Eclipse: Cannot run program "cs-make": Launching failed - eclipse

For the past week, i have been hunting a free development environment for STM32F1xx, which is supported by FreeRTOS. And no success yet :( .
Now I've found this:
It's an Eclipse configuration for STM32 compiling and debugging, and there is a FreeRTOS demo too. Perfect!
So I downloaded a preconfigered version of eclipse and tried to compile a demo project to get this error:
Cannot run program "cs-make": Launching failed.
Depressing. Please help, i am very bad at configuring IDE's, compilers and linkers so this has to be newbie-friendly :)

The Eclipse project is configured for CodeSourcery toolchain. You need to install CodeSourcery compiler toolchain from: Choose Lite Edition, ARM-NONE-EABI package. After the installation make sure you can start cs-make from command prompt (by typing it's name there). Generally, you want all toolchain programs to be accessible from command prompt, which implies that their installation path must be in system PATH variable.
Make sure the path DOES NOT contain spaces like standard Windows programs directory "C:\Program Files", instead install the tools in a directory like "C:\arm-none-eabi", "C:\ARM_tools" or something like that.

Ah, thank you got it to work now!
And I ran into another problem too. When I tried to compile another error came up saying something like: "C:\Program is no file or directory". I Solved it by placing all compilers and OpenOCD in the root of my C-drive. I think it's because the make doesn't understand spaces in the make file, if anyone else get the same problem.


gtk+ without msys2 mingw

On Windows, trying something with gtk+. I have downloaded Msys2, along with gtk+3.0.
Successfully compiled all the gtk+3.0 examples in the msys2 mingw-w64 terminal.
Now I want to move a bit further to try work without the msys environment.
I opened up cmd and navigated to where the example executables are compiled. Then I fired them up by typing "example.exe".
libgio-2.0-0.dll missing, not surprised. I go back to check the PATH environment of the msys environment, PATH=/mingw64/bin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/:/bin:/c/Windows/System32:..blablabla
So in the cmd environment I did set PATH=%PATH%;pathto/mingw64/bin; and run example.exe again.
This time it gave a very strange error cannot find entrypoint inflateValidate (in dll libpng16-16.dll)
So I checked, indeed there was no inflateValidate function in the dll. it seemed to me that something thought the function is in the dll and tried to call it but because it doesn't exist so it failed. What I don't understand is that why did it not fail in the msys environment but failed in the windows environment. And does that bring any impact to me if I am going to ship any gtk application? I thought simply distributing the relevant dll would be enough.
I have tried instead of adding the mingw64/bin path to the PATH variable, but copying the required dll the the execute location 1 by 1, but at the end it still gave the same error.
I have also tried to search for other libpng*.dll in my computer, none of them contained the inflateValidate function.
If anyone know whats going on please shed some light to the question.
I might be very late to the party but I ran into the same issue yesterday (missing the inflateValidate symbol) and after checking the contents of the zlib1.dll file could ascertain that the function is just not there.
I downloaded another version (specifically this one, though I am in no way affiliated to this project) and saw that the inflateValidate symbol was indeed declared, so I suppose that the zlib bundled with your files is not up to date with the libpng requirements.
This solved my problem. I hope it solves yours too.

CoreServices.h file not found in portaudio build on macOS 10.11 Xcode 8.0

This is called though cocoa.h and foundation.h, then NSURLError.h. Not sure why this compiler error just came up when I added portaudio and some other needed frameworks. The error first comes from some existing code. Indeed, there is no CoreServices/CoreServices.h anywhere on the whole system. Do I need to update Xcode?
I found an Apple help answer that said "Those are not makefile directives. How are you trying to build it? Most projects like this come with "configure" scripts that you just need to run from the command line. The only thing you need from Xcode are the Command Line Tools." I don't know what this means or how to do this.
I did run the port audio/configure terminal script, but saw nothing about CoreServices.h being generated. Where does this need to come from?
I further note that in the CoreServices frameworks directory associated with the Xcode project, there is a terminal file called "CoreServices" that when run, generates the error "CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices: cannot execute binary file" . What could it be missing?
It's hard to answer your question in this specific case but:
I believe that CoreServices.h can be found at /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Headers/CoreServices.h, is it not the case on your machine? If not, you might have to re-install Xcode
To install PortAudio, you can also use brew with the command brew install portaudio and then link your project with its headers and libs (/usr/local/Cellar/portaudio/19.6.0/include and /usr/local/Cellar/portaudio/19.6.0/lib) in your Xcode project (under the tab Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries). That might be the easiest option.

javaw.exe and eclipse startup problems

I am trying to use eclipse juno and keep getting errors even after reading many pages here.
I get the following error when I try to start eclipse with the command line using C:\Users...\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw.exe" -data C:...\workspace
"A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations:
I get the following error when I try to start eclipse with the eclipse icon.
"A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations:
javaw.exe in your current path"
I have tried setting the path, but it doesn't seem to help. Will somone help me by explaining where to put the jre folder and whether to set the path or pathclass or how to set java home... I'm confused. Thank you!
Please try this command in windows command line and check if it outputs the correct path.
echo %JAVA_HOME%
It should point to something like - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk_version
If it is not, then you should follow these steps properly.
Also check if your PATH is properly set.
echo %PATH%
It should include %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin If it is not, then you should follow these steps properly.
Once all the above steps are properly done, the Eclipse should start by directly clicking the icon.
I too received the same error white starting STS. the solution is simple:
First of all check if you have jdk installed or not. (I guess you do). If not then install it right now and copy the javaw.exe file from program files in your C:\Users...\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\ location.
Go to your variable path and check if your jdk is listed there or not. If not include it. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin
Retry. It will hopefully run. And if you are still getting the error, then most probably it's because you are using a wrong jdk (32 bit or 64 bit). Reinstall the correct one.
This will surely eliminate the error.

Eclipse does not find Valgrind

I installed Valgrind on SUSE Linux SLES 11SP2 under my home directory and added it to the path. I then installed eclipse Juno for C/C++ Service Release 2 Build id: 20130225-0426 and installed the Valgrind plugin.
When I try to create a profile configuration with Valgrind I get an error message:
"[Valgrind Options]: Couldn't determine version of Valgrind", and though it allows me to make the configuration it prevents me from proceeding by greying out all buttons except for the close button.
I know I am missing something trivial like defining the location of the Valgrind executable in eclipse, but I was unable to find it, not in the project properties nor in the window preferences.
I will appreciate your help.
Ok, I figured it out.
I moved the Valgrind installation to a new shared location, and tried it out with a new computer (same architecture).
It did not affect the original computer I installed it on, but Valgrind had a problem with the new one, as indicated in the README (and I meanwhile forgot):
“Important! Do not move the valgrind installation into a place different from that specified by --prefix at build time. This will cause things to break in subtle ways, mostly when Valgrind handles fork/exec calls.”.
This caused Valgrind to break when run standalone with the message:
“valgrind: failed to start tool 'memcheck' for platform 'amd64-linux': No such file or directory”,
however when running Valgrind from eclipse it probably translated it to the message:
"[Valgrind Options]: Couldn't determine version of Valgrind".
In short: Do not move the Valgrind installation but re-install it. And this message from eclipse indicates that something bad happened with the installed Valgrind and not that it cannot find it.
I am getting the same error but its not caused by the explanation you have given.
You can get this error if you are using valgrind on mac os x because valgrind is usually not installed in the directory eclipse is looking for. In order to fix the issue on mac, you need to make a symbolic link to the valgrind location by
typing ln -s valgrind_location /usr/bin/valgrind. Note this differs from what are in the directions on eclipse's site For some reason they have the call backwards on their site. Once I made this correction valgrind worked correctly from within Eclipse.
So on macs at least the error that it can't determine the version of valgrind at least matches up with eclipse not being able to find the file.

Getting a "ld: cannot find -lcunit" error with CUnit

I'm using NetBeans 7.1 on Windows 7. I downloaded the CUnit archive and used shell scripts supplied with the archive to install it ($make install, etc.). I'm using Cygwin as my compiler, and whenever I try to build the unit test, I get the following error:
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.3.4/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find -lcunit
Obviously, the linker (ld) doesn't know where to look for something, but I don't know the intricacies of how this stuff works. Searching for lcunit on my computer didn't return anything except for the makefile of this project.
One thing I think I should mention is that when I installed CUnit, NetBeans did not know where to look for it. It got installed into /usr/local/ and this was not one of the paths NetBeans parsed.
"-lcunit" is just a flag/option instructing your compiler to link all cunit stuff in your app.
usage could be something like this (gcc):
gcc test.c -lcunit -o test
looks like your compiler doesn't know what to do with this flag... :/