($c)) -ArgumentList 'RunJob'
I am wondering if there is shorter way to do this.
Note: From a code golf perspective, the solutions below could be shortened further, by eliminating insignificant whitespace; e.g., &{$args[0]}hi instead of & { $args[0] } hi. However, in the interest of readability such whitespace was kept.
A short formulation of a command that downloads a script via HTTP and executes it locally, optionally with arguments is probably this, taking advantage of:
alias irm for Invoke-RestMethod, in lieu of (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString()
omitting quoting where it isn't necessary
relying on positional parameter binding
& ([scriptblock]::Create((irm http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1))) RunJob
RunJob is the OP's custom argument to pass to the script.
An even shorter, but perhaps more obscure approach is to use iex, the built-in alias for Invoke-Expression, courtesy of this GitHub comment.
iex "& { $(irm http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1) } RunJob"
As an aside: in general use, Invoke-Expression should be avoided.
The command uses an expandable string ("...", string interpolation) to create a string with the remote script's content enclosed in a script block { ... }, which is then invoked in a child scope (&). Note how the arguments to pass to the script must be inside "...".
However, there is a general caveat (which doesn't seem to be a problem for you): if the script terminates with exit, the calling PowerShell instance is exited too.
There are two workarounds:
Run the script in a child process:
powershell { iex "& { $(irm http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1) } RunJob" }
The above only works from within PowerShell; from outside of PowerShell, you must use powershell -c "..." instead of powershell { ... }, but note that properly escaping embedded double quotes, if needed (for a URL with PS metacharacters and/or custom arguments with, say, spaces), can get tricky.
If the script is designed to modify the caller's environment, the modifications will be lost due to running in a child process.
Save the script to a temporary file first:
Note: The command is spread across multiple lines for readability, but it also works as a one-liner:
& {
$f = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + '.ps1');
irm http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1 > $f;
& $f RunJob;
ri $f
The obvious down-side is that the command is much longer.
Note that the command is written with robustness and cross-platform compatibility in mind, so that it also works in PowerShell Core, on all supported platforms.
Depending on what platforms you need to support / what assumptions you're willing to make (e.g., that the current dir. is writeable), the command can be shortened.
Potential future enhancements
GitHub issue #5909, written as of PowerShell Core 6.2.0-preview.4 and revised as of PowerShell Core 7.0, proposes enhancing the Invoke-Command (icm) cmdlet to greatly simplify download-script-and-execute scenarios, so that you could invoke the script in question as follows:
# WISHFUL THINKING as of PowerShell Core 7.0
# iwr is the built-in alias for Invoke-WebRequest
# icm is the built-in alias for Invoke-Command.
iwr http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1 | icm -Args RunJob
GitHub issue #8835 goes even further, suggesting an RFC be created to introduce a new PowerShell provider that allows URLs to be used in places where only files were previously accepted, enabling calls such as:
# WISHFUL THINKING as of PowerShell Core 7.0
& http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1 RunJob
However, while these options are very convenient, there are security implications to consider.
Here is a shorter solution (158 chars.)
$C=(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1");icm -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($c)) -ArgumentList "RunJob"
Here is 121
$C=(curl http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1).content;icm -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($c)) -ArgumentList "RunJob"
Here is 108
$C=(curl http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1).content;icm ([Scriptblock]::Create($c)) -ArgumentList "RunJob"
Here is 98
$C=(iwr http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1).content;icm -sc([Scriptblock]::Create($c)) -ar RunJob
Thanks to Ansgar Wiechers

Why doesn't this msiexec.exe command work in powershell?

I am trying to execute the following command through powershell, in a script invoked by an Advanced Installer generated installation program. The problem is that when the script executes, it chokes on a call to MSIEXEC.exe. More specifically, it puts up a windows dialog of the msiexec help screen.
Ok so maybe it doesn't like the way advanced installer is executing it. So I take the actual line that is causing problems:
msiexec.exe /q /i 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\mongo-server-3.4-latest.msi' INSTALLLOCATION='C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\' ADDLOCAL='all'
And when I execute this directly in powershell, I still get the same stupid help screen. I have tried every conceivable variation of this command line:
/a and /passive instead of /i and /q
with double quotes
with single quotes
the msi unquoted
in an admin elevated shell
in a normal privilege shell
the msi located on the desktop instead of the temp folder
using /x to uninstall in case it was already installed
In all cases, I get the damnable "help" dialog. The only thing that appears to make a difference is if I leave off the INSTALLLOCATION and ADDLOCAL options. (These are apparently used as per "Unattended Installation part 2" found here: In that case it just exits quietly without installing anything.
I'm honestly at my wits' end having been beating my head against the wall on this all afternoon.
By the way, the reason I'm installing mongo in such an absurd way is I need a method of having a single-install system for my company's product. It depends on Mongo, and we have to have it run as a server and use authentication, so I have to have scripts to create the admin and database user and put it into authenticated mode. Since I needed to know where mongo was installed (to execute mongod.exe and mongo.exe) I need to query the user first for the location, then pass on the install location to the mongo installer. If I'm completely off the rails here please let me know that there's a better way.
EDITED: I forgot to mention I wrote my complete powershell script and tested it before trying to execute it through advanced installer. The script worked until I tried to run it through the installer. Strange that I still can't execute the command though manually now.
It seems that in order to pass paths with embedded spaces to msiexec, you must use explicit embedded "..." quoting around them.
In your case, this means that instead of passing
INSTALLLOCATION='C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\', you must pass INSTALLLOCATION='"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\\"'[1]
Note the embedded "..." and the extra \ at the end of the path to ensure that \" alone isn't mistaken for an escaped " by msiexec (though it may work without the extra \ too).
To put it all together:
msiexec.exe /q /i `
'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\mongo-server-3.4-latest.msi' `
INSTALLLOCATION='"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\\"' ADDLOCAL='all'
This embedded-quoting technique relies on longstanding, but broken PowerShell behavior - see this answer; should it ever get fixed, the technique will stop working; by contrast, the
--% approach shown below will continue to work.
A workaround-free, future-proof method is to use the PSv3+ ie helper function from the Native module (in PSv5+, install with Install-Module Native from the PowerShell Gallery), which internally compensates for all broken behavior and allows passing arguments as expected; that is, simply prepending ie to your original command would be enough:
# No workarounds needed with the 'ie' function from the 'Native' module.
ie msiexec.exe /q /i 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\mongo-server-3.4-latest.msi' INSTALLLOCATION='C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\' ADDLOCAL='all'
The alternative is to stick with the original quoting and use --%, the stop-parsing symbol, but note that this means that you cannot use PowerShell variables in all subsequent arguments:
msiexec.exe /q /i `
'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\mongo-server-3.4-latest.msi' `
--% INSTALLLOCATION="C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\\" ADDLOCAL='all'
Note that msiexec, despite having a CLI (command-line interface), is a GUI-subsystem application, so it runs asynchronously by default; if you want to run it synchronously, use
Start-Process -Wait:
$msiArgs = '/q /i "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\mongo-server-3.4-latest.msi" INSTALLLOCATION="C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\\" ADDLOCAL=all'
$ps = Start-Process -PassThru -Wait msiexec -ArgumentList $msiArgs
# $ps.ExitCode contains msiexec's exit code.
Note that the argument-list string, $msiArgs, is used as-is by Start-Process as part of the command line used to invoke the target program (msiexec), which means:
only (embedded) double-quoting must be used.
use "..." with embedded " escaped as `" to embed PowerShell variables and expressions in the string.
conversely, however, no workaround for partially quoted arguments is needed.
Even though Start-Process technically supports passing the arguments individually, as an array, this is best avoided due to a longstanding bug - see GitHub issue #5576.
[1] The reason that INSTALLLOCATION='C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\' doesn't work is that PowerShell transforms the argument by "..."-quoting it as a whole, which msiexec doesn't recognize; specifically, what is passed to msiexec in this case is:
"INSTALLLOCATION=C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\"