Is it possible for manually to add crashlytics frame and it working - swift

I'm added Crashlytics for my iOS app. I downloaded framework from it via their site link, and went through all the steps for integrating the frameworks, adding the run script, etc.but problem is that i add framework in manually and not receiving a email.

Did you follow the instructions mentioned here to manually add the Crashlytics SDK?
Did you also integrate the Firebase SDK?
To use Firebase Crashlytics, you also need to install the Firebase SDK along with the related configuration. E.g. Installing the GoogleService-Info.plist file and the initialization code.
Once you do this, you will need to cause a crash. For this, you need to run the app, stop Xcode, and from the device run the app and cause the crash. Then you will need to run the app again from the device. If everything was done correctly, then you should see the report in your Crashlytics console.


Firebase crashlytics is not enable in production mode in flutter iOS application

Firebase account I could not get crash in iOS production app. I have added 2 build variant in application. Beside firebase console production iOS application is detected but crash is not showing.
I have uploaded dsyms File using terminal. If any one know about this issue then please help me.
I have uploaded dsyms File using terminal.

App crashes when I run it on physical device using cocoa pods

Today I decided that I wanted to test my app on a physical device. I don't know what is going on but my app keep crashing when I try to run it. This is what I am getting every time I am trying to run my app.
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/GoogleUtilities.framework/GoogleUtilities
Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5E49DB3F-CF09-4E3C-BEE6-9A0EE8A332D5/Firebase Realtime Database Realtime Database Test
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5E49DB3F-CF09-4E3C-BEE6-9A0EE8A332D5/Firebase Realtime Database code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5E49DB3F-CF09-4E3C-BEE6-9A0EE8A332D5/Firebase Realtime Database'
So I am using firebase in my app. The thing is it works on the simulator but it doesn't work on an actual iPhone device. I deleted my Podfile for my project like this.
I ran it without the pods and it didn't crash. Now I reinstall all the pods and tried again but it still crashes my app. Now would I need to uninstall cocoa pods completely from my computer and reinstall it again?
I will try and see what happens if I uninstall cocoa pods and reinstall. Until then would someone please help me figure out why this is happening.
So the problem is that apple doesn't allow free developer account to use third party frameworks, on update 13.3.1. This is what I read on the link that Paul provided. So if you want to use a pod from cocoa pods all you have to do is make ur Podfile look something like this.
All you have to do is comment use_frameworks! and use use_modular_headers! instead. Now someone said that it doesn't work with firebase. I haven't tried it with firebase so I don't know if it works or it doesn't. It work for me using the 'SDWebImage' pod, now this isn't a permanent fixed. This just allowed me to run the app on my physical phone without crashing. Hope this help others.
Edit 1
Just tried using firebase and it work. Uninstall previous pods like I did in my question and reinstall all the pods I was using before. Now I am going to repeat myself. This shouldn't be a permeant fix, this is more of a work around. Some people say you can just downgrade your iOS on your phone but don't know how to do that. So I will be sticking with this for now, until I upgrade my free developer account.
Try this, In the target's General tab, under the Embedded Binaries field add the Firebase framework to resolve the crash

Ionic 3 compile IPA without mac

How do I generate IPA file for my ionic app without using Mac? Is it even possible?
Currently, I just need the generated IPA file; I don't need to deploy the app to the App Store.
I've looked around and these are what I got:
Use Ionic package - unfortunately, all links to Ionic package that I got are all dead. So can I assume this service is dead?
Use . I know Ionic is based on Phonegap, but does this service actually supports compiling Ionic codes without needing me to modify anything? And even if it can, I read that it needs some sort of certificates to compile to IPA. Is there any way I can get the certificate without a Mac?
Use If the options above aren't available, I plan to purchase the pay-as-you-go plan. My question is, do this thing allows me to compile to IPA without me needing any other stuff? Like certificates or whatsoever.
I’m using Ionic Pro ( to build an IPA and to send the app to my clients for testing. To publish app in Apple App Store, I’m using MacInCloud.

Why does Trigger.IO app need to be uninstalled when upgrading on iOS?

I'm testing a Trigger.IO app built with Forge v1.4 on an iPod running iOS 6. I've been installing the .ipa through a distribution provision profile.
Occasionally, after installing an updated version, the app would launch but not run correctly. I traced this behaviour to the window.forge being absent, presumably due to a bad initialization. I would then make sure to kill the app process before installing updates and my recollection is that this seemed to make the problem go away.
Now, I've added the Facebook and Splash modules and my app now consistently won't go past the splash screen after I install an upgraded version unless I forcibly uninstall the old version first. Presumably, it dies before creating the webview. Any idea why I would need to uninstall my app first before upgrading? Is this a known behaviour?
I want to make sure that my users don't experience this when upgrading.
My app runs happily without Forge, and doesn't have any particular dependencies on localStorage data. I don't have a Mac and have been installing via iTunes in Windows, so I don't think I can access logging information.
You should have a look at this post:
How application get update from apple store?
The quick answer is when you update an app, you install the new bundle but you keep the user data stored previously such as a local DB. If you changed the local DB in the new app (or anything else) your app can crash when updated but is fine when downloaded from scratch.

iPhone app doesn't stay installed (icon disappears)

I'm trying to install Zxing on my iphone from source (I know I can get it at the app store, but I want to modify some things in it).
The problem I'm having is that the app won't stay installed on the phone. It will run without a problem, but no icon will appear after I quit the app. I thought it had to do with my manually editing the codesign information in the project.pbxproj but after the developers changed the codesign identity they had left in the checked in version, the problem still persists.
I tried deploying an app I had developed from scratch and that worked fine.
I'm new to this, so any help would be much appreciated. You can download the zxing code from here:
svn checkout zxing-read-only
Have you downloaded a copy from the App Store? I had one app (built from Xcode) that wasn't staying around after a sync and I found it was because iTunes was looking at my application syncing preferences and it wasn't selected to sync (as I had the Xcode build version on there, I didn't want to sync that version). However, it presumably removes the built app because I said I didn't want to sync any version of it.
Checking the checkbox to sync the app in iTunes kept the Xcode built version on there without installing the App Store version.
Hope this helps.
I think the problem had to do with my iPhone firmware. It might be a bug from Apple as I got an email from truphone saying that users were experiencing similar problems. I re-installed firmware, and could install it fine, and sync other apps. As soon as I did a restore from a previous backup, it broke again... what a pain. Case closed.