Can a Pod be managed by two different ReplicaSets? - kubernetes

3 pods were running under ReplicationController 'rc1', then I deleted only rc1 (not pds) and created a new ReplicaSet 'rs1' with the same label selector of rc1. So as expected rs1 matched the existing pods created but rc1.
After some time, I created the ReplicationController rc2 with the same manifest file as that of rc1. Now, rc1 is spun up new pods instead of referring pods with same labels.
So I was wondering if it is possible that a pod can be scoped under two different ReplicaSets/ReplicationsControllers?

A ReplicaSet purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. As such, it is often used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical Pods.
So I was wondering if it is possible that a pod can be scoped under two different ReplicaSets/ReplicationsControllers?
The link a ReplicaSet has to its Pods is via the Pods’ metadata.ownerReferences field, which specifies what resource the current object is owned by. All Pods acquired by a ReplicaSet have their owning ReplicaSet’s identifying information within their ownerReferences field. It’s through this link that the ReplicaSet knows of the state of the Pods it is maintaining and plans accordingly.
A ReplicaSet identifies new Pods to acquire by using its selector. If there is a Pod that has no OwnerReference or the OwnerReference is not a Controller and it matches a ReplicaSet’s selector, it will be immediately acquired by said ReplicaSet. That is explained very well (with examples) in the official documentation.
After some time, I created the ReplicationController rc2 with the same manifest file as that of rc1. Now, rc1 is spun up new pods instead of referring pods with same labels.
Please note that a Deployment that configures a ReplicaSet is now the recommended way to set up replication.
A ReplicationController ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any one time. In other words, a ReplicationController makes sure that a pod or a homogeneous set of pods is always up and available.
If there are too many pods, the ReplicationController terminates the extra pods. If there are too few, the ReplicationController starts more pods. Unlike manually created pods, the pods maintained by a ReplicationController are automatically replaced if they fail, are deleted, or are terminated.
Hope that helps.


Deployment vs POD - change

I was wondering what would happen in this scenario or if it's even possible:
Kubernetes cluster -
If the deployment has a container restartPolicy of: Always
but on the POD level you specify a restartPolicy of: Never
Which will Kubernetes do?
As #Turing85 commented, in the normal use case a Deployment and its Pod cannot have different restartPolicys, as the Deployment creates the Pods. If you try to alter the Pods restartPolicy manually after it is created (e.g. with kubectl edit pod <pod-name>) you will get an error, as this property cannot be changed after creation. However, we can trick a Deployment or more specifically the underlying ReplicaSet into accepting a manually created Pod. ReplicaSets in Kubernetes know which Pods are theirs through the use of labels. If you inspect the ReplicaSet belonging to your Deployment, you will see a label selector, that shows you which labels need to be present for the ReplicaSet to consider the Pod part of the ReplicaSet.
So if you want to manually create a Pod that is later managed by the ReplicaSet, you first create a Pod with the desired restartPolicy. After this Pod has started and is ready you delete an existing Pod of the ReplicaSet and update the labels of your pod to contain the correct labels. Now there is a Pod in the ReplicaSet with a different restartPolicy.
This is really hacky and actually depends on the timing of deletion and update of the labels, because as soon as you delete a Pod in the ReplicaSet it will try to create a new one. You essentially have to be faster with the label change than the ReplicaSet is with the creation of a new Pod.

What handles a StatefulSet replication?

If a Deployment uses ReplicaSets to scale Pods up and down, and StatefulSets don't have ReplicaSets...
So, how does it manage to scale Pods up and down? I mean, what resource is responsible? What requests does a StatefulSet make in order to scale?
In short StatefulSet Controller handles statefulset replicas.
A StatefulSet is a Kubernetes API object for managing stateful application workloads. StatefulSets handle the deployment and scaling of sets of Kubernetes pods, providing guarantees about their uniqueness and ordering.
Similar to deployments, StatefulSets manage pods with identical container specifications. They differ in terms of maintaining a persistent identity for each pod. While the pods are all created based on the same spec, they are not interchangeable, so each pod is given a persistent identifier that is maintained through rescheduling.
Benefits of a StatefulSet deployment include:
Unique identifiers—every pod in the StatefulSet is assigned a unique, stable network identity, consisting of a hostname based on the application name and instance number. For example, a StatefulSet for a web application with three instances may have pods labeled web1, web2 and web3.
Persistent storage—every pod has its own stable, persistent volume, either by default or as defined per storage class. When the pods in a cluster are scaled down or deleted, their associated volumes are not lost, and the data persists. Unneeded resources can be purged by scaling down the StatefulSet to 0 before deleting the unused pods.
Ordered deployment and scaling—the pods in a StatefulSet are created and deployed in order, according to their increments. Pods are also shut down in (reverse) order, ensuring that the deployment and runtime are reliable and repeatable. The StatefulSet won’t scale until all every required pod is running, so if a pod fails, it will recreate the pod before it attempts to add more instances as per the scaling requirements.
Automated, ordered updates—a StatefulSets can handle rolling updates, shutting down each node and rebuilding it according to the original order, until every node has been replaced and the older versions cleaned up. The persistent volumes can be reused, so data is migrated to the new version automatically.

How many pods can be configured per deployment in kubernetes?

As per the Kubernetes documentation there is 1:1 correspondence between Deployment and ReplicaSets. Similarly depending on the replicas attribute , a ReplicaSet can manage n number of pods of same nature. Is this a correct understanding ?
Logically (assuming Deployment is a wrapper/Controller) I feel Deployment can have multiple replicaSets and each replicaSet can have multiple Pods (same or different kind). If this statement is correct, can some one share an example K8S template ?
1.) Yes, a Deployment is a ReplicaSet, managed at a higher level.
2.) No, a Deployment can not have multiple ReplicaSets, a Deployment pretty much IS a ReplicaSet. Typically you never use a ReplicaSet directly, Deployment is all you need. And no, you can't have different Pod templates in one Deployment or ReplicaSet. The point of replication is to create copies of the same thing.
As to how many pods can be run per Deployment, the limits aren't really per Deployment, unless specified. Typically you'd either set the wanted number of replicas in the Deployment or you use the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with a minimum and a maximum number of Pods. And unless Node limits are smaller, the following limits apply:
No more than 100 pods per node
No more than 150000 total pods
As per the Kubernetes documentation there is 1:1 correspondence between Deployment and ReplicaSets. Similarly depending on the replicas attribute , a ReplicaSet can manage n number of pods of same nature. Is this a correct understanding ?
Yes. It will create no of pods equal to value to the replicas field value.
Deployment manages a replica set, you don't/shouldn't interact with the replica set directly.
Logically (assuming Deployment is a wrapper/Controller) I feel Deployment can have multiple replicaSets and each replicaSet can have multiple Pods (same or different kind). If this statement is correct, can some one share an example K8S template ?
When you do a rolling deployment, it creates a new ReplicaSet with the new pods (updated containers), and scales down the pods running in older replica set.
I guess it does not support running two different ReplicaSets(not deployment updates) with different pod/containers.
After the deployment has been updated:
kubectl describe deployments
OldReplicaSets: <none>
NewReplicaSet: nginx-deployment-1564180365 (3/3 replicas created)

Does ReplicaSets replace Pods?

I have a conceptional question, does ReplicaSets use Pod settings?
Before i applied my ReplicaSets i deleted my Pods, so there is no information about my old Pods ?
If I apply now the Replicaset does this reference to the Pod settings, so with all settings like readinessProbe/livenessProbe ... ?
My Questions came up because in my replicaset.yml is a container section where I specified my docker image, but why does it need that information, isn't it a redundant information, because this information is in my pods.yml ?
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: test1
replicas: 2
app: web
- name: test1
image: test/test
Pods are the smallest deployable units of computing that can be
created and managed in Kubernetes.
A Pod (as in a pod of whales or pea pod) is a group of one or more
containers (such as Docker containers), with shared storage/network,
and a specification for how to run the containers.
So, you can specify how your Pod will be scheduled (one or more containers, ports, probes, volumes, etc.).
But in case of the node failure or anything bad that can harm to the Pod, then that Pod won't be rescheduled (you have to rescheduled manually). So, in that case, you need a controller. Kubernetes provides some controllers (each one for different purposes). They are -
All of the above controllers and the Pod together are called as Workload. Because they all have a podTemplate section. And they all create some number of identical Pods ass specified by the spec.replicas field (if this field exists in the corresponding workload manifest). They all are upper-level concept than Pod.
Though the Deployment is more suitable than the ReplicaSet, this answer focuses on ReplicaSet over Pod cause the question is between the Pod and ReplicaSet.
In addition, each one of the above controllers has it's own purpose. Like a ReplicaSet’s purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. As such, it is often used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical Pods.
A ReplicaSet contains a podTemplate field including selectors to identify and acquire Pod(s). A pod template specifying the configuration of new Pods it should create to meet the number of replicas criteria. It creates and deletes Pod(s) as needed to reach the desired number. When a ReplicaSet needs to create new Pod(s), it uses its Pod template.
The Pod(s) maintained by a ReplicaSet has metadata.ownerReferences field, to tell which resource owns the current Pod(s).
A ReplicaSet identifies new Pods to acquire by using its selector. If there is a Pod that has no OwnerReference or the OwnerReference is not a controller and it matches a ReplicaSet’s selector, it will be immediately acquired by said ReplicaSet.
Now, its time to answer your questions
Since ReplicaSet is one of the Pod controller (listed above), obviously, it needs a podTemplate (using this template, your Pods will be scheduled). All of the Pods the ReplicaSet creates will have the same Pod configuration (same containers, same ports, same readiness/livelinessProbe, volumes, etc.). And having this podTemplate is not redundant info, it's needed. So, if you have a Pod controller like ReplicaSet or other (as your need), you don't need the Pod itself anymore. Because the ReplicaSet (or the other controllers) will create Pod(s).
Guess, you got the answer.
Does ReplicaSets replace Pods?
Yes, if you have replicaset.yml you don't need pods.yml.
I have a conceptional question, does ReplicaSets use Pod settings?
Before i applied my ReplicaSets i deleted my Pods, so there is no
information about my old Pods ? If I apply now the Replicaset does
this reference to the Pod settings, so with all settings like
readinessProbe/livenessProbe ... ?
No, the ReplicaSet manifest has to contain the Pod specification in order to determine what is the configuration of the pods that should be deployed.
With the labels, you link the ReplicaSet to running Pods.
You don't link the ReplicaSet.yml manifest to the Pods.yml manifest.
Don’t use naked Pods (that is, Pods not bound to a ReplicaSet or Deployment) if you can avoid it. Naked Pods will not be rescheduled in the event of a node failure.
In 99% of the cases, there isn't a separate pods.yml manifest.
The pods + the ReplicaSet are defined in a single manifest, hence the containers section in the replicaset.yml.

StatefulSet, ReplicaSet or DaemonSet. What is the best for a single Pod?

I want to deploy a single Pod on a Node to host my service (like GitLab for the example). The problem is : a Pod will not be re-created after the Node failure (like a reboot). The solution(s) : Use a StatefulSet, ReplicaSet or DaemonSet to ensure the Pod creation after a Node failure. But what is the best for this case ?
This Pod is stateful (I am using volume hostPath to keep the data) and is deployed using nodeSelector to keep it always on the same Node.
Here is a simple YAML file for the example :
It creates 3 Pods (one for each Set) with a volume to keep the data statefully. In practice, all of these solutions can feet my needs, but I don't know if there are best practices for this case.
Can you help me to choose between these solutions to deploy a single stateful Pod please ?
Deployment is the most common option to manage a Pod or set of Pods. These are normally used instead of ReplicaSets as they are more flexible and creating a Deployment results in a ReplicaSet - see
You would only need a StatefulSet if you had multiple Pods and needed dedicated persistence per Pod or you had multiple Pods and the Pods need individual names because they relate to each other (e.g. one is a leader) -
A DaemonSet would be used when you want one Pod/replica per Node