It is possible to make a non-malicious keylogger in Flutter for IOS and Android? - flutter

it is possible to make a non-malicious keylogger in Flutter that works in IOS and Android?
The app will be for kids supervision and will be visible in the notification area.

Keyloger needs access privileges through the device's operating system,but Flutter apps cannot have such access privileges.So it is no possible to make keyloggers with Flutter.

you can use to prevent malicious keyloggers.


Is it possible to create a flutter app to lock screen/ Turn on and off the screen in 2022?

flutter native dependencies
I need a way to access native dependencies
you can use the flutter_screen_lock, which provides the ability to lock the screen on ios and android. Biometric authentication can be used in addition to passcode.

I'm using flutter : is there a way with a mobile flutter app to launch another flutter app on another device

I want, with my flutter app installed on my device, to launch an app on another device.
And share information if possible. Thanks.
from what I understood from you I can tell that you can't, the system restricts background possess you can read about it here

Flutter is it possible to get my app published on iOS App Store without using Cupertino widgets?

I didn't find anything regarding to my question, so Im happy about any advice.
(There is no way to show any code which would make sense)
I just finished my app which I want to release now in android and iOS app store.
I made the app with the Material Widgets but it's also of course running on my iOS device. im wondering what exactly do I have to do now to get my app on iOS app store.
Do I need to change everything to Cupertino Widgets or can I also get it published without changing everything? Is there any guide or something execept the iOS guidelines?
Thank you for your help!
what exactly do I have to do now to get my app on iOS app store.
Relax! And publish your app without any fear. It doesn't matter if you use Cupertino Widgets or Material, the thing that matters is your app should follow Apple guidelines (which doesn't mention anything about these widgets)

Flutter device administrator permission

I'm trying to build an application that will lock the screen on a timer in Flutter. I'm wondering how to grant android device administrator permissions to an application in flutter.
I've found this but it's not really helpful i feel for flutter.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
There is currently no platform-agnostic Flutter implementation for locking a device screen programmatically. The Android specific page you were looking at is what you need to add admin permissions to the manifest file and implement your screen locking functionality.
You can add Android-specific Java or Kotlin code in a Flutter project as stated here:

about accessing ios settings programmatically

I know there is no way to access/modify some system settings programmatically in iOS.
But then how comes there are so many widgets that for example turn wifi on/off?
I want to create a simple widget to switch between 2 sim cards in the phone, but I don't know if this is possible in iOS. Is it?
I have experience with Android and there you can access almost everything..
The device needs to be jailbroken to do what you are asking.