Is it possible to embed Google Analytics eCommerce dashboard into swift application - swift

I'm building a swift app with the purpose of showing GA ecommerce sales from multiple vendors on my website. Each vendor can register on the app and then the access of their sales data will be granted to their user so they can follow their sales.
The ecommerce tracking is preformed by Google Analytics so is there any way where I can embed my eCommerce dashboards onto my swift app?

You can not.
There's no such API available for that intent, the way you want it. You must use theirs...
I am very sorry to tell you, but its is the plain truth.


2 separate facebook pixels - one integrated into shopify, one on GTM - How to make it work?

I have a fairly unique business model in which I need to use a retail partner to sell my produce because licensing is difficult. They have to collect money and transfer it to supplies on my behalf so my product must be sold on their site.
They have their own acquisition campaigns running through facebook and therefor have a facebook pixel passing data for those ads and it's directly integrated into shopify. Our products end up just being another sku on their site but we would like to also support those with facebook ads so would need to have our pixel as well. Unfortunately shopify only allows one tracking code from facebook.
Would there be any issue is setting our facebook pixel up on Google Tag Manager (we have the container across their site) and expecting it to fire in parallel with the pixel that they have integrated into shopify?
Followup, same scenario for Google Analytics, Google Adwords, etc.

How to dynamically change content depending on data from Facebook analytics?

Facebook have deprecated their app notifications API so there is no way to push content to a users phone based on segments anymore, correct me if I'm wrong.
The problem is that I want to analyse Facebook analytic data programatically and display different products to my customers based on how they use the app, to do this I need access to Facebook analytics through a PHP SDK or JavaScript SDK. How do I access Facebook analytics programatically? I can't find anything in their PHP SDK which would let me do this.
Furthermore, I want to push notifications to specific segments of users, now that Facebook have deprecated their app notifications API, how can this be accomplished?
Could it be worth switching to Firebase / Google analytics, would these services allow me to accomplish these tasks?
Analytics is primarily about post-event analysis, vs real-time optimization. All of the products you mention focus on post-event analysis and don't support you reading data out for a single individual (i.e. the current user), through an API or otherwise.

How to test the Uber deep links API?

we are developping an app which gives the user a list of travel proposals. The list will also include a travel proposal with Uber.
To book a Uber travel, our app will start the Uber app over the deep links API. After booking the user will be able to jump back to our app with the trip branding feature.
How can we test this? Does Uber provide a test app? Or do we have to use the productive app for this?
Thank you for a reply.
You can test using the production app by generating a deep link from your app. See more details in the deep linking documentation.

Facebook App with Standard Setting without Ad Management

We have tried to create an App that will be able to access only Reporting and Insights for a user via Marketing Insights API. I have noticed that the requirement for Basic access is listed as:
"Apps should create sufficient ads that pass ad review and do not contain bad creatives"
But my App is NOT intended to create ads. It is a data reporting App and without standard access I have to add each user into Ads API under Advertising Accounts section of the App Settings. I would like to use this app across FB accounts of my clients to only pull data related to the ads. Could you please help me understand how to accomplish this without having to create a separate Dev app for each client?
You could try to apply directly for the Standard Access tier. In that form you can explain your use case and then it will be processed.
I would advise to already make various valid requests from your Development Tier to show you have a correct implementation.

Can I use Google Maps API (Places API) in my iPhone app to find locations near me?

I have a couple of questions regarding using Google maps API, especially the Places API in my iPhone application.
Can I use Places API in my iPhone app and still release the app as a paid app? Could I release my app as free if I am unable to use these APIs in a paid app?
Is there an example for figuring out store locations around user's current location using Places API? For example if the user types "Groceries" in the app, I would like to show all the Store that sell groceries near the user's location.
1) Taken from their terms and conditions:
If your Maps API Implementation is
deployed internally or you are
charging for use of your Maps API
Implementation, please contact the
Google Maps API Premier sales
team for more information.
2) Location is a required parameter in any search request:
Yes, you can use Google Map API in paid apps according to the term of use 9.1.1-(a) and 9.1.2-(b). The terms of service can be found at :
(b) Mobile Applications. The rule in Section 9.1.1(a) (Free Access) does not apply if your Maps API Implementation is used in a mobile application that is sold for a fee through an online store and is downloadable to a mobile device that can access the online store.
Examples can be found at and