How can macro variable capture happen with a gensym symbol? - macros

I'm learning common lisp. I have written a version of the once-only macro, which suffers from an unusual variable capture problem.
My macro is this:
(defmacro my-once-only (names &body body)
(let ((syms (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (gensym))
``(let (,,#(mapcar #'(lambda (sym name) ``(,',sym ,,name))
syms names))
,(let (,#(mapcar #'(lambda (name sym) `(,name ',sym))
names syms))
The canonical version of only-once is this:
(defmacro once-only ((&rest names) &body body)
(let ((gensyms (loop for n in names collect (gensym))))
`(let (,#(loop for g in gensyms collect `(,g (gensym))))
`(let (,,#(loop for g in gensyms for n in names collect ``(,,g ,,n)))
,(let (,#(loop for n in names for g in gensyms collect `(,n ,g)))
The difference, as far as I can tell, is that the canonical version generates new symbols for every expansion of the macro using only-once. For example:
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 '(once-only (foo) foo))
(LET ((#:G824 (GENSYM)))
`(LET (,`(,#:G824 ,FOO))
,(LET ((FOO #:G824))
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 '(my-once-only (foo) foo))
`(LET (,`(,'#:G825 ,FOO))
,(LET ((FOO '#:G825))
The variable my macro uses to store the value of foo is the same for every expansion of this form, in this case it would be #:G825. This is akin to defining a macro like the following:
(defmacro identity-except-for-bar (foo)
`(let ((bar 2))
This macro captures bar, and this capture manifests when bar is passed to it, like so:
CL-USER> (let ((bar 1))
(identity-except-for-bar bar))
However, I cannot think of any way to pass #:G825 to a macro that uses my-only-once so that it breaks like this, because the symbols gensym returns are unique, and I cannot create a second copy of it outside of the macro. I assume that capturing it is unwanted, otherwise the canonical version wouldn't bother adding the additional layer of gensym. How could capturing a symbol like #:G826 be a problem? Please provide an example where this capture manifests.

We can demonstrate a behavioral difference between my-once-only and once-only:
Let's store our test form in a variable.
(defvar *form* '(lexalias a 0 (lexalias b (1+ a) (list a b))))
This test form exercises a macro called lexalias, which we will define in two ways. First with once-only:
(defmacro lexalias (var value &body body)
(once-only (value)
`(symbol-macrolet ((,var ,value))
(eval *form*) -> (0 1)
Then with my-once-only:
(defmacro lexalias (var value &body body)
(my-once-only (value)
`(symbol-macrolet ((,var ,value))
(eval *form*) -> (1 1)
Oops! The problem is that under my-once-only, both a and b end up being symbol-macrolet aliases for exactly the same gensym; the returned expression (list a b) ends up being something like (list #:g0025 #:g0025).
If you're writing a macro-writing helper that implements once-only evaluation, you have no idea how the symbol is going to be used by the code which calls the macro, whose author uses your once-only tool. There are two big unknowns: the nature of the macro and of its use.
As you can see, if you don't make fresh gensyms, it will not work correctly in all conceivable scenarios.


Lisp - Passing unquoted list to macro

I'm currently experimenting with macro's in Lisp and I would like to write a macro which can handle syntax as follows:
(my-macro (args1) (args2))
The macro should take two lists which would then be available within my macro to do further processing. The catch, however, is that the lists are unquoted to mimic the syntax of some real Lisp/CLOS functions. Is this possible?
Currently I get the following error when attempting to do something like this:
Undefined function ARGS1 called with arguments ().
Thanks in advance!
I think you need to show what you have tried to do. Here is an example of a (silly) macro which has an argument pattern pretty much what yours is:
(defmacro stupid-let ((&rest vars) (&rest values) &body forms)
;; Like LET but with a terrible syntax
(unless (= (length vars) (length values))
(error "need exactly one value for each variable"))
(unless (every #'symbolp vars)
(error "not every variable is a symbol"))
`(let ,(mapcar #'list vars values) ,#forms))
> (macroexpand '(stupid-let (a b c) (1 2 3) (+ a b c)))
(let ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)) (+ a b c))
The above macro depends on defmacro's arglist-destructuring, but you don't have to do that:
(defun proper-list-p (l)
;; elaborate version with an occurs check, quadratic.
(labels ((plp (tail tails)
(if (member tail tails)
(typecase tail
(null t)
(cons (plp (rest tail) (cons tail tails)))
(t nil)))))
(plp l '())))
(defmacro stupid-let (vars values &body forms)
;; Like LET but with a terrible syntax
(unless (and (proper-list-p vars) (proper-list-p values))
(error "need lists of variables and values"))
(unless (= (length vars) (length values))
(error "need exactly one value for each variable"))
(unless (every #'symbolp vars)
(error "not every variable is a symbol"))
`(let ,(mapcar #'list vars values) ,#forms))
As a slightly more useful example, here is a macro which is a bit like the CLOS with-slots / with-accessors macros:
(defmacro with-mindless-accessors ((&rest accessor-specifications) thing
&body forms)
"Use SYMBOL-MACROLET to define mindless accessors for THING.
Each accessor specification is either a symbol which names the symbol
macro and the accessor, or a list (macroname accessorname) which binds
macroname to a symbol macro which calls accessornam. THING is
evaluated once only."
(multiple-value-bind (accessors functions)
(loop for accessor-specification in accessor-specifications
if (symbolp accessor-specification)
collect accessor-specification into acs
and collect accessor-specification into fns
else if (and (proper-list-p accessor-specification)
(= (length accessor-specification) 2)
(every #'symbolp accessor-specification))
collect (first accessor-specification) into acs
and collect (second accessor-specification) into fns
else do (error "bad accessor specification ~A" accessor-specification)
finally (return (values acs fns)))
(let ((thingn (make-symbol "THING")))
`(let ((,thingn ,thing))
(symbol-macrolet ,(loop for accessor in accessors
for function in functions
collect `(,accessor (,function ,thingn)))
So now we can write this somewhat useless code:
> (with-mindless-accessors (car cdr) (cons 1 2)
(setf cdr 3)
(+ car cdr))
And this:
> (let ((l (list 1 2)))
(with-mindless-accessors (second) l
(setf second 4)
(1 4)

Rewrite loop as a mapcar

Looking at Practical Common Lisp, we're looking at a simple automated unit test framework. We're trying to write a macro to be used as such:
(check (= (+ 1 2) 3) (= (- 1 4) 9))
This should expand to something using a previously defined function report-result. The suggested implementation is:
(defmacro check (&body forms)
,#(loop for f in forms collect `(report-result ,f ',f))))
However, that expansion seems rather procedural to me. I wanted to replace the loop with a mapcar to expand to something like this:
(mapcar #'(lambda (form) (report-result form 'form)) (list form-1 ... form-n))
However, I'm clearly lacking the macro-writing skills to do so. Can someone come up with one such macro?
In case it's relevant, this is the definition of report-result:
(defun report-result (result form)
(format t "~:[FAIL~;pass~] ... ~a~%" result form))
It's indeed fairly simple: you just place the collect expression into the body of your mapcar:
(defmacro check (&body forms)
,#(mapcar #'(lambda (form)
`(report-result ,form ',form))
You don't really need to know anything about the "macro-y" stuff that's going on, in order to do the replacement you want, which is simply replacing a loop with some other equivalent expression: it will work just as well in a macro context as it would outside.
If you want to expand to a mapcar you can, but there's no real reason to do so, since the list's size is known at compile time. Here's what that would look like:
(defmacro check (&body forms)
`(let ((results (list ,#(mapcar #'(lambda (form)
`(list ,form ',form))
(mapcar #'(lambda (result)
(report-result (car result) (cadr result)))
Which expands like so
> (macroexpand-1 '(check (+ 1 2) (* 2 3)))
(let ((results (list (list (+ 1 2) '(+ 1 2))
(list (* 2 3) '(* 2 3)))))
(mapcar #'(lambda (result) (report-result (car result) (cadr result)))
Which as you can see is rather awkward: the macro already has the forms like (+ 1 2) available to it, but in order to preserve them to runtime for the mapcar lambda to see, you have to emit the input form twice. And you have to produce the whole list to map over, rather than just producing a list that's "finished" to begin with. Additionally, this produces a list as output, and requires having all the inputs and outputs in memory at once: the original macro with progn produced the inputs and outputs one at a time, and discarded them when finished.

macro to feed a calculated binding list into a 'let'?

I'm trying different binding models for macro lambda lists.
Edit: in fact the lambda list for my test macros is always (&rest ...). Which means that I'm 'destructuring' the argument list and not the lambda list. I try to get a solution that works for combining optional with key arguments or rest/body with key arguments - both combinations don't work in the Common Lisp standard implementation.
So I have different functions giving me a list of bindings having the same syntax as used by 'let'.
(build-bindings ...) => ((first 1) middle (last "three"))
Now I thought to use a simple macro inside my test macros feeding such a list to 'let'.
This is trivial if I have a literal list:
(defmacro let-list (_list &rest _body)
`(let ,_list ,#_body))
(let-list ((a 236)) a) => 236
But that's the same as a plain 'let'.
What I'd like to have is the same thing with a generated list.
So e.g.
(let-list (build-bindings ...)
(format t "first: ~s~%" first)
with (build-bindings ...), evaluated in the same lexical scope as the call (let-list ...), returning
((first 1) middle (last "three"))
the expansion of the macro should be
((first 1) middle (last "three"))
(format t "first: ~s~%" first)
and should print 1 and return "three".
Any idea how to accomplish that?
Edit (to make the question more general):
If I have a list of (symbol value) pairs, i.e. same syntax that let requires for it's list of bindings, e.g. ((one 1) (two 'two) (three "three")), is there any way to write a macro that creates lexical bindings of the symbols with the supplied values for it's &rest/&body parameter?
This is seems to be a possible solution which Joshua pointed me to:
(let ((list_ '((x 23) (y 6) z)))
((symbols_(loop for item_ in list_
collect (if (listp item_) (car item_) item_)))
(values_ (loop for item_ in list_
collect (if (listp item_) (cadr item_) nil))))
(progv symbols_ values_
(format t "x ~s, y ~s, z ~s~%" x y z))))
evaluates to:
;Compiler warnings :
; In an anonymous lambda form: Undeclared free variable X
; In an anonymous lambda form: Undeclared free variable Y
; In an anonymous lambda form: Undeclared free variable Z
x 23, y 6, z NIL
I could also easily rearrange my build-bindings functions to return the two lists needed.
One problem is, that the compiler spits warnings if the variables have never been declared special.
And the other problem that, if the dynamically bound variables are also used in a surrounding lexical binding, they a shadowed by the lexical binding - again if they have never been declared special:
(let ((x 47) (y 11) (z 0))
(let ((list_ '((x 23) (y 6) z)))
((symbols_(loop for item_ in list_
collect (if (listp item_) (car item_) item_)))
(values_ (loop for item_ in list_
collect (if (listp item_) (cadr item_) nil))))
(progv symbols_ values_
(format t "x ~s, y ~s, z ~s~%" x y z)))))
evaluates to:
x 47, y 11, z 0
A better way could be:
(let ((x 47) (y 11) (z 0))
(declare (special x y))
(let ((list_ '((x 23) (y 6) z)))
((symbols_(loop for item_ in list_
collect (if (listp item_) (car item_) item_)))
(values_ (loop for item_ in list_
collect (if (listp item_) (cadr item_) nil))))
(progv symbols_ values_
(format t "x ~s, y ~s, z ~s~%" x y z))))))
evaluates to:
;Compiler warnings about unused lexical variables skipped
x 23, y 6, z NIL
I can't see at the moment whether there are other problems with the dynamic progv bindings.
But the whole enchilada of a progv wrapped in locally with all the symbols declared as special cries for a macro again - which is again not possible due to same reasons let-list doesn't work :(
The possiblilty would be a kind of macro-lambda-list destructuring-hook which I'm not aware of.
I have to look into the implementation of destructuring-bind since that macro does kind of what I'd like to do. Perhaps that will enlight me ;)
So a first (incorrect) attempt would look something like this:
(defun build-bindings ()
'((first 1) middle (last "three")))
(defmacro let-list (bindings &body body)
`(let ,bindings
Then you could try doing something like:
(let-list (build-bindings)
(print first))
That won't work, of course, because the macro expansion leaves the form (build-bindings) in the resulting let, in a position where it won't be evaluated:
CL-USER> (pprint (macroexpand-1 '(let-list (build-bindings)
(print first))))
Evaluation during Macroexpansion time
The issue is that you want the result of build-bindings at macroexpansion time, and that's before the code as a whole is run. Now, in this example, build-bindings can be run at macroexpansion time, because it's not doing anything with any arguments (remember I asked in a comment what the arguments are?). That means that you could actually eval it in the macroexpansion:
(defmacro let-list (bindings &body body)
`(let ,(eval bindings)
CL-USER> (pprint (macroexpand-1 '(let-list (build-bindings)
(print first))))
(LET ((FIRST 1) MIDDLE (LAST "three"))
Now that will work, insofar as it will bind first, middle, and last to 1, nil, and "three", respectively. However, if build-bindings actually needed some arguments that weren't available at macroexpansion time, you'd be out of luck. First, it can take arguments that are available at macroexpansion time (e.g., constants):
(defun build-bindings (a b &rest cs)
`((first ',a) (middle ',b) (last ',cs)))
CL-USER> (pprint (macroexpand-1 '(let-list (build-bindings 1 2 3 4 5)
(print first))))
(LET ((FIRST '1) (MIDDLE '2) (LAST '(3 4 5)))
You could also have some of the variables appear in there:
(defun build-bindings (x ex y why)
`((,x ,ex) (,y ,why)))
CL-USER> (pprint (macroexpand-1 '(let-list (build-bindings 'a 'ay 'b 'bee)
(print first))))
(LET ((A AY) (B BEE))
What you can't do, though, is have the variable names be determined from values that don't exist until runtime. E.g., you can't do something like:
(let ((var1 'a)
(var2 'b))
(let-list (build-bindings var1 'ay var2 'bee)
(print first))
because (let-list (build-bindings …) …) is macroexpanded before any of this code is actually executed. That means that you'd be trying to evaluate (build-bindings var1 'ay var2 'bee) when var1 and var2 aren't bound to any values.
Common Lisp does all its macroexpansion first, and then evaluates code. That means that values that aren't available until runtime are not available at macroexpansion time.
Compilation (and Macroexpansion) at Runtime
Now, even though I said that Common Lisp does all its macroexpansion first, and then evaluates code, the code above actually uses eval at macroexpansion to get some extra evaluation earlier. We can do things in the other direction too; we can use compile at runtime. That means that we can generate a lambda function and compile it based on code (e.g., variable names) provided at runtime. We can actually do this without using a macro:
(defun %dynamic-lambda (bindings body)
(flet ((to-list (x) (if (listp x) x (list x))))
(let* ((bindings (mapcar #'to-list bindings))
(vars (mapcar #'first bindings))
(vals (mapcar #'second bindings)))
(apply (compile nil `(lambda ,vars ,#body)) vals))))
CL-USER> (%dynamic-lambda '((first 1) middle (last "three"))
'((list first middle last)))
;=> (1 NIL "three")
This compiles a lambda expression that is created at runtime from a body and a list of bindings. It's not hard to write a macro that takes some fo the quoting hassle out of the picture:
(defmacro let-list (bindings &body body)
`(%dynamic-lambda ,bindings ',body))
CL-USER> (let-list '((first 1) middle (last "three"))
(list first middle last))
;=> (1 NIL "three")
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 '(let-list (build-bindings)
(list first middle last)))
CL-USER> (flet ((build-bindings ()
'((first 1) middle (last "three"))))
(let-list (build-bindings)
(list first middle last)))
;=> (1 NIL "three")
This gives you genuine lexical variables from a binding list created at runtime. Of course, because the compilation is happening at runtime, you lose access to the lexical environment. That means that the body that you're compiling into a function cannot access the "surrounding" lexical scope. E.g.:
CL-USER> (let ((x 3))
(let-list '((y 4))
(list x y)))
; Evaluation aborted on #<UNBOUND-VARIABLE X {1005B6C2B3}>.
Using PROGV and special variables
If you don't need lexical variables, but can use special (i.e., dynamically scoped) variables instead, you can establish bindings at runtime using progv. That would look something like:
(progv '(a b c) '(1 2 3)
(list c b a))
;;=> (3 2 1)
You'll probably get some warnings with that if run it, because when the form is compiled, there's no way to know that a, b, and c are supposed to be special variables. You can use locally to add some special declarations, though:
(progv '(a b c) '(1 2 3)
(declare (special a b c))
(list c b a)))
;;=> (3 2 1)
Of course, if you're doing this, then you have to know the variables in advance which is exactly what you were trying to avoid in the first place. However, if you're willing to know the names of the variables in advance (and your comments seem like you might be okay with that), then you can actually use lexical variables.
Lexical variables with values computed at run time
If you're willing to state what the variables will be, but still want to compute their values dynamically at run time, you can do that relatively easily. First, lets write the direct version (with no macro):
;; Declare three lexical variables, a, b, and c.
(let (a b c)
;; Iterate through a list of bindings (as for LET)
;; and based on the name in the binding, assign the
;; corresponding value to the lexical variable that
;; is identified by the same symbol in the source:
(dolist (binding '((c 3) (a 1) b))
(destructuring-bind (var &optional value)
(if (listp binding) binding (list binding))
(ecase var
(a (setf a value))
(b (setf b value))
(c (setf c value)))))
;; Do something with the lexical variables:
(list a b c))
;;=> (1 NIL 3)
Now, it's not too hard to write a macrofied version of this. This version isn't perfect, (e.g., there could be hygiene issues with names, and declarations in the body won't work (because the body is being spliced in after some stuff). It's a start, though:
(defmacro computed-let (variables bindings &body body)
(let ((assign (gensym (string '#:assign-))))
`(let ,variables
(flet ((,assign (binding)
(destructuring-bind (variable &optional value)
(if (listp binding) binding (list binding))
(ecase variable
,#(mapcar (lambda (variable)
`(,variable (setf ,variable value)))
(map nil #',assign ,bindings))
(computed-let (a b c) '((a 1) b (c 3))
(list a b c))
;;=> (1 NIL 3)
One way of making this cleaner would be to avoid the assignment altogether, and the computed values to provide the values for the binding directly:
(defmacro computed-let (variables bindings &body body)
(let ((values (gensym (string '#:values-)))
(variable (gensym (string '#:variable-))))
`(apply #'(lambda ,variables ,#body)
(let ((,values (mapcar #'to-list ,bindings)))
(mapcar (lambda (,variable)
(second (find ,variable ,values :key 'first)))
This version creates a lambda function where the arguments are the specified variables and the body is the provided body (so the declarations in the body are in an appropriate place), and then applies it to a list of values extracted from the result of the computed bindings.
since I'm doing some "destructuring" of the arguments (in a bit a different way), I know which arguments must be present or have which
default values in case of missing optional and key arguments. So in
the first step I get a list of values and a flag whether an optional
or key argument was present or defaulted. In the second step I would
like to bind those values and/or present/default flag to local
variables to do some work with them
This is actually starting to sound like you can do what you need to by using a lambda function or destructuring-bind with keyword arguments. First, note that you can use any symbol as a keyword argument indicator. E.g.:
(apply (lambda (&key
((b bee) 'default-bee b?)
((c see) 'default-see c?))
(list bee b? see c?))
'(b 42))
(destructuring-bind (&key ((b bee) 'default-bee b?)
((c see) 'default-see c?))
'(b 42)
(list bee b? see c?))
So, if you just make your function return bindings as a list of keyword arguments, then in the destructuring or function application you can automatically bind corresponding variables, assign default values, and check whether non-default values were provided.
Acting a bit indirectly:
a solution that works for combining optional with key arguments or
rest/body with key arguments
Have you considered the not-entirely-uncommon paradigm of using a sub-list for the keywords?
(defmacro something (&key (first 1) second) &body body) ... )
or, a practical use from Alexandria:
(defmacro with-output-to-file ((stream-name file-name
&rest args
&key (direction nil direction-p)
&body body)

How to implement a short-circuited "and" macro in Common Lisp?

Assume that the macro would take the boolean types a and b . If a is nil, then the macro should return nil (without ever evaluating b), otherwise it returns b. How do you do this?
This really depends on what you can use.
E.g., is or available? if? cond?
Here is one example:
(defmacro and (a b)
`(if ,a ,b nil)
EDIT. In response to a comment, or is more complicated because we have to avoid double evaluation:
(defmacro or (a b)
(let ((v (gensym "OR")))
`(let ((,v ,a))
(if ,v ,v ,b))))
sds's answer is nice and concise, but it has two limitations:
It only works with two arguments, whereas the built in and and or take any number of arguments. It's not too hard to update the solution to take any number of arguments, but it would be a bit more complicated.
More importantly, it's based very directly in terms of delayed operations that are already present in the language. I.e., it takes advantage of the fact that if doesn't evaluate the then or else parts until it has first evaluated the condition.
It might be a good exercise, then, to note that when a macro needs to delay evaluation of some forms, it's often the simplest strategy (in terms of implementation, but not necessarily the most efficient) to use a macro that expands to a function call that takes a function. For instance, a naive implementation of with-open-file might be:
(defun %call-with-open-file (pathname function)
(funcall function (open pathname)))
(defmacro my-with-open-file ((var pathname) &body body)
(lambda (,var)
Using a technique like this, you can easily get a binary and (and or):
(defun %and (a b)
(if (funcall a)
(funcall b)
(defmacro my-and (a b)
`(%and (lambda () ,a)
(lambda () ,b)))
CL-USER> (my-and t (print "hello"))
"hello" ; printed output
"hello" ; return value
CL-USER> (my-and nil (print "hello"))
or is similar:
(defun %or (a b)
(let ((aa (funcall a)))
(if aa
(funcall b))))
(defmacro my-or (a b)
`(%or (lambda () ,a)
(lambda () ,b)))
To handle the n-ary case (since and and or actually take any number of arguments), you could write a function that takes a list of lambda functions and calls each of them until you get to one that would short circuit (or else reaches the end). Common Lisp actually already has functions like that: every and some. With this approach, you could implement and in terms of every by wrapping all the arguments in lambda functions:
(defmacro my-and (&rest args)
`(every #'funcall
(list ,#(mapcar #'(lambda (form)
`(lambda () ,form))
For instance, with this implementation,
(my-and (listp '()) (evenp 3) (null 'x))
expands to:
(LAMBDA () (NULL 'X))))
Since all the forms are now wrapped in lambda functions, they won't get called until every gets that far.
The only difference is that and is specially defined to return the value of the last argument if all the preceding ones are true (e.g., (and t t 3) returns 3, not t, whereas the specific return value of every is not specified (except that it would be a true value).
With this approach, implementing or (using some) is no more complicated than implementing and:
(defmacro my-or (&rest args)
`(some #'funcall ,#(mapcar #'(lambda (form)
`(lambda () ,form))

Saving symbol-names of argument in macro

One of the exercises in Paul Grahams ANSI Common Lisp book is this: Define a macro that takes a list of variables and a body of code, and ensures that the variables revert to their original values after the body of code is evaluated.
The problem I'm having with this exercise is how to save the symbol-names of the input variables. Below I have a start where I only save the values that the symbols are bound to.
(defmacro save-run (varlist &body body)
`(let ((valuelist (list ,#varlist)))
(format t "valuelist: ~A" valuelist)))
(let ((a 5)(b 6))
(values '(a b))
(save-run (a b)
(setf a 7)
(setf b 8)))
[507]> valuelist: (5 6)
Edit: Here's a solution where the variables are saved and then restored (using tips from finnw below). But shadowing the variables as in Vatine's answer is probably more elegant.
(defmacro save-run (varlist &body body)
`(let ((valuelist (list ,#varlist)))
(multiple-value-setq ,varlist (values-list valuelist))))
To get the list of symbols, all you need to do is quote the contents of VARLIST:
(defmacro save-run (varlist &body body)
`(let ((namelist ',varlist)
(valuelist (list ,#varlist)))
(format t "namelist: ~A~%" namelist)
(format t "valuelist: ~A~%" valuelist)))
I suspect this will not be useful in the final defnition however. There is not much you can do with the list of symbols at run-time. Instead, look for a good place to insert the list in the macro expansion.
Also you might want to use a GENSYM instead of the hard-coded variable name VALUELIST:
(defmacro save-run (varlist &body body)
(let ((valuelist (gensym)))
`(let ((,valuelist (list ,#varlist)))
(setf (values ,#varlist) (values-list ,valuelist)))))
Personally, I'd introduce another binding layer for the variables we want to save.
You have the list of variables in varlist so something like this may work:
(defmacro save-run (varlist &body body)
`(let ,(loop for var in varlist
collect (list var var))
I really liked Vatine's approach. Here is an implementation that expands to the same code, but uses mapcar instead of the loop macro:
(defmacro save-run (varlist &body body)
`(let ,(mapcar #'list varlist varlist)