Using CFLint in VS Code - can't seem to enable it? - visual-studio-code

I have a java 8 installed, and .jar file is where it's supposed to be, yet in my vscode settings file the lines to enable cflint appear to be dimmed out?
The hover error is "Unknown Configuration Setting". Any tips on getting CFLint enabled?


JSON Settings editor in JupyterLab not working?

I recently updated python to the latest version 3.10.5 on my Windows 10 desktop using pyenv-win. Everything went fine, except when I launched jupyter lab and found out I can't access the JSON settings editor anymore. I was following the same procedure as always:
Launching jupyterlab from the terminal using the command jupyter lab
Going to the settings menu and choosing Advanced Settings Editor
The settings editor GUI is opened as always and I can change settings through the UI, but I prefer using the JSON settings file.
On the top right of the settings editor there is a button to open the JSON Settings Editor. I click it and nothing happens. This button doesn't do anything. it used to open a text editor with all the JSON settings files. Now it simply does nothing.
I tried reinstalling jupyter lab completly, including removing every custom extension and reseting all setting to the default, and it didn't help. The JSON Settings Editor button still doesn't do anything.
Can anyone explain to me why this happens and how I can fix this?
This is a bug in the latest JupyterLab release v3.4.4. I have reproduced it on 3.4.4 and opened a pull request to fix it: jupyterlab#12892. The fix should be included in the next patch release. In the meantime you can downgrade to 3.4.3 which is not affected.
Thank you for highlighting it (next time if it looks like a bug feel welcome to report directly at
Edit: JupyterLab 3.4.5 is now released. Please upgrade using your package manager to get the fix.

vs code phpcs only works sometimes

Sometimes I open a php file in VS Code and no linting occurs until I open the linting console from the bottom, switch over to the terminal pane where a dialog shows up that asks me if I trust the authors of this workspace. If I say yes then linting errors are shown until I close VS Code.
Other times, I open a php file in vs code, no linting errors show so I open the linting console from the bottom and switch over to the terminal pane but nothing happens.
There is no pattern that I can see as to when the linter will work and when it will do nothing. I have never encountered a problem like this. Does anyone know anything about this problem?

VSCode CMake Tools disabling "Configure On Open" doesn't seem to be working

I have a workspace with several folders in it, one of which is a C++ folder with CMake stuff in it, but the others don't (they're Python or text folders). Since recently, when I open the workspace, CMake always tries and fails to configure every folder, with causes the console to open annoyingly every time, displaying messages like Cannot find CMT for folder [...] or we don't have an extension manager created yet. Setting feature set view to "full", and Unable to determine what CMake generator to use. Please install or configure a preferred generator, or update settings.json, your Kit configuration or PATH variable. Error: No usable generator found. I don't want this, I don't want CMake Tools to try to be clever and start configuring stuff without me explicitly telling it to. I've opened the settings, and unchecked the option "Cmake: Configure On Open", and unchecked the option "Cmake: Configure On Edit". I've double-checked that I've done that in all of "User", "Workspace", and "Folder" settings. However, this doesn't seem to work, still, every time I open VSCode, it tries and fails to configure, and it opens up the annoying console and displays the annoying error messages. Oh and as a bonus, it periodically displays an annoying error message box at the botton-right. How do I fix this?

How do I debug why eslint is not working correctly with vscode?

I'm using vscode and eslint is running but it's not finding errors in certain files that it finds in others in the same project.
Is there some way to debug this? Like an option for more verbose output that will show me where it's getting its configuration for each file while running inside vscode?
The easiest way I've found of diagnosing ESLint problems is opening the tray at the bottom of the screen, clicking the Output tab, and selecting the ESLint debug feed from the dropdown at the top right corner of the tray. This will report what problems ESLint encounters as it loads and tries to lint your code. You might have to open a file of the type you're trying to lint to see all the output problems.
You can also open this from the command palette by pressing Cntl + Shift + P and then typing ESLint: Show Output Panel.

Visual Studio Code shows TypeScript Error on startup

When starting Visual Studio Code, I get the following Error:
The Path c:*\node_modules\typescript\lib doesn't point to a valid tsserver install. TypeScript language features will be disabled.
I'm not using typescript.
How do I tell vscode I'm not using typescript.
vs code version 1.8.1
That error implies that you have the setting "typescript.tsdk" set to that path. It may be in the workspace settings of the folder you open, in the file at .vscode/settings.json. Or it may be in your user settings (F1 > Open user settings). Remove it, and the error should stop appearing.