Powershell Convert a string to datatable - powershell

I have the below string which is returned from an Invoke-RestMethod call. How can I transform the results into an object or data table to be able to use it? The first row would be the properties.
I tried the Out-File and Export-CSV first but the only length is added to the file.
Then I tried the format table which did nothing.
Any ideas?
Name,Main No, Sec No

The ConvertFrom-Csv cmdlet is smart enough to exclude the empty lines we see in your example.
To output as CSV, simply use:
$data | ConvertFrom-Csv
#output to csv file:
$data | ConvertFrom-Csv | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\test.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Your CSV file will look like this:
"Name","Main No","Sec No"
"Tom","33.8798","21.9098 "
If you want it converted to datatable, you can use below function:
function ConvertTo-DataTable {
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
Begin {
$dataTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$first = $true
function _GetSafeTypeName($type) {
# internal helper function to return the correct typename for a datatable
$types = #('System.Boolean', 'System.Byte', 'System.SByte', 'System.Char', 'System.Datetime',
'System.TimeSpan', 'System.Decimal', 'System.Double', 'System.Guid', 'System.Single')
$ints = #('System.Int16', 'System.Int32', 'System.Int64')
$uints = #('System.UInt16', 'System.UInt32', 'System.UInt64')
if ($types -contains $type) { return "$type" }
# if the type is Int or UInt, always return the largest variety
if ($ints -contains $type) { return 'System.Int64' }
if ($uints -contains $type) { return 'System.UInt64' }
return 'System.String'
Process {
foreach ($object in $InputObject) {
$dataRow = $dataTable.NewRow()
foreach($property in $object.PSObject.Properties) {
# read the data type for this property and make sure it is a valid type for a DataTable
$dataType = _GetSafeTypeName $property.TypeNameOfValue
# ensure the property name does not contain invalid characters
$propertyName = $property.Name -replace '[\W\p{Pc}-[,]]', '_' -replace '_+', '_'
if ($first) {
$dataColumn = New-Object System.Data.DataColumn $propertyName, $dataType
if ($property.Gettype().IsArray -or ($property.TypeNameOfValue -like '*collection*')) {
$dataRow.Item($propertyName) = $property.Value | ConvertTo-XML -As String -NoTypeInformation -Depth 1
else {
$value = if ($null -ne $property.Value) { $property.Value } else { [System.DBNull]::Value }
$dataRow.Item($propertyName) = $value -as $dataType
$first = $false
End {
Write-Output #(,($dataTable))
Then use it like this:
$data | ConvertFrom-Csv | ConvertTo-DataTable
P.S. $data is the result of your Invoke-RestMethod call.


Powershell - Exchange JSON output without needing to write to a file

EDIT: Added Setupconfigfiles.ps1
I'm a bit new to detailed scripting so please bear with me.
I have two Powershell scripts
Setupconfigfiles.ps1 generates JSON output to be fed to an API.
Script2 uses that JSON data to execute API commands.
Script 2 can call setupconfigfiles.ps1 as indicated below and use the output data.
.\SetupConfigFiles.ps1 -type $Type -outfile .\Templist.json
$servers = Get-Content -Raw -Path .\templist.json | ConvertFrom-Json
param (
# If this parameter is set, format the output as csv.
# If this parameter is not set, just return the output so that the calling program can use the info
# this parameter can be 'production', 'development' or 'all'
enum MachineTypes {
production = 1
development = 2
all = 3
$Servers = Get-ADObject -Filter 'ObjectClass -eq "computer"' -SearchBase 'Obfuscated DSN' | Select-Object Name
$output = #()
$count = 0
# Set this to [MachineTypes]::production or [MachineTypes]::development or [MachineTypes]::all
if ($type -eq "all") {
$server_types = [MachineTypes]::all
ElseIf ($type -eq "production") {
$server_types = [MachineTypes]::production
else {
$server_types = [MachineTypes]::development
ForEach ($Server in $Servers)
$count = $count + 1
$this_server = #{}
$this_server.hostname = $Server.Name
$this_server.id = $count
$this_server."site code" = $this_server.hostname.substring(1,3)
$this_server."location code" = $this_server.hostname.substring(4,2)
if ($this_server.hostname.substring(7,1) -eq "P") {
$this_server.environment = "Production"
ElseIf ($this_server.hostname.substring(7,1) -eq "D") {
$this_server.environment = "Development"
Else {
$this_server.environment = "Unknown"
if (($server_types -eq [MachineTypes]::production ) -and ($this_server.environment -eq "Production")) {
$output += $this_server
ElseIf (($server_types -eq [MachineTypes]::development ) -and ($this_server.environment -eq "Development")) {
$output += $this_server
Else {
if ($server_types -eq [MachineTypes]::all ) {
$output += $this_server
if ($outfile -eq "")
ConvertTo-Json $output
else {
ConvertTo-Json $output | Out-File $outfile
How can I do it without needing to write to the Templist.json file?
I've called this many different ways. The one I thought would work is .\SetupConfigFiles.ps1 $servers
Y'all are great. #Zett42 pointed me in a direction and #Mathias rounded it out.
The solution was to change:
"ConvertTo-Json $output" to "Write-Output $output"
Then it's handled in the calling script.

Powershell Return only TRUE if All Values are the same

I have the script below to read registry values from a certain key(taking no credit for it). My end goal is to only return TRUE if all the values in the array Match. However I'm not quite getting it as
Example Registry Entry
$array = #()
$regval = Get-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Runner\Event
$regval.GetValueNames() |
ForEach-Object {
$name = $_
$array += New-Object psobject -Property #{'Value' = $rv.Value }
$Matchvalue = 'A'
Foreach ($v in $array){
if ($v -match $Matchvalue){
Update: I've just tried again and it appears my array is empty. So any tips welcome for me.
How about this:
$regkey = Get-Item HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Runner\Event
$matchPattern = 'A'
$values = $regkey.GetValueNames()
$matchingValues = $values | Where { $regkey.GetValue($_) -match $matchPattern }
# this is going to be true or false
$values.Count -eq $matchingValues.Count
Note that by default, Powershell is case-insensitive. So $matchPattern = 'A' and $matchPattern = 'a' will behave the same.
Here's my attempt to do something like Haskell's "all".
function foldr ($sb, $accum, $list) {
if ($list.count -eq 0) { $accum }
else { & $sb $list[0] (foldr $sb $accum $list[1..$list.length]) }
function and ($list) {
foldr { $args[0] -and $args[1] } $true $list
function all ($list, $sb) {
and ( $list | foreach $sb )
all 1,1,1 { $_ -eq 1 }
all 1,2,1 { $_ -eq 1 }

PowerShell Is there a way to get proper order of properties in Select-Object so that each object has order?

Following code lists all AD users.
$Domain.DomainUsersFullList = Get-ADUser -Server $Domain -ResultPageSize 500000 -Filter * -Properties *, "msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed" | Select * -ExcludeProperty *Certificate, PropertyNames, *Properties, PropertyCount, Certificates
It seems that order returned by PSObject.Properties.Name can be different. Is there a way to order properties without exclusively telling Select-Object the order you want them in?
Just for the sake of why I need this:
https://github.com/EvotecIT/PSWriteWord - I wrote a function Add-WordTable that takes any $Object and puts this into Word document. No need to parse objects yourself. Just pass it to function and it will be put into Word document.
I am now working on same thing for:
https://github.com/EvotecIT/PSWriteExcel - which has function Add-ExcelWorksheetData that does exactly the same as above with one exception .. since it's Excel you don't have column limit. So with 100 columns I was/am getting wrong order per each row. Which makes no sense.
While in case of WORD document I didn't notice this issue because I never added more then 10 columns, with Excel and 100 columns I was getting wrong order. Below is an example of this:
Here is the method that does the conversion:
function Format-PSTableConvertType2 {
[switch] $SkipTitles,
[string[]] $ExcludeProperty,
[switch] $NoAliasOrScriptProperties,
[switch] $DisplayPropertySet
[int] $Run = 0
$Array = New-ArrayList
$Titles = New-ArrayList
if ($NoAliasOrScriptProperties) {$PropertyType = 'AliasProperty', 'ScriptProperty' } else {$PropertyType = ''}
Write-Verbose "Format-PSTableConvertType2 - Option 2 - NoAliasOrScriptProperties: $NoAliasOrScriptProperties"
foreach ($O in $Object) {
$ArrayValues = New-ArrayList
if ($DisplayPropertySet -and $O.psStandardmembers.DefaultDisplayPropertySet.ReferencedPropertyNames) {
$ObjectProperties = $O.psStandardmembers.DefaultDisplayPropertySet.ReferencedPropertyNames.Where( { $ExcludeProperty -notcontains $_ } ) #.Name
} else {
$ObjectProperties = $O.PSObject.Properties.Where( { $PropertyType -notcontains $_.MemberType -and $ExcludeProperty -notcontains $_.Name } ).Name
#$ObjectProperties = $O.PSObject.Properties
foreach ($Name in $ObjectProperties) {
if ($Run -eq 0 -and -not $SkipTitle) { Add-ToArray -List $Titles -Element $Name }
Add-ToArray -List $ArrayValues -Element $O.$Name
if ($Run -eq 0 -and -not $SkipTitle) {Add-ToArray -List ($Array) -Element $Titles }
Add-ToArray -List $Array -Element $ArrayValues
return , $Array
It essentially converts object into Array of Arrays. Which then makes it trivial to just loop thru rows / columns.
Now it's important that while generally I could probably make Get-AdUser display only values I want in proper order I am working on general use modules (PSWriteWord/PSWriteExcel) and I want people to pass any object to it and not have to care about it too much.
Unless anyone has a better option:
$SpecialData = $Domain.DomainUsersFullList | Select-Object $($Domain.DomainUsersFullList[0]).PSObject.Properties.Name
$($SpecialData[0] | Select-Object $($Domain.DomainUsersFullList[0]).PSObject.Properties.Name).PSObject.Properties.Name[12]
$($SpecialData[10] | Select-Object $($Domain.DomainUsersFullList[0]).PSObject.Properties.Name).PSObject.Properties.Name[12]
Basically what this does is copy the order of 1st element and applies same order to each and every new line. This ensures that each object will return properties in same order as 1st element.
Final implementation:
function Format-PSTableConvertType2 {
[switch] $SkipTitles,
[string[]] $ExcludeProperty,
[switch] $NoAliasOrScriptProperties,
[switch] $DisplayPropertySet,
#[int] $Run = 0
$Array = New-ArrayList
$Titles = New-ArrayList
if ($NoAliasOrScriptProperties) {$PropertyType = 'AliasProperty', 'ScriptProperty' } else {$PropertyType = ''}
Write-Verbose "Format-PSTableConvertType2 - Option 2 - NoAliasOrScriptProperties: $NoAliasOrScriptProperties"
# Get Titles first (to make sure order is correct for all rows)
if ($OverwriteHeaders) {
$Titles = $OverwriteHeaders
} else {
foreach ($O in $Object) {
if ($DisplayPropertySet -and $O.psStandardmembers.DefaultDisplayPropertySet.ReferencedPropertyNames) {
$ObjectProperties = $O.psStandardmembers.DefaultDisplayPropertySet.ReferencedPropertyNames.Where( { $ExcludeProperty -notcontains $_ } ) #.Name
} else {
$ObjectProperties = $O.PSObject.Properties.Where( { $PropertyType -notcontains $_.MemberType -and $ExcludeProperty -notcontains $_.Name } ).Name
foreach ($Name in $ObjectProperties) {
Add-ToArray -List $Titles -Element $Name
# Add Titles to Array (if not -SkipTitles)
if (-not $SkipTitle) {
Add-ToArray -List $Array -Element $Titles
# Extract data (based on Title)
foreach ($O in $Object) {
$ArrayValues = New-ArrayList
foreach ($Name in $Titles) {
Add-ToArray -List $ArrayValues -Element $O.$Name
Add-ToArray -List $Array -Element $ArrayValues
return , $Array

Powershell find value in arraylist

I hope you can help me out. I work with two ArrayLists:
array1 is filled with log.csv (contains header and logon-data, values of column 'pc' are unique). It's defined as ArrayList because I want to add entries.
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$array1 = Import-Csv log.csv
array2 is filled during runtime
... ForEach-Object {
$array2.Add([PSCustomObject]#{ pc=$pcname
date=$logindate }) >$null }
What I want to do:
Update array1.date=array2.date where array1.pc=array2.pc
If no entry found in array1 I want to add it:
$array1.Add([PSCustomObject]#{ pc=$pcname
city='[unknown]' }) >$null
Finally array1 is exported again:
$array1 | Export-Csv log.csv -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
So the question is: how can I find the entry in array1 and update it? Trying hard for days now ...
try Something like this:
$array1=import-csv "C:\temp\log.csv"
$array2=import-csv "C:\temp\log2.csv"
#modify founded and output not founded
$toadd=$array2 | %{
$founded=$array1 | where pc -eq $current.pc | %{$_.date=$current.date;$_}
if ($founded -eq $null)
#output of $array1 modified and elements to add
$array1, $toadd
Here is a sample I created that might help. Note: I use List types instead of ArrayList ones. Also, it assumes only one possible matching PC name in the data to be updated. You'll have to alter it to update the file since it merely updates the first List variable. Let me know how it goes.
[string] $pc,
[string] $name,
[string] $date,
[string] $city
[System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]] $list1 = Import-Csv "C:\SOSamples\log.csv";
[System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]] $list2 = Import-Csv "C:\SOSamples\log2.csv";
[PSCustomObject] $record = $null;
[PSCustomObject] $match = $null;
foreach($record in $list2)
# NOTE: This only retrieves the FIRST MATCHING item using a CASE-INSENSITIVE comparison
$match = $list1 | Where { $_.pc.ToLower() -eq $record.pc.ToLower() } | Select -First 1;
if($match -eq $null)
Write-Host "Not Found!";
Write-Host "Found!";
$match.date = $record.date;
Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
foreach($record in $list1)
Write-Host $record

Return from function

I wish to return from the following powershell function if I find a match (for a more complete code sample see my codereview question):
Function Find-Property($fileName, $PropertyName)
$shellfolder = Create-ShellFolder $fileName
0..287 | Foreach-Object {
if($PropertyName -eq $shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($null, $_)){ return $_ }
This code just appears to return from the scope of the if conditional, which is not so useful.
How can I do this? Do I need a labeled break somewhere?
If you wish to use the return statement to exit the function you can use the foreach keyword instead of the ForEach-Object cmdlet. Here's a demo:
function Foo {
foreach ($number in (0..287)) {
$number # Just show our current iteration.
if ($number -eq 50) {
return $number
No need for a label.
function Find-Property($Filename, $PropertyName)
$shellfolder = Create-ShellFolder $fileName
0..287 | Where {$PropertyName -eq $shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($null, $_)} |
Foreach {$_;break}
Another option is to minorly tweak your original function:
function Find-Property($fileName, $PropertyName)
$shellfolder = Create-ShellFolder $fileName
0..287 | Foreach-Object {
if($PropertyName -eq $shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($null, $_)) {$_; break}