Tab autocomplete in Visual Studio Code doesn't work - visual-studio-code

I am trying to enable tab auto-completion with pressing "Tab" button but it doesn't work for me and it always works as Tab character when it is supposed to work as autocomplete. Which setting or shortcut should I enable or disable to have this feature?
With pressing "Tab", I will get this;
PS: Pressing "Enter" works fine and accepts the suggestion and I can disable it by setting the following setting to off.

Try changing tab completion setting to On:
Editor › tab Completion
"editor.tabCompletion": "on"
Also for HTML/Javascript you could make emmet setting to true
"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true

there may be keyboard shortcut conflicts in vs code. you should check keyboard shortcuts for tab, especially keyboard shortcuts come from extensions. if there is, you should remove it. then it will work.

Open Visual Study Code Setting.
Enable Tab Completion

For HTML doing both the steps listed by Vinoth on Sep 08, 2019 worked for me:
"editor.tabCompletion": "on"
"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true

Control + P -> Terminal:Focus Terminal TabsView ->Click ().
Or Ctrl + shift + \

Open Visual Study Code Setting.
Go to edit in settings.json.
Add the below code:-
"emmet.includeLanguages": {"javascript": "javascriptreact"},
Now have a fun 😄

In my situation, I was working in a remote environment and my user settings weren't being applied to it (obviously).
This may be helpful to anyone who stumbles upon this question but the accepted answer doesn't work.
Just select your environment and then change the settings there.


VS Code, does not accept suggest on tab

I am currently working on VS Code with GitHub Copilot.
But when I have a suggestion:
And I press "Tab" to accept the suggestion, Vs Code adds a tab in the code:
Someone know how to resolve this ?
In fact VS Code has a prioritization for the same shortcuts.
A custom shortcut is more prioritized than a default shortcut.
If you have a shortcut for your tab key in your VS Code, that can disorganize the prioritization of the default shortcut.
I don't find a solution to give a prioritization for a shortcut, so I set the default for all shortcuts using the tab key:
Note: is important to click on "Reset keybinding" to take the default prioritization.
Other solution
It's probably possible that VS Code gives a prioritization with the date of the last update of your shortcut. But I don't try this solution because you need to update all the shortcuts and we have several shortcuts for tab key.

Very disturbing pop up in Visual Studio Code

I don't know why, but since yesterday I have this kind of pop-up that follows my cursor when I write my code, it's SO disturbing! Does anyone know how to turn this stuff off? I had to accidentally activate it with a keyboard shortcut but no idea which one.
Open your settings, search for editor.parameterHints.enabled and untick the setting. Alternatively, in settings.json, add "editor.parameterHints.enabled": false (or set the key to false if it exists already).
You can still bring up the hints on demand using Ctrl+Shift+Space.

Disable the "refactor preview" confirmation tab

A few weeks ago, refactoring code using F2 worked without any confirmation. Since a few days, however, using F2 opens up a "Refactor preview" tab in the bottom panel.
The refactoring will not be done until I manually check what I want to refactor, and click the checkmark at the top right.
I cannot find anything online or in the vscode settings. Can this be disabled so that the refactoring automatically proceeds like it used to?
Are you accidentally pressing Shift + Enter after renaming?
This behavior should only happen after you press F2, change the name of the item, and then press Shift + Enter. Pressing only enter should automatically perform the rename without the refactor preview tab opening. The rename box states this:
In case its not clear, here is a video that illustrates this.
Note: This solution is only for c/c++ case. The reason is that C/C++ extension is doing bad in analyzing the code and relies on user to determine which ones to rename, then the preview panel is poped up for this.
Try disable Editor > Rename: Enable Preview in settings, and then restart vscode.
If the problem still exists, try replace C/C++ extension's intellisense with clangd:
Install clangd extension in vscode;
Disable C/C++ extension's intellisense by adding this to settings.json:
"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "Disabled"
Then vscode will adopt clangd's intellisense, which renames without a preview.
Uninstalling C/C++ extension is NOT recommended because intergrated gdb will be lost, but you can try lldb as a substitude:
Install CodeLLDB extension in vscode;
Configure cmake's default debug type to lldb in settings.json:
"cmake.debugConfig": {
"type": "lldb"

Tab key is not working in visual studio code

Tab key is not working for abbreviation in visual studio code.I have tried lot.How can I fix the problem?I am frustrated.Thinking of using Bracket instead of visual studio code.
In my case
Using (Ctrl + M) return Tab button to its normal working status.
I think you may be asking about this setting:
// Insert snippets when their prefix matches. Works best when
'quickSuggestions' aren't enabled.
"editor.tabCompletion": true,
That is set to false by default, change it to true.
Don't change any keyboard shortcut or something else. You should change the language mod right bottom on the editor. It was selected javascript by default. You should change with Javascript React after that this changes all emmets suggestions is working.
For Visual Studio code version 1.33, go to File > Preferences > Settings Search for tabcompletion and by default it is off, select on, that is it, you are done.
Pressing Ctrl+M did not disable the mode for me, however the right side of the bar along the bottom of vs-code shows Tab Moves Focus as enabled, which you can click to disable.

How to disable VS Code minimap in Windowed mode?

I did the following in Visual Studio Code:
settings.json => "editor.minimap.enabled": true
Open 2ed files side by side (windowed mode)
Minimap exists in both windows
This takes up too much room, but I still want to use the Minimap when I'm editing a single file in a single window. Is there a way to have the Minimap enabled for a single file, but disabled in side-by-side "Windowed" mode?
Toggle minimap command has been added since vscode 1.16. Hit command + shift + p and select View: Toggle Minimap.
There is no way to do this in VS Code. Currently there is only the "editor.minimap.enabled": false setting which can be true or false and either always enables the minimap or always disables it.
Unfortunately, as shown in this issue, there is also no "toggleMinimap" command to assign to keybindings.
You might find this extension useful, though, as it can be used to create a toggle minimap command:
"settings.cycle": [
"setting": "editor.minimap.enabled"
"key": "ctrl+shift+t",
"command": "settings.cycle.workbench.colorTheme",
"when": ""
Simplest way is go to:
View -> Toggle Minimap
In newer versions:
View -> Show Minimap
To remove/disable/hide VS Code Minimap,
Go to the View tab and uncheck this: View > Show Minimap
1) Go to File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts
2) type in "View: minimap"
3) right click and add a key binding.
I like to use ctrl+m ("m" for minimap)
If there are existing key bindings, you can use another one, or click the existing one(s) listed, then right click them and remove the binding before repeating steps 2 and 3 above.
New option available,
View-> Show minimap (uncheck)
In Visual Studio Code Version 1.41.1. Go to
Files >> Preferences >> Settings
Text Editor >> Minimap >> Uncheck Enabled checkbox
I didnt find "minimap", instead I found:
[Options]>>[Text Editor]>>[All Languages]>>[Scroll Bars]>>Behavior>>"Use map mode for vertical scroll bar"
I am not able to embed image yet, check link