How I can correctly combine items in section with RxDataSource swift? - swift

I need to combine chat message in section when items send in one minutes.
.scan([MessageSectionModel]()) { sectionModels, messageItem in
var models = sectionModels
if let lastSectionModel = sectionModels.last {
switch lastSectionModel {
case .incomingSection(var items):
if messageItem.0.isIncoming {
models[models.count-1] = .incomingSection(items: items)
} else {
models.append(.outcomingSection(items: [messageItem.0]))
case .outcomingSection(var items):
if messageItem.0.isIncoming {
models.append(.incomingSection(items: [messageItem.0]))
} else {
models[models.count-1] = .outcomingSection(items: items)
return models
if messageItem.0.isIncoming {
models.append(.incomingSection(items: [messageItem.0]))
} else {
models.append(.outcomingSection(items: [messageItem.0]))
return models
#IBOutlet private weak var messagesTableView: UITableView!
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
private var dataSource: RxTableViewSectionedAnimatedDataSource<MessageSectionModel>!
private let messageHeaderReuseIdentifier = String(describing: MessageHeaderView.self)
private let messageFooterReuseIdentifier = String(describing: MessageFooterView.self)
dataSource = RxTableViewSectionedAnimatedDataSource<MessageSectionModel>(
animationConfiguration: .init(insertAnimation: .none, reloadAnimation: .none, deleteAnimation: .none),
configureCell: { dataSource, tableView, indexPath, item in
switch dataSource.sectionModels[indexPath.section] {
case .incomingSection:
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(
withIdentifier: R.reuseIdentifier.incomingMessageTableViewCell,
for: indexPath
) else {
return UITableViewCell()
let isFirst = indexPath.row == dataSource[indexPath.section].items.count - 1
messageText: item.text,
isFirstInSection: isFirst
return cell
case .userSection:
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(
withIdentifier: R.reuseIdentifier.outcomingMessageTableViewCell,
for: indexPath
) else {
return UITableViewCell()
messageText: item.text,
isFirstInSection: indexPath.row == dataSource[indexPath.section].items.count - 1
return cell
Message items
import Foundation
import RxDataSources
enum MessageSectionModel {
case incomingSection(items: [MessageSectionItem])
case outcomingSection(items: [MessageSectionItem])
var lastMessageDate: Date {
switch self {
case .incomingSection(let items):
return items.last?.sentDate ?? Date()
case .outcomingSection(let items):
return items.last?.sentDate ?? Date()
struct MessageSectionItem {
let userId: String
let id: String = UUID().uuidString
let text: String
let sentDate: Date
let isIncoming: Bool
extension MessageSectionItem: IdentifiableType {
var identity : String {
return id
extension MessageSectionItem: Equatable {
static func == (lhs: MessageSectionItem, rhs: MessageSectionItem) -> Bool {
return lhs.identity == rhs.identity
extension MessageSectionModel: AnimatableSectionModelType {
init(original: MessageSectionModel, items: [MessageSectionItem]) {
switch original {
case .incomingSection(let items):
self = .incomingSection(items: items)
case .outcomingSection(let items):
self = .outcomingSection(items: items)
typealias Item = MessageSectionItem
var items: [MessageSectionItem] {
switch self {
case .incomingSection(let items):
return { $0 }
case .outcomingSection(let items):
return { $0 }
var identity: Date {
return lastMessageDate
My table view is rotated because i fetch messages is reverted. I understand it`s my mistake in scan, because when i comments this code, my cells sorted in correct way, but not combined in sections.
if let lastSectionModel = sectionModels.last {
switch lastSectionModel {
case .incomingSection(var items):
if messageItem.0.isIncoming {
models[models.count-1] = .incomingSection(items: items)
} else {
models.append(.outcomingSection(items: [messageItem.0]))
case .outcomingSection(var items):
if messageItem.0.isIncoming {
models.append(.incomingSection(items: [messageItem.0]))
} else {
models[models.count-1] = .outcomingSection(items: items)
return models

I think you are trying to do too much at one time, and in the wrong order. Break the job up into smaller jobs that can each be easily tested/verified... Also, first group your messages by time, then put them in your sections. I ended up with this:
struct MessageItem {
let userId: String
let id: String = UUID().uuidString
let text: String
let sentDate: Date
let isIncoming: Bool
struct MessageGroup {
let userId: String
var text: String {
return { $0.text }.joined(separator: "\n")
let isIncoming: Bool
struct Part {
let id: String
let text: String
let sentDate: Date
init(_ messageSectionItem: MessageItem) {
id =
text = messageSectionItem.text
sentDate = messageSectionItem.sentDate
var parts: [Part]
init(from item: MessageItem) {
userId = item.userId
isIncoming = item.isIncoming
parts = [Part(item)]
enum MessageSectionModel {
case incomingSection(items: [MessageGroup])
case outcomingSection(items: [MessageGroup])
extension ObservableType where Element == MessageItem {
func convertedToSectionModels() -> Observable<[MessageSectionModel]> {
scan(into: ([MessageGroup](), MessageGroup?.none), accumulator: groupByTime(messages:item:))
func groupByTime(messages: inout ([MessageGroup], MessageGroup?), item: MessageItem) {
if let group = messages.1 {
let lastPart =!
if lastPart.sentDate.timeIntervalSince(item.sentDate) > -60 && group.userId == item.userId {
else {
messages.1 = MessageGroup(from: item)
else {
messages.1 = MessageGroup(from: item)
func appendingLastGroup(messages: [MessageGroup], group: MessageGroup?) -> [MessageGroup] {
guard let group = group else { return messages }
return messages + [group]
func groupedByIncoming(messages: [MessageGroup]) -> [[MessageGroup]] {
return messages.reduce([[MessageGroup]]()) { result, message in
guard let last = result.last else {
return [[message]]
if last.last!.isIncoming == message.isIncoming {
return Array(result.dropLast()) + [last + [message]]
else {
return result + [[message]]
func convertedToSectionModels(messages: [[MessageGroup]]) -> [MessageSectionModel] { { messages in
if messages.first!.isIncoming {
return .incomingSection(items: messages)
else {
return .outcomingSection(items: messages)


StateObject does not change on Appear but changes value on Button Tap

On Clicking the Button present in BillContributorView.swift, the view updates but not on Appear. I have tried swapping StateObject with ObservedObject but not only does it not help but also, I read that we should instantiate our ObservableObject with StateObject.
#StateObject var billManager = BillManager()
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
Text("Get: \(String(format: "%.2f", billManager.toGetAmount))")
Button {
billManager.updateToGet(contributorID: memberID)
} label: { Text("To Get") }
.onAppear(perform: {
billManager.updateRoomID(name: roomID)
billManager.updateToGet(contributorID: memberID )
class BillManager: ObservableObject {
#Published var roomID: String
#Published var toGetbills = [Bill]()
#Published var toGetAmount: Double = 0
init(name: String? = nil) {
if let name = name {
roomID = name
} else {
roomID = ""
func updateRoomID(name: String) {
roomID = name
func updateToGet(contributorID: String) {
let collectionName = "\(roomID)_BILLS"
toGetAmount = 0
.whereField("payer", isEqualTo: Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid ?? "")
.whereField("contributor", isEqualTo: contributorID)
.addSnapshotListener { snapshot, error in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let doc = snapshot?.documents else {
print("No Doc Found")
self.toGetbills = doc.compactMap { queryDocumentSnapshot -> Bill? in
let result = Result { try Bill.self) }
switch result {
case .success(let bill):
return bill
toGetAmount = 0
for bill in toGetbills {
toGetAmount += bill.itemPrice
Fixed the issue by updating the value inside the closure.
.whereField("payer", isEqualTo: Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid ?? "")
.whereField("contributor", isEqualTo: contributorID)
.addSnapshotListener { snapshot, error in
self.toGetAmount = 0
guard let doc = snapshot?.documents else {
print("No Doc Found")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.toGetbills = doc.compactMap { queryDocumentSnapshot -> Bill? in
let result = Result { try Bill.self) }
switch result {
case .success(let bill):
self.toGetAmount += bill.itemPrice
return bill
case .failure( _):
print("Failure To Get Bill Request")
return nil

cellProvider doesn't update after section removal when using UITableViewDiffableDataSource

I have some code which loads in some empty sections and items. Then if there is a network connection some calls are made for the visible cells. I have a button in each section which navigates to another view based on the section type, which uses the indexPath. My problem is that when I remove the fist section the cellProvider doesn't update the indexPath and button navigates to the wrong view. If I scroll however the problem goes away. How do I make sure the indexPath updates? EDIT: It appears that my headerViews are retaining their old indexPath, but the cellProvider correctly updates. The header views are set to the correct indexPath once you scroll away and come back.
private enum RowItemType: Hashable {
case itemTypeOne(collection: MyCollection)
case itemTypeTwo(collection: MyCollection)
case itemTypeThree(collection: OtherCollection)
private enum SectionType: Hashable {
case sectionOne
case sectionTwo
case sectionThree
class MyCollection: Codable, Hashable, Equatable {
var identifier = UUID()
var foos: [Foo]
init(foos: [Foo] = [Foo]()) {
self.foos = foos
// MARK: Equatable
var hash: Int {
var hasher = Hasher()
return hasher.finalize()
static func == (lhs: MyCollection, rhs: MyCollection) -> Bool {
lhs.identifier == rhs.identifier
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
class OtherCollection: Codable, Hashable, Equatable {
var identifier = UUID()
var bars: [Bar]
init(bars: [Bar] = [Bar]()) {
self.bars = bars
// MARK: Equatable
var hash: Int {
var hasher = Hasher()
return hasher.finalize()
static func == (lhs: OtherCollection, rhs: OtherCollection) -> Bool {
lhs.identifier == rhs.identifier
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
final class SomeTableViewController: UITableVIewController {
private func makeDataSource() -> UITableViewDiffableDataSource<SectionType, RowItemType> {
UITableViewDiffableDataSource(tableView: tableView, cellProvider: { [weak self] tableView, indexPath, item in
guard let self = self else {
return UITableViewCell()
guard let marginTableView = tableView as? AutoMarginTableView else {
return UITableViewCell()
switch item {
case .itemTypeOne(collection: let collection):
let carousel = self.itemOneCarouCell(from: marginTableView, withSection: .sectionOne, atIndexPath: indexPath)
if !collection.foos.isEmpty {
carousel.configureCell(with: .sectionOne, fooCollection: collection)
self.showViewAllButtonForHeader(collection.foos.count > 3, atIndexPath: indexPath)
} else {
self.getFoosTypeOne(collection: collection)
return carousel
case .itemTypeTwo(let collection):
let carousel = self.itemTwoCarouCell(from: marginTableView, withSection: .sectionTwo, atIndexPath: indexPath)
if !collection.foos.isEmpty {
carousel.configureCell(with: .sectionTwo, fooCollection: collection)
self.showViewAllButtonForHeader(collection.foos.count > 3, atIndexPath: indexPath)
} else {
self.getFoosTypeTwo(collection: collection)
return carousel
case .ttemTypeThree(let collection):
let carousel = self.itemThreeCarouCell(from: marginTableView, withSection: .sectionThree, atIndexPath: indexPath)
if !collection.bars.isEmpty {
carousel.configureCell(with: collection)
self.showViewAllButtonForHeader(true, atIndexPath: indexPath)
} else {
self.getBars(collection: collection)
return carousel
private func showViewAllButtonForHeader(_ show: Bool, atIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) {
if let headerView = self.tableView.headerView(forSection: indexPath.section) as? MyTableHeaderView {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, delay: 0.0, options: .curveEaseInOut, animations: {
}, completion: nil)
private func getFoosTypeOne(collection: MyCollection) {
var snapshot = dataSource.snapshot()
if FeatureFlags.isFeatureEnabled && snapshot.sectionIdentifiers.contains(.sectionOne) {
someRepositry.getfoos { result in
if case .success(let foos) = result {
if !foos.isEmpty {
collection.foos = foos
snapshot.reloadItems([.itemTypeOne(collection: collection)])
} else {
if snapshot.sectionIdentifiers.contains(.sectionOne) {
self.dataSource.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: true)
private func getFoosTypeTwo(collection: MyCollection) {
var snapshot = dataSource.snapshot()
if FeatureFlags.isFeatureEnabled && snapshot.sectionIdentifiers.contains(.sectionTwo) {
someRepositry.getDifferentFoos { result in
if case .success(let foos) = result {
if !foos.isEmpty {
collection.foos = foos
snapshot.reloadItems([.itemTypeTwo(collection: collection)])
} else {
if snapshot.sectionIdentifiers.contains(.sectionTwo) {
self.dataSource.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: true)
private func getBars(collection: OtherCollection) {
var snapshot = dataSource.snapshot()
someService.getSomeCollection { someColl in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let someColl = someColl {
if !someColl.bars.isEmpty {
collection.bars = someColl.bars
snapshot.reloadItems([.itemTypeThree(collection: collection)])
} else {
if snapshot.sectionIdentifiers.contains(.sectionThree) {
self.dataSource.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: true)
extension SomeTabelViewController: SomeTableHeaderViewDelegate {
func someTableHeaderViewTappedViewAll(_ headerView: SomeTableHeaderView) {
guard headerView.section < dataSource.numberOfSections(in: tableView) else {
let snapshot = dataSource.snapshot()
let section = snapshot.sectionIdentifiers[headerView.section]
switch section {
case .sectionOne:
if case .itemTypeOne(let collection) = snapshot.itemIdentifiers(inSection: .sectionOne).first, !collection.foos.isEmpty {
let vc = SomeListViewController()
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
case .sectionTwo:
if case .itemTypeTwo(let collection) = snapshot.itemIdentifiers(inSection: .sectionTwo).first, !collection.foos.isEmpty {
let vc = SomeListViewController()
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
case .sectionThree:
if case .itemTypeThree(let collection) = snapshot.itemIdentifiers(inSection: .sectionThree).first, !collection.bars.isEmpty {
let vc = OtherViewController(collecton: collection)
navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)

Realm accessed from incorrect thread occasional

I have this function
class func addCVals(_ criteres: [[AnyHashable: Any]], _ type: String) { .background).async {
autoreleasepool {
if criteres.count > 0 {
if let realm = DBTools.getRealm() {
do {
try realm.transaction {
let oldValues = CriteresVal.objects(in: realm, where: "type = '\(type)'")
if oldValues.count > 0 {
for critere in criteres {
let cval = CriteresVal(critere, type)
if let c = cval {
} catch {
DebugTools.record(error: error)
The request that get oldValues occasionally cause an error
Realm accessed from incorrect thread
I don't understand why as I get a new Realm before with this lines:
if let realm = DBTools.getRealm()
My function getRealm:
class func getRealm() -> RLMRealm? {
if !AppPreference.lastAccount.elementsEqual("") {
let config = RLMRealmConfiguration.default()
do {
return try RLMRealm(configuration: config)
} catch {
DebugTools.record(error: error)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Notifier.showNotification("", NSLocalizedString("UNKNOWN_ERROR_DB", comment: ""), .warning)
return nil
CriteresVal is an RLMObject that is composed of this:
public class CriteresVal: RLMObject {
dynamic var cvalId: String?
dynamic var type: String?
dynamic var text: String?
dynamic var compositeKey: String?
override public class func primaryKey() -> String {
return "compositeKey"
private func updatePrimaryKey() {
self.compositeKey = "\(self.cvalId ?? "")/\(self.type ?? "")"
required init(_ cvalue: [AnyHashable: Any]?, _ type: String) {
if let values = cvalue {
if let cvalId = values["id"] as? String {
self.cvalId = cvalId
} else if let cvalId = values["id"] as? Int {
self.cvalId = "\(cvalId)"
self.type = type
if let text = values["text"] as? String {
self.text = text
func generateDico() -> [String: Any] {
var dicoSortie = [String: Any]()
if let realm = self.realm {
if let value = cvalId {
dicoSortie["id"] = value
if let value = type {
dicoSortie["type"] = value
if let value = text {
dicoSortie["text"] = value
return dicoSortie
compositeKey is the primary key which included cvalId and type
Thanks for help.

RxDatasource in RxSwift reload animation don't update data source

RxDatasource in RxSwift [RxTableViewSectionedAnimatedDataSource] Reload Animation don't update data source. What mistake I am doing? I am even unable to bind my action with button properly.
TableDataSource and Table editing commands
struct TableDataSource {
var header: String
var items: [Item]
var SectionViewModel: SectionViewModel
extension TableDataSource: AnimatableSectionModelType {
var identity: String {
return header
type alias Item = Data
init(original: TableDataSource, items: [Item]) {
self = original
self.items = items
self.sectionViewModel = original.sectionViewModel
enum TableViewEditingCommand {
case deleteSingle(IndexPath)
case clearAll(IndexPath)
case readAll(IndexPath)
struct SectionedTableViewState {
var sections: [TableDataSource]
init(sections: [TableDataSource]) {
self.sections = sections
func execute(command: TableViewEditingCommand) -> SectionedTableViewState {
var sections = self.sections
switch command {
// Delete single item from datasource
case .deleteSingle(let indexPath):
var items = sections[indexPath.section].items
items.remove(at: indexPath.row)
if items.count <= 0 {
sections.remove(at: indexPath.section)
} else {
sections[indexPath.section] = TableDataSource(
original: sections[indexPath.section],
items: items) }
// Clear all item from datasource with isUnread = false
case .clearAll(let indexPath):
sections.remove(at: indexPath.section)
// Mark all item as read in datasource with isUnread = true
case .readAll(let indexPath):
var items = sections[indexPath.section].items
items = { var unread = $0
if $0.isUnRead == true { unreadData.isUnRead = false }
return unreadData
sections.remove(at: indexPath.section)
if sections.count > 0 {
let allReadItems = sections[indexPath.section].items + items
sections[indexPath.section] = TableDataSource(
original: sections[indexPath.section],
items: allReadItems)
return SectionedTableViewState(sections: sections)
This is my controller and its extensions
class ViewController: UIViewController, Storyboardable {
#IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
#IBOutlet weak var closeButton: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var titleText: UILabel!
var viewModel: ViewModel!
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
let sectionHeight: CGFloat = 70
let dataSource = ViewController.dataSource()
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
private func bindInitials() {
tableView.delegate = nil
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
private func registerNibs() {
let headerNib = UINib.init(
nibName: TableViewSection.identifier,
bundle: nil)
forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier: TableViewSection.identifier)
extension ViewController: Bindable {
func bindViewModel() {
private func bindDataSource() {
// tableView.dataSource = nil
// Observable.just(sections)
// .bind(to: tableView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource))
// .disposed(by: disposeBag)
private func bindDelete() {
/// TODO: to check and update delete code to work properly to sink with clear all and mark all as read
guard let sections = self.viewModel?.getSections() else {
let deleteState = SectionedTableViewState(sections: sections)
let deleteCommand = tableView.rx.itemDeleted.asObservable()
tableView.dataSource = nil
.scan(deleteState) {
(state: SectionedTableViewState,
command: TableViewEditingCommand) -> SectionedTableViewState in
return state.execute(command: command) }
.startWith(deleteState) .map { $0.sections }
.bind(to: tableView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource))
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
private func bindActions() {
guard let openDetailsObserver = self.viewModel?.input.openDetailsObserver,
let closeObserver = self.viewModel?.input.closeObserver else {
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// viewModel.input.dataSourceObserver
// .mapObserver({ (result) -> [Data] in
// return result
// })
// .disposed(by: disposeBag)
/// Close button binding with closeObserver
.bind(to: (closeObserver))
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
/// Tableview item selected binding with openDetailsObserver
.map { indexPath in
return (self.dataSource[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.row])
}.subscribe(openDetailsObserver).disposed(by: disposeBag)
extension ViewController: UITableViewDelegate {
static func dataSource() -> RxTableViewSectionedAnimatedDataSource<TableDataSource> {
return RxTableViewSectionedAnimatedDataSource(
animationConfiguration: AnimationConfiguration(insertAnimation: .fade,
reloadAnimation: .fade,
deleteAnimation: .fade),
configureCell: { (dataSource, table, idxPath, item) in
var cell = table.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: TableViewCell.identifier) as? TableViewCell
let cellViewModel = TableCellViewModel(withItem: item)
cell?.setViewModel(to: cellViewModel)
return cell ?? UITableViewCell()
}, canEditRowAtIndexPath: { _, _ in return true })
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
guard var headerView = tableView.dequeueReusableHeaderFooterView(
withIdentifier: TableViewSection.identifier)
as? TableViewSection
else { return UITableViewHeaderFooterView() }
let viewModel = self.dataSource[section].sectionViewModel
headerView.setViewModel(to: viewModel)
headerView.dividerLine.isHidden = section == 0 ? true : false
headerView.section = section
let data = TableViewEditingCommand.clearAll(IndexPath(row: 0, section: section ?? 0))
// /// Section button binding with closeObserver
// headerView.sectionButton.rx.tap
// .map(verseNum -> TableViewEditingCommand in (TableViewEditingCommand.deleteSingle))
// .disposed(by: disposeBag)
headerView.sectionButtonTappedClosure = { [weak self] (section, buttonType) in
if buttonType == ButtonType.clearAll {
self?.showClearAllConfirmationAlert(section: section, buttonType: buttonType)
} else {
self?.editAction(section: section, buttonType: buttonType)
return headerView
func editAction(section: Int, buttonType: ButtonType) {
var sections = self.dataSource.sectionModels
let updateSection = (sections.count == 1 ? 0 : section)
switch buttonType {
/// Clear all
case .clearAll:
sections.remove(at: updateSection)
let data = SectionedTableViewState(sections: sections)
self.tableView.dataSource = nil
.startWith(data) .map { $0.sections }
.bind(to: tableView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource))
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
/// Mark all as read
case .markAllAsRead:
if updateSection == 0 { sections = self.viewModel.getSections() }
var items = sections[updateSection].items
items = { var unread = $0
if $0.isUnRead == true { unread.isUnRead = false }
return unread
sections.remove(at: updateSection)
let allReadItems = sections[updateSection].items + items
sections[updateSection] = TableDataSource(
original: sections[updateSection],
items: allReadItems)
let data = SectionedTableViewState(sections: sections)
self.tableView.dataSource = nil
.startWith(data) .map { $0.sections }
.bind(to: tableView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource))
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
func showClearAllConfirmationAlert(section: Int, buttonType: ButtonType) {
let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Clear All",
message: "Are you sure, you want to clear all Items?",
preferredStyle: .alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: { action in
case .default:
self.editAction(section: section, buttonType: buttonType)
case .cancel: break
case .destructive: break
let cancel = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .default, handler: { action in
self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
return sectionHeight
View model for controller
class ViewModel {
private enum Constants {
static let titleText = "Test".localized
static let testHistoryHeaderText = "test".localized
static let unreadHeaderText = "Unread".localized
struct Input {
let dataSourceObserver: AnyObserver<[Data]>
let openDetailsObserver: AnyObserver<Data>
let closeObserver: AnyObserver<Void>
let sectionButtonTappedObserver: AnyObserver<IndexPath>
struct Output {
let titleTextDriver: Driver<String>
let dataSourceDriver: Driver<[Data]>
let viewComplete: Observable<DataCoordinator.Event>
let input: Input
let output: Output
private let dataSourceSubject = PublishSubject<[Data]>()
private let closeSubject = PublishSubject<Void>()
private let openDetailsSubject = BehaviorSubject<Data>(value:Data())
private let sectionButtonTappedSubject = PublishSubject<IndexPath>()
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
init(withRepository repository: Repository) {
input = Input(
dataSourceObserver: dataSourceSubject.asObserver(),
openDetailsObserver: openDetailsSubject.asObserver(),
closeObserver: closeSubject.asObserver(), sectionButtonTappedObserver: sectionButtonTappedSubject.asObserver()
let closeEventObservable = closeSubject.asObservable().map { _ in
return Coordinator.Event.goBack
let openDetailsEventObservable = openDetailsSubject.asObservable().map { _ in
return Coordinator.Event.goToDetails
let viewCompleteObservable = Observable.merge(closeEventObservable, openDetailsEventObservable)
let list = ViewModel.getData(repository: repository)
output = Output(
titleTextDriver: Observable.just(Constants.titleText).asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: Constants.titleText),
dataSourceDriver: Observable.just(list).asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: list),
viewComplete: viewCompleteObservable)
///TODO: To be updated as per response after API integration
static func getData(repository: Repository) -> [Data] {
return repository.getData()
func getSections() -> [TableDataSource] {
let List = ViewModel.getData(repository: Repository())
let unread = list.filter { $0.isUnRead == true }
let read = list.filter { $0.isUnRead == false }
let headerText = String(format:Constants.unreadHeaderText, unread.count)
let sections = [TableDataSource(
header: headerText,
items: unread,
sectionViewModel: SectionViewModel(
withHeader: headerText,
buttonType: ButtonType.markAllAsRead.rawValue,
items: unread)),
header: Constants.historyHeaderText,
items: read,
SectionViewModel: SectionViewModel(
withHeader: Constants.historyHeaderText,
buttonType: ButtonType.clearAll.rawValue,
items: read))]
return sections
i think your problem is with :
var identity: String {
return header
make a uuid and pass it to identity:
let id = UUID().uuidString
var identity: String {
return id

Custom Property Wrapper that Updates View Swift

Xcode 11.3, Swift 5.1.3
I am trying currently to create a custom property wrapper that allows me to link variables to a Firebase database. When doing this, to make it update the view, I at first tried to use the #ObservedObject #Bar var foo = []. But I get an error that multiple property wrappers are not supported. Next thing I tried to do, which would honestly be ideal, was try to make my custom property wrapper update the view itself upon being changed, just like #State and #ObservedObject. This both avoids needing to go down two layers to access the underlying values and avoid the use of nesting property wrappers. To do this, I checked the SwiftUI documentation and found out that they both implement the DynamicProperty protocol. I tried to use this too but failed because I need to be able to update the view (call update()) from within my Firebase database observers, which I cannot do since .update() is mutating.
Here is my current attempt at this:
import SwiftUI
import Firebase
import CodableFirebase
import Combine
final class DatabaseBackedArray<Element>: ObservableObject where Element: Codable & Identifiable {
typealias ObserverHandle = UInt
typealias Action = RealtimeDatabase.Action
typealias Event = RealtimeDatabase.Event
private(set) var reference: DatabaseReference
private var currentValue: [Element]
private var childAddedObserverHandle: ObserverHandle?
private var childChangedObserverHandle: ObserverHandle?
private var childRemovedObserverHandle: ObserverHandle?
private var childAddedActions: [Action<[Element]>] = []
private var childChangedActions: [Action<[Element]>] = []
private var childRemovedActions: [Action<[Element]>] = []
init(wrappedValue: [Element], _ path: KeyPath<RealtimeDatabase, RealtimeDatabase>, events: Event = .all,
actions: [Action<[Element]>] = []) {
currentValue = wrappedValue
reference = RealtimeDatabase()[keyPath: path].reference
for action in actions {
if action.event.contains(.childAdded) {
if action.event.contains(.childChanged) {
if action.event.contains(.childRemoved) {
if events.contains(.childAdded) {
childAddedObserverHandle = reference.observe(.childAdded) { snapshot in
guard let value = snapshot.value, let decodedValue = try? FirebaseDecoder().decode(Element.self, from: value) else {
fatalError("Could not decode value from Firebase.")
self.childAddedActions.forEach { $0.action(&self.currentValue) }
if events.contains(.childChanged) {
childChangedObserverHandle = reference.observe(.childChanged) { snapshot in
guard let value = snapshot.value, let decodedValue = try? FirebaseDecoder().decode(Element.self, from: value) else {
fatalError("Could not decode value from Firebase.")
guard let changeIndex = self.currentValue.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) else {
self.currentValue[changeIndex] = decodedValue
self.childChangedActions.forEach { $0.action(&self.currentValue) }
if events.contains(.childRemoved) {
childRemovedObserverHandle = reference.observe(.childRemoved) { snapshot in
guard let value = snapshot.value, let decodedValue = try? FirebaseDecoder().decode(Element.self, from: value) else {
fatalError("Could not decode value from Firebase.")
self.currentValue.removeAll { $ == }
self.childRemovedActions.forEach { $0.action(&self.currentValue) }
private func setValue(to value: [Element]) {
guard let encodedValue = try? FirebaseEncoder().encode(currentValue) else {
fatalError("Could not encode value to Firebase.")
var wrappedValue: [Element] {
get {
return currentValue
set {
setValue(to: newValue)
var projectedValue: Binding<[Element]> {
return Binding(get: {
return self.wrappedValue
}) { newValue in
self.wrappedValue = newValue
var hasActiveObserver: Bool {
return childAddedObserverHandle != nil || childChangedObserverHandle != nil || childRemovedObserverHandle != nil
var hasChildAddedObserver: Bool {
return childAddedObserverHandle != nil
var hasChildChangedObserver: Bool {
return childChangedObserverHandle != nil
var hasChildRemovedObserver: Bool {
return childRemovedObserverHandle != nil
func connectObservers(for event: Event) {
if event.contains(.childAdded) && childAddedObserverHandle == nil {
childAddedObserverHandle = reference.observe(.childAdded) { snapshot in
guard let value = snapshot.value, let decodedValue = try? FirebaseDecoder().decode(Element.self, from: value) else {
fatalError("Could not decode value from Firebase.")
self.childAddedActions.forEach { $0.action(&self.currentValue) }
if event.contains(.childChanged) && childChangedObserverHandle == nil {
childChangedObserverHandle = reference.observe(.childChanged) { snapshot in
guard let value = snapshot.value, let decodedValue = try? FirebaseDecoder().decode(Element.self, from: value) else {
fatalError("Could not decode value from Firebase.")
guard let changeIndex = self.currentValue.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) else {
self.currentValue[changeIndex] = decodedValue
self.childChangedActions.forEach { $0.action(&self.currentValue) }
if event.contains(.childRemoved) && childRemovedObserverHandle == nil {
childRemovedObserverHandle = reference.observe(.childRemoved) { snapshot in
guard let value = snapshot.value, let decodedValue = try? FirebaseDecoder().decode(Element.self, from: value) else {
fatalError("Could not decode value from Firebase.")
self.currentValue.removeAll { $ == }
self.childRemovedActions.forEach { $0.action(&self.currentValue) }
func removeObserver(for event: Event) {
if event.contains(.childAdded), let handle = childAddedObserverHandle {
reference.removeObserver(withHandle: handle)
self.childAddedObserverHandle = nil
if event.contains(.childChanged), let handle = childChangedObserverHandle {
reference.removeObserver(withHandle: handle)
self.childChangedObserverHandle = nil
if event.contains(.childRemoved), let handle = childRemovedObserverHandle {
reference.removeObserver(withHandle: handle)
self.childRemovedObserverHandle = nil
func removeAction(_ action: Action<[Element]>) {
if action.event.contains(.childAdded) {
childAddedActions.removeAll { $ == }
if action.event.contains(.childChanged) {
childChangedActions.removeAll { $ == }
if action.event.contains(.childRemoved) {
childRemovedActions.removeAll { $ == }
func removeAllActions(for event: Event) {
if event.contains(.childAdded) {
childAddedActions = []
if event.contains(.childChanged) {
childChangedActions = []
if event.contains(.childRemoved) {
childRemovedActions = []
struct School: Codable, Identifiable {
/// The unique id of the school.
var id: String
/// The name of the school.
var name: String
/// The city of the school.
var city: String
/// The province of the school.
var province: String
/// Email domains for student emails from the school.
var domains: [String]
struct RealtimeDatabase {
private var path: [String]
var reference: DatabaseReference {
var ref = Database.database().reference()
for component in path {
ref = ref.child(component)
return ref
init(previous: Self? = nil, child: String? = nil) {
if let previous = previous {
path = previous.path
} else {
path = []
if let child = child {
static subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> Self {
return Self(child: member)
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> Self {
return Self(child: member)
static subscript(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<Self, Self>) -> Self {
return Self()[keyPath: keyPath]
static let reference = Database.database().reference()
struct Event: OptionSet, Hashable {
let rawValue: UInt
static let childAdded = Event(rawValue: 1 << 0)
static let childChanged = Event(rawValue: 1 << 1)
static let childRemoved = Event(rawValue: 1 << 2)
static let all: Event = [.childAdded, .childChanged, .childRemoved]
static let constructive: Event = [.childAdded, .childChanged]
static let destructive: Event = .childRemoved
struct Action<Value>: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let event: Event
let action: (inout Value) -> Void
private init(on event: Event, perform action: #escaping (inout Value) -> Void) {
self.event = event
self.action = action
static func on<Value>(_ event: RealtimeDatabase.Event, perform action: #escaping (inout Value) -> Void) -> Action<Value> {
return Action<Value>(on: event, perform: action)
Usage example:
struct ContentView: View {
#DatabaseBackedArray(\.schools, events: .all, actions: [.on(.constructive) { $0.sort { $ < $ } }])
var schools: [School] = []
var body: some View {
Text("School: ").bold() +
Text(schools.isEmpty ? "Loading..." : schools.first!.name)
When I try to use this though, the view never updates with the value from Firebase even though I am positive that the .childAdded observer is being called.
One of my attempts at fixing this was to store all of these variables in a singleton that itself conforms to ObservableObject. This solution is also ideal as it allows the variables being observed to be shared throughout my application, preventing multiples instances of the same date and allowing for a single source of truth. Unfortunately, this too did not update the view with the fetched value of currentValue.
class Session: ObservableObject {
#DatabaseBackedArray(\.schools, events: .all, actions: [.on(.constructive) { $0.sort { $ < $ } }])
var schools: [School] = []
private init() {
//Send `objectWillChange` when `schools` property changes
_schools.objectWillChange.sink {
static let current = Session()
struct ContentView: View {
var session = Session.current
var body: some View {
Text("School: ").bold() +
Text(session.schools.isEmpty ? "Loading..." : session.schools.first!.name)
Is there any way to make a custom property wrapper that also updates a view in SwiftUI?
Making use of the DynamicProperty protocol we can easily trigger view updates by making use of SwiftUI's existing property wrappers. (DynamicProperty tells SwiftUI to look for these within our type)
struct OurPropertyWrapper: DynamicProperty {
// A state object that we notify of updates
#StateObject private var updater = Updater()
var wrappedValue: T {
get {
// Your getter code here
nonmutating set {
// Tell SwiftUI we're going to change something
// Your setter code here
class Updater: ObservableObject {
func notifyUpdate() {
The solution to this is to make a minor tweak to the solution of the singleton. Credits to #user1046037 for pointing this out to me. The problem with the singleton fix mentioned in the original post, is that it does not retain the canceller for the sink in the initializer. Here is the correct code:
class Session: ObservableObject {
#DatabaseBackedArray(\.schools, events: .all, actions: [.on(.constructive) { $0.sort { $ < $ } }])
var schools: [School] = []
private var cancellers = [AnyCancellable]()
private init() {
_schools.objectWillChange.sink {
}.assign(to: &cancellers)
static let current = Session()