How to open a ansible include_task file in a role using vscode? - visual-studio-code

In our ansible role ,there is a main file which calls tasks from multiple files.
One of the sample task is given below
- name: Delete folder
include_tasks: folder_delete.yml
folder: "{{folder_name}}"
If i need to go to the file folder_delete.yml thne currently i am copying the file name folder_delete then use Ctrl+p then in it i am copying and open the file.
In other languages , If we click on function and click f12 ,it will go to definition. Like that in ansible extension ,is there any way to go to the file by using some shortcut? I am opening files many times, a shortcut will be a great help
Or is there a way to write that in some macro ?

I found an answer by myself but recording it for future user.
I used the Openfileatcursor extension . I select the file and type alt+d then it shows it in quick open. From there i am able to open it. This helps me a lot.
Also another extension named Openfile . This is even more useful, I have to select the file name and type Alt+p it will open the file


File selected in WindowsExplorer with Preview Pane locks the file so powershell cannot output to that file

I have a scheduled script that outputs bunch of HTML files with static names to a remote location. I noticed, that if I have one of those files selected in Windows Explorer so that its contents are shown in Preview Pane, then Powershell cannot overwrite that file and skips updating it.
This only happens if output files are in remote location. Works just fine if files are local.
How do I force PowerShell to overwrite remote files in this situation? Lots of users work with those reports and if one of them leaves Windows Explorer window with one of those files highlighted overnight when the script runs, the file is not going to be updated.
Move HTML files to webserver. You will solve your problem entirely. IIS Setup on windows server is Next, Next, Next. You can leave link to a new file location (https://....) in old place, so users can easily navigate to a new place. Possibly this link can be automated (not sure because of modern security standards)
Try [System.IO.File]::Delete($path) just before writing this file. This removes file entry from filesystem, but leaves file open for those who have it open for now. This makes your script to write to a new file with the same name. Old file exists without name (deleted) but leaves open until everyone close it. Check it actually deleted with resresh!
Try [System.IO.File]::Move($path, $someTrashFullName) just before writing this file. $someTrashFullName probably must be on same drive. Same as Delete, but renames file. Some self-updating software use this strategy. File is renamed, but it's still kept open under new name.
Try replace file with shortcut to some file. You can generate files with different names and change shortcut programmatically
HTML files that change location using js ? They read nearby JSON (generated by export script) and lookup there for a new filename. So user opens static unchanged A.html, JS inside lookups at A.json for new name and redirects user to A-2020-08-11.html. I'm not sure browsers allow reading JSON files from JS for files that opened from network drive.
Only way left is to stop network share or\and close open files server-side.
Maybe some fun with to disable preview in this folder \ completely?
Try with -Force. But to me, it seems to be more a permission issue.
Remove-Item -Path '\\server\share\file' -Force

How to rename files in VS Code in bulk?

Is there a way to search for ALL .txt files in a project and automatically replace/rename them to .js?
E.g user.txt to user.js
It seems I can't search for a file format in VS Code.
If you know how, please share!
You could just do it in the terminal.
mv *.txt *.js
You can use a combination of:
Filtering the EXPLORER panel to just show .txt files
See "Filtering the document tree" section of the VS Code docs
See related Stack Overflow post: "Filter files shown in Visual Studio Code"
Installing and using the Batch Rename extension
For example, given these files/folders:
Start by clicking on the EXPLORER panel and filtering to just display .txt files
Select/highlight all the files, then right-click on any selected file, then select "Batch Rename"
That would open a text file ".Batch Rename.txt" with all the selected files
Do a regular find-and-replace to change .txt to .js
Note that the ".Batch Rename.txt" is unsaved. It's like a preview of what the changes would look like
Save ".Batch Rename.txt" and it will automatically close
The EXPLORER panel should now be empty since it's filtered on .txt
Remove the filter and the files should now be renamed
You can use find to do this in a terminal recursively.
find . -iname "*.txt" -exec rename .txt .js '{}' \;
refer Find multiple files and rename them in Linux
mv works if you want to just do it in a folder itself.
Old question, I know, but for you or anyone else coming in, if you're okay with using a non-VS Code solution, there's a GUI Windows tool called RegexRenamer that is so well-named, you already know what it does.
It gives you a preview of what the renamed files will look like, and has options to rename everything in subfolders or only the current folder, ignore/include file extensions in the search, and apply the rename only to folders/files or both.
What do you think?

vscode: Where stores the session data (restored opened files)? Is that possible to use relative path?

If I use vscode to open a directory and then opened some files and quit, vscode will reopen all the files at the next time when it launches.
But there is a problem. It seems vscode is not using relative path for storing this info and does not store this info inside the project directory. So if I move the directory or rename it, and then open the directory again, for example code projectNewName/, my previous session (opened files/opened editors) are lost. I have no idea where this session data stores and if it is possible to configure it to store relative path and save the session file inside the project directory, for example, project/.vscode or project/.vscode/session. If the opened editors session is stored inside a project directory, it will be restored regardless where the directory is and what the directory name is.
TL;DR: currently, configuration of this path is not supported.
VSCode stores the states for all the workspaces, in its global config folder under /Code/User/workspaceStorage/. See the path to the settings.json in this help paragraph for your OS and then just replace the end of the path. For Windows, for example, the settings path is %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json, so the state storage is
In this directory, there are many subdirectories with some hex names. Please, refer to my another answer for a python script to browse it. Each folder contains a workspace.json with mostly data only referring to the path of the workspace. There are also state.vscdb files in these directories. These are sqlite databases with only one table:
It is used as a key|value storage for all the state variables like:
As far as I see from VSCode source, currently only a global path from the environment is used to locate this file:
which resolves to
get workspaceStorageHome(): URI { return URI.joinPath(this.appSettingsHome, 'workspaceStorage'); }
get globalStorageHome(): URI { return URI.joinPath(this.appSettingsHome, 'globalStorage'); }
So, it seems there are currently no options to customize it from the settings.json.

pgAdmin4 import file error - can't find file

I'm having a problem importing a csv file to pgAdmin4 on a mac - it simply can't find the file. This is so simple that I'm hoping there's just a setting I've failed to set up.
In the import/export data function on a table, there is the Import/Export dialog that looks like this:
However, it can't find the file:
That error looks like the standard python error when you give it the wrong path to a file. But it's correct - that's where the file is: '/tmp/person616.csv' - I didn't even enter the name/path, I browsed to it.
Has this happened to anybody else? Know how to fix it?
The exact problem has been bothering me for quite some days now. There are not much resources available to address it. So here's what I did:
I created a new folder giving it a strange name making sure that it is unique under the "/" directory and in the pgAdmin4 panel you're in rn.
I used below commands to find the new strange named folder that I just created: (i) sudo su (ii) find -iname [strange named folder] -type d
And after some time here it was. My path was revealed.
In my case, the path was
I suspect that path for "PostgreSQL Binary Path" is not set properly in pgAdmin4.
In pgAdmin4 Goto:
File > Preferences > Paths > Binary paths > PostgreSQL Binary Path
Sample paths as below (You need to change it according to your Postgres location),
If you are using Windows than provide path like,
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin
If you are using Linux than provide path like,
If you are using Mac than provide path where you have installed PG,
And try again.
I just had the same problem and found the solution. PGAdmin4's root directory is not your root directory. It starts at
/home/[your_username]/.pgadmin/storage/[your PGAdmin_username]/
So if you put your file or backup directories there, it can find the files.
It also helps to have it show "all" files in the backup dialog, so it can find files with your own extensions. e.g. I use `filename.custom' which it doesn't recognize.
In pgAdmin, when you right-click on a database and click Restore, in the bottom-right corner of the mini-interface, just above the Select button, you can see Format 'dorpdown-list'. Make sure that the drop-down list isn't limiting your displayed files, so select All Files.
Right click on table > import/export >
Toggle "Import" mode > select file >
Upload Files then select each for every table

Pass a text file into a Java program as a parameter in Eclipse

I'm trying to pass a .txt file as a paramater into my java program.
My program is titled SetTest and the file I'm trying to read is Ted.txt. From a Windows 7 command prompt I create a temp folder and compile my program there creating SetTest.class. Also in that folder is Ted.txt. From that temp directory I then issue the command:
java SetTest < Ted.txt
Everything works as expected. The program reads in the file and outputs what I'm looking for. All good.
My question is how do I duplicate this using Eclipse? I believe my text file is in the proper location, listed under JRE System Library as seen in the Package Explorer. I've been trying the following from Eclipse: Run -> Run Configurations... Then in the (x)= Arguments section, in the Program arguments field I enter Ted.txt then click on Run. Unfortunately nothing seems to happen. No error message, but I don't see the console output I'm looking for either.
To rephrase your question - you want to send a file to your application's standard input, while it is running in Eclipse.
You can write (copy & paste) data into console (that's where the standard input is taken from). However I am not aware of any possibility how you can redirect file contents directly to the standard input.
UPDATE with correct keywords you might be able to find more resources:
Eclipse reading stdin ( from a file