String Constructor not working in unity c# - unity3d

Salutations, this'll be brief.
So, I tried to change the name of one the hero struct in my game, but it doesn't update, neither in the inspector nor in the de facto code.
I can call the constructor just fine, and if I print the heroname before and after (in the constructor), it tells me the new name. However, It does not change.
Here is the (simplified) code:
//This already has a name in the inspector that I want to override
public List<TroopStat> PlayerHeroStats = new List<TroopStat>();
void Start () {
public struct TroopStat {
public string nameOfTroop;
public void ChangeTroopType() {
nameOfTroop = "Blabla";
Any ideas?

Structs are value types. You need to assign a new struct or use class instead.
This should work:
void Start () {
TroopStat stat = PlayerHeroStats[0];
PlayerHeroStats[0] = stat;
Or make the TroopStat a class.
You can read more about it here.


custom inspector not drawing correctly

GameContainer script:
public class GameContainer : MonoBehaviour
public List<Game> Games;
public void AddGame()
Games.Add(new Game());
Game Class:
public class Game
public List<GameType> gameTypes;
public void addGameType()
gameTypes.Add(new GameType());
GameType Class
public class GameType
and my OnInspectorGUI method in custom editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
var targetScript = target as GameContainer;
var centeredStyle ="Label");
centeredStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
centeredStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Games", centeredStyle);
for(int i = 0;i<targetScript.Games.Count; i++)
Game game = targetScript.Games[i];
GUILayout.BeginVertical("Game Types", "window");
if (GUILayout.Button("+"))
if (GUILayout.Button("+"))
the problem is with this line:
when i hit AddGame Button, all draw calls after this line will be ignored for newly added element and its not shown till next change in code and refresh in the editor, if i remove this line, everything works just fine.
but if i try to use gameType list by any mean, it will not show correct view in inspector.
what the problem is?
I recommend using EditorGUILayout instead of old GUILayout class.
here's link to document for it:
Although unity introduced a new way to make custom editors lately that is called UI Elements.
You can create your own editors with layered architecture with xml,css like language.
here's some useful YouTube links for you:
And lastly you can check this beautiful editor attributes too:

Where to Store all my scene name in one place

I am making a probject in Unity, and would like to have one play to access all my SceneNaming;
Right now in the UI, I have to set the scene name manually.
I would like to store all my scene name in an object, so that I can just use a drag drop to choose all my scenes names.
I tried to put a static class and have then like this
public static string SCENE_MENU = "Menu";
public static string SCENE_WORLD = "Demo";
or inside an enum
public enum SCENE_NAME{
Menu, Demo
and then use GetName on the enum to get the value
What is the best approach? 1: /storage/temp/135402-screenshot-1.png
With a customer editor script you could use a SceneAsset to store a Scene's path instead.
I will use a CustomEditor here since for starters it's easier to understand what happens there. Later you might want to switch it to a CustomPropertyDrawer wot a proper class or maybe even as Attribute.
Place this in anywhere in the Assets
public class SceneLoader : MonoBehaviour
public string ScenePath;
public void Load()
Place this inside of a folder Editor (so it will not be included in a build where the UnityEditor namespace does not exist)
[CustomEditor(typeof(SceneLoader), true)]
public class ScenePickerEditor : Editor
private SerializedProperty _scenePath;
private void OnEnable()
_scenePath = serializezObject.FindProperty("ScenePath");
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
// Draw the usual script field
EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(.FromMonoBehaviour((SceneLoader)target), typeof(SceneLoader), false);
// Loads current Values into the serialized "copy"
// Get the current scene asset for the current path
var currentScene = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_scenePath.stringValue) ? AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SceneAsset>(_scenePath.stringValue) : null;
var newScene = (SceneAsset)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Scene", currentScene, typeof(SceneAsset), false);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
_scenePath.stringValue = newScene != Null ? AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(newScene) : "";
// Write back changes to the actual component
And e.g. to your button attach that SceneLoader component.
Than you can simply reference the target scene in the Inspector via drag and drop. Internally it instead stores the according ScenePath.
Now in onClick instead use that SceneLoader.Load.
As mentioned here only storing the scene path might not be "save" and breaks if you later move the according scene or rename it. So maybe it would be a good extension to also store according object reference as a kind of fallback.
You could than also use this approach and extend it to be a central manager instead like
// It could as well be a ScriptableObject object
// this makes e.g. Awake run already in edit mode
public class ScenePathManager : MonoBehaviour
// I would prefere references but for ease of this post
// use a Singleton for access
public static ScenePathManager Instance;
public List<string> AvailableScenePaths = new List<string>();
private void Awake ()
Instance = this;
and in the editor script use a list (again there are more beautiful ways like ReorderableList bit this would get to complex here
public class ScenePathManagerEditor : Editor
private SerializedProperty _availablePaths;
private void OnEnable ()
_availablePaths = serializedObject.FindProperty("AvailablScenePaths");
public override OnInpectorGUI ()
// Draw the usual script field
EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(.FromMonoBehaviour((SceneLoader)target), typeof(SceneLoader), false);
//Do the same thing as before but this time in a loop
for(var i=0; i<_availablePaths.arraySize; i++)
var _scenePath = _availablePaths.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
// Loads current Values into the serialized "copy"
// Get the current scene asset for the current path
var currentScene = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_scenePath.stringValue) ? AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SceneAsset>(_scenePath.stringValue) : null;
var newScene = (SceneAsset)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Scene", currentScene, typeof(SceneAsset), false);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
_scenePath.stringValue = newScene != Null ? AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(newScene) : "";
Than you could reference all needed scenes in that manager and than on your SceneLoader instead have a Popup field (like for enums) in order to select the scene you want
[CustomEditor (typeof (SceneLoader))]
public class SceneLoaderEditor : Editor
private SerializedProperty _scenePath;
private void OnEnable ()
_scenePath = serializedObject.FindProperty("ScenePath");
public override void OnInpectorGUI ()
//Let me shorten it a bit this time ^^
var availablePaths = ScenePathManager.Instance ? ScenePathManager.Instance.AvailableScenePaths : new List<string>();
var currentIndex = availablePaths.FirstOrDefault(path => string.Equals(path, _scenePath.stringValue)));
var newIndex = EditorGUILayout.PopupField("Scene", currentIndex, availabePaths.ToArray());
_scenePath.stringValue = availablePaths[newIndex];
This should than give you a selection dropdown for the scene.
Note this might, however, without the object reference as backing field break evem faster of any of those strings or indexes change...
But you could use this with your manager also without the whole SceneAsset approach but only for simple strings.
Typed on my smartphone so no warranty but I hope I make my point clear

RxJava (or Rx.NET) equivalent of ReactiveCocoa's RACObserve

Given an arbitrary field on a Java object, I want to create an Observable that will watch that field and push a new result to an Observer every time the value of the field changes. ReactiveCocoa has a macro called RACObserve, which appears to do exactly this.
I want to know how to implement similar functionality using RxJava.
For example, say I had the following simple class:
public class Foo {
enum State {
private State currentState = State.Idle;
//methods that can change currentState
I want to create an Observable<State> that will push the new state to an Observer every time something changes the value of currentState.
In ReactiveCocoa, it looks like I would write something sort of like the following (please excuse my pseudo Objective-C):
[RACObserve(self, currentState) subscribeNext:^(NSString *newState) {
NSLog(#"%#", newState);
How would I achieve similar functionality in RxJava? I'm thinking that I may need to wrap all changes to currentState in a setter, but it's not clear to me where I should then call Observable.create and how to feed the changes of currentState to an Observer.
ReactiveCocoa is actually more similar to ReactiveUI ( than just plain Rx. And in ReactiveUI, you can use this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PropName) to do exactly what you want.
I stumbled across this same problem recently, I ended up using PropertyChangeListener, which will emit an object when a property is changed, see the following:
Update Listener:
public class GameUpdateListener {
public static Observable<Object> changed(Game game) {
final BehaviorSubject<Object> subject = BehaviorSubject.create((Object)game);
game.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent propertyChangeEvent) {
subject.onNext( (Object)propertyChangeEvent.getNewValue());
return subject;
Some custom object:
public class Game {
private PropertyChangeSupport pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
public setSomeField(String field){
this.field = field;
pcs.firePropertyChange("field", this.field, field);
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener) {
Game game = new Game();
GameUpdateListener listener = new GameUpdateListener();
final Observable<Object> gameObserver = listener.changed(game);
gameObserver.subscribe(new Action1<Object>() {
public void call(Object o) {
Log.e(TAG, "Object Changed");
game.setSomeField("New value");
This will work fine as long as you don't need to instantiate your object again. Perhaps a solution to this is to create a local setter method and emit a change there.
Since your question title contains "or Rx.NET", here is my suggestion (I dunno bout RxJava, you may find something similar).
You probably will have to leverage some sort of mechanism in the setter. The standard way in .NET is by using the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
Then by firing the events, you can create an IObservable<T> from this stream by using
Observable.FromEvent<TEvent, TArgs>()
You can find a really good example of what you want to do (.NET) here.
(credits to Rob Foncesa-Ensor)
I think what you are after is a Subject<T>. It implements IObserver<T>, so you can call OnNext(T) to fire a new value, as well as IObservable<T>, which you can expose it as publicly so it can be subscribed to.
If you need it to fire the latest value to new subscribers, you can use a ReplaySubject<T> with a buffer size of 1.
Here's a basic implementation:
public class SomeService
private Subject<int> values = new Subject<int>();
public IObservable<T> Values
// AsObservable prevents it from being cast back to Subject
return values.AsObservable();
// Private; called by some internal mechanism
private void SetValue(int newValue)

How can I address a script I don't know the type of?

My game uses a variety of different game modes, and I'd like to spawn a different GameController script at the beginning of the scene depending on the game mode selected. Then other items (e.g., Enemies), would reference the main GameController, whether that be GameController_Mode1, GameController_Mode2, etc. But how can I have other objects referencing this if I don't know the type?
Unity iOS requires strict unityscript typing, so I can't use duck typing to get around this.
You can do this the same way you'd do it in C#, polymorphism. Derive all of your controllers from a single base Controller class. Then your GameController var can be set to any instantiation of a derived controller (see Start() in the example below).
Here is a quick example using a simple controller:
#pragma strict
var controller : MyController;
class MyController {
var data : int;
public function MyController(){ = 42;
public function Print(){
Debug.Log("Controller: " +;
class MyController1 extends MyController {
public function MyController1(){ = 43;
public function Print(){
Debug.Log("Controller1: " +;
class MyController2 extends MyController {
public function MyController2(){ = 44;
public function Print(){
Debug.Log("Controller2: " +;
function Start () {
controller = new MyController();
controller.Print(); // prints Controller: 42
controller = new MyController1();
controller.Print(); // prints Controller1: 43
controller = new MyController2();
controller.Print(); // prints Controller2: 44
I'm making any assumption that your gamecontrollers share function names and that the only difference is the code in each function.
Regarding Heisenbug's comment below: You can use GetComponent to get the base class controller if your controller is a component.
class BaseController extends MonoBehaviour{
public function Print(){
Extended class(Controller1.js):
class Controller1 extends BaseController {
public function Print(){
Debug.Log("Controller1: " +;
var controller : BaseController;
controller = gameObject.GetComponent("BaseController"); //.GetComponent(BaseController) also works
controller.Print(); // will print "Controller1" if actual attached component is a Controller1 type
While it looks like there are some good answers already but it is worth mentioning Unity's SendMessage system. It is a really simple approach if all you need to do is call functions on the other object SendMessage.
In short you can use the following syntax:
TargetGameObject.SendMessage("targetFunction", argument, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
You can also use SendMessage to call javascript functions from C# scripts or vice versa.

is it possible to put Class in a variable and access the class's static variables and functions in actionscript3?

Say I had the following class
public class Scene{
public static var title="new scene";
public function Scene(){}
public static function start() { trace("scene started"); }
How can you access the Scene class's static variables and functions like this?
var i:Class = Scene;
I'm trying to figure out how variables assigned with Class work in actionscript.
Any tips would be welcome. Thanks.
Static methods are called from the class:
Singleton patterns enable constructor, local reference, and potentially abstraction through interface classes.
Example of Scene as a singleton:
public class Scene
private static var instance:Scene = new Scene();
public static function getInstance():Scene
return instance;
public var title:String = "new scene";
public function Scene()
if (instance)
throw new Error("Scene is a singleton and can only be accessed through Scene.getInstance()");
public function start():void
trace("scene started.");
Your example implementation would now be:
var i:Scene = Scene.getInstance();
This is how you can access the dynamic class (Scene) & it's properties / methods :
var myDynamicClasses:Array = [Scene]; // Required
var i:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("Scene"));
This could throw an error, if the first line is not included. Because, when the compiler notices the class Scene (not the one from adobe's package) is not being used it ignores it. Thus it would be not available for dynamic initialization.
We could force the compiler to include these classes by putting these class names in variables or declare an array as above as a quick hack.
If you have many dynamic classes, you could add a reference to them in this array & each class will be included by the compiler for dynamic initialization.
var i:Class = Scene;
Should throw an error because the compiler can no longer assume that i is a scene when it gets to line 2. If you were to coerce the Class object, it should work.
var i:Class = Scene;