Paypal payment integration available in India - paypal

I am integrating Payment gateway to my Php based website
As I am from India****(non U.S.) so, for that I am trying to integrate payment from Paypal ,but do I need to integrate with brainTree payments ,
Is Paypal payment integration there for Indian product accepting
foreign clients payments

PayPal and braintree available in india, you can implement in your app or website,
difference is PayPal will redirect to PayPal page during payment and braintree not

If you have Indian PayPal business account and want to receive from cross border customer and site is PHP based which i assume is a custom website. Integrate PayPal Express Checkout server side / API method of Integration. Make sure that you pass respective currency codes for eg: Pass INR for your Indian Customers and crossborder currency like USD and equivlent amount to PayPal from your checkout page.


Receive payments with Paypal for my Web app

I have a web app on which users can sign up and sell their products.
I want to integrate paypal such that the sellers in my Web app would receive money in their paypal account when buyers choose the option to pay with paypal button.
I want the integration flow to be like what calendly has.
I want the sellers to integrate paypal using OAUTH 2.0.
How can I implement this ?
Do a normal PayPal Checkout integration, and in the request's purchase_units specify a payee object with details on what account is to receive the payment.
This is documented in Send funds to another account.

Paypal / Braintree, how to split a payment for European merchants?

I'm developing a mobile app and a website that allow the user to pay for a good. I need to split the payment in two parts, one to the seller and one to the market owner.
I thought of using Braintree for allow the user to choose to pay with credit card or paypal, but I know that the Braintree Marketplace is available only for merchants in the United States as writed here:
So I have read that I can use the Paypal Adaptive Payment for split a payment, but I know that Adaptive Payments is now a limited release product. It is restricted to select partners for approved use cases and should not be used for new integrations without guidance from PayPal. It's writed here:
Then I thought of using Braintree sdk for let the user to pay the entire payment to the market owner account, and then using Paypal Payouts api for send a part of the payment to the seller's paypal account. But in this way I will pay the fees two time. It's right?
So, what is the best way for European merchants to split a payment using Braintree / Paypal?

How can I verify credit card without using any payment gateway?

I have a shopping site. According to requirements, I need to give two options--PayPal payment (if user has PayPal account) and debit/credit card payment. Even if PayPal allows payment for users who don't have a PayPal account, I don't want them to do payments through PayPal. Instead, is there any direct payment for Visa/MasterCard?
PayPal Payments + Direct Credit Card Acceptance is available as part of the new REST APIs as well as the Express Checkout APIs.
Please use any of these products (suggest REST API).

shopify does not supprt paypal website payment standard

I have a basic account with shopify and shopify is allowing me to choose from following paypal solutions
PayPal Website Payments Pro (UK)
PayPal Website Payments Pro (CA)
PayPal Payments Pro (US)
PayPal Payflow Link
PayPal Express Checkout
Is there a particular reason why shopify does not support "paypal website payment standard" ?
I am building an e-commerce solution for a client and am suggesting client to use "paypal website payment standard". Is this a not a favored solution for any reason?
The integration options for PayPal standard aren't as robust as the other PayPal integrations so Shopify does not support it. Any of the options that standard provided should be covered by the other paypal products; you should be able to get the same functionality.
Is there something in particular from PayPal standard that the client needs that the other services don't provide?
It is not about the functionality. It's about the monthly costs that is tied to other paypal plans. Paypal standard does not require any monthly fees. That's the difference and that is why we hope to actually use it on the website.

Paypal Express Checkout Subscription using Credit Card Payment

Is it possible to set up a subscription via Paypal api Express Checkout, so you can pay via Credit card and Paypal login. The Paypal login works no problem, but I can not get it to work with credit cards at the moment.
I have set the NVP SOLUTIONTYPE = Sole
I know you can set up a paypal subscription button, but the client want to sell a product (single payment or instalments) and add a subscription if user wants to sign up.
Many thanks for any help.
For anyone else who has this problem I got this response back from Paypal:
With subscriptions and Express Checkout, they will be PayPal only. Any time you specify a billing type in your SetExpressCheckout call, it turns it into a PayPal only transaction. The only way you would be able to set up a recurring payment via credit card (without a button) is to use the Website Payments Pro and Pro Recurring Payments. Website Payments Pro would allow the customer to enter their credit card directly on the website for one-time payments and also you can set it up to accept the credit card information for recurring payments. You wouldn't be able to turn that one-time payment into a recurring payment at a later time but if you wanted to set them both up at the start that's certainly possible. Also, you would be able to use reference transactions with your Pro payments as well.
Here is a link to the paypal manual for Paypal Pro.
Be warned, with Paypal Pro you can not accept American Express cards, if your paypal account is not American - which sadly is what I'm trying to do :(
No, this is not possible with Express Checkout Recurring Payments.
You must purchase Direct Payment Recurring Payments (an addon to Website Payments Pro) in order to set up profiles direct via credit card.
Note that Direct Payment Recurring Payments is only available in the US, UK and Canada at the moment.
This is not possible to make direct payment with Express Checkout,for this you have got create and account on paypal and please set only two options to working credit/debit card with Express Checkout.
solutiontype = Sole
landingpage = billing