In Logic chapter a tail recursive version of reverse list function is introduced. We need to prove that it works correctly:
Fixpoint rev_append {X} (l1 l2 : list X) : list X :=
match l1 with
| [] => l2
| x :: l1' => rev_append l1' (x :: l2)
(* Tail recursion rev *)
Definition tr_rev {X} (l : list X) : list X :=
rev_append l [].
But before proving it I wanted to prove a lemma:
Lemma rev_append_app: forall (X: Type) (x: X) (l : list X),
rev_append l [x] = rev_append l [] ++ [x].
intros X x l. induction l as [| h t IH].
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl.
Here I am stuck:
X : Type
x, h : X
t : list X
IH : rev_append t [x] = rev_append t [ ] ++ [x]
rev_append t [h; x] = rev_append t [h] ++ [x]
What to do next?
As you noticed during your attempted proof, when taking the induction step from rev_append l [x] to rev_append (h :: t) [x], you end up with the term rev_append t [h; x] after simplification. The induction step does not lead towards the base case of the rev_append function, but to another recursive invocation that you cannot simplify.
Notice how the induction hypothesis that you would like to apply makes a statement about rev_append t [x] for some fixed x, but in your goal, the extra h list element before it gets in the way, and the induction hypothesis is of no use.
This is what Bubbler's answer was referring to when stating that your induction hypothesis is not strong enough: it only makes a statement about the case where the second argument is a list with a single element. But even after just the induction step (one recursive application), that list already has at least two elements!
As suggested by Bubbler, the helper lemma rev_append l (l1 ++ l2) = rev_append l l1 ++ l2 is stronger and does not have this problem: when used as the induction hypothesis, it can be applied to rev_append t [h; x] as well, allowing you to prove equality with rev_append t [h] ++ [x].
When attempting to prove the helper lemma, you may get stuck (like I did) in the same way as when proving rev_append_app itself. The crucial bit of advice that helped me proceed was to be careful which of the universally quantified variables you introduce before you start the induction. If you specialize any of them too early on, you might weaken your induction hypothesis and become stuck again. You may need to change the order of these quantified variables or use the generalize dependent tactic (see the Tactics chapter of Logic Foundations).
You can see that the induction hypothesis IH is not strong enough to prove the goal. Here what you need is a more general statement to prove in the first place. You can find more exercises dedicated to this topic here. (Actually, tail-recursive reverse is one of the exercises.)
In your case, the fully generalized statement could be as follows:
Lemma rev_append_app': forall (X: Type) (l l1 l2 : list X),
rev_append l (l1 ++ l2) = rev_append l l1 ++ l2.
Proving this by induction is trivial. Then you can prove your own statement as a corollary of this one:
Corollary rev_append_app: forall (X: Type) (x: X) (l : list X),
rev_append l [x] = rev_append l [] ++ [x].
Proof. intros. apply (rev_append_app _ _ [] [x]). Qed.
use the generalize dependent tactic like this:
Lemma rev_append_app: forall (X: Type) (l l1: list X) (x : X),
rev_append l (l1 ++ [x]) = rev_append l l1 ++ [x].
generalize dependent l1.
induction l as [| h t IH].
- intros.
- intros.
apply (IH (h::l1)).
Trying to prove the following lemma I got stuck. Usully theorems about lists are proven using induction, but I don't know where to move next.
Lemma reverse_append : forall (T : Type) (h : T) (t : list T), h::t = rev(t) ++ [h] -> t = rev(t).
intros. induction t.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. simpl in H.
1 subgoal (ID 522)
T : Type
h, x : T
t : list T
H : h :: x :: t = (rev t ++ [x]) ++ [h]
IHt : h :: t = rev t ++ [h] -> t = rev t
x :: t = rev t ++ [x]
Main answer
Before you start proving your theorem, you should try to thoroughly understand what your theorem says. Your theorem is simply wrong.
Counterexample: 2 :: [1;2] = rev [1;2] ++ [2], but [1;2] is not a palindrome.
Full proof:
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Lemma reverse_append_false :
~(forall (T : Type) (h : T) (t : list T), h::t = rev(t) ++ [h] -> t = rev(t)).
Proof. intros H. specialize (H nat 2 [1;2] eq_refl). inversion H. Qed.
Minor issues
rev(t) should be just rev t. Just an aesthetic point, but probably you should get yourself more familiar to writing in functional programming style.
Usually theorems about lists are proven using induction
This is a pretty naive statement, though technically correct. There are so many ways to do induction on a value, and choosing the induction that works best is a crucial skill. To name a few:
Induction on the list
Induction on the length of the list
arises quite frequently when dealing with rev and other functions that preserve length
If simple induction doesn't work, consider a custom induction scheme
The lemma isn't true as stated. Before proving anything, you should make sure it makes sense. The hypothesis is essentially saying that h::t = rev (h::t). But why would that mean that t = rev t? If you remove an element from the start of a palindromic list, it probably won't be a palindrome anymore. For example, deified is palindrome ('deified' = rev 'deified'), but eified isn't a palindrome.
For an example in this particular situation, 1::[2; 1] = (rev [2; 1]) ++ [1], since both are [1; 2; 1]. But [2; 1] is not equal to rev [2; 1] = [1; 2].
I'm currently working through the Logical Foundations book and I'm stuck on the last part of Exercise: 4 stars, advanced (subsequence) (subseq_trans).
Here is my definition for subseq:
Inductive subseq { X : Type } : list X -> list X -> Prop :=
| s1 : forall l, subseq [] l
| s2 : forall (x : X) (l l': list X), subseq l l' -> subseq l (x :: l')
| s3 : forall (x : X) (l l' : list X), subseq l l' -> subseq (x :: l) (x :: l').
And here is my proof for subseq_trans:
Theorem subseq_trans : forall (X : Type) (l1 l2 l3 : list X),
subseq l1 l2 -> subseq l2 l3 -> subseq l1 l3.
intros X l1 l2 l3 H H'.
generalize dependent H.
generalize dependent l1.
induction H'.
{ intros l1 H. inversion H. apply s1. }
{ intros l1 H. apply s2. apply IHH'. apply H. }
{ intros l1 H. apply s2. apply IHH'. apply s2 in H. (* Unable to find an instance for the variable x. *) }
Here is the proof context before the failed apply:
1 subgoal
X : Type
x : X
l, l' : list X
H' : subseq l l'
IHH' : forall l1 : list X, subseq l1 l -> subseq l1 l'
l1 : list X
H : subseq l1 (x :: l)
subseq l1 l
I have tried explicitly instantiating x like this:
apply s2 with (x:=x) in H
But that gives me:
No such bound variable x (possible names are: x0, l0 and l'0).
Thanks in advance.
As diagnosed by #tbrk, this is a renaming done by Coq in the presence of maximal implicit arguments (see this issue). This is due to the declaration of {X : Type} in the definition of subsequence.
One solution is to use # to turn all implicit arguments to non-implicit and avoid this renaming issue. This would give:
apply #s2 with (x:=x) in H.
You may find the eapply tactic useful to see what is going on.
{ intros l1 H. apply s2. apply IHH'. eapply s2 in H.
gives subseq l1 (?1 :: x :: l), where you can instantiate the ?1 with whatever you want, but, as you can now see, applying s2 forward from that assumption doesn't advance the proof.
Another possibility is to apply s2 to x and then to the assumption H:
apply (s2 x) in H.
I also find it strange that apply s2 with (x:=x) does not work. Coq seems to be doing some renaming behind the scenes, probably to avoid confusion with the x in the proof context. The following sequence applies without error:
rename x into y. apply s2 with (x:=y) in H.
I have proved 'correctness' of the reverse function on polymorphic Lists in Coq. The following proof works just fine, but I have a few questions about how the rewrite tactic works.
Here's the code:
Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Fixpoint rev {T:Type} (l:list T) : list T :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| h :: t => rev t ++ [h]
(* Prove rev_acc equal to above naive implementation. *)
Fixpoint rev_acc {T:Type} (l acc:list T) : list T :=
match l with
| nil => acc
| h :: t => rev_acc t (h::acc)
Theorem app_assoc : forall (T:Type) (l1 l2 l3 : list T),
(l1 ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1 ++ (l2 ++ l3).
Theorem rev_acc_correct : forall (T:Type) (l k :list T),
rev l ++ k = rev_acc l k.
intros T l.
induction l as [ | h l' IHl' ].
- reflexivity.
- simpl.
intro k.
(* Why is "intro k" required for "rewrite -> app_assoc" *)
(* But "rewrite -> IHl'" works regardless of "intro k". *)
(* generalize (rev l'), [h], k. *)
rewrite -> app_assoc.
rewrite -> IHl'.
In the inductive step of the proof for rev_acc_correct if I skip intro k, then rewriting with app_assoc complains that it cannot find a matching subterm.
Found no subterm matching "(?M1058 ++ ?M1059) ++ ?M1060" in the current goal.
Here, I presume that the ? before the placeholder names denote that the terms are constrained, in this case to be of type List T for some type T; and since rev l' and [h] in the goal are instances of List T, one would expect a match in the goal.
On the other hand, rewriting with inductive hypothesis(rewrite -> IHl') instead of app_assoc goes through without needing an intro k before.
I find this behaviour of rewrite a bit confusing and the Coq manual doesn't provide any details. I don't want to have to read through the implementation but I need a good operational understanding of what the rewrite tactic does, especially with regards to how term matching works. Any answers/references in this direction are highly appreciated.
The complication with this rewrite is that there's a binder (the forall k), which can complicate things. If you just want things to work, use setoid_rewrite instead of rewrite and it will rewrite under binders.
rewrite IHl' looks like it happens under a binder, but the pattern being re-written doesn't actually involve the bound variable, so the binder isn't actually important. Here's what I mean: the goal is
forall k : list T, (rev l' ++ [h]) ++ k = rev_acc l' (h :: k)
which is the same thing as (that is, equal to):
(fun l : list T => forall k : list T, l ++ k = rev_acc l' (h :: k)) (rev l' ++ [h])
which I got using pattern (rev l' ++ [h]) in Ltac. Now it's clear that you can just rewrite the part being applied to and ignore the binder. When you do rewrite IHl' Coq easily figures out that IHl should be specialized to [h] and the rewrite proceeds.
rewrite app_assoc, on the other hand, needs to be specialized to three lists, specifically rev l', [h], and k. It can't be specialized in the current context because the variable k is only bound underneath the forall. This is why the pattern (?x ++ ?y) ++ ?z doesn't appear in the goal.
So what do you actually do? You can of course introduce k so there is no binder, but there's a simpler and more general technique: Coq has generalized rewriting that can rewrite under binders, which you can use by instead calling setoid_rewrite (see Rewriting under binders in the Coq reference manual). The manual tells you you need to declare morphisms, but the relevant ones have all been implemented for you in this case for forall, so setoid_rewrite app_assoc will just work.
Note that while you can always introduce a forall to get rid of the binder, setoid_rewrite can be really handy when your goal is an exists. Rather than using eexists you can just rewrite under the binder.
Coq, unlike many others, accepts an optional explicit parameter,which can be used to indicate the decreasing structure of a fixpoint definition.
From Gallina specification, 1.3.4,
Fixpoint ident params {struct ident0 } : type0 := term0
defines the syntax. but from it, we've known that it must be an identifier, instead of a general measure.
However, in general, there are recursive functions, that the termination is not quite obvious,or it in fact is, but just difficult for the termination checker to find a decreasing structure. For example, following program interleaves two lists,
Fixpoint interleave (A : Set) (l1 l2 : list A) : list A :=
match l1 with
| [] => []
| h :: t => h :: interleave l2 t
This function clearly terminates, while Coq just couldn't figure it out. The reason is neither l1 nor l2 are decreasing every cycle. But what if we consider a measure, defined to be length l1 + length l2? Then this measure clearly decreases every recursion.
So my question is, in the case of sophisticated situation, where code is not straightforward to be organized in a termination checkable way, how do you educate coq and convince it to accept the fixpoint definition?
You have multiple options and all of them boil down to structural recursion in the end.
From Coq Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Structural recursion
Sometimes you can reformulate your algorithm in a structurally recursive way:
Fixpoint interleave1 {A} (l1 l2 : list A) {struct l1} : list A :=
match l1, l2 with
| [], _ => l2
| _, [] => l1
| h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 => h1 :: h2 :: interleave1 t1 t2
Incidentally, in some cases you can use a trick with nested fixes -- see this definition of Ackermann function (it wouldn't work with just Fixpoint).
Program Fixpoint
You can use Program Fixpoint mechanism which lets you write your program naturally and later prove that it always terminates.
From Coq Require Import Program Arith.
Program Fixpoint interleave2 {A} (l1 l2 : list A)
{measure (length l1 + length l2)} : list A :=
match l1 with
| [] => l2
| h :: t => h :: interleave2 l2 t
Next Obligation. simpl; rewrite Nat.add_comm; trivial with arith. Qed.
Another option is to use the Function command which can be somewhat limited compared to Program Fixpoint. You can find out more about their differences here.
From Coq Require Recdef.
Definition sum_len {A} (ls : (list A * list A)) : nat :=
length (fst ls) + length (snd ls).
Function interleave3 {A} (ls : (list A * list A))
{measure sum_len ls} : list A :=
match ls with
| ([], _) => []
| (h :: t, l2) => h :: interleave3 (l2, t)
intros A ls l1 l2 h t -> ->; unfold sum_len; simpl; rewrite Nat.add_comm; trivial with arith.
Equations plugin
This is an external plugin which addresses many issues with defining functions in Coq, including dependent types and termination.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Equations interleave4 {A} (l1 l2 : list A) : list A :=
interleave4 l1 l2 by rec (length l1 + length l2) lt :=
interleave4 nil l2 := l2;
interleave4 (cons h t) l2 := cons h (interleave4 l2 t).
Next Obligation. rewrite Nat.add_comm; trivial with arith. Qed.
The code above works if you apply this fix.
Fix / Fix_F_2 combinators
You can learn more about this (manual) approach if you follow the links from this question about mergeSort function. By the way, the mergeSort function can be defined without using Fix if you apply the nested fix trick I mentioned earlier. Here is a solution which uses Fix_F_2 combinator since we have two arguments and not one like mergeSort:
Definition ordering {A} (l1 l2 : list A * list A) : Prop :=
length (fst l1) + length (snd l1) < length (fst l2) + length (snd l2).
Lemma ordering_wf' {A} : forall (m : nat) (p : list A * list A),
length (fst p) + length (snd p) <= m -> Acc (#ordering A) p.
unfold ordering; induction m; intros p H; constructor; intros p'.
- apply Nat.le_0_r, Nat.eq_add_0 in H as [-> ->].
intros contra%Nat.nlt_0_r; contradiction.
- intros H'; eapply IHm, Nat.lt_succ_r, Nat.lt_le_trans; eauto.
Lemma ordering_wf {A} : well_founded (#ordering A).
Proof. now red; intro ; eapply ordering_wf'. Defined.
(* it's in the stdlib but unfortunately opaque -- this blocks evaluation *)
Lemma destruct_list {A} (l : list A) :
{ x:A & {tl:list A | l = x::tl} } + { l = [] }.
induction l as [|h tl]; [right | left]; trivial.
exists h, tl; reflexivity.
Definition interleave5 {A} (xs ys : list A) : list A.
refine (Fix_F_2 (fun _ _ => list A)
(fun (l1 l2 : list A)
(interleave : (forall l1' l2', ordering (l1', l2') (l1, l2) -> list A)) =>
match destruct_list l1 with
| inright _ => l2
| inleft pf => let '(existT _ h (exist _ tl eq)) := pf in
h :: interleave l2 tl _
end) (ordering_wf (xs,ys))).
Proof. unfold ordering; rewrite eq, Nat.add_comm; auto.
Evaluation tests
Check eq_refl : interleave1 [1;2;3] [4;5;6] = [1;4;2;5;3;6].
Check eq_refl : interleave2 [1;2;3] [4;5;6] = [1;4;2;5;3;6].
Check eq_refl : interleave3 ([1;2;3], [4;5;6]) = [1;4;2;5;3;6].
Fail Check eq_refl : interleave4 [1;2;3] [4;5;6] = [1;4;2;5;3;6]. (* Equations plugin *)
Check eq_refl : interleave5 [1;2;3] [4;5;6] = [1;4;2;5;3;6].
Exercise: what happens with this last check if you comment out destruct_list lemma?
You can use something called a measure instead of a structural argument for termination. For this, I believe you have to use the Program Fixpoint mechanism, which is a little involved and will make your proofs look uglier (because it generates a structural recursion out of the proof that you provide, so that the function you will actually use is not quite the function you wrote).
Details here:
It also seems like something called Equations can deal with measures?
From what I understand, function calls in Coq are opaque.
Sometimes, I need to use unfold to apply it and then fold to turn the function definition/body back to its name. This is often tedious. My question is, is there an easier way to let apply a specific instance of a function call?
As a minimal example, for a list l, to prove right-appending [] does not change l:
Theorem nil_right_app: forall {Y} (l: list Y), l ++ [] = l.
induction l.
This leaves:
1 subgoals
Y : Type
x : Y
l : list Y
IHl : l ++ [] = l
(x :: l) ++ [] = x :: l
Now, I need to apply the definition of ++ (i.e. app) once (pretending there are other ++ in the goal which I don't want to apply/expand). Currently, the only way I know to implement this one time application is to first unfold ++ and then fold it:
unfold app at 1. fold (app l []).
x :: l ++ [] = x :: l
But this is inconvenient as I have to figure out the form of the term to use in fold. I did the computation, not Coq. My question boils down to:
Is there a simpler way to implement this one-time function application to the same effect?
You can use simpl, compute or vm_compute if you want to ask Coq to perform some computation for you. If the definition of the function is Opaque, the above solution will fail, but you could first prove a rewriting lemma such as:
forall (A:Type) (a:A) (l1 l2: list A), (a :: l1) ++ l2 = a :: (l1 ++ l2).
using your technique, and then rewrite with it when necessary.
Here is an example using simpl:
Theorem nil_right_app: forall {Y} (l: list Y), l ++ nil = l.
(* solve the first case directly *)
intros Y; induction l as [ | hd tl hi]; [reflexivity | ].
simpl app. (* or simply "simpl." *)
rewrite hi.
To answer your comment, I don't know how to tell cbv or compute to only compute a certain symbol. Note that in your case, they seem to compute too eagerly and simpl works better.