Insufficient access rights to perform the operation -- Powershell - powershell

I am writing a simple script to copy AD group membership from one user to the other. I am doing it using the ActiveDirectory module only.
The script looks like it would work and does work up until I try to ad the groups to the user.
import-module ActiveDirectory
$templateUser = get-ADUser user1
$targetUser = getADUser user2
$groups =get-adprincipalgroupmembership $templateUser
$groups2 = get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $targetUser
foreach($group in $groups) {
add-adGroupMember $group $targetUser
Add-ADGroupMember : insufficient access rights to performt the operation
At line:9 char:18
+ FullyQualifiedErrorID : Insufficient access rights to perform the operation,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.AddADGroupMember
I am logged in as a normal user, but I ran the powershell as a different user (my admin account). I am not a local admin, but I am an admin on the domain. I am able to add the user to groups if I launch the AD Tools and do it manually (I have permissions to add to those groups).
Run the powershell as admin.

Run powershell as administrator.

I hit this today in Server 2012. I was running the powershell as Administrator, I was a domain admin, I was a local admin, I was every kind of admin I could find.
I "fixed" it by using the Active Directory Users and Computers tool, adding myself as the Manager of the AD groups I was trying to add users to, and ticked the box to allow the manager to change membership. I could then run AD-AddGroupMember happily.

I ran into this problem as well using Powershell remoting to connect to a domain controller.
In my case it turned out Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent was turned off for the specific object I couldn't change.

I ran into this issue today where an automated system was using powershell scripts for various things.... It turned out to be executionpolicy.
We were running our script with the ExecutionPolicy Bypass flag, and even running the command directly in powershell outside of a script wouldn't work, but once we set executionpolicy to unrestricted, everything magically worked.
For us we were able to create security groups even, but not add users to groups via powershell, even though we could make the same changes in ADUC.


Windows: Delete specific Active Directory accounts via Powershell Script (remote)

my Active Directory accounts with admin privileges all start with the same characters: "ad" followed by a dot and the name of the admin. Example: "ad.tim".
I would like to have admin accounts (every account beginning with "ad.") automatically deleted (profiles and user data) by the Windows clients and would like to distribute a Powershell script to my clients (better ideas are welcome).
I'm not very familiar with Powershell nor Scripting, but I allready figured out (thanks, Google) how to list all Accounts:
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_UserProfile | select LocalPath
Now I'd have to filter (-like ad.*) and delete, but I'm not sure how or where to install it. It would be great if someone could give me some information so that I can better understand it and reach my goal!

Get user permissions to folder including indirect permissions through AD and local groups

I want to check whether a given Active Directory user (specified by username and domain) has read/(write) permissions on a given folder. And this unrelated to having them granted directly by user name or indirectly by some group membership. However I've been googling like 5 hours by now to no avail.
I understand, that Get-Acl Cmdlet is used to read folder permissions. Most likely the user is member of some group, that indirectly grants it permissions.
So my idea was to just match the output of
(Get-Acl <Folder>).Access | ft
against the group membership of the user.
I collect the group Information using the command
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership "<Username>" | select name
but found out, that this features an entirely different set of group names. I assumed, that the groups outputted by Get-Acl are local ones, while the other ones were AD-sided groups.
I found the command whoami /groups, that prints all groups, but only for the currently logged in user.
After quite some additional time I figured out the command (based on .NET):
(New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity -ArgumentList #(,"<>")).Claims | select Value
This however just prints SIDs, while
(Get-Acl <Folder>).Access | ft
displays some human friendly output like "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" and such.
I believe I'm pretty close, but I just can't get it to work.
On another note: Does this really have to be that complicated?
Other solutions I found only work based on direct user permissions but do not check group permissions.
Oh and one thing: Everything has to run on PowerShell 4.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2 and the PowerShell script will be running locally. No NuGet packages or anything requiring an Internet connection are allowed.

Powershell: Unable to use the -Recursive switch for AD group membership

I have (what I think is) an odd problem.
I have two domain admin accounts and one domain controller (for the purpose of this question). Here is the scenario:
Admin1 RDPs to dc01 and runs the Powershell command (see command below), and it succeeds
Admin2 RDPs to dc01 and runs the Powershell command (see command below), and it fails (see error below).
In both cases, we are entering the credentials of admin1 when prompted by Get-Credential
Get-ADGroupMember administrators -Credential (Get-Credential) -Server dc01 -Recursive
Get-ADGroupMember : There is no such object on the server
If I remove the -Recursive parameter, then the command works for both admins (again, using the credentials of admin1). If I open ADUC as admin1, then look at the members of Administrators, I can see all members, opening sub-groups without issue.
What in the world is going on? Thanks.
Well, looks like it was a permissions issue. I added the service account to Enterprise Admins and the failure stopped. I have no idea which object is causing the failure.

SID for Administrators group doesn't show in a member account

Now, before I start, I will let you in on a secret: this is on a Domain Controller.*
*The above statement is stricken due to irrelevance as the only significant change that occurs to the Local Administrator account and the Local Administrator Group (within the context and scope of this question) is minimal and doesn't alter the outcome enough to require differentiation.
I didn't have this kind of trouble on any of the other servers and I am willing to bet that the reason behind it is because it is on a DC.*
*Same reason as stated above. The accepted answer explains the inconsistency and was an oversight on my part, not the architecture (read features) of Windows Security or Domain Controllers.
I have been playing around with a few ideas on how to check if a script has been called from an account that is either the local Administrator or, at the very least, called by an account that is part of the Local Administrators group.
I have renamed the local Admin account, however, I know that I can see if the script has been called by local Admin account by typing:
(New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount('reserved')).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value
and I can see if the SID ends in -500.
The problem occurs when I run a condition to see if the calling account is part of the Administrators group (which is a larger scope) by typing:
PS> [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).Groups -match "S-1-5-32-544")
PS> False
A quick check to see what account it was using:
PS> $env:username
PS> reserved
or the needlessly complicated way (though I prefer it sometimes):
PS> Write-Host ((Get-WmiObject Win32_Account | ?{$_.SID.Substring($_.SID.Length-4,4) -eq '-500'}).Caption).Split("\",2)[1] -fore GREEN
PS> reserved
and I even type:
PS> net user reserved
where it tells me Local Group Memberships *Administrators.
I pull up ADUC (dsa.msc) and I look in the Builtin container and double-click on the Administrators group. I select the Members tag and lo, and behold, reserved is actually a member!
So, a recap:
By typing net user reserved, I was able to verify it was part of the Local Administrators group
I looked in ADUC and verified reserved was a member of the builtin Administrators group
I ensured reserved was indeed the Local Administrator account by verifying the SID started with S-1-5... and ended with ...-500
To take it a step further, I made sure the SID matched the Active Directory Group named "Administrators" by typing Get-ADGroup -Identity "Administrators". I then typed Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Administrators" and made sure reserved was listed (it was AND the SID matched!).
When I check to see if the well-known Administrators Group SID is found in the Groups of that account (by getting the current Windows Identity), it says that it isn't.
What gives?
Why do I get every indication that it actually is a member of the Local Administrators group but that SID isn't found in the account's groups?
When a computer is promoted to a domain controller, there are no more local users or groups on the machine. Member computers have local users and groups, and can also use domain users and groups for authentication, but on a DC, there are only domain objects.
See also:
I happened to stumble across something and I realized the answer to this question. For the sake of those that come here looking for assistance, here is the answer to my question:
Very simply--in regards to Powershell--if the Administrator Group SID (S-1-5-32-544) does not show up in the Groups of the user, that is a first-line indication that the script is not running with Administrative credentials.
For example, when I type out:
and I do not see the Administrator Group SID listed even though I know for a fact that the account I am signed into is a member of the Administrator Group, it means the current Powershell process does not have Administrative credentials.
If you click Run As Administrator and type the same as above, you will see that it lists the Administrator Group SID in Groups.
The reason why I was experiencing the inconsistency is simply because I was not running the Powershell process as an Administrator.
So, in short, there are a few ways you can check to verify if your current Powershell session has Administrator credentials. The first one is found in countless websites around the internet and is very common (I did not write this one):
$myWindowsID = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$myWindowsPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($myWindowsID)
$adminRole = [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator
if($myWindowsPrincipal.IsInRole($adminRole)) {
\\ TODO: Process is running as Administrator
} else {
$newProcess = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo "Powershell"
$newProcess.Arguments = "& '" + $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "'"
$newProcess.Verb = "runas"
Here is another way (I did write this one):
[Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() | %{
if($_.Groups -contains "S-1-5-32-544") {
\\ TODO: Process is running as Administrator
} else {
Start Powershell -ArgumentList "& '$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path'" -Verb runas
# The Foreach-Object (%) could be replaced with another pipeline filter
I see a lot of people asking this question and because of Powershell appealing to many Systems Administrator (especially ones without a background in programming), I really think this will come in handy for others down the line.

Powershell new User creation

I am trying to find out if there is a cmd that will create a new user in AD but able to pull in the AD services folder from another person that already exists i.e. managers groups or member of.
Look into the Get-ADUser and Set-ADUser cmdlets, provided by the MS ActiveDirectory module.
(If installed, you can add it to the powershell session with: import-module activedirectory)
Once you have it loaded, you can get the AD User you wish to 'copy', look for their "MemberOf" attribute and note them, then you can user Add-ADGroupMember for each of those groups.
Microsoft has good references here: