How can I prove equality of lists by induction? - coq

I'm very new to Coq. Suppose under some hypothesis I want to prove l1 = l2, both of which are lists. I wonder what is a general strategy if I want to prove it inductively.
I don't know of any way to do induction on l1 and l2 at the same time. If I do induction first on l1, then I'll end up having to prove l1 = l2 under hypothesis t1 = l2, where t1 is tail of l1, which is obviously false.

Usually it depends on what kind of hypothesis you have.
However, as a general principle, if you want to synchronise two lists when doing induction on one, you have to generalise over the other.
induction l in l' |- *.
revert l'.
induction l.
It might also be that you have some hypothesis on both l and l' on which you can do induction instead.
For instance, the Forall2 predicate synchronises the two lists:
Inductive Forall2 (A B : Type) (R : A -> B -> Prop) : list A -> list B -> Prop :=
| Forall2_nil : Forall2 R [] []
| Forall2_cons : forall (x : A) (y : B) (l : list A) (l' : list B), R x y -> Forall2 R l l' -> Forall2 R (x :: l) (y :: l')
If you do induction on this, it will destruct both lists at the same time.


Logic: auxilliry lemma for tr_rev_correct

In Logic chapter a tail recursive version of reverse list function is introduced. We need to prove that it works correctly:
Fixpoint rev_append {X} (l1 l2 : list X) : list X :=
match l1 with
| [] => l2
| x :: l1' => rev_append l1' (x :: l2)
(* Tail recursion rev *)
Definition tr_rev {X} (l : list X) : list X :=
rev_append l [].
But before proving it I wanted to prove a lemma:
Lemma rev_append_app: forall (X: Type) (x: X) (l : list X),
rev_append l [x] = rev_append l [] ++ [x].
intros X x l. induction l as [| h t IH].
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl.
Here I am stuck:
X : Type
x, h : X
t : list X
IH : rev_append t [x] = rev_append t [ ] ++ [x]
rev_append t [h; x] = rev_append t [h] ++ [x]
What to do next?
As you noticed during your attempted proof, when taking the induction step from rev_append l [x] to rev_append (h :: t) [x], you end up with the term rev_append t [h; x] after simplification. The induction step does not lead towards the base case of the rev_append function, but to another recursive invocation that you cannot simplify.
Notice how the induction hypothesis that you would like to apply makes a statement about rev_append t [x] for some fixed x, but in your goal, the extra h list element before it gets in the way, and the induction hypothesis is of no use.
This is what Bubbler's answer was referring to when stating that your induction hypothesis is not strong enough: it only makes a statement about the case where the second argument is a list with a single element. But even after just the induction step (one recursive application), that list already has at least two elements!
As suggested by Bubbler, the helper lemma rev_append l (l1 ++ l2) = rev_append l l1 ++ l2 is stronger and does not have this problem: when used as the induction hypothesis, it can be applied to rev_append t [h; x] as well, allowing you to prove equality with rev_append t [h] ++ [x].
When attempting to prove the helper lemma, you may get stuck (like I did) in the same way as when proving rev_append_app itself. The crucial bit of advice that helped me proceed was to be careful which of the universally quantified variables you introduce before you start the induction. If you specialize any of them too early on, you might weaken your induction hypothesis and become stuck again. You may need to change the order of these quantified variables or use the generalize dependent tactic (see the Tactics chapter of Logic Foundations).
You can see that the induction hypothesis IH is not strong enough to prove the goal. Here what you need is a more general statement to prove in the first place. You can find more exercises dedicated to this topic here. (Actually, tail-recursive reverse is one of the exercises.)
In your case, the fully generalized statement could be as follows:
Lemma rev_append_app': forall (X: Type) (l l1 l2 : list X),
rev_append l (l1 ++ l2) = rev_append l l1 ++ l2.
Proving this by induction is trivial. Then you can prove your own statement as a corollary of this one:
Corollary rev_append_app: forall (X: Type) (x: X) (l : list X),
rev_append l [x] = rev_append l [] ++ [x].
Proof. intros. apply (rev_append_app _ _ [] [x]). Qed.
use the generalize dependent tactic like this:
Lemma rev_append_app: forall (X: Type) (l l1: list X) (x : X),
rev_append l (l1 ++ [x]) = rev_append l l1 ++ [x].
generalize dependent l1.
induction l as [| h t IH].
- intros.
- intros.
apply (IH (h::l1)).

coq induction with passing in equality

I have a list with a known value and want to induct on it, keeping track of what the original list was, and referring to it by element. That is, I need to refer to it by l[i] with varying i instead of just having (a :: l).
I tried to make an induction principle to allow me to do that. Here is a program with all of the unnecessary Theorems replaced with Admitted, using a simplified example. The objective is to prove allLE_countDown using countDown_nth, and have list_nth_rect in a convenient form. (The theorem is easy to prove directly without any of those.)
Require Import Arith.
Require Import List.
Definition countDown1 := fix f a i := match i with
| 0 => nil
| S i0 => (a + i0) :: f a i0
(* countDown from a number to another, excluding greatest. *)
Definition countDown a b := countDown1 b (a - b).
Theorem countDown_nth a b i d (boundi : i < length (countDown a b))
: nth i (countDown a b) d = a - i - 1.
Definition allLE := fix f l m := match l with
| nil => true
| a :: l0 => if Nat.leb a m then f l0 m else false
Definition drop {A} := fix f (l : list A) n := match n with
| 0 => l
| S a => match l with
| nil => nil
| _ :: l2 => f l2 a
Theorem list_nth_rect_aux {A : Type} (P : list A -> list A -> nat -> Type)
(Pnil : forall l, P l nil (length l))
(Pcons : forall i s l d (boundi : i < length l), P l s (S i) -> P l ((nth i l d) :: s) i)
l s i (size : length l = i + length s) (sub : s = drop l i) : P l s i.
Theorem list_nth_rect {A : Type} (P : list A -> list A -> nat -> Type)
(Pnil : forall l, P l nil (length l))
(Pcons : forall i s l d (boundi : i < length l), P l s (S i) -> P l ((nth i l d) :: s) i)
l s (leqs : l = s): P l s 0.
Theorem allLE_countDown a b : allLE (countDown a b) a = true.
remember (countDown a b) as l.
refine (list_nth_rect (fun l s _ => l = countDown a b -> allLE s a = true) _ _ l l eq_refl Heql);
intros; subst; [ apply eq_refl | ].
rewrite countDown_nth; [ | apply boundi ].
pose proof (Nat.le_sub_l a (i + 1)).
rewrite Nat.sub_add_distr in H0.
apply leb_correct in H0.
simpl; rewrite H0; clear H0.
apply (H eq_refl).
So, I have list_nth_rect and was able to use it with refine to prove the theorem by referring to the nth element, as desired. However, I had to construct the Proposition P myself. Normally, you'd like to use induction.
This requires distinguishing which elements are the original list l vs. the sublist s that is inducted on. So, I can use remember.
Theorem allLE_countDown a b : allLE (countDown a b) a = true.
remember (countDown a b) as s.
remember s as l.
rewrite Heql.
This puts me at
a, b : nat
s, l : list nat
Heql : l = s
Heqs : l = countDown a b
allLE s a = true
However, I can't seem to pass the equality as I just did above. When I try
induction l, s, Heql using list_nth_rect.
I get the error
Error: Abstracting over the terms "l", "s" and "0" leads to a term
fun (l0 : list ?X133#{__:=a; __:=b; __:=s; __:=l; __:=Heql; __:=Heqs})
(s0 : list ?X133#{__:=a; __:=b; __:=s; __:=l0; __:=Heql; __:=Heqs})
(_ : nat) =>
(fun (l1 l2 : list nat) (_ : l1 = l2) =>
l1 = countDown a b -> allLE l2 a = true) l0 s0 Heql
which is ill-typed.
Reason is: Illegal application:
The term
"fun (l l0 : list nat) (_ : l = l0) =>
l = countDown a b -> allLE l0 a = true" of type
"forall l l0 : list nat, l = l0 -> Prop"
cannot be applied to the terms
"l0" : "list nat"
"s0" : "list nat"
"Heql" : "l = s"
The 3rd term has type "l = s" which should be coercible to
"l0 = s0".
So, how can I change the induction principle
such that it works with the induction tactic?
It looks like it's getting confused between
the outer variables and the ones inside the
function. But, I don't have a way to talk
about the inner variables that aren't in scope.
It's very strange, since invoking it with
refine works without issues.
I know for match, there's as clauses, but
I can't figure out how to apply that here.
Or, is there a way to make list_nth_rect use
P l l 0 and still indicate which variables correspond to l and s?
First, you can prove this result much more easily by reusing more basic ones. Here's a version based on definitions of the ssreflect library:
From mathcomp
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool ssrnat eqtype seq.
Definition countDown n m := rev (iota m (n - m)).
Lemma allLE_countDown n m : all (fun k => k <= n) (countDown n m).
rewrite /countDown all_rev; apply/allP=> k; rewrite mem_iota.
have [mn|/ltnW] := leqP m n.
by rewrite subnKC //; case/andP => _; apply/leqW.
by rewrite -subn_eq0 => /eqP ->; rewrite addn0 ltnNge andbN.
Here, iota n m is the list of m elements that counts starting from n, and all is a generic version of your allLE. Similar functions and results exist in the standard library.
Back to your original question, it is true that sometimes we need to induct on a list while remembering the entire list we started with. I don't know if there is a way to get what you want with the standard induction tactic; I didn't even know that it had a multi-argument variant. When I want to prove P l using this strategy, I usually proceed as follows:
Find a predicate Q : nat -> Prop such that Q (length l) implies P l. Typically, Q n will have the form n <= length l -> R (take n l) (drop n l), where R : list A -> list A -> Prop.
Prove Q n for all n by induction.
I do not know if this answers your question, but induction seems to accept with clauses. Thus, you can write the following.
Theorem allLE_countDown a b : allLE (countDown a b) a = true.
remember (countDown a b) as s.
remember s as l.
rewrite Heql.
induction l, s, Heql using list_nth_rect
with (P:=fun l s _ => l = countDown a b -> allLE s a = true).
But the benefit is quite limited w.r.t. the refine version, since you need to specify manually the predicate.
Now, here is how I would have proved such a result using objects from the standard library.
Require Import List. Import ListNotations.
Require Import Omega.
Definition countDown1 := fix f a i := match i with
| 0 => nil
| S i0 => (a + i0) :: f a i0
(* countDown from a number to another, excluding greatest. *)
Definition countDown a b := countDown1 b (a - b).
Theorem countDown1_nth a i k d (boundi : k < i) :
nth k (countDown1 a i) d = a + i -k - 1.
revert k boundi.
induction i; intros.
- inversion boundi.
- simpl. destruct k.
+ omega.
+ rewrite IHi; omega.
Lemma countDown1_length a i : length (countDown1 a i) = i.
induction i.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite IHi. reflexivity.
Theorem countDown_nth a b i d (boundi : i < length (countDown a b))
: nth i (countDown a b) d = a - i - 1.
unfold countDown in *.
rewrite countDown1_length in boundi.
rewrite countDown1_nth.
replace (b+(a-b)) with a by omega. reflexivity. assumption.
Theorem allLE_countDown a b : Forall (ge a) (countDown a b).
apply Forall_forall. intros.
apply In_nth with (d:=0) in H.
destruct H as (n & H & H0).
rewrite countDown_nth in H0 by assumption. omega.
You can state an helper lemma to make an even more concise proof.
Lemma Forall_nth : forall {A} (P:A->Prop) l,
(forall d i, i < length l -> P (nth i l d)) ->
Forall P l.
intros. apply Forall_forall.
intros. apply In_nth with (d:=x) in H0.
destruct H0 as (n & H0 & H1).
rewrite <- H1. apply H. assumption.
Theorem allLE_countDown a b : Forall (ge a) (countDown a b).
apply Forall_nth.
intros. rewrite countDown_nth. omega. assumption.
The issue is that, for better or for worse, induction seems to assume that its arguments are independent. The solution, then, is to let induction automatically infer l and s from Heql:
Theorem list_nth_rect {A : Type} {l s : list A} (P : list A -> list A -> nat -> Type)
(Pnil : P l nil (length l))
(Pcons : forall i s d (boundi : i < length l), P l s (S i) -> P l ((nth i l d) :: s) i)
(leqs : l = s): P l s 0.
Theorem allLE_countDown a b : allLE (countDown a b) a = true.
remember (countDown a b) as s.
remember s as l.
rewrite Heql.
induction Heql using list_nth_rect;
intros; subst; [ apply eq_refl | ].
rewrite countDown_nth; [ | apply boundi ].
pose proof (Nat.le_sub_l a (i + 1)).
rewrite Nat.sub_add_distr in H.
apply leb_correct in H.
simpl; rewrite H; clear H.
I had to change around the type of list_nth_rect a bit; I hope I haven't made it false.

Subsets of list nat in coq

I defined a recursive function for all subsets of nat_list in coq as
Fixpoint subsets (a: list nat) : (list (list nat)) :=
match a with
|[] => [[]]
|h::t => subsets t ++ map (app [h]) (subsets t)
I am trying to prove that
forall (a:list nat), In [] (subsets a).
I tried to induct on a. The base-case was straight forward. However in the induction case i tried to use the in-built theorem in_app_or.
Unable to unify "In ?M1396 ?M1394 \/ In ?M1396 ?M1395" with
"(fix In (a : list nat) (l : list (list nat)) {struct l} : Prop :=
match l with
| [] => False
| b :: m => b = a \/ In a m
[] (subsets t ++ map (fun m : list nat => h :: m) (subsets t))".
How do I prove such a theorem or get around such an issue?
The problem with in_app_or is that is has the following type:
forall (A : Type) (l m : list A) (a : A),
In a (l ++ m) -> In a l \/ In a m
and application of lemmas to the goal works "backwards": Coq matches the consequent B of the implication A -> B with the goal, and if they can be unified, you are left with a new goal: you need to prove a (stronger) statement A. And in your case the A and B are in the wrong order (swapped), so you need to apply in_or_app instead:
in_or_app : forall (A : Type) (l m : list A) (a : A),
In a l \/ In a m -> In a (l ++ m)
This is how your goal can be proved using in_or_app:
Goal forall (a:list nat), In [] (subsets a).
induction a; simpl; auto.
apply in_or_app; auto.

Coq - undocumented error on induction with eqn:

Using Coq 8.4pl3, I'm getting an error on induction with the eqn: variant that is not listed under induction in the reference manual.
(* Export below requires Software Foundations 4.0. *)
Require Export Logic.
Inductive disjoint (X : Type) (l1 l2 : list X) : Prop :=
| nil1 : l1 = [] -> disjoint X l1 l2
| nil2 : l2 = [] -> disjoint X l1 l2
| bothCons : forall x:X,
In x l1 ->
not (In x l2) ->
disjoint X l1 l2.
Fixpoint head (X : Type) (l : list X) : option X :=
match l with
| [] => None
| h :: t => Some h
Fixpoint tail (X : Type) (l : list X) : list X :=
match l with
| [] => []
| h :: t => t
Inductive NoDup (X : Type) (l : list X) : Prop :=
| ndNil : l = [] -> NoDup X l
| ndSingle : forall x:X, l = [x] -> NoDup X l
| ndCons : forall x:X, head X l = Some x ->
not (In x (tail X l)) /\ NoDup X (tail X l) ->
NoDup X l.
Theorem disjoint__app_NoDup :
forall (X : Type) (l1 l2 : list X),
disjoint X l1 l2 /\ NoDup X l1 /\ NoDup X l2 ->
NoDup X (l1 ++ l2).
intros. induction H eqn:caseEqn.
If I substitute just plain "induction H" for the last step, I get no error, but with the above eqn: argument, I get the error:
Error: a is used in conclusion.
(Previously there was a condition missing in the theorem statement, and the same error listed an identifier d instead.)
Ref manual lists "is used in conclusion" as an error from use of assert. It makes some kind of sense that behind the scenes, eqn: might be generating assertions, but I have no identifier a visible in the context, and I can't see what Coq is trying to automatically do with it.
Tried replacing beginning of the proof with
intros. remember H. induction H.
Now the attempt to do induction gives the same error as before, only with H instead of a. (When the theorem was missing the additional condition, Coq also explicitly added a d to the context, identical to the hypothesis H.)
How can I move forward here? I'm trying to avoid losing information from the context.
This is a minor bug; I've reported it. However, the thing you are trying to do here is not particularly sensible. Note that you are invoking induction on a conjunction (/\), and asking Coq to leave you an equation that says that the original hypothesis is equal to the conjunction of the two generated proofs. There are two issues here:
Your hypothesis is not used in a dependent fashion anywhere, so you don't need to remember it.
Your hypothesis is not recursive, so you could just as well do destruct H rather than induction H.
As for the error message, it becomes a bit more clear if you note that replacing /\ with * makes induction H eqn:caseEqn go through, and breaks your hypothesis apart into two parts named a and b. The actual issue is that the proof term constructed by induction H eqn:... is ill-typed when H's type is a Prop, because you cannot eliminate Props to get information. I suspect that the code simply tries to do something with the a that it creates in a particular way, and assumes that any failure to do that must be because a is used in the conclusion, rather than because the proof term it was creating was ill-formed.

How to use a custom induction principle in Coq?

I read that the induction principle for a type is just a theorem about a proposition P. So I constructed an induction principle for List based on the right (or reverse) list constructor .
Definition rcons {X:Type} (l:list X) (x:X) : list X :=
l ++ x::nil.
The induction principle itself is:
Definition true_for_nil {X:Type}(P:list X -> Prop) : Prop :=
P nil.
Definition true_for_list {X:Type} (P:list X -> Prop) : Prop :=
forall xs, P xs.
Definition preserved_by_rcons {X:Type} (P: list X -> Prop): Prop :=
forall xs' x, P xs' -> P (rcons xs' x).
Theorem list_ind_rcons:
forall {X:Type} (P:list X -> Prop),
true_for_nil P ->
preserved_by_rcons P ->
true_for_list P.
Proof. Admitted.
But now, I am having trouble using the theorem. I don't how to invoke it to achieve the same as the induction tactic.
For example, I tried:
Theorem rev_app_dist: forall {X} (l1 l2:list X), rev (l1 ++ l2) = rev l2 ++ rev l1.
Proof. intros X l1 l2.
induction l2 using list_ind_rcons.
But in the last line, I got:
Error: Cannot recognize an induction scheme.
What are the correct steps to define and apply a custom induction principle like list_ind_rcons?
If one would like to preserve the intermediate definitions, then one could use the Section mechanism, like so:
Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import ListNotations.
Definition rcons {X:Type} (l:list X) (x:X) : list X :=
l ++ [x].
Section custom_induction_principle.
Variable X : Type.
Variable P : list X -> Prop.
Hypothesis true_for_nil : P nil.
Hypothesis true_for_list : forall xs, P xs.
Hypothesis preserved_by_rcons : forall xs' x, P xs' -> P (rcons xs' x).
Fixpoint list_ind_rcons (xs : list X) : P xs. Admitted.
End custom_induction_principle.
Coq substitutes the definitions and list_ind_rcons has the needed type and induction ... using ... works:
Theorem rev_app_dist: forall {X} (l1 l2:list X),
rev (l1 ++ l2) = rev l2 ++ rev l1.
Proof. intros X l1 l2.
induction l2 using list_ind_rcons.
By the way, this induction principle is present in the standard library (List module):
Coq < Check rev_ind.
: forall (A : Type) (P : list A -> Prop),
P [] ->
(forall (x : A) (l : list A), P l -> P (l ++ [x])) ->
forall l : list A, P l
What you did was mostly correct. The problem is that Coq has some trouble recognizing that what you wrote is an induction principle, because of the intermediate definitions. This, for instance, works just fine:
Theorem list_ind_rcons:
forall {X:Type} (P:list X -> Prop),
P nil ->
(forall x l, P l -> P (rcons l x)) ->
forall l, P l.
Proof. Admitted.
Theorem rev_app_dist: forall {X} (l1 l2:list X), rev (l1 ++ l2) = rev l2 ++ rev l1.
Proof. intros X l1 l2.
induction l2 using #list_ind_rcons.
I don't know if Coq not being able to automatically unfold the intermediate definitions should be considered a bug or not, but at least there is a workaround.