Difference in device FPS iphone 6 and iphone 5 Spritekit - iphone

So i've found a lot of threads regarding the change in fps to 30 while testing on simulators inside the computer, but I haven't found any threads explaining why an iPhone 6 can run a game at 60fps but then an iPhone 5 runs the same game at 30fps. I am testing on actual devices not simulators and this problem is occuring. Im running into this issue while using Xcode 6 and SpriteKit. Any help would be great.


Atlas images wrong size on iPad iOS 9

Since upgrading to iOS 9 I have this strange issue with image atlases in my SpriteKit game.
In my game I have a StartScene, a MenuScene and a GameScene.
In all 3 scenes I am using atlases for my enemies so I can animate them. All worked fine on all devices but since upgrading iOS 9 it causes me issues on iPads.
On my iPad when I launch the game the enemies in StartScene are about 3 times as big as they should be. Whats strange is that when I move to menuScene or gameScene the enemies are normal size.
When I tell my game to launch straight into MenuScene I have the same problem, enemies are way to big until I change to another scene.
This happened as soon as I run my game on iOS 9 and even after I upgraded to swift 2 and Xcode 7 I am still having this issue.
Anyone seeing this too, I have no clue what could cause this and how to fix it. Is this just a terrible iOS 9 bug?
Thanks for any help.
I saw there's a new option in the Xcode assets. If you click on the plus sign and select Sprite Kit Asset, you may fix the problem.
This was purely an iOS 9 bug and I believe was fixed. The initial code for my game was not doing any SKScene scaling, I did it all manually for every device, which was a terrible idea. Since asking this question I have change the way my scenes are scaled (AspectFill) so I am not 100% sure if this bug is still occurring.

Xcode 6 iPhone simulator running in the wrong resolution

I am currently working on a spritekit project for school, and the resources we've got handed out, are made for the iPhone 4s resolution. I used my physical iPad mini retina, for the previous exercises, and it seems that after I did that, the resolution of the simulator has changed to the iPad resolution.
I've asked my classmates, and teacher and none of us cannot figure out why.
Rep too low for image. When I run the iPhone simulator for the iPhone 4S, the resolution displayed is 1024x768.
If closing the Simulator and Xcode doesn't fix it, try changing the simulated device type manually from the Simulator menu.
Try setting iOS Simulator Window->Scale to 50%, this seems to have fixed the issue for me for almost all my simulators. Preview of iOS 6 Simulator below.

iPhone 4(S) vs iPad2 computer vision performance problems

We have this project using OpenCV and at first we developed for iPad2.
Everything ran smooth and an computer vision object recognition iteration was taking a little under 1 second.
So far so good. Now we are testing the app for iPhone on both 4 and 4S. Of course we did our research as the results were stating the iPhone4S performance was almost as fast as the iPad2.
The results of the iPhone 4 are terrible, one iteration takes 15 seconds. In the iPhone 4S on iteration takes 8 seconds.
So with our algorithms:
iPhone4 is 15x slower than an iPad2
iPhone4S is 7-8x slower than an iPad2
Does anybody know if this is true? Is there something the iPhone is doing differently than the iPad2? Isn't the processor of the same type?
Anybody who can point us in the right direction?
Similar processors, different camera's. The iPad's camera has less MP's than the iPhone's one. On the iPhone, make sure you downsize your image to an acceptable size before processing.

cocos2d 2.x iphone 4 frame rate drop

I recently ported a project from Cocos2d 1.1 to 2.0. So far everything is working great, but I've noticed that the frame rate drops from 60 fps to around 40-50 fps on the iPhone 4 and the iPod Touch 4. Other devices I have tried (iPads 1 & 3, iPhone 4s) still run at 60.
At first I thought I had too many draw calls, but after reducing the calls from 54 to 17, I still had the same fps on both devices. I should note that I don't have this problem on the default Hello World template, nor do I have any openGL errors in the console. My memory footprint is around 50mb, so I don't think that's the problem either. Any ideas?
Looks like you have a simple performance problem. The other devices running at 60 fps (at least iPad 3 and iPhone 4S) have more computing power and better graphics processors than the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4.
Since this happened after upgrading from cocos2d 1.1 to 2.0, there's the possibility that the 4th generation iPhone devices don't run OpenGL ES 2.0 code (shaders) as fast as the other devices. It could also be an issue with cocos2d 2.0 itself. Unless you really need to use a feature of cocos2d 2.0 (ie shaders) the easiest approach would be to simply go back to cocos2d 1.1. If you aren't writing shaders, cocos2d v1.1 is just the same as 2.0 in terms of features (at this point in time).
Finally, test performance only with release builds. If you run Debug builds things like logging and assertions can totally skew any performance results.

SIGKILL when using Game Center on iPhone Simulator, everything works fine on device

I'm using Game Center to report achievements and scores when different things happen in my game. The problem is that sometimes (quite often, really) on the iPhone Simulator the app crashes a second or so after reporting achievement or score to Game Center. This never happens on the actual device, but on the simulator it's like 8 from 10 times.
Did anyone here have this problem?