How many pods can be configured per deployment in kubernetes? - kubernetes

As per the Kubernetes documentation there is 1:1 correspondence between Deployment and ReplicaSets. Similarly depending on the replicas attribute , a ReplicaSet can manage n number of pods of same nature. Is this a correct understanding ?
Logically (assuming Deployment is a wrapper/Controller) I feel Deployment can have multiple replicaSets and each replicaSet can have multiple Pods (same or different kind). If this statement is correct, can some one share an example K8S template ?

1.) Yes, a Deployment is a ReplicaSet, managed at a higher level.
2.) No, a Deployment can not have multiple ReplicaSets, a Deployment pretty much IS a ReplicaSet. Typically you never use a ReplicaSet directly, Deployment is all you need. And no, you can't have different Pod templates in one Deployment or ReplicaSet. The point of replication is to create copies of the same thing.
As to how many pods can be run per Deployment, the limits aren't really per Deployment, unless specified. Typically you'd either set the wanted number of replicas in the Deployment or you use the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with a minimum and a maximum number of Pods. And unless Node limits are smaller, the following limits apply:
No more than 100 pods per node
No more than 150000 total pods

As per the Kubernetes documentation there is 1:1 correspondence between Deployment and ReplicaSets. Similarly depending on the replicas attribute , a ReplicaSet can manage n number of pods of same nature. Is this a correct understanding ?
Yes. It will create no of pods equal to value to the replicas field value.
Deployment manages a replica set, you don't/shouldn't interact with the replica set directly.
Logically (assuming Deployment is a wrapper/Controller) I feel Deployment can have multiple replicaSets and each replicaSet can have multiple Pods (same or different kind). If this statement is correct, can some one share an example K8S template ?
When you do a rolling deployment, it creates a new ReplicaSet with the new pods (updated containers), and scales down the pods running in older replica set.
I guess it does not support running two different ReplicaSets(not deployment updates) with different pod/containers.
After the deployment has been updated:
kubectl describe deployments
OldReplicaSets: <none>
NewReplicaSet: nginx-deployment-1564180365 (3/3 replicas created)


What is the relationship between the HPA and ReplicaSet in Kubernetes?

I can't seem to find an answer to this but what is the relationship between an HPA and ReplicaSet? From what I know we define a Deployment object which defines replicas which creates the RS and the RS is responsible for supervising our pods and scale up and down.
Where does the HPA fit into this picture? Does it wrap over the Deployment object? I'm a bit confused as you define the number of replicas in the manifest for the Deployment object.
Thank you!
When we create a deployment it create a replica set and number of pods (that we gave in replicas). Deployment control the RS, and RS controls pods. Now, HPA is another abstraction which give the instructions to deployment and through RS make sure the pods fullfil the respective scaling.
As far the k8s doc: The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of Pods in a replication controller, deployment, replica set or stateful set based on observed CPU utilization (or, with custom metrics support, on some other application-provided metrics). Note that Horizontal Pod Autoscaling does not apply to objects that can't be scaled, for example, DaemonSets.
A brief high level overview is: Basically it's all about controller. Every k8s object has a controller, when a deployment object is created then respective controller creates the rs and associated pods, rs controls the pods, deployment controls rs. On the other hand, when hpa controllers sees that at any moment number of pods gets higher/lower than expected then it talks to deployment.
Read more from k8s doc

Can a Pod be managed by two different ReplicaSets?

3 pods were running under ReplicationController 'rc1', then I deleted only rc1 (not pds) and created a new ReplicaSet 'rs1' with the same label selector of rc1. So as expected rs1 matched the existing pods created but rc1.
After some time, I created the ReplicationController rc2 with the same manifest file as that of rc1. Now, rc1 is spun up new pods instead of referring pods with same labels.
So I was wondering if it is possible that a pod can be scoped under two different ReplicaSets/ReplicationsControllers?
A ReplicaSet purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. As such, it is often used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical Pods.
So I was wondering if it is possible that a pod can be scoped under two different ReplicaSets/ReplicationsControllers?
The link a ReplicaSet has to its Pods is via the Pods’ metadata.ownerReferences field, which specifies what resource the current object is owned by. All Pods acquired by a ReplicaSet have their owning ReplicaSet’s identifying information within their ownerReferences field. It’s through this link that the ReplicaSet knows of the state of the Pods it is maintaining and plans accordingly.
A ReplicaSet identifies new Pods to acquire by using its selector. If there is a Pod that has no OwnerReference or the OwnerReference is not a Controller and it matches a ReplicaSet’s selector, it will be immediately acquired by said ReplicaSet. That is explained very well (with examples) in the official documentation.
After some time, I created the ReplicationController rc2 with the same manifest file as that of rc1. Now, rc1 is spun up new pods instead of referring pods with same labels.
Please note that a Deployment that configures a ReplicaSet is now the recommended way to set up replication.
A ReplicationController ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any one time. In other words, a ReplicationController makes sure that a pod or a homogeneous set of pods is always up and available.
If there are too many pods, the ReplicationController terminates the extra pods. If there are too few, the ReplicationController starts more pods. Unlike manually created pods, the pods maintained by a ReplicationController are automatically replaced if they fail, are deleted, or are terminated.
Hope that helps.

Kubernetes: Evenly distribute the replicas across the cluster

We can use DaemonSet object to deploy one replica on each node. How can we deploy say 2 replicas or 3 replicas per node? How can we achieve that. please let us know
There is no way to force x pods per node the way a Daemonset does. However, with some planning, you can force a fairly even pod distribution across your nodes using pod anti affinity.
Let's say we have 10 nodes. The first thing is we need to have a ReplicaSet (deployment) with 30 pods (3 per node). Next, we want to set the pod anti affinity to use preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution with a relatively high weight and match the deployment's labels. This will cause the scheduler to prefer not scheduling pods where the same pod already exists. Once there is 1 pod per node, the cycle starts over again. A node with 2 pods will be weighted lower than one with 1 pod so the next pod should try to go there.
Note this is not as precise as a DaemonSet and may run into some limitations when it comes time to scale up or down the cluster.
A more reliable way if scaling the cluster is to simply create multiple DaemonSets with different names, but identical in every other way. Since the DaemonSets will have the same labels, they can all be exposed through the same service.
By default, the kubernetes scheduler will prefer to schedule pods on different nodes.
The kubernetes scheduler will first determine all possible nodes where a pod can be deployed based on your affinity/anti-affinity/resource limits/etc.
Afterward, the scheduler will find the best node where the pod can be deployed. The scheduler will automatically schedule the pods to be on separate availability zones and on separate nodes if this is possible of course.
You can try this on your own. For example, if you have 3 nodes, try deploying 9 replicas of a pod. You will see that each node will have 2 pods running.

StatefulSet, ReplicaSet or DaemonSet. What is the best for a single Pod?

I want to deploy a single Pod on a Node to host my service (like GitLab for the example). The problem is : a Pod will not be re-created after the Node failure (like a reboot). The solution(s) : Use a StatefulSet, ReplicaSet or DaemonSet to ensure the Pod creation after a Node failure. But what is the best for this case ?
This Pod is stateful (I am using volume hostPath to keep the data) and is deployed using nodeSelector to keep it always on the same Node.
Here is a simple YAML file for the example :
It creates 3 Pods (one for each Set) with a volume to keep the data statefully. In practice, all of these solutions can feet my needs, but I don't know if there are best practices for this case.
Can you help me to choose between these solutions to deploy a single stateful Pod please ?
Deployment is the most common option to manage a Pod or set of Pods. These are normally used instead of ReplicaSets as they are more flexible and creating a Deployment results in a ReplicaSet - see
You would only need a StatefulSet if you had multiple Pods and needed dedicated persistence per Pod or you had multiple Pods and the Pods need individual names because they relate to each other (e.g. one is a leader) -
A DaemonSet would be used when you want one Pod/replica per Node

How to convert Daemonsets to kind Deployment

I have already deployed pods using Daemonsets with nodeselector. My requirements is I need to use kind Deployment but at the same time I would want to retain Daemonsets functionality
.I have nodeselector defined so that same pod should be installed in labelled node.
How to achieve your help is appreciated.
My requirements is pod should be placed automatically based on nodeselector but with kind Deployment
In otherwords
Using Replication controller when I schedule 2 (two) replicas of a pod I expect 1 (one) replica each in each Nodes (VMs). Instead I find both replicas are created in same node This will make 1 Node a single point of failure which I need to avoid.
I have labelled two nodes properly. And I could see both pods spawned on single node. How to achieve both pods always schedule on both nodes?
Look into affinity and anti-affinity, specifically, inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity.
From official documentation:
Inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity allow you to constrain which nodes your pod is eligible to be scheduled based on labels on pods that are already running on the node rather than based on labels on nodes. The rules are of the form “this pod should (or, in the case of anti-affinity, should not) run in an X if that X is already running one or more pods that meet rule Y”.