i'am trying to remove a user from a local group throught AD (powershell) - powershell

i'm trying to develop a script that remove a domain user from local administrators group (i can use computer management from ad but its a graphical interface i need to do it with commands) for now i'm using invoke command to remotely connect to machines and remove their users from local admins group .
im using this command : Invoke-Command -ComputerName $line2.split(";")[0] -ScriptBlock { net localgroup "administrators" $using:notadmin /DELETE } -Credential $Cred
the problem here if a the machine is not online i need to wait until it will be online , i'm searching how to remove users from local group (administrators for example ) through ad
is there a command to do that ?

I see two approaches:
If you would like to use Group Policy, you may check for: Restricted groups.
Another option would be to incoroporate Test-Connection in your script, validating if computer is online. If it is - execute the script, if it is not, store it in another list with offline machines.
Then later run the script against the offline machine list ... and so on until all the computers are being covered.
P.S. And yes, as suggested in the commments, consider using remove-localgroupmember, if your powershell version support it.
Again, depends of the case.
Hope it helps!

$RemoteComputer = "yourComputer"
$Computer = [ADSI]("WinNT://$RemoteComputer,computer")
$Group = $Computer.PSBase.Children.Find("Administrators")
ForEach ($User in (Get-Content
{ $Group.Remove("WinNT://$User")
i tired this code and it really helped me thnx for help


PowerShell scripts that acts on both local AD and Azure objects

I have a PowerShell scripts that opens sessions to both our on-prem Exchange server and online Exchange server to manage distribution lists specific to each environment. Problem is, when running
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "TestAzureGroup#domain.com" -Member "TestUser"
Which is a distribution list defined in online Exchange, it throws an error saying it can't find the list on our local AD.
Is it possible to specify which session to work on within the command? Or another way?
To answer my own question, if you add '-Prefix' to the Import-PSSession command, you remove name collision when you have multiple commands imported with the same name. For example,
Import-PSSession $LocalSession -AllowClobber -Prefix "Local"
Import-PSSession $AzureSession -AllowClobber -Prefix "Remote"
Creates two different Add-DistributionGroupMember commands, one called Add-LocalDistributionGroupMember and the other called Add-RemoteDistributionGroupMember so you can then work on both sessions at the same time using the two different command names.

How to disable windows firewall for all networked machines using the command line in Windows Server 2016?

I am currently building a Hyper-V lab consisting of a DC and multiple networked VMs, using Windows Server 2016. I'd like to completely disable the windows firewall for all existing and newly created VMs.
The best way that I've found to do this so far is via Group Policy for the Domain Profile. Then set Windows Firewall: Protect all network connections to disabled. What I would like to do is to have a way of scripting this out (using Powershell if possible).
I've found that by performing the above steps in the GUI, it creates a few entries in the registry:
In each of those entries, there is a property called EnableFirewall which is set to 0. So I tried creating all of this using Powershell like this:
New-Item -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft" -name WindowsFirewall
New-Item -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall" -name DomainProfile
New-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall\DomainProfile" -name EnableFirewall -value 0 -PropertyType DWord -Force
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working, so there must be something else that I'm missing.
Does anybody know how to completely disable the windows firewall for all networked machines using the command line in Windows Server 2016?
Setting up the Windows-Firewall for your domain-computers through computer-startup-script is not a great solution in my opinion.
You should definetly use Group Policy for this task.
GP does exactly what I want, I would just like a way of modifying GP using Powershell. I'm building a lab from scratch, and I'm looking to script as much of it as possible rather than using the gui.
I am not completely sure, what you are trying to achive.
You have created a lab now and I think you are trying to script a complete automatic built-up for future use. Is this correct?
If yes, then my solution is maybe what you are looking for:
Create a new GPO in your lab named "Firewall-Settings" for example.
Make all of your needed FireWall-Settings to the new GPO.
In Group Policy Editor open the main-node named „Group Policy Objects“. (important) Find the newly created GPO, right-click it and select "Backup":
Save the GPO-backup to a folder. (folder must exist)
The GPO is beeing saved and named like on the screenshot below (GUID):
That's it for the preparation. Now you maybe want to script the creation of the GPO with Powershell for future use and import the backup to obtain it's settings in a new environment:
New-GPO -Name "FireWall-Settings" | New-GPLink -Target "DC=mydomain,DC=local" # distinguishedName of Target-OU
Import-GPO -Path $PathtoGPOBackup -TargetName "FireWall-Settings" -BackupGpoName "FireWall-Settings"
The Script creates a GPO in the new environment with the name "FireWall-Settings" and links it to the target-OU.
After that you import the settings of the backup-GPO. All the domain-members in scope of the GPO will get the Windows-Firewall configured automatically.
Now the process is documented and fully automatic, if this is, what you are looking for.
Kind regards
open cmd prompt with elevated mode and run this:
netsh -r ComputerName -u Username -p Password -c advfirewall set allprofiles state off
If you want to do it for all the machines. Get all the ad computers using get-adcomputer. Run a foreach loop and put the variable istead of computername.
If you have the domain admin creds, then you are good to go with this.
Hope it helps.
Depending on the profile you want to disable, specify profiles (public, domain, private) using the -Name parameter. To disable all profiles for a networked machine, where $computerName array is the hostname of your DC, PC etc:
$computerName = 'DC1, PC1, MS1'
Invoke-Command -Computername $computerName -ScriptBlock {
Set-NetFirewallProfile -Name Domain, Public, Private -Enabled False

Second hop authentication in vmware vco workflow

I'm writing a flow that suppose to copy files from the Netapp storage to one of my VMs, but i have a problem regarding Second Hop authentication.
I found a way to enable a second hop functionality using powershell -CredSSP, but that option does not exist in vco powershell plugin
Are any other way to do that? Or some way to enable cressp in the plugin..
Thanks =)
One workaround that I've used is to deceive the second hop by not using the second hop. First I copy the files that I want each computer to run to the local computer before remoting and running the command. You can accomplish this by using Windows administrative shares. By default, Windows shares their local drives (\\ComputerName\c$ or \\ComputerName\e$). So my script sorta went like this:
$Computers = Get-Content Computerlist.txt
$File = \\Server1\applications$\file.exe
foreach($Computer in $Computers){
copy $file "\\$Computer\c$"
invoke-command -ComputerName $Computer -ScriptBlock {& 'C:\file.exe'}
del "\\$Computer\c$\file.exe"

Insufficient access rights to perform the operation -- Powershell

I am writing a simple script to copy AD group membership from one user to the other. I am doing it using the ActiveDirectory module only.
The script looks like it would work and does work up until I try to ad the groups to the user.
import-module ActiveDirectory
$templateUser = get-ADUser user1
$targetUser = getADUser user2
$groups =get-adprincipalgroupmembership $templateUser
$groups2 = get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $targetUser
foreach($group in $groups) {
add-adGroupMember $group $targetUser
Add-ADGroupMember : insufficient access rights to performt the operation
At line:9 char:18
+ FullyQualifiedErrorID : Insufficient access rights to perform the operation,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.AddADGroupMember
I am logged in as a normal user, but I ran the powershell as a different user (my admin account). I am not a local admin, but I am an admin on the domain. I am able to add the user to groups if I launch the AD Tools and do it manually (I have permissions to add to those groups).
Run the powershell as admin.
Run powershell as administrator.
I hit this today in Server 2012. I was running the powershell as Administrator, I was a domain admin, I was a local admin, I was every kind of admin I could find.
I "fixed" it by using the Active Directory Users and Computers tool, adding myself as the Manager of the AD groups I was trying to add users to, and ticked the box to allow the manager to change membership. I could then run AD-AddGroupMember happily.
I ran into this problem as well using Powershell remoting to connect to a domain controller.
In my case it turned out Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent was turned off for the specific object I couldn't change.
I ran into this issue today where an automated system was using powershell scripts for various things.... It turned out to be executionpolicy.
We were running our script with the ExecutionPolicy Bypass flag, and even running the command directly in powershell outside of a script wouldn't work, but once we set executionpolicy to unrestricted, everything magically worked.
For us we were able to create security groups even, but not add users to groups via powershell, even though we could make the same changes in ADUC.

Create local user with PowerShell (Windows Vista)

I've installed PowerShell recently and one of the first things I started looking for was how to create a new user. After looking for some time I still haven't found this.
I have a little experience in bash on linux and find it very effective. Creating users there is trivial.
Is there an easy\built-in way to create a local user with PowerShell?
Thank you.
You can use the localhost's ADSI:
function create-account ([string]$accountName = "testuser") {
$hostname = hostname
$comp = [adsi] "WinNT://$hostname"
$user = $comp.Create("User", $accountName)
you can also use
net user /add
this command isn't limited to powershell.