How to run the command ```sails run deploy``` on windows 10? - sails.js
I'm using sailsJS and I would like to deploy the app to Heroku, but I can't run the command sails run deploy.
'"echo 'This script assumes a dead-simple, opinionated setup on Heroku.' && echo 'But, of course, you can deploy your app anywhere you like.' && echo '(Node.js/Sails.js apps are supported on all modern hosting platforms.)' && echo && echo 'Warning: Specifically, this script assumes you are on the master branch, and that your app can be deployed simply by force-pushing on top of the *deploy* branch. It will also temporarily use a local *predeploy* branch for preparing assets, that it will delete after it finishes. Please make sure there is nothing you care about on either of these two branches!!!' && echo '' && echo '' && echo 'Preparing to deploy...' && echo '--' && git status && echo '' && echo '--' && echo 'I hope you are on the master branch and have everything committed/pulled/pushed and are completely up to date and stuff.' && echo '********************************************' && echo '** IF NOT THEN PLEASE PRESS <CTRL+C> NOW! **' && echo '********************************************' && echo 'Press CTRL+C to cancel.' && echo '(you have five seconds)' && sleep 1 && echo '...4' && sleep 1 && echo '...3' && sleep 1 && echo '...2' && sleep 1 && echo '...1' && sleep 1 && echo '' && echo 'Alright, here we go. No turning back now!' && echo 'Trying to switch to master branch...' && git checkout master && echo && echo 'OK. Now wiping node_modules/ and running npm install...' && rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf package-lock.json && npm install && (git add package-lock.json && git commit -am 'AUTOMATED COMMIT: Did fresh npm install before deploying, and it caused something relevant (probably the package-lock.json file) to change! This commit tracks that change.' || true) && echo 'Deploying as version:' && npm version patch && echo '' && git push origin master && git push --tags && (git branch -D predeploy > /dev/null 2>&1 || true) && git checkout -b predeploy && (echo 'Now building+minifying assets for production...' && echo '(Hang tight, this could take a while.)' && echo && node node_modules/grunt/bin/grunt buildProd || (echo && echo '------------------------------------------' && echo 'IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT!' && echo 'ERROR: Could not compile assets for production!' && echo && echo 'Attempting to recover automatically by stashing, ' && echo 'switching back to the master branch, and then ' && echo 'deleting the predeploy branch... ' && echo && echo 'After this, please fix the issues logged above' && echo 'and push that up. Then, try deploying again.' && echo '------------------------------------------' && echo && echo 'Staging, deleting the predeploy branch, and switching back to master...' && git stash && git checkout master && git branch -D predeploy && false)) && mv www .www && git add .www && node -e 'sailsrc = JSON.parse(require(\"fs\").readFileSync(\".' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Error occured running echo 'This script assumes a dead-simple, opinionated setup on Heroku.' && echo 'But, of course, you can deploy your app anywhere you like.' && echo '(Node.js/Sails.js apps are supported on all modern hosting platforms.)' && echo && echo 'Warning: Specifically, this script assumes you are on the master branch, and that your app can be deployed simply by force-pushing on top of the *deploy* branch. It will also temporarily use a local *predeploy* branch for preparing assets, that it will delete after it finishes. Please make sure there is nothing you care about on either of these two branches!!!' && echo '' && echo '' && echo 'Preparing to deploy...' && echo '--' && git status && echo '' && echo '--' && echo 'I hope you are on the master branch and have everything committed/pulled/pushed and are completely up to date and stuff.' && echo '********************************************' && echo '** IF NOT THEN PLEASE PRESS <CTRL+C> NOW! **' && echo '********************************************' && echo 'Press CTRL+C to cancel.' && echo '(you have five seconds)' && sleep 1 && echo '...4' && sleep 1 && echo '...3' && sleep 1 && echo '...2' && sleep 1 && echo '...1' && sleep 1 && echo '' && echo 'Alright, here we go. No turning back now!' && echo 'Trying to switch to master branch...' && git checkout master && echo && echo 'OK. Now wiping node_modules/ and running npm install...' && rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf package-lock.json && npm install && (git add package-lock.json && git commit -am 'AUTOMATED COMMIT: Did fresh npm install before deploying, and it caused something relevant (probably the package-lock.json file) to change! This commit tracks that change.' || true) && echo 'Deploying as version:' && npm version patch && echo '' && git push origin master && git push --tags && (git branch -D predeploy > /dev/null 2>&1 || true) && git checkout -b predeploy && (echo 'Now building+minifying assets for production...' && echo '(Hang tight, this could take a while.)' && echo && node node_modules/grunt/bin/grunt buildProd || (echo && echo '------------------------------------------' && echo 'IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT!' && echo 'ERROR: Could not compile assets for production!' && echo && echo 'Attempting to recover automatically by stashing, ' && echo 'switching back to the master branch, and then ' && echo 'deleting the predeploy branch... ' && echo && echo 'After this, please fix the issues logged above' && echo 'and push that up. Then, try deploying again.' && echo '------------------------------------------' && echo && echo 'Staging, deleting the predeploy branch, and switching back to master...' && git stash && git checkout master && git branch -D predeploy && false)) && mv www .www && git add .www && node -e 'sailsrc = JSON.parse(require("fs").readFileSync("./.sailsrc", "utf8")); if (sailsrc.paths&&sailsrc.paths.public !== undefined || sailsrc.hooks&&sailsrc.hooks.grunt !== undefined) { throw new Error("Cannot complete deployment script: .sailsrc file has conflicting contents! Please throw away this midway-complete deployment, switch back to your original branch (master), remove the conflicting stuff from .sailsrc, then commit and push that up."); } sailsrc.paths = sailsrc.paths || {}; sailsrc.paths.public = "./.www"; sailsrc.hooks = sailsrc.hooks || {}; sailsrc.hooks.grunt = false; require("fs").writeFileSync("./.sailsrc", JSON.stringify(sailsrc))' && git commit -am 'AUTOMATED COMMIT: Automatically bundling compiled assets as part of deploy, updating the EJS layout and .sailsrc file accordingly.' && git push origin predeploy && git checkout master && git push origin +predeploy:deploy && git push --tags && git branch -D predeploy && git push origin :predeploy && echo '' && echo '--' && echo 'OK, done. It should be live momentarily on your staging environment.' && echo '(if you get impatient, check the Heroku dashboard for status)' && echo && echo 'Staging environment:' && echo ' 🌐–•' && echo ' (hold ⌘ and click to open links in the terminal)' && echo && echo 'Please review that to make sure it looks good.' && echo 'When you are ready to go to production, visit your pipeline on Heroku and press the PROMOTE TO PRODUCTION button.'
Please resolve any issues and try sails run deploy again.
Error: Exit status 1
at ChildProcess. (C:\Users\hothv\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\bin\sails-run.js:358:26)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:189:13)
at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:441:20)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:970:16)
at (internal/child_process.js:389:11)
at Socket.emit (events.js:189:13)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:441:20)
at Pipe._handle.close (net.js:597:12)
plugin 'zsh-completions' not found
plugins = ( zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-completions zsh-autosuggestions ) autoload -U complinit && compinit source $ZSH/
Validate commit message for a GitHub rebase and merge
I am looking for a way to validate commit message via a pre-receive hook. I am able to validate it for squash and merge commit however, it does not work for GitHub rebase and merge. set -e zero_commit='0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' msg_regex='<pattern_here>' release_branches=( topic master ) exit_code=0 containsElement () { local e match="$1" shift for e; do [[ "$e" == "$match" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } while read oldsha newsha refname; do short_current_branch="$(echo ${refname} | sed 's/refs\/heads\///g')" if containsElement "${short_current_branch}" "${release_branches[#]}"; then echo "${short_current_branch} is in ${release_branches[#]}" else echo "${short_current_branch} is not in ${release_branches[#]}" echo "Skipping execution" continue fi case ${oldsha},${newsha} in *,${NULL_SHA1}) # it's a delete any_deleted=true;; ${NULL_SHA1},*) # it's a create new_list="$new_list $newsha";; *,*) # it's an update new_list="$new_list $newsha";; esac done if [[ -z "$new_list" ]] then exit ${exit_code} fi commit_msg=() git rev-list ${new_list} --not --all | while read sha1; do message=$( git log --max-count=1 --format=%B ${sha1} | head -1) if ! echo "${message}" | grep -o "<regex_pattern>" ; then echo "ERROR:" echo "ERROR: Your push was rejected because commit: ${commit}" echo "ERROR: is missing radar link in first line of below commit message:" echo "ERROR: ${message}" echo "ERROR:" echo "ERROR: Please fix commit message and push again." echo "ERROR: server#2.21/github/committing- changes-to-your-project/changing-a-commit-message" echo "ERROR" exit_code=1 fi done exit ${exit_code}
php prevent '`rm -rf ~/`;'
Good day guys. The issue I am having is specifically with handling this specific input case. A part of my project I need to do is to take argument though command line into a PHP script. for eg ./do_op_2.php "`rm -rf ~/`;" . I have tried using escapeshellarg($argv[1]), escapesellcmd($argv[1]); but to no avail it still executes the command. I have tried iterating through the string looking for ` and ; before anything happens, it is still executed. If there are any more specific questions please do ask, I am willing to give more information. Code for those who are curious. #!/usr/bin/php <?php unset($argv[0]); $argv[1] = escapeshellarg($argv[1]); $argv[1] = escapeshellcmd($argv[1]); function add($a, $b) { if (is_numeric($a) && is_numeric($b)) return ($a + $b); else return (0); } function minus($a, $b) { if (is_numeric($a) && is_numeric($b)) return ($a - $b); else return (0); } function mult($a, $b) { if (is_numeric($a) && is_numeric($b)) return ($a * $b); else return (0); } function divide($a, $b) { if (is_numeric($a) && is_numeric($b)) return ($a / $b); else return (0); } function mod($a, $b) { if (is_numeric($a) && is_numeric($b)) return ($a % $b); else return (0); } function ft_split($str) { $ret = array_filter(preg_split('/\s+/', $str)); return ($ret); } if ($argc == 2) { $split = ft_split(trim($argv[1], " \t")); if (is_numeric($split[0]) && is_numeric($split[2])) { if ($split[1] == "+") echo add(trim($split[0], " \t"), trim($split[2], " \t")) . "\n"; else if ($split[1] == "-") echo minus(trim($split[0], " \t"), trim($split[2], " \t")) . "\n"; else if ($split[1] == "*") echo mult(trim($argv[0], " \t"), trim($split[2], " \t")) . "\n"; else if ($split[1] == "/") echo divide(trim($split[0], " \t"), trim($split[2], " \t")) . "\n"; else if ($split[1] == "%") echo mod(trim($split[0], " \t"), trim($split[2], " \t")) . "\n"; else echo "Syntax Error\n"; } else echo "Syntax Error\n"; }else echo "Incorrect Parameters\n"; ?>
The only thing I can think of is command substitution (see also parameter substitution) - something which happens in bash and other shells. If this is what's going on, then your reporting of the situation is a little misleading (read on). It's very unlikely that PHP will be doing this, it'll be done by the shell, and there is no way to modify your code to prevent this... It's a feature of the shell. For example a variable, using ${...}: $ FOO="test" $ echo ${FOO} test It's also possible to run a command and use the output (stdout) as the value with $(...): $ echo $(date) Tue 2 Oct 12:02:59 BST 2018 Another variant of this is using backticks: $ echo `date` Tue 2 Oct 12:04:03 BST 2018 You've listed the following in your question: ./do_op_2.php '`rm -rf ~/`;' The use of single quotes (') should prevent the shell from substituting the backticks: $ echo '${FOO}' ${FOO} $ echo '`date`' `date` But using double quotes (") will not prevent this: $ echo "${FOO}" test $ echo "`date`" Tue 2 Oct 12:05:17 BST 2018 I can only presume that you've reported single quotes, but actually used double quotes when you observed this behaviour. Your comment supports this theory. For eg. ./do_op_2.php "`rm -rf test.doc`;" will delete test.doc instead of ignoring the command.
Code fails with stdin from SED
I have a bash script that finds files with particular extension and then pass the files into a function that checks every line in the file for only files that contain a library imported. For example: function testing() { while IFS='' read -r line; do if [[ "$line" =~ .*log\" ]]; then echo "log is imported in the file" $1 break else echo "log is not imported in the file" $1 break fi done < <(sed -n '/import (/,/)/p' "$1") } function main() { for file in $(find "$1" -name "*.go"); do if [[ $file == *test.go ]]; then : else var1=$(testing $file) echo "$var1" fi done; } main $1 The problem is the script works without the else block in the testing function but with the introduction of the else block in the testing function it just defaults to echoing the log is not imported in the file blah even if log is used in some of the files. Any idea(s) on what is the problem? Thanks. Here is a sample input file: package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" logger "log" "net/http" ) type webPage struct { url string body []byte err error } ... And the output is basically to echo if log is imported or not.
You need to rewrite the logic of your testing function as it will only test the first line of the file. Indeed, each branch of the if [[ "$line" =~ .*log\" ]] has a break statement, so in practice, a break is reached whenever the first line is read.
Redirect mongo shell error to output
I have a script that seeds my database, but I want to only redirect the stderr to the user. I'm trying this: echo "Seeding pokemon" mongo mongodb_1:27017/pokemon pokemon.js > /dev/null 2>&1 But I'm not getting the error output.If I remove the redirection, the error outputs to my console.
Mongo Shell does not currently support separate output stream for errors. Have can subscribe to SERVER-18643 to get notified once this is implemented. Workaround suggested in the above ticket is to tag your output inside the Mongo Shell: ... print("<STDOUT>") print(multiline_json) print("</STDOUT>") print("<STDERR>") print(multiline_json) print("</STDERR>") ... Then you can redirect to the correct output stream using the following script: #!/bin/bash COMMAND="mongo <args>" OUTPUT=$(${COMMAND}) function STDERR { cat - 1>&2 } function STDFILE { if [ -z "$1" ]; then return fi cat - >> $1 } WRITE_ERR=0; for line in $OUTPUT; do if [[ "$line" == "<STDERR>"* ]]; then WRITE_ERR=1 continue elif [[ "$line" == "</STDERR>"* ]]; then WRITE_ERR=0 continue fi if [ "$WRITE_ERR" -eq "1" ]; then printf "%s\n" "$line" | STDERR else printf "%s\n" "$line" fi done