Scrollviews stopped working after update to watchOS 6, did something change? - swift

I have an application that uses iOS, todayExtension and watchOS as targets.
Until the launch of the new iOS 13, everything was working fine, that week I downloaded the iOS 13 beta on my iPhone and the watchOS 6 on my watch. Then, suddenly my app loads its objects but when I try to show them on a WKInterfaceTable, it's freezed. The table is there, the number of elements are there, but I can't roll it with drag/crown, I can select a row, but I can't navigate through it.
I already tried moving it out from a group, now the TableView is only below the Interface Controller, so no object should be above the TableView.
"Supports Running Without iOS App Installation" checkbox is checked.

After several hours of remaking the bugged screens from mark zero, I found the answer: watchOS 6 is marking the "Fixed to the screen edges" as true by default, and this field made my screens no to scroll anymore!
I hope that no developer spend more hours on this nonsense like I did.


The changes I made on the main.storyboard do not apear in the app

I'm learning swift and IOS app development, and while doing some tests I moved some controls on the storyboard. But when I launch my app those changes do not appear, even when I do a "Clean" before to run it.
It is strange because if I add a control it appear on the app
Here is a screen shoot of the storyboard and the app runing on the IOS Simulator
Could anyone help me?
You should become familiar with Auto Layout and introduce some constraints into your Storyboard. Then, it will arrange everything in the simulator automatically (well, for almost anything...)

Effect of iOS 7 update on my app

I have an app released on the app store and I am still working on my iOS 7 update. How will the upgrade to iOS 7 affect the version of my app that is already out there? Will the users who have upgraded still be able to use the existing version?
If your app was built with Xcode 4 and the iOS 6 SDK, it will look the same on iOS 7, except for UIAlertViews and UIActionSheets.
If you make an update to your app with Xcode 5 and the iOS 7 SDK, all UI elements will be updated.
Apple hasn't said how much longer you can submit apps using Xcode 4, but it won't be forever.
If your existing app uses any native controls and ui, it will change in the upgraded iOS. So if you have a navigation bar translucent in your current app, it will show up as the iOS 7 navigation bar translucent. If you have Custom buttons, they will stay unchanged. They will still be there.
So my answer is: Depends.
If you have all the native controls, it will be changed to iOS 7 elements.
If you have all the custom controls (custom buttons, backgrounds etc.), it will not be effected.
Try to look into iOS 7 transition guide once its available.
If you mean how will the existing version of your app work on iOS 7, then, the simple answer is: try it!

XCode and App hangs while debugging

Application View Controller Stack:
Navigation Controller > RootViewController > TabbarController
Where RootViewController is a basic UIViewController (like a menu) and lets user to select the starting tab (UIViewController) for the upcoming UITabbarController.
occurs on iPhone 4S, iOS 5
not occurs on iPhone 5, iOS 6
not occurs on any simulator (iOS 5, 6)
After I navigate to UITabbarController (which consists 4 UIViewControllers) if I try to change between tabs, App itself and XCode hangs for an indefinite time (between 5 to 60 seconds). I have disabled all background threads, all network traffic, every singleton. Yet it still hangs while debugging.
This happens once per runtime, only on first change of tabs.
The tricky part is if I disconnect my device from XCode and start app without debugging, there is no such behaviour. I tried to identify where this "hang" occurs. But I was unable to catch the thread/process which is causing it.
Looks like my app chokes during that period and viewDidLoad,viewDidAppear,viewDidDisappear messages starts to flow back in after hang is gone.
How can I address this problem, find out what is causing this?
I am using XCode 4.6.1, iOS base SDK 6.1. I have started this app on XCode 4.3.2, iOS base SDK 5.1. Then upgraded to XCode 4.6.1 and this issue arised.
I also profiled the app for possible leaks, there is no leak and suspiciously app does not hang while profiling.
I am trying to address this issue for days now, it is getting a bit frustrating. I can provide any other details if requested.

iOS 5 SDK issue

I have a working application on iOS 4.
I have migrated to SDK 5, and now, on simulator and on devices the application just freeze.
There is no error or crash, just UI totaly freeze.
That occur only on the following case.
I have table view with FetshResultController that have list of object (Managed Objects).
Click on one of the list pushViewController with details.
For each list controller update i call tableView reloadData for the details view.
on iOS 4 there is no problem, but on iOS 5 after some time (can be minute or even few seconds) the entire UI freeze without any error. I need to forcly close the reopen the application.
Why is that issue on iOS 5 ? What can i do ?
(Compiling on iOS 4 is enabled to run on iOS 5, but i try to compile on iOS 5, so i will be able to debug it. iOS 4 SDK cannot "see" iOS 5)

QLPreviewController shows a blank document after returning from background

I am having an issue with QLPreviewController on XCode 4.2 iOS SDK 5.0. I run my code on iPod Touch running iOS 4.3.3. Basically my app uses QLPreviewController to preview PDF files in Documents directory and if the app resigns active, the next time it becomes active it will require a user to enter 4-digit PIN number. The app runs fine in general, previewing PDF files with no problem at all. The problem I'm facing is that QLPreviewController shows a blank screen after the app returns from background (and of course after a correct PIN has been entered).
I have the screenshots below. The one before going to background is
and the one after returning from background is
Please note that the source PDF file is not modified at all, and I did call both refreshCurrentPreviewItem and reloadData methods in viewDidAppear.
Similar problems on iPhone Simulator running 4.3.2. However, this problem does not occur on iOS 5.
Does anyone ever experience this issue? Any comments or workaround would be much appreciated.
PS. It is strange that when the application goes to background, the delegate previewControllerDidDismiss: is fired on iOS 4. On iOS 5, this does not happen. Perhaps this is the reason of the blank screen. Any thought? Any workaround?
I had an issue on iOS 5.1 where the custom button I had on the Quicklook toolbar disappeared when coming back from the background. I fixed it by using an NSNotifcation for when the app became active again and the Quicklook controller listened for it and re-updated the navigation button.
I assume something similar could be done with reloading the document.