IOS 13 Sprite Kit Issues - sprite-kit

I recently made a game using sprite kit xcode 10.2 which was working fine unless ios 13 update, I tested the game in xcode 11 simulators with ios 13 the fps of the game starts to get reduce to 30-35fps. Also, sometimes physics body on sprite nodes is not working properly. sometimes collision is detected on sprite nodes and sometimes it is being detected in middle of the sprite node which was not the case in ios 12 everything was working fine until ios 13 update.


Xcode 13 - USDZ available animation didn't work

After I update the Xcode to 13 the animation that comes with the USDZ is not played anymore in the Reality Composer / RealityKit even though it's working fine on older Xcode 12 and 11
the problem: 'Nothing happen when play any USDZ anitmation even when run it on real device'
Any one face this problem cause didn't find a solution and update to fix it yet

How to reduce drawcalls in unity?

I'm a beginner developer in Unity 3D and I'm working on a mobile game (Android). Everything works fine when I test my game on the editor (150 FPS) and on my latest phone (One plus 5, 60 FPS), but when I try it on my old phone (LG optimus G5 with android 6.0) I have only 15 FPS.
I try to test an empty scene with only a 3D cube and I can reach 25 FPS. I used the profiler to inspect my game and I see that I have more than 1300 draw calls on my home scene (which I use about 40 differents sprites and 30 differents meshes). I try to put some materials in static batching, enabled GPU instancing, reduce most of the quality settings, but nothing solves my issue. I also tried to disabled every GameObjects of the scene (except the camera) but it doesn't increase FPS (or only 5 FPS).
Here's my profiler on the empty scene (on the LG G5) :
I developped another game with only UI elements and it works fine on this mobile LG G5.
Do i make a mystake in settings ? Or is my phone just too old for my game ? (I try to download crossy road which was made with unity and it works really nice on my old phone..)
How can i improve the graphics performances ?
I'm using universal render pipeline and unity 2019.3.5f.
Thanks in advance ! And please apologize my english isn't perfect.

ARKit template project is not displaying SpriteKit nodes

I'm trying to learn the basics of ARKit and I created a project in XCode 9 beta 4 by using the template for an AR app with SpriteKit. This project is supposed to already have the implementation of a sample app that displays an emoji in an SKLabelNode when you touch the screen.
I'm trying to run this sample in an iPad Mini 4 running iOS 11. I had to remove the arkit key from the Info.plist, and then the app runs. But the emojis are not shown. I also tried example of ARKit with SpriteKit, and the images are not displayed.
However, I could successfully run Apple's sample app which renders 3D models and I can see them. And also this other example that uses SceneKit as well.
How is it possible that I'm able to display 3D SceneKit objects but not 2D SpriteKit objects in my device? What could I be missing?
iPad mini 4 is not supported. ARKit requires an A9 or better processor
The devices that use A9 or A10 chips are:
iPhone 6s and 6s Plus
iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
iPhone SE
iPad Pro (9.7, 10.5 or 12.9)
iPad (2017)

Atlas images wrong size on iPad iOS 9

Since upgrading to iOS 9 I have this strange issue with image atlases in my SpriteKit game.
In my game I have a StartScene, a MenuScene and a GameScene.
In all 3 scenes I am using atlases for my enemies so I can animate them. All worked fine on all devices but since upgrading iOS 9 it causes me issues on iPads.
On my iPad when I launch the game the enemies in StartScene are about 3 times as big as they should be. Whats strange is that when I move to menuScene or gameScene the enemies are normal size.
When I tell my game to launch straight into MenuScene I have the same problem, enemies are way to big until I change to another scene.
This happened as soon as I run my game on iOS 9 and even after I upgraded to swift 2 and Xcode 7 I am still having this issue.
Anyone seeing this too, I have no clue what could cause this and how to fix it. Is this just a terrible iOS 9 bug?
Thanks for any help.
I saw there's a new option in the Xcode assets. If you click on the plus sign and select Sprite Kit Asset, you may fix the problem.
This was purely an iOS 9 bug and I believe was fixed. The initial code for my game was not doing any SKScene scaling, I did it all manually for every device, which was a terrible idea. Since asking this question I have change the way my scenes are scaled (AspectFill) so I am not 100% sure if this bug is still occurring.

Difference in device FPS iphone 6 and iphone 5 Spritekit

So i've found a lot of threads regarding the change in fps to 30 while testing on simulators inside the computer, but I haven't found any threads explaining why an iPhone 6 can run a game at 60fps but then an iPhone 5 runs the same game at 30fps. I am testing on actual devices not simulators and this problem is occuring. Im running into this issue while using Xcode 6 and SpriteKit. Any help would be great.