I am trying to delete the entire kubernetes that created for my CI/CD pipeline R&D. So for deleting the cluster and everything I run the following command,
kubectl config delete-cluster <cluster-name>
kubectl config delete-context <Cluster-context>
For making sure that the clustee is deleted, I build the jenkins pipeline job again. So I found that it is deploying with updated changes.
When I run the command "kubectl config view", I found the following result,
docker#mildevdcr01:~$ kubectl config view
apiVersion: v1
clusters: []
contexts: []
current-context: kubernetes-admin#cluster.local
kind: Config
preferences: {}
users: []
Still my Spring Boot micro service is deploying in cluster with updated changes.
I created the Kubernetes cluster using kubespray tool that I got reference from Github:
What do I need to do for the deletion of everything that I created for this Kubernetes cluster? I need to remove everything including master node.
If you setup your cluster using Kubespray, you ran whole installation using ansible, so to delete cluster you have to use it too.
But you can also reset the entire cluster for fresh installation:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.ini reset.yml
Remember to keep the “hosts.ini” updated properly.
You can remove node by node from your cluster simply adding specific node do section [kube-node] in inventory/mycluster/hosts.ini file (your hosts file) and run command:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.ini remove-node.yml
KubeSpray documentation: kubespray.
Useful articles: kubespray-steps, kubespray-ansible.
Okay so for a kubespray CI/CD pipeline it's a little more complicated then just deleting the cluster context. You have to actively delete other items on each node and perform a reset.yml for ETCD.
Sometimes just running the reset.yml is enough for your pipeline so it resets the cluster back to the initial state but if this is not enough then you have to delete docker, kubelet, repositories, /etc/kubernetes and many other directories on the nodes to get a clean deployment. In this case it's almost always easier to just provision new nodes in your pipeline using terraform and vsphere(vra) API.
We setup a rancher cluster with 3 nodes for testing and I would like to apply for k8s conformance using this rancher cluster. However, while running sonobuoy it returns error
ERRO[0000] could not create sonobuoy client: failed to get rest config: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided
It seems like Rancher does not have any kubernates binaries built-in (Kubectl, kubeadm etc). May I know if it is possible to be k8s conformance on a rancher cluster?
You should have kubeernetes cluster kubeconfig localy where you are running sonobuoy.
from Rancher documentation: How to Manage Kubernetes With Kubectl:
When you create a Kubernetes cluster with RKE, RKE creates a
kube_config_rancher-cluster.yml file in the local directory that
contains credentials to connect to your new cluster with tools like
You can copy this file to $HOME/.kube/config or, if you are working
with multiple Kubernetes clusters
Rancher-Managed Kubernetes Clusters:
Within Rancher, you can download a kubeconfig file through the web UI
and use it to connect to your Kubernetes environment with kubectl.
From the Rancher UI, click on the cluster you would like to connect to
via kubectl. On the top right-hand side of the page, click the
Kubeconfig File button: Click on the button for a detailed look at
your config file as well as directions to place in ~/.kube/config.
Upon copying your configuration to ~/.kube/config, you will be able to
run kubectl commands without having to specify the –-kube-config file
Check First launch with sonobuoy requests for a configuration - maybe it will be useful for you.
Also, look here - just for you: Conformance tests for Rancher 2.x Kubernetes
Run Conformance Test
Once you Rancher Kubernetes cluster is active, Fetch it's kubeconfig.yml file and save it locally.
Download a sonobuoy binary release of the CLI, or build it yourself by running:
$ go get -u -v github.com/heptio/sonobuoy
Configure your kubeconfig file by running:
$ export KUBECONFIG="/path/to/your/cluster/kubeconfig.yml"
Run sonobuoy:
$ sonobuoy run
Watch the logs:
$ sonobuoy logs
Check the status:
$ sonobuoy status
Once the status commands shows the run as completed, you can download the results tar.gz file:
$ sonobuoy retrieve
This is my very first post here and looking for some advise please.
I am learning Kubernetes and trying to get cloud code extension to deploy Kubernetes manifests on non-GKE cluster. Guestbook app can be deployed using cloud code extension to local K8 cluster(such as MiniKube or Docker-for-Desktop).
I have two other K8 clusters as below and I cannot deploy manifests via cloud code. I am not entirely sure if this is supposed to work or not as I couldn't find any docs or posts on this. Once the GCP free trial is finished, I would want to deploy my test apps on our local onprem K8 clusters via cloud code.
3 node cluster running on CentOS VMs(built using kubeadm)
6 node cluster on GCP running on Ubuntu machines(free trial and built using Hightower way)
Skaffold is installed locally on MAC and my local $HOME/.kube/config has contexts and users set to access all 3 clusters.
guestbook-1 kubectl config get-contexts
docker-desktop docker-desktop docker-desktop
* kubernetes-admin#kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes-admin
kubernetes-the-hard-way kubernetes-the-hard-way admin
Running: skaffold dev -v info --port-forward --rpc-http-port 57337 --filename /Users/testuser/Desktop/Cloud-Code-Builds/guestbook-1/skaffold.yaml -p cloudbuild --default-repo gcr.io/gcptrial-project
starting gRPC server on port 50051
starting gRPC HTTP server on port 57337
Skaffold &{Version:v1.19.0 ConfigVersion:skaffold/v2beta11 GitVersion: GitCommit:63949e28f40deed44c8f3c793b332191f2ef94e4 GitTreeState:dirty BuildDate:2021-01-28T17:29:26Z GoVersion:go1.14.2 Compiler:gc Platform:darwin/amd64}
applying profile: cloudbuild
no values found in profile for field TagPolicy, using original config values
Using kubectl context: kubernetes-admin#kubernetes
Loaded Skaffold defaults from \"/Users/testuser/.skaffold/config\"
Listing files to watch...
- python-guestbook-backend
watching files for artifact "python-guestbook-backend": listing files: unable to evaluate build args: reading dockerfile: open /Users/adminuser/Desktop/Cloud-Code-Builds/src/backend/Dockerfile: no such file or directory
Exited with code 1.
skaffold config file skaffold.yaml not found - check your current working directory, or try running `skaffold init`
I have the docker and skaffold file in the path as shown in the image and have authenticated the google SDK in vscode. Any help please ?!
I was able to get this working in the end. What helped in this particular case was removing skaffold.yaml, then skaffold init, generated new skaffold.yaml. And, Cloud Code was then able deploy pods on both remote clusters. Thanks for all your help.
Upgrade Kube-aws v1.15.5 cluster to the next version 1.16.8.
Use Case:
I want to keep the Same node label for Master and Worker nodes as I'm using in v1.15 .
When I tried to upgrade the cluster to V1.16 the --node-labels is restricted to use 'node-role'
If I keep the node role as "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" the kubelet fails to start after upgrade. if I remove the label, kubectl get node output shows none for the upgraded node.
How do I reproduce?
Before the upgrade I took a backup of 'cp /etc/sysconfig/kubelet /etc/sysconfig/kubelet-bkup' have removed "-role" from it and once the upgrade is completed, I have moved the kubelet sysconfig by replacing the edited file 'mv /etc/sysconfig/kubelet-bkup /etc/sysconfig/kubelet'. Now I could able to see the Noderole as Master/Worker even after kubelet service restart.
The Problem I'm facing now?
Though I perform the upgrade on the existing cluster successfully. The cluster is running in AWS as Kube-aws model. So, the ASG would spin up a new node whenever Cluster-Autoscaler triggers it.
But, the new node fails to join to the cluster since the node label "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" exists in the code base.
How can I add the node-role dynamically in the ASG scale-in process?. Any solution would be appreciated.
(Kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl )- v1.16.8
I have sorted out the issue. I have created a Python code that watches the node events. So whenever ASG spins up a new node, after it joins to the cluster, the node wil be having a role "" , later the python code will add a appropriate label to the node dynamically.
Also, I have created a docker image with the base of python script I created for node-label and it will run as a pod. The pod will be deployed into the cluster and it does the job of labelling the new nodes.
Ref my solution given in GitHub
I have created as a docker image and it is publicly available
The requirement is, for each new build for QA should create a new kubernetes cluster (new enviroment altogether) and then it should be destroyed after QA is completed.
So it is not a federated setup.
I am using kops in AWS to create cluster.
Do I need to create another 'bootstrap' instance for creating new cluster? The guess is I can change the name of cluster in command and it will create a new cluster. Like kops create cluster --zones=<zones> <some-other-name>.
So question is what does kubectl get all return - consolidated objects?
When I do kubectl apply -f ., how doest kubectl know which cluster to apply to?
How do I specify cluster name while installing things like helm?
You should be setting the context on your cluster something like this, once this is set then all your kubectl commands will be run in the context of that cluster.
kubectl config use-context my-cluster-name
Refer this link for more details
Is there any way for me to replicate the behavior I get on cloud.docker where a service can be redeployed either manually with the latest image or automatically when the repository image is updated?
Right now I'm doing something like this manually in a shell script with my controller and service files:
kubectl delete -f ./ticketing-controller.yaml || true
kubectl delete -f ./ticketing-service.yaml || true
kubectl create -f ./ticketing-controller.yaml
kubectl create -f ./ticketing-service.yaml
Even that seems a bit heavy handed, but works fine. I'm really missing the autoredeploy feature I have on cloud.docker.
Deleting the controller yaml file itself won't delete the actual controller in kubernetes unless you have a special configuration to do so. If you have more than 1 instance running, deleting the controller probably isn't what you would want because it would delete all the instances of your running application. What you really want to do is perform a rolling update of your application that incrementally replaces containers running the old image with containers running the new one.
You can do this manually by:
For a Deployment controller update the yaml file image and execute kubectl apply.
For a ReplicationController update the yaml file and execute kubectl rollingupdate. See: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/rolling-updates/
With v1.3 you will be able to use kubectl set image
Alternatively you could use a PaaS to automatically push the image when it is updated in the repo. Here is an incomplete list of a few Paas options:
Red Hat OpenShift
Deis Workflow
According to Kubernetes documentation:
Let’s say you were running version 1.7.9 of nginx:
$ kubectl run my-nginx --image=nginx:1.7.9 --replicas=3
deployment "my-nginx" created
To update to version 1.9.1, simply change
.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image from nginx:1.7.9 to
nginx:1.9.1, with the kubectl commands.
$ kubectl edit deployment/my-nginx
That’s it! The Deployment will declaratively update the deployed nginx
application progressively behind the scene. It ensures that only a
certain number of old replicas may be down while they are being
updated, and only a certain number of new replicas may be created
above the desired number of pods.