how to convert bonnmotion using perl? And how to run bonnmotion in one simulator? I have tried but it failed. please explain to me the steps in full. Thank you
The latest BonnMotion seems to have option to generate ONE simulator traces directly, without the need to use the Perl script (see the BonnMotion documentation section 7.7 for details).
I know that this question was ask often but i cant really find a working program that allows me to read a .dmp file
I need this program to read a crashed TeamSpeak 3 .dmp file
The website worked for me but the support has been withdrawn.
Is there a clone of this website that has the same method?
General issues can be addressed with DebugDiag tool
If you'd like to go deeper - use WinDbg
I'm tasked with upgrading a lot of legacy models and scripts made in an older version of Matlab/Simulink and have it running smoothly in R2018b. Among other requirements I'm not allowed to have any warnings issued upon execution of .m scripts or Simulink models. This is generally tedious but straightforward to comply.
However, there is a specific warning that Matlab does not give me hints on possible sources:
Warning: MATLAB has disabled some advanced graphics rendering features by switching to software OpenGL. For more information click here.
The link opens the Matlab Help page titled Resolving Low-Level Graphics Issues, which describes issues I'm not finding (or at least not noticing)
I do note that many scripts I run create and close figures, but this is done procedurally. I haven't been able to associate this warning with some specific function or feature. I'm working on a Windows Server machine.
Does anyone have an idea of how to narrow down which kind of function os Simulink block could cause this warning?
As datenwolf and Ander point out, the first thing to try is to update your drivers. If this doesn't work, and your only problem is that you're getting the warning but your graphics still render fine, then you have two other options to try.
First, you can simply modify your OpenGL rendering preferences using opengl. The following will set your preference to 'software' and save that setting for future sessions:
opengl('save', 'software');
Alternatively, you can just try to suppress that particular warning message. After you get the warning, issue this call to the warning function:
w = warning('query', 'last');
The w.identifier field will give you the ID for the warning message, which I believe will be 'MATLAB:hg:AutoSoftwareOpenGL' in this case. You can then add the following line to your startup.m file so that this warning is suppressed every time MATLAB is opened:
warning('off', 'MATLAB:hg:AutoSoftwareOpenGL');
Install the original vendor drivers for your GPU. The drivers that are installed by Windows by default lack full OpenGL support. Download the driver package directly from the website of Intel, AMD or NVidia, depending on what GPU you have.
If you don't have GPU, for example when running in a Virtual Machine, then you can not avoid that warning, because then Matlab has no other choice than falling back on the software OpenGL implementation that it ships with.
There's nothing you can do about that, other than making sure, that the system you're running Matlab on, does have proper OpenGL support!
It took me a long time to get it, so I'll put you here in case it helps how I managed to activate openGL in Linux:
If you haven't already (it's common for other problems), rename libstdc++ library from MATLAB:
mv _YOUR_MATLAB_ROOT_FOLDER_/sys/os/glnxa64/ _YOUR_MATLAB_ROOT_FOLDER_/sys/os/glnxa64/
Create this link: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ /usr/lib/
Run export MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=YOUR_DRI_DRIVER;matlab -desktop -nosoftwareopeng
Your DRI Driver will be a file from /usr/lib/dri, removing "_dri" (in my case was the "radeons" driver for an AMD Vega graphic card.
Run MATLAB from a terminal using: export MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=_YOUR_DRIVER_HERE_;matlab -desktop -nosoftwareopengl. YOUR_DRIVER_HERE should be your driver, radeonsi in my case.
Check openGL with info = rendererinfo
If something went wrong, you will be able to see in the terminal which library was responsible. Executing 4) and 5) I was discovering what I had to correct, you can do the same if you have another problem that has not appeared to me.
So that it always runs correctly I put export MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=YOUR_DRI_DRIVER at the beginning of the script that runs matlab (_YOUR_MATLAB_FOLDER/bin/matlab), although I suppose it can also be set as an environment variable.
I hope this has been useful to you.
How can I run 'mpileup' using Bioperl ?
When trying to run mpileup using Bio::Tools::Run::Samtools , I am getting 'mpileup' is not registered. What am I doing wrong? Any pointers towards the right direction are appreciated... thank you guys.....
The short answer is you cannot run mpileup using BioPerl-Run because, as your error message describes, that command does not appear to be listed as one available to samtools. You might want to raise this issue on the bioperl-listserv, and hopefully someone will add this feature.
I am having some trouble uploading code to my Seeeduino ADK (essentially a Arduino Mega 2560) using Eclipse. Basically, this thread explains my problem. Sometimes I get a series of timeouts using the Arduino IDE upload, which is usually fixed by removing and re-inserting the USB. Unfortunately enough, this does not help fix the problem in Eclipse.
I have been trying to do the upload using AVRdude via the command line (I even tried the "hacky" solution in the last comment of the above thread), but to no avail. This is the line I am using for this:
"%AVR_DUDE%" -pm2560 -cstk500v2 -P\\.\%COMM_PORT% -b115200 -F -V -D - Uflash:w:"%HEX_FILE%":a -C"%AVR_DUDE_CONF%"
Which gives me:
avrdude.exe: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
I know the above batch variables are OK, because AVRdude runs correctly (but then it times out). If anyone has any ideas or tips that could help me with my uploading I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks beforehand.
EDIT: As it turns out, the reason for this may be that the Arduino IDE sends a reset to the board before uploading, something which the Eclipse AVR plugin does not do. I will test this and write a uploading perl script, but I am fairly certain this is the problem.
Your suspicion is correct. The Arduino IDE uses a patched version of AVRDude to pulse the DTR line and reset the board before each upload. For some reason, some people have had difficulty getting the right command line parameters to replicate this on the Mega2560. I've had the same problem myself - ATMega328's work with no problem, but the 2560 needs to be reset manually.
There's some further explanation and tips for possibly getting it working here (check the comments too):
Check out the detail here...
If using avrdude > version 5.1 change the programmer to -cwiring
This will reset the chip first
I have gone through many of the forums "To set output audio device to speaker instead of USB" in Windows 8 DP. but i could not find any solution how to do this using powershell. can some one help me in this ?
Sounds like you want to script changing your audio output device. You can do this via the registry. See this blog post for a script that does this:
This may not invoke a change immediately like the applet does. For that you might have to invoke the API and it doesn't look like it's easy.
Someone made a little command line program implemented in C++ you can download the source and binary here:
It didn't run on my Windows 7 system but that may be because I don't have the correct Visual C++ redistribute installed. You might try this version if you get an error running it.