SDTT error for FAQ: "The property interactionType is not recognized by Google for an object of type CreativeWork." -

I am adding a FAQ markup in my WordPress post and got an error message when testing it with Google Structured Data Testing Tool:
The property interactionType is not recognized by Google for an object of type CreativeWork.
How do I solve this?
I expect the result to return #type FAQ.


Is this an error in the Google Actions documentation at the Runtime type overrides part?

I am struggeling to get a response with an override from my own API.
And please correct me if the title within the documentation is wrong.
I am talking about this part of the documentation.
It is about the "Runtime type overrides".
There you can choose between showing the code for NODE.JS or Request JSON.
But should it not be "Response JSON" ?
You were correct. The docs have been updated and this issue is fixed. Hopefully the docs are clearer now.

Fix "The attribute publisher.itemtype has an invalid value" when author is publisher

How to fix "The attribute publisher.itemtype has an invalid value" when author is also publisher?
Generaly I have an client who want hi-rate SEO website and he writte, print, sell and publish own books. Google not approve my setup and return me error in Schema.
Here is example of my problem
I place publisher like "John Di Lemme Development Group". I do this via HTML codes, not use JSON LD for this.
Puplisher must be Person or Organision.
Here is a article sample incl author & publisher with in HTML body without JSON LD.
I hope this helps
The error is informing you that the itemtype you provided for the publisher property is invalid. Whilst does support the type Person for the publisher property of Article, Google does not. Google only supports Organization (not Person), as the type for the publisher property, as mentioned in the Articles Structured Data page on Google Developers.
Thanks to all but I find solution. Generaly I register company on Google Business Listing and after that place publisher and accept it. It's work well. Thanks!
If you've set up an Author schema, it will require either Person or Organization schemas in there. I don't know whether you're using JSON LD schemas or HTML ones. Please elaborate so I can help you out.
Publisher attribute accepts a full object in JSON LD format with Organization type. Take the full object notation and pass as value. Be sure to pass the full ImageObject object notation to the logo field of Organization as well.

Getting comments of Facebook social plugin in website

I've been trying to take all comments from a forum of a website using the facebook-social-plugin and I don't get the philosophy of how to do it.
Using the Graph API Explorer, I tried:
but the error is: "message": "(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (comment) on node type (OpenGraphObject)",
then I tried by using:
?fields=og_object{comment}&id=220640118006433 (where the 'id' is the plugin id)
but the error is:
"message": "(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (og_object) on node type (Application)",
I think I'm missing a concept here, all lights to light the road are welcomed!
I've been working on the same problem.
In your case, I looked at the code source html where the Facebook pluging puts the comments and I found the id, if you put this in the api, it works:
But I have no clue on how to get this id from the original url where the plugin put the comments which I believe you are trying to do.

Facebook's FacebookApiException class's error codes?

Where can I find a list of all the error codes for Facebook's FacebookApiException class? I found 2 such lists, both of which are outdated: and
From debugging my own script, I found out that error #2500 is "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user." and error #3501 is "User is already associated to the article object on a unique action type Read." Neither error codes are in the links posted above.
This might help you. Most probably Login related error.

Getting REQUEST_DENIED when calling Google's Autocomplete from a Browser

I have signed up for Google Places Autocomplete API and created a new key by going to following url.
I am using the generated key to do some testing on my browser. I am entering following url to search for City names starting with "San".
I keep getting "REQUEST_DENIED" error message. Is there anything I am missing? I can see my usage counter going up every time I try to test this using a browser, but I keep getting REQUEST_DENIED message back. As per the google documentation it says this message is related to "Sensor" parameter. I tried setting this parameter to True/False but get the same results. Please help!