Selecting text on modal dialog also selecting text in background - modal-dialog

After the latest windows 10 update to 1809, text selection on modal window is selecting text on the parent window (background).
Edge version - 44.17763.1.0
EdgeHTML 18.17763
This is working in chrome and older versions of Edge browser.

I tested this demo in my Edge 44.18362.1.0, EdgeHTML 18.18362. It will not select the parent window when I select text on modal window. The result is like below:
The latest version of windows 10 is 1903. You could update to the latest version of windows 10 and the Edge will also be updated and then try it again.


VS Code borders wrongly detected with "custom" Title Bar Style

I have VS Code installed using official deb packages on PopOS 22.04 (Gnome, Ubuntu derivative).
The mouse cursor annoying goes into resize mode only inside the VS Code window, not on the edge like it should. This is only present when using "Title Bar Style: custom" in settings.
See here how much inside the window cursor must go in before it changes into resize mode
System well behaving window for comparison
Tried using flatpak installation - same result.
Is there a setting I can tweak or is it a bug?

how to update user setting in VSCode, latest version doesn't show text view for settings

I need to do changes as per screen shot below
but latest version of VS Code 1.37.1 doesn't have the text view to do changes as below
How to do changes in this case ? I need to change setting related to prettier extension
Click on the middle icon in top right corner to access settings.json.

Full screen plugin doesnt hide status bar

I have a Kepler (4.3?) version of Eclipse and I tried several versions of fullscreen plugins. They all hide menu bar and windows 7 ribbon, but neither hides status bar (where it shows cursor position i.e. 75:14)
I have an old ThinkPad 1280x800 and I need that vertical space desperately.
I have tried:
They all fail to hide status bar. Help! Do I need older/other version of Eclipse?

Eclipse Dialogs Have No Title Bar and Can't Be Moved in Gnome 3

I just installed Eclipse from the Android website and the dialogs have no title bar and seem to be docked at the top of the Eclipse main window. I can't find a way to move them or get the titlebar back. I'm using Gnome 3 as desktop/window manager.
For example, if I choose Search | File... from the main menu, it comes up, but without titlebar. If I press Alt+F7, I can move the entire window, but the dialog will not move relative to the window.
How do I fix this?
You are missing an important information, your operating system and desktop environment. Let me guess? Linux/Gnome? Or Cinnamon?
Gnome has the, erm, great feature to attach modal dialogs at the main window.
You can install dconf-editor and set the key org/gnome/shell/overrides/attach-modal-dialogs to false.
In Cinnamon you can easily disable this feature in the System Settings > Windows > Attach dialog windows (may not be the actual text as I translated it from my locale). You need to switch the settings to Expert mode to see the Windows entry.

the menu is failed to opened using monkeyrunner touch command

i want to open "Choose input method" popup menu from settings application. Using monkeyrunner touch command, the screen is taped, while the menu is not opened.
Here is the reproduce steps:
environment: emulator (android sdk 4.1)
Go to System settings -> Launguage & input view
try to tap the text "Default" using monkeyrunner touch command
python code:
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(10, "emulator-5554")
device.touch(83, 486, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)
Actually result:
the screen is taped, but the popup menu is not opened. Also reproduced with tap the text "Launage".
And i tried with android sdk 2.3.3 for this issue, the submenu for "Default" and "Language" could be opened.
if executed the adb command "adb shell input tap 83 486" on sdk 4.1, the menu could be opened.
Any ideas for this issue?
If you are using monkeyrunner to opne System setting -> Language and input view then you should place some *MonkeyRunner.sleep(x) along the way (where x is the time in seconds).
This way you'll make sure that the UI elements are created properly. If you do not place sleep(x) statements, the script will touch/ press without any lag/ timeout. But the android UI needs some time to create the views and other elements and make then functional.