I could not establish mongodb - mongodb

I get an error when trying to install Mongodb. I downloaded and tried 3 different versions.
But I always get the following error. What should I do ?
enter image description here
Translate:This application does not work on your computer.
Contact your publisher to find a suitable version for your computer.
Is there anyone who can help?

Per the docs:
Windows 2012 Server and Windows 10 need KB2999226 to provide Universal C Runtime support for Windows.


How to offline install vscode-server for windows remote target

I've been able to follow similar answers for offline installing vscode-server on remote linux targets but I cannot find out how to do this for windows. On the official page for vscode-remote-ssh https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh, it shows that the system requirements for the remote supports Windows 10 / Server 2016/2019 (1803+) using the official OpenSSH Server. So I know it's possible I just can't seem to find the download link that vscode-remote-dev uses to download the windows version of vscode server.
The download link for linux follows this format https://update.code.visualstudio.com/commit:${commit_id}/server-linux-x64/stable would there be a specific endpoint for server-windows? I've tried a bunch of different combinations but I could not get anything.
I'm also making the assumption that there is a different download link but it seems a very unlikely case that linux and windows share the same link.
Any help would be appreciated. I've enjoyed using this for remote dev on linux and now I've got an opportunity to use it on windows.
Instead of using server-linux-x64, server-win32-x64 should be used and it will download the correct windows version of the vscode-server.
I did find this in the comments of this question. Using "Remote SSH" in VSCode on a target machine that only allows inbound SSH connections.

Is it possible to install Weblogic on Apple M1 computers?

I've been looking for information about this, but I don't find anything. I think there's no version available at Oracle site for installing Weblogic 12.2.1.X on Apple M1 devices, but maybe it's possible to do it using Rosetta 2.
Has somebody tried it? I cannot because I don't have an M1 device yet, but I'm wondering because I still develop soft that runs on Weblogic.
I could, but i had to add an argument -ignoreSysPrereqs (for example java -jar fmw_12. -ignoreSysPrereqs), because throwed me a error
The error:
Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz. Actual unknown. Failed <<<<
I used this documentation:
I currently use different versions (10.3.6,..)
I just copy the folder installed in an old mac with intel, an then they work 99%, was necessary fix the folders resource like java.
But just realize have an issue on ServiceConnector, for remote calls ..

Find and Update XMPP version on ubuntu server running Openfire

This question may sound absurd as I am totally new to XMPP & Openfire. I have a setup of Openfire 4.2.3 in Ubuntu 18.0.4 LTS that being used in my android chat app. During testing I received a Timeout error. While investigating the issue I found the solution rely on the XMPP updated version, check this link for more info.
Well I tried my best to find out my XMPP version and how to update it. Unfortunately I didn't find anything on it. So, I have two obvious questions here:
How to check XMPP version my Openfire is running on?
How to update XMPP version on my existing Openfire setup?
Since you are able to use the web-interface, just log in. On the start page look for the server properties. Theres the version.
For upgrading follow these steps:
To stop openfire on ubuntu: /etc/init.d/openfire stop;
Backup copy of the openfire installation directory: /usr/share/openfire;
Backup Openfire Base in Postgres: If you use the pgAdmin application, right-click on openfire base and click “Backup”. To run backup, it can be with own postgres as user. I recommend tar format, and encoding “SQL_ASCII”.
To install the new version: you can actually use the “dpkg -i” command, you will be asked if you want to keep your current version (choose this one), but you will still upgrade (option N or O - keep your currently -installed version).
On the java, has a statement informing that from version 4.3 will be necessary Java 8 installed.
Source: https://discourse.igniterealtime.org/t/update-openfire-4-1-6-to-4-2-1-in-ubuntu-server/80336
And if you really meant the "XMPP-Version". There is not really such a thing. XMPP is implemented to a different extend on different server-providers. Some have more extensions, some less.
To see which ones you have, refer to the wikipedia site:

pgadmin4 Ver 3.0 not starting on windows 10

for a PostgreSQL project I installed pgadmin 4 Ver. 3.0 on a Windows 10 computer.
Anyhow pgadmin does not start and I get the following error from the Internet Explorer Browser:
"Cannot reach this page. Make sure the web address is correct.".
I've been using PgAdmin 4 Ver 2.1 for some time without issues, and have uninstalled it before installing the Ver 3.0.
Any help would be appreciated.
For PGadmin 4 Ver 3.0 you need to completely start afresh. Remove any old shortcuts and make a new one. You need to locate where PGadmin was installed and make a new shortcut with a target and path like ""C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v3\runtime\pgAdmin4.exe".
For anyone else viewing this, make sure you do an uninstall of the old PGadmin before installing the new one.
Further, you may not be able to get an SQL window running unless you allow it through addblockers etc

HP Intelligent provisioning (An error occurred while installing the system) Land is not defined

i'm trying to install OS through a network interface. also i'm launching console and mounting the shape. Then i'm doing all steps, but finally i see the message "ReferenceError:Land is not defined busy.htm:343"
Installation was tested on different images of systems.
Maybe somebody faced with the problem and can help?
Got same error. HP support says install directly from the ISO not using Intelligent Provisioning. The error may go away with multiple re-tries, or by updating the Intelligent Provisioning version.