Get SharePoint Online storage allocation/utilization - powershell

I am looking to retrieve the highlighted Sharepoint Online storage-utilization statistic via PowerShell. I see that I can get the usage and configured quotas for the sites inside the site collection, but not how to get the total amount of available storage and current amount used. What cmdlet(s) should I be looking at?


Fetch Mails From MS-Exchange Using Graph API

Can someone help me out that how I can fetch mails from Exchange User's mailbox using Microsoft Graph API?
Graph API is working fine for the online exchange users (O365) not for offline users (local users), but there is another problem too. Graph API provides Rest APIs by using which we can access each mailbox individually which will become very server loaded work if more than 1000K mailbox need to be scanned one by one and also a time taking process.
I want to fetch scan all user's mailbox at once both offline and online. Just like Microsoft Powershell do.
Is there any way to do so?
Any help will be deeply appreciated.

Detailed access logs in Azure CDN

Amazon and Google both provide detailed access logs for HTTP requests served by their CDN platforms. As far as I can see there is no such thing in any of Microsoft's CDN solutions (Microsoft, Akamai, Verizon Standard/Premium). There are diagnostic logs and reports for top resources, but I need the individual requests or at least the total number of requests per URL and day.
I have read Azure CDN file download statistics, but it is very old, so something may have changed.
Is it possible to get the access logs we need from a CDN in Azure using a method I have missed, or is this still a dead end?
It can be done now, at least if using "Azure CDN from Microsoft". You need to create a Log Analytics workspace (if you don't have one already), go to Diagnostics settings on your CDN profile (not endpoint) and route the raw logs to that workspace.
You can also put it in storage, or feed it into an event hub, but I found making reports easiest via log analytics - you can easily create a chart of hit/miss ratio per CDN Point-of-Presence with this:
| where Category == "AzureCdnAccessLog"
| summarize request_count = count(), totalResponseBytes = sum(toint(responseBytes_s)) by pop_s, cacheStatus_s, sentToOriginShield_b
| order by request_count desc
Read the whole of that second link - you may need to re-save endpoints not created recently.
Here's that query used to diagnose that misses from Cape Town (and Johannesburg) were being sent to an origin shield PoP in London before actually being pulled from the origin by the London PoP.

Microsoft Teams : REST APIs

I'm interested in getting data (metadata and content of files) out of Microsoft Teams into my application using REST APIs. I have looked at Office 365 APIs and Graph APIs but, I could not find supporting documentation for Microsoft Teams.
Teams API is now added to beta endpoint in Microsoft Graph. In documentation, you can find it together with Groups. Post, Channel and Chat Thread are available.
For example, documentation for "channel" resource is here:
Microsoft Teams REST API is now included into MS Graph API
At the time of writing this answer there are not too many APIs around Teams. However more are being added and they are in Beta (sending messages, adding apps to team, uploading team image, and more).
It is not recommended to use Beta APIs in production environment as they might change.
It is also worth of mentioning that Teams are actually Office365 Groups.
Please take a look at Graph API
Expand "Teamwork" at left side, you can get all Teams related API
We do not have Teams APIs available at this time. Our extensibility options are limited to experiences within the Teams application.
The Microsoft Graph API is constantly changing and we're currently using the following to monitor/interact with our Microsoft Teams application:
It gives access to the following (at the time of writing this):
We also monitor the general usage via the reports section in the Graph API:
This gives access to:
Device Usage:
Get details about Microsoft Teams device usage by user.
Get the number of daily unique users by device type.
Get the number of unique users by device type over the selected time period.
User Usage:
Get details about Microsoft Teams user activity by user.
Get the number of Microsoft Teams activities by activity type. The activities are performed by Microsoft Teams licensed users.
Get the number of users by activity type. The activity types are number of teams chat messages, private chat messages, calls, or meetings.

How to Check Remaining Quota for Bing Web Search API v5.0

I'm trying to find the way to check remaining monthly quota for Bing Web Search API v5.0 , against my specific Api Key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
i previously doing this for v2 apis .
I want to know if there's any way to find this.
Are you using a trial key from If so, you would normally go to your subscriptions page (after you sign in to the site with your Microsoft account) to check your remaining quota:
Note that unfortunately, at the moment, the show quota functionality is currently unavailable as you can see from the banner on the top of the page.
Edit: The option to show the remaining quota for the month is available again in the subscription page.

Azure Resource Group has no usage or billing

I've got a trial Azure subscription running with a couple of cloud services projects, a VM, a web app etc all up and running for a couple of weeks now.
Usage is light but resources are being consumed. i.e. stuffs been done.
My problem is the breakdown of charges re: resource groups. Perhaps I misunderstand but I thought that since every resource is put in a group and only one group by default then whatever is billed for the period should essentially be the sum of the charges for each of the resource groups?
The docs say you can get a consolidated view of resource group costs like below:
But the reality is quite different. From this summary on the portal home screen:
I can drill in to find the $48.32 expenditure:
I can drill into that and get cost by resource:
But when I want to get the cost by resource groups the info is either missing or incomplete. For these resource groups:
only one, containing a VM, has any billing data but only for compute. No data charges or storage charges.
And all the rest just have no usage or billing.
So this is kinda useless to me since we still have to dig around to find out where the difference went.
The documentation and some of the build 2015 videos suggest you can get a comprehensive view of your costs by resource group.
"how much is the marketing dept costing us"
"You can clarify billing for your organization by viewing the rolled-up costs for the entire group."
But that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Out of $48.32 of expenditure (albeit comped) only $8.43 is accounted for in resource group costings.
So have I not set something up correctly or does the portal not in fact support this?
Can I get this info by cross referencing (costs by resource IDS) with (resource group member resources id) via Powershell?
How do i get the complete operating cost (compute, storage, data) for a given resource group?