I'm using flutter : is there a way with a mobile flutter app to launch another flutter app on another device - flutter

I want, with my flutter app installed on my device, to launch an app on another device.
And share information if possible. Thanks.

from what I understood from you I can tell that you can't, the system restricts background possess you can read about it here


How to check if Flutter app in running in webview

I have built a web app in Flutter and I want to check where the app is running.
My app runs in the normal browser, in Microsoft Teams and in a WebView within another Flutter app.
In all cases the kIsWeb bool is true.
With the device_info_plus package I only get errors...
And with the web_browser_detect (on iOS) only safari back as the browser (even if it is in the webview)
Does anyone know a solution?
I think you are needing to look at userAgent. See this answer:
or this answer
How to get device user agent information in Flutter

It is possible to make a non-malicious keylogger in Flutter for IOS and Android?

it is possible to make a non-malicious keylogger in Flutter that works in IOS and Android?
The app will be for kids supervision and will be visible in the notification area.
Keyloger needs access privileges through the device's operating system,but Flutter apps cannot have such access privileges.So it is no possible to make keyloggers with Flutter.
you can use https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_secure_keyboard to prevent malicious keyloggers.

Flutter: Launch my other application from flutter application and get some data back

Using flutter to launch other applications on both the platform (Android/iOS). I know we can use url_laucher to launch applications like Gmail or Google map.
Can it also be used for launching my own application?
If "YES", is it possible to get some data back from my other application to flutter application?
If "NO" then is there any other way to do this. My goal is to get the data (like a simple string) back from my other app.
NOTE: Constraint is that I have to use flutter Widgets or packages and not touch the native directories.
Yes, you can use url_launcher to launch your own application provided your application has appropriate url schemes defined.
No, you cannot get back any data by launching an application with url_launcher
Is there a way to achieve this only using flutter widgets and existing plugins?
Yes, only on android. There seems to be a flutter_share plugin that allows you to share data to other apps and receive data shared by other apps.
Hope that helps!

Is it possible to launch a third party app from my flutter app?

I am trying to launch a third-party app from my flutter but I’m not getting anywhere. In this case, I am trying to open the app “Amazon Alexa” by clicking on a raised button in Flutter. Can anyone help me out?
I tried to use url_launcher but it didn’t work out with third-party apps.
yes, some packages are available but the issue is, these are still in the early stages.
so for that, you need to move to the native side.

Flutter : Run an app as a background service

I want to show a custom popup message whenever the user disconnects a cellular call. The problem is how to detect when the app is not running. any leads would be helpful.
It's been a while and there have been many developments.
First, there are some answers at How to create a service in Flutter to make an app to run always in background?
Also, flutter/Background processes will basically point you to medium/Executing Dart in the Background with Flutter Plugins and Geofencing (Sept 2018)
which is a Geofencing sample that involves a partnership between isolates, native Android/iOS code via MethodChannel, and PluginUtilities.getCallbackHandle (PluginUtilities)
Alas, there are many plugins available now:
https://pub.dev/packages/android_alarm_manager (Android)