How to integrate Spine animations to a SpriteKit game - swift

I need to integrate animations to an iOS SpriteKit game. The artist provides them in Spine format. Such animation consists of a set of images, a .spine file describing the animations and a .json file describing the metadata.
I see two possible ways to solve this problem:
Find (or make) a module allowing to add nodes and related animations from Spine files to a SpriteKit scene.
Convert the animation to a different format which can be imported to SpriteKit easily.
Please, share your experience. Any help is welcomed!

There is a library that allows you to do exactly that. Installing & usage examples are in the description of the library.


Implementing payed 3D models into Unity Games

I've started learning gaming development using Unity and there's a thing I wasn't able to fully understand. I stumbled across the Sketch Fab website and noticed this cool market with 3D models and I was wondering what are the requirements to import such a model into an actual game.
For example this one already has animations:
But on the other hand others don't have:
I have basically 2 questions:
If I buy the first model is this going to save me a lot of time and I can jump straight into implementing the character into an actual game and add custom scripts to it etc?
If I buy the second one, what would I need to too to actually animate this character? Is this something that somehow I can learn from Unity tutorials or would I need to import it to a tool like Blender to further improve this model with animations?
This question provokes a lot of answers. The first model you show does have a .fbx format and the animations will hopefully work fine. This format is typically what you want to use with Unity.
The second model is not Rigged (look at the product description). What this means is you will have to rig every bone yourself (in Blender) and make it compatible with Unity. I never buy a model that isn't rigged.
To add animations to the second character, you can download some from or use many of the animations you will find in the Unity Asset Store.
Personally, I prefer getting my models from You can search against multiple formats including .unitypackage
As Jiveturkey said, the first model is directly compatible with unity and doesn't require any additional steps - so if you're looking to focus solely on building the game without worrying about animation then you might want to go with the first model.
The second model isn't rigged, so you would have to manage all rigging and animating yourself - Unity does have a built-in rigging package, so you would be able to do that within unity rather than using Blender (Link to tutorial for rigging in Unity, Rigging tutorial directly from unity)
Unity can read .fbx, .dae (Collada), .3ds, .dxf, .obj, and .skp files for 3D models, and that's pretty much the only requirement. There are tons of sites with free 3D assets if you don't want to spend the money as well, Unity Asset Store, and tons more - these are just the ones that come to mind

How to load animations made in Blender to ARKit?

I made a 3D object in Blender and made some custom animation to it. However, I manage to load the object to the scene, but not the animation.
This is what it appears to me at the Entities tab
I was searching about "How to load custom animations in ARKit", but couldn't find anything besides this link:
In there it tells you how to download and play some animations with Mixamo, but I want to load the animations that I made in Blender.
Just for the record, I'm new in this field of ARKit programming and I'm learning by myself.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
When we're talking about animation it's better to talk in context of SceneKit and Core Animation frameworks.
Here's what Apple says about it:
SceneKit also uses CAAnimation objects for animations created using external 3D authoring tools (3dsMax, Maya, Blender) and saved in scene files. For example, an artist might create a game character with animations for walking, jumping, and other actions. You incorporate these animations into your game by loading animation objects from the scene file using the SCNSceneSource class and attaching them to the SCNNode object that represents the game character.
But remember: you need to export your animations as .dae file format. And your animations must be baked (you need to transform all animation and deformations into keyframes (for every frame) on the timeline regardless of how the animation is done).

Easiest way to create an animated 3D cartoon

I was wondering, what is the easiest way to create an animated 3D cartoon. I want to create a character which moves and talk. I am not familiar with an easy way to do it, I used Blender and Unity but I was wondering if there is an easy way to do it? as I believe that not everyone doing 3D cartons have to dig deep in coding, they certainly use a software/GUI or something to create it.
I am not sure what easy is defined for peole but someway might be easy for me , it may be hard for you. I think it is based on experience in the past.
If you want to create a custom 3d animated model, you need to model it first. Or you can find a 3d model which is similar to your model, so you can edit it. But you are going to use a 3d modeling programs like; Blender, 3ds Max, even SketchUp might work.
One easy way. Which requires less work
You can check Adobe Fuse. Which lets you select predefined parts and lets you create a 3d humanoid model. You can tweak them a bit. After completing you can export it to Mixamo where you can rig your model (also you can select premade models here). They have alot of animations to go. After selecting your animations you can import it to Unity.
Animation techniques
For most of them, you will need rigs. When you rigged a model, you can create animations with those rigs.
This is my one of the old works from university.(Ignore the music please :D) Before i make the animations, I've recorded myself on the exact angle with model, (Front and side 2 videos) and used my video as refence while animating. To conclude i used key frames. And Blender made the rest (making transaction between keyframes). This is one of the techniques.
This might give you more information about the video referencing.
More budgeted projects mostly use mo-cap. Here is one example for facial animation.
There are also cheaper infrared cameras like Kinect which allows you to do mo-cap. But results are not that promising. You can find more than few assets in the Unity Store. But i suggest you to use at least 2 cameras if you choose this way.
There might be more ways to create 3d model animation. I am not an animator. But those are that i know.
Hope this helps! Cheers!

Using SceneKit within a Cocoa Application

Is it possible to use SceneKit for GPU accelerated graphics within a cocoa Application?
I'm looking for a way to do 2D animations in a PowerPoint like application, and not sure which direction to take to have GPU accelerated animations.
Picked up xCode about a week ago and went straight into swift with no Objective-C background. Didn't find any information on the topic, hoping to get this answered here.
Your screenshot depicts the template selection in the project creator. What template you use has no impact on what features is possible in your application. It is perfectly possible to create a Cocoa app and simply drag and drop a SCNView and set it to run a SceneKit scene.
That being said, SceneKit or SpriteKit is definitely overkill just for doing "2D animations like in PowerPoint". You should look into Core Animation:

how to learn "Animations in COCOS2D"

I am new to cocos2d animations and I want to learn it , as always I stops at the point of animation while making iPhone games in cocos2d.
Can any one suggest me the way to learn such animations, so that games animation creating will become easy to make.
Seems like there are 2 ways to go - either your sprites are laid out in a regular fashion and so can be picked off the sprite sheet in a programmatic way, like this first example. The other way is to use a tool like Zwoptex to create the sprite sheet and a corresponding plist that tells Cocos2d where to find the images on the sheet, see second example.
Tutorial for getting sprites off a sheet, using a regular layout:
The basics are:
Get your images into one large image/texture
Create a CCSpriteSheet using that texture
Create a CCSprite using one of the images in your sprite sheet
Create a CCAnimation and populate it with CCSpriteFrame's - each representing a frame in the animation
Create a CCAnimate action to manage showing each frame and run it on sprite, voila.
The alternative is to use a tool like Zwoptex to configure your images on a sheet which will export the sprite sheet and a plist of details of the images on it.
The first third of this tutorial explains it:
Hope that helps,
There are several cocos2d tutorials avaliable around the net. Also take a look at their docs. Another good resource can be where you'll find at least couple of opensource games made in cocos2d
There are Mainly 2 tools I use for the animation of the images they are:
Texture Packer
These 2 tools are great to work with it. The Texture Packer has also the integrated the Physics Editor which can be used to integrate the physics in the game. You can get the tutorial of both these animations from Ray Wenderlich Demos.
This course helps you to build a game with Cocos2D, however it costs 99$. But animations are covered in the course, so you might look into that direction as well:
Click here