Pay using Paypal balance when using Braintree Dropin UI - paypal

We use the Braintree Dropin UI with paypal enabled.
It works fine except for one thing: if the user has a balance at paypal, it does not give them the option to pay with their Paypal balance. They can pay with any payment method they have registered with paypal (CC, bank account), but not with their balance.
Is there a special option in the dropin UI for this? Something we need to setup in the BT control panel?

Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
If you're using our PayPal Vault flow, buyers won't be able to choose balance as a funding source, however, PayPal will always use the balance first with all future transactions. Braintree PayPal Vault flow uses PayPal's Billing Agreements feature and PayPal requires customers to have a funding source other than PayPal balance during the Billing Agreement sign up process to ensure costs can always be covered.
With that said, once a customer goes through the PayPal Vault flow, PayPal will always use the balance first to complete payments in future, so when using the Vaulted payment method, PayPal checks if the user has any funds in the balance and other funding sources such as credit cards are only used if the user's balance can't cover the payment. They should be able to use their balance if they have sufficient funds on subsequent charges.


How to auto charge for my online service using Google Pay

I want to make a website, which has a function, users have to login and link their credit card to use that function, and I charge them for how many times they use in a month. Just like how Google does on Google Ads.
How can I do this?
Is this possible by using Google Pay API?
Google Pay FAQ says:
Support for recurring billing is
tied to the payment method returned in the Google Pay API response.
Both tokenized cards and cards on file can be used for recurring
billing. To process recurring billing, the merchant doesn't have to
call our API at a cadence. Rather, the payment credential is stored on
the merchant side for recurring payments. The merchant uses their
payment gateway APIs to manage recurring billing.
Google Pay supports recurring payments if the following statements are
Merchants comply with network rules, such as merchant-initiated
transactions. Terms of payment are disclosed and accepted by the user
within the merchant’s buyflow. We also support recurring billing with
variable amounts. For example, monthly phone bills for mobile carriers
are supported. To get more information, merchants must contact their
payment gateway representative.
I don't totally understand. Does that mean I have to ask my bank? If so, what data should they give me to accomplish this? Or should I change to other service provider like paypal?
Google Pay doesn't process the payment. It facilitates it by securely providing you (the developer) a payment token that you can use to process a payment with your payment service provider. See supported payment service providers.
What that means is that it depends on whether or not your payment service provider supports recurring payments. Which one are you using?
Braintree for example supports this type of recurring payment with Google Pay.

Can a payout, using PayPal Payouts API, be funded directly from the associated Bank account instead of PayPal account?

I have been building a marketplace application with an iOS app as front-end that drives the business. The app can accept payment either through a paypal account or a credit card. I have integrated Braintree iOS SDK into my app and linked the paypal business account in Braintree controlpanel. The funds processed using PayPal are being routed to the paypal and those processed using cards end up in the bank account linked with Braintree merchant.
Now, the core of the application is to take a certain commission and payout the rest to the sellers involved in transaction. I have taken the seller's PayPal ID at the time of registration to pay them.I have explored the PayPal docs and found that Payouts REST API does exactly what I need provided I maintain the required balance in the merchant account.This is where things came to a standstill. Specifically, I need to get confirmation on the below points
1.As there are two different places(paypal merchant and bank account
linked to braintree) where my funds are parked, Is there any
possibility that the transaction could directly be funded from the
bank account if the same is linked to both merchant accounts?
2.Will PayPal withdraw the entire amount at once or in partial
Can anyone who have been in a similar situation suggest how to go about paying out the sellers. I am open to any alternative that satisfies all the requirements of the app.

How to use billing agreement with chained payments?

We are setting up our marketplace transactions with PayPal and thus want to use chained payments for simple processing and to prevent being a funds aggregator.
As we want to capture buyers payment method once (upfront) and allow them to buy services from sellers later without entering their payment details every time, PayPal has 2 options: 1) pre-approvals, or 2) billing agreements.
However since buyers should also be able to pay with credit card, we can only use option 2) billing agreements.
Is our understanding correct that billing agreements are not compatible with chained payments?
Also, if they are not compatible, how can we go about it to allow for:
- Users to pay with credit card
- Not have them enter the credit card details every time at the time of purchase
- Use chained payments (prevent funds aggregation which would happen if we receive funds first and payout in a second operation)?
Preapproved Payments is part of the Adaptive Payments platform. Depending on what you're doing with the transaction when the time comes to submit a payment with a preapproval profile you may use a simple payment, parallel payment, or chained payment.
What you're after, billing agreements, is part of the Express Checkout API or Payments Pro. The actual term for what you'll be working with is Reference Transactions.
If you process a credit card directly over Payments Pro (either sale or auth) then you can simply use that transaction ID you get back with the DoReferenceTransaction API at any point in the future to process another transaction automatically.
If you process the original sale or authorization with Express Checkout, that's where you need to include billing agreement parameters in your SetExpressCheckout request to create that billing agreement, but then you'd still use the DoReferenceTransaction API to process future payments.

Which API I should use for Paypal when I have many receivers and payers

I am building a project that might be a bit complicated and I have to use paypal for this.
There are many users in the app and they can be receivers, payers or both. The receivers/sellers provide certain services and the payers have to pay their sellers monthly. So if the user agrees to pay, the paypal will charge him monthly and automatically. The users need to register as paypal member and get authorized from paypal beforehand so I can use their emails for the transactions in the app.
I am thinking of using paypal express checkout with recurring apis, but I am not sure if it is the right decision and no clue if it is working. Any suggestions? thanks.
You could use either Express Checkout, Subscriptions w/ Website Payments Standard, or Enhanced Recurring Payments w/ Website Payments Standard. Either one of these would allow you to set up recurring payments. Enhanced Recurring Payments is the only one that would have a monthly charge associated with it. Express Checkout and Subscriptions w/ Website Payments Standard would not have a monthly charge. However, Enhanced Recurring Payments allows the buyer to sign up for a subscription without having to have a PayPal account, and they can just use their credit card. Express Checkout and Subscriptions w/ Website Payments Standard require the buyer to have a PayPal account. They can still be billed via credit card, but they have to have the credit card attached to their PayPal account. The subscription would bill the PayPal account, and the PayPal account would pull the funds from the credit card on the account.
With a PayPal account, your users can receive or send funds based on the country these accounts are located in.

Adaptive Payments VS Website Payments Pro for our online marketplace

We are a UK-based marketplace site that wants to never force buyers to sign up for paypal. We allow users to set up customized stores through our site, and our second requirement is that these users be able to become sellers with only a basic paypal account. When a buyer makes a purchase, we are the primary receiver, taking 15% and passing on the entire paypal fees to the secondary receiver (user), as well as all the remainder of the transaction. My question is: What's the best solution paypal offers for this? It seems that chained payments would be, but if I understand correctly the Website Payments Pro system is the only one that guarantees that buyers outside the UK wouldn't need a paypal account. Is there a way to take the money in ourselves with Website Payments Pro and use the API so it transfers the 85% (minus the fees) to the user's paypal account?
It depends on what approach you want to take.
I would prefer Chained Payments as it allows guest checkout (credit card payments outside a PayPal account) with certain restrictions and will easily allow the user to receive the funds and automatically forwards the 15% cut to your account. This removes the need to collect funds outside of the payment flow. This means no invoicing or no lost dues!
Website Payments Pro only offers credit card payments however you would also need to offer Express Checkout for PayPal payments as well. You also have the flexibility of hosting the order form so you control what the users see. The downside is you'd have to collect funds from the user outside the payments. Such as monthly invoicing, billing agreements or manual processing.
Here is the criteria we use to allow guest checkout. Please keep in mind these are due to rules and regulations, not PayPal's choosing.
The credit card has a lifetime limit of 10 purchases outside a PayPal account
The user's email address must not be attached to an existing PayPal account
I don't have a direct answer for you but hopefully this helps make your decision.