Xcode 11 Safe Area Does Not Go FullScreen - swift

Since I am using Xcode 11 I am having problems with the Safe Area. My App is an ArKit- App that uses an ARSCNView. after upgrading to Xcode 11 the safe Are doesn't allow me to display it full screen anymore. Actually all the views in all ViewControllers can't be displayed in full screen. I really don't know where to start. Did anyone experience this kind of behavior?
I unchecked all the necessary boxes I hope. The behavior I still get is this:
Storyboard Main
Live View
There seems to be a view underneath. But I never added one and the inspector doesn't show. This changed with xcode11.

I just found out what happened to my ViewControllers. I am checking for internet connection with a LaunchViewController. The segue from this controller to the next one did not specify "full screen". I still don't know why I have to explicitly tell the segue to do so in Xcode 11. But in the end that solved my problem.
Thank you

The Safe Area is used as a reference for constraints for views and objects that you want the user to be able to interact with. It is used as a guide during the layout of objects on the screen. If you want to take advantage of the entire screen, constrain your views to the superview (basically the main view of the view controller). This is handy for displaying things like backgrounds on the entire view. Take a look at Apple's human interface guidelines for more info:
Apple's Human Interface Guidelines: Adaptivity and Layout
Similar Question:
iPhone X - Safe Area does not achieve full-screen experience?


Resize app automatically depending on screen size in swift

I just started making an app, and I have done a lot but I was not working with auto-layout. My whole app is in landscape mode, and I want it to work on all iPhone's. I now designed it for the iPhone 5, but when I open it on iPhone 6, there is a lot of whitespace. Is there a button to automatically resize everything? Or must I add auto layout and do every designing bit again?
Unfortunately you're probably going to have to layout everything again with auto-layout. A way to expedite your process would be converting the storyboard to auto-layout and then selecting "Reset to Suggested Constraints". You can access this option by pressing the small triangle icon in the bottom left.
Despite this, you probably will need to update a lot of the constraints manually. But this should give you a step in the right direction.
Have you tried Size Classes? Or Stack Views?
Size classes:
Apple documentation # https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AutolayoutPG/Size-ClassSpecificLayout.html
Apple documentation on Stack Views #
A good tutorial on "Stack Views":

Developing a swipe and view change iPhone application

I am trying to develop an application whose view closely matches with groupon app. User should be able to swipe on the screen and the entire screen changes with top pointer pointing to different tool bar entity.
Any pointer of how to go about it?
Take a look at UIScrollView Reference and PageControl Reference from Apple Guides
Hope it helps,
Looks like a pagecontrol+scrollerview
The complex part is making the toolbar elements move when you are changing the page at a different speed

IOS new Facebook iPhone App UISplitViewController Layout [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone
another break away .net developer here now trying to get used to the world of IOS.
I like the layout of the new Facebook iPhone app (October 2011), and want to implement something similar in an app I am doing. I know that the UISplitterControl is not available on iPhone but Facebook seem to have pulled a little magic to make it appear so on their new app.
In Facebook's implementation it looks to me that they have used a UINavigationController which slides to the right by x when the NavigationBar icon is tapped thus exposing a view underneath with the menu items.
Would appreciate if someone could help me work this out as the solution would also be a great learning curve.
I've tried setting a UINavigationController as the AppDelegate window root view controller, then using initwithframe to load a custom view which includes the menu items as a subview hidden behind the UINavigationcontroller root view. Then when the UINavgationController menu item button is clicked slide the NavigationController to the right thus exposing the view underneath with menu items.This presents two problems, first that the subview positioning doesn't work and also how can I slide the actual UINavigationController to the right to expose the menu view underneath.
Please help!
Might also want to check out my implementation on Github. It's specifically designed to resemble Facebook's implementation as much as possible (from a technical point of view). Also it leverages iOS 5's new UIViewController-Containment features, which most others don't. Thus it works flawlessly in both landscape and portrait modes. It's universal of course and highly flexible. One class only. The way you use it is similar to any other Apple made controller.
there is a similar post here: SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone.
you can also checkout the code directly at: https://github.com/mystcolor/JTRevealSidebarDemo
I'm having exactly the same question, my guess is that the "SplitView" is actually more likely a modal view that takes up only part of the screen. I haven't had the time to try it just yet but the following post might give some hint on how this can be done:
You might want to check out this project
Here some howto
Similar to the one "MyPad" is using.
Note: This is only for iPad but you might find some usefull stuff in it
I created a component that mimics the behavior of the Facebook slide out menu. It is available on github.
Here is link from stack overflow where people have discussed on same topic.
Also there are several links that can be helpful:
SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone

NavigationController based app, view is doubled and a ghost image drifts slowly off the right side of the screen

This is so weird. I have been working on a series of iterations of the same application for almost 2 months, have not touched the code related to the view management in weeks, and this bug just appeared.
Basically I am at the root level view, i go to the last view in the stack by way of a "skip" type button. This page is used for settings. I then change some things (not related to the view hierarchy) and save, which takes me back to root. Then i try going to the first view in the stack.
Initially all of the textfields for the view are visible, but their uilabels are not. The view then slowly drifts to the right, revealing the same view with labels intact directly under it. I have never seen a bug like this before in over 2 years of iOS dev, so here I am.
The only code I have changed in the last week is related to web services and threading, nothing having to do with the view hierarchy.
If anyone has seen this bug before please help! Probably important as well, I have not seen this happen on the simulator, only on the actual device (iPad running 4.3.3)
Threading is the most likely culprit: making UI calls anywhere other than the main thread can cause any number of strange problems. Make sure anything you do to the UI, even a -popViewControllerAnimated:, is wrapped in a -performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: or an appropriate dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{...}) call.

Switching Between Subviews in iPhone App

So, in an iPhone app I am working on, I've decided that the best way to display all the contents to the user is to have the top part of the screen show some information, and the bottom of the screen show different information. However, the bottom part will change sometimes, so I was working on implementing that.
Another app that does this is the MTGLife app, here are some pictures:
You see that upon hitting a button, the picker switches over and displays the log. Hitting the same button switches them back, with a pretty animation. I would like to do the same thing in my application. I'm not sure the best way to go about it though...
I was thinking that I would make 2 UIViews, and then would simply flip between them, but I want to get some opinions first on how to do this, and then a push in the right direction.
Thank you!
The 2 UIViews is a good approach. By using the UIView animations functions, you can switch between the Log and the Picker with the desired transition.
In the UICatalog sample application (see TransitionViewController), there an example on how to animation two subviews