How to Check Remaining Quota for Bing Web Search API v5.0 - bing

I'm trying to find the way to check remaining monthly quota for Bing Web Search API v5.0 , against my specific Api Key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
i previously doing this for v2 apis .
I want to know if there's any way to find this.

Are you using a trial key from If so, you would normally go to your subscriptions page (after you sign in to the site with your Microsoft account) to check your remaining quota:
Note that unfortunately, at the moment, the show quota functionality is currently unavailable as you can see from the banner on the top of the page.
Edit: The option to show the remaining quota for the month is available again in the subscription page.


How to enable Facebook Business API for Whatsapp Connection

I am trying to connect my WhatsApp Business Account with Facebook so that it shows my business name. As per there shall be an option for WhatsApp Account in under 'Business Settings' > Accounts. But it is not there. It also says:
If the WhatsApp accounts option is not visible, the Business API may
not be available to you yet.
So can anyone guide how to get Business API access?
How do I get the WhatsApp Business API?
In order to ensure a high quality experience for businesses and users, we're in a limited public preview. If you'd like to work with us, submit more information about your business for consideration as we continue to expand our availability, or reach out to your Facebook representative if you already have one.
If you have such a representative available, reach out to them; otherwise, you will simply have to wait until this becomes available to everyone.

Facebook Api Bulk message as Page

I'd like to use the endpoint '{conversation-id}/messages' to send bulk messages. According to the latest update on policies i can send 1 message to each user (says nothing about the users count) outside the 24 hours window ( when i can send multiple messages ).
Can anyone confirm to me that "The restriction on promotional content has been removed for standard messaging." includes the Api endpoint i stated above? is it standard as in non-'bot-like'? or standard as in using the web app ?
Also, if i break the policies in this regard, do they ban the app, the developer or the page?:D

Microsoft Teams : REST APIs

I'm interested in getting data (metadata and content of files) out of Microsoft Teams into my application using REST APIs. I have looked at Office 365 APIs and Graph APIs but, I could not find supporting documentation for Microsoft Teams.
Teams API is now added to beta endpoint in Microsoft Graph. In documentation, you can find it together with Groups. Post, Channel and Chat Thread are available.
For example, documentation for "channel" resource is here:
Microsoft Teams REST API is now included into MS Graph API
At the time of writing this answer there are not too many APIs around Teams. However more are being added and they are in Beta (sending messages, adding apps to team, uploading team image, and more).
It is not recommended to use Beta APIs in production environment as they might change.
It is also worth of mentioning that Teams are actually Office365 Groups.
Please take a look at Graph API
Expand "Teamwork" at left side, you can get all Teams related API
We do not have Teams APIs available at this time. Our extensibility options are limited to experiences within the Teams application.
The Microsoft Graph API is constantly changing and we're currently using the following to monitor/interact with our Microsoft Teams application:
It gives access to the following (at the time of writing this):
We also monitor the general usage via the reports section in the Graph API:
This gives access to:
Device Usage:
Get details about Microsoft Teams device usage by user.
Get the number of daily unique users by device type.
Get the number of unique users by device type over the selected time period.
User Usage:
Get details about Microsoft Teams user activity by user.
Get the number of Microsoft Teams activities by activity type. The activities are performed by Microsoft Teams licensed users.
Get the number of users by activity type. The activity types are number of teams chat messages, private chat messages, calls, or meetings.

Need assistance determining which Bing Maps API license needed

A company sells products/services, any customer that enters into an agreement to purchase those products/services, can access the company's website. Once logged in, the customer can see on a map, the location of their offices/branches by address. We are estimating the page accessing the API requests at 100 / day.
Google requires a premium plan to use their geocoding API, I confirmed this with a Google sales rep. However I am struggling to determine what plan is appropriate if Bing's map API was used, and unfortunately the online quote request I submitted, the email was bounced back to me, saying inbox was full lol !
Could someone assist me in determine which license I would need? We do not have any Azure subscriptions at this time, and we are not tracking via GPS, only address. Here is the link i am referencing:
Please contact the Bing Maps licensing team at and they will assist you in determining the best way to license this type of application.

Can we move Google Analytics data to other account?

Started a webpage that now contains a lot of analytic data. Now that I have the client GA Tracking ID I would like to move the data I already have to that account.
Is this possible?
I get the Google Analytics API, I can always fetch all the data I want, but my problem is, upon I have the data how can I send / push this data to other account
in other words, How can I transfer data?
The domain is the same, only the account Id in use was a different one (my own, instead of the client's)
It is not possible:
You cannot currently transfer profiles or account data from one account to another account.
Google Analytics does not provide any flexibility with importing, exporting, or modifying any past data. Any data you have in one account cannot be moved to another.
With GA, the only way to get data in to an account is directly via __utm.gif requests, usually through their JavaScript snippet, but that doesn't allow for any way to import past data, since the date is fixed according to when the data is sent in.
Further, the Google Analytics API is read-only, and doesn't provide any way to import or move data.
(This answer is slightly less true for Universal Analytics is a good alternative, open source analytics system, not unlike Google Analytics, but without some of the constraints like this.
I think now it's possible to move data from one account to another.
Check out this article:
If you need to reorganize your properties in Analytics, you can move them (and their views) from one account to another.
Moving properties lets you keep your Analytics implementation current with your business. You might be reorganizing after a merger, after an internal restructuring, after hiring a new agency, or you might be developing a new Roll-Up strategy.
This was not possible in 2011 when the question was originally asked. Google added this capability to GA in 2016 (source). In addition to Google's documentation which engray provided, there are several blog posts which discuss how.
How to transfer a Google Analytics property from one Google Account to another
How to Move a Property to Another Account in Google Analytics
How to move a property:
Sign in to Google Analytics & navigate to Admin section.
In the ACCOUNT column choose the account that contains the property you want to move.
In the PROPERTY column, select the property you want to move.
Click Property Settings, then click Move property.
Select the destination account.
Choose your permissions settings.
Click Move.
Confirm data processing, then click Save.
Might be possible to do this as i was curious and found a few forum posts mentioning it:
Log into GA.
Goto the Account List.
Find your web property, you can't click the 'property' itself but a profile under it...
Then click on Admin on top-right side.
Go 'Up' a Level.
For example the breadcrumb says:
'Account list' › 'FOO (' › 'FOO ( - (Default Profile)'
and now the breadcrumb should say when you click 2nd breadcrumb link:
'Account list' › 'FOO ('
Now you have an option to add other users to this whole web property by going to the Users tab.
Add an Administrator user to this specific property. You can setup this user for them on gmail that they can change the password later after you set it up (or use their Google Account email they provide and maybe walk through with them to make sure they do it correctly).
Then login as that user, and delete the old user. Then that should 'transfer' to a new account.
What I do in this situation - export all data from Google account and import it into Tableau or QlickView. And use desktop analysis. In any case these data will be actual no more than 2 years.