Azure pipeline from Yaml hosted on Gitlab - azure-devops

I think it isn't possible to create an Azure Pipeline from Yaml when hosting the Git repository in GitLab. Is anyone able to confirm or deny this?
I think it is possible for GitHub, BitBucket and Azure Repos Git.

You're right, according to the docs the YAML supported only in Azure Repos Git, Bitbucket Cloud, GitHub and GitHub Enterprise Server:


Is there any way to maintain a remote connection when forking from Github to Azure DevOps?

I have used Azure DevOps 'Import Repository' to clone a repo from GitHub so that I can maintain a personal copy. I don't see any way to maintain the remote connection to GitHub so that I can merge in upstream changes.
Does Azure DevOps have such functionality or will I need to do this merging manually/locally?
No there is no way to treat Azure DevOps as a fork for GitHub. You need to manually perform merges and push/pull to and from both GitHub and Azure DevOps.
Not sure why you'd want to use Azure DevOps for your personal clone. As an alternative you can use GitHub for source code repository and link Azure Boards to GitHub and use Azure Pipelines to build, if those are your primary reason to use Azure DevOps.

Migrating from Bitbucket Server to Azure DevOps

While importing from Bitbucket Server which is accessible over VPN to Azure DevOps, I am facing the issue as "Clone URL is incorrect. Clone URL requires authorization". May I know how to fix this issue.
And I saw import repository option in Azure DevOps. But is there any way to import multiple projects and their repositories of Bitbucket Server to Azure DevOps?
Here is a suggestion ticket about add support for Bitbucket Server for Azure DevOps. You can vote this ticket.
As a workaround, you can use git commands to clone and push your repositories.
1.Clone the source repo to a temporary folder on your computer using the bare option.
git clone --bare
cd old-contoso-repo.git
2.Create a target repo.
3.Copy the source repo to the target repo.
git push --mirror
Please find more detailed information in this document.
In Azure DevOps Import will happen from source repository URL's which are reachable from Azure DevOps Services which are basically running on cloud and require HTTPS reachability.
If BitBucket Server is hosting Repository on Private Network , it will not be reachable from Azure DevOps and hence we need the method provided by Walter above.

Can i create a Github feature branch from Azure Boards?

I am testing out how Azure Boards and Github work. I connected my repo from our organisation and connected Github and seems fine but in the Azure DevOps project i have the default Git repo and when i try to create a branch for a issue i can only choose the default Azure DevOps repo and no Github repo.
Unfortunately, the Azure Boards app for GitHub doesn't support branch. By installing the Azure Boards app for GitHub, you can configure and manage the connections of your Azure Boards projects (hosted service only) with your repositories. By connecting your Azure Boards projects with repositories, you support linking between GitHub commits and pull requests to work items. You can use GitHub for software development while using Azure Boards to plan and track your work.

Kibana Dashboard version control?

I am using Azure DevOps for my source control. I am creating Kibana Dashboard and wondering if it can be source control as well using Azure DevOps. My idea is:
Create Repo in Azure DevOps.
Write automated script(code) so it saves current Kibana Dashboard Saved Object into Azure DevOps.
In this way, I have old Dashboard in the repo. Has anyone done this? It doesn't have to be Azure DevOps, if you have any experience with it, please share with me. I am new to version control.
( < this was using github)
Kibana Dashboard version control?
The first thing to point out is that Azure devops is not a version control tool. It provides developer services to support teams to plan work, collaborate on code development, and build and deploy applications. Developers can work in the cloud using Azure DevOps Services or on-premises using Azure DevOps Server.
And Azure repo supports two types of version control methods: Git (distributed) and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC):
What is source control?
You could set the version control type when you create the project:
After that, we could get the URL of the repo is also a git repo:
Git in Visual Studio and Azure DevOps is standard Git, github is the same.
So, that document also applies to azure devops, we just need to replace the github repo link to the azure devops repo link.
In this way, I have old Dashboard in the repo. Has anyone done this?
If you have old Dashboard in the azure devops repo, just clone the old json files to the local and update the json files and push it to the azure devops by git command line. Or you could modify the json files in the azure devops repo UI directly.
So, for the azure devops, you just need to make sure the Version control of your repo is git, and then you can handle azure repo like git.

How do I set up a gitlab integration in Bluemix DevOps ToolChain?

IBM Bluemix DevOps ToolChain allows source code repositories to be only github and IBM version gitlab. My repo is in the public gitlab cloud and i do not intend to move it to IBM's gitlab cloud. How do I set up my Toolchain?
Update: It is now possible to add repositories (or repositories from any other GitLab server on the public internet) to Bluemix DevOps Toolchains. More details are available in the Bluemix Documentation.
Original (outdated) answer:
It is not currently possible to add repositories on or other public GitLab servers to an IBM Bluemix DevOps toolchain. However, that capability is actively under development.
Until that feature is available, you could proceed by duplicating your repository to one of the supported Git providers. There are instructions for duplicating a repository at In short:
git clone --bare
cd old-repository.git
git push --mirror
The example uses, but this approach would work for any git repository.
I think this has been added recently, you can just pick it when you add a tool to your toolchain. There's also a blog post about it