How to analyze a .dmp file? - dump

I know that this question was ask often but i cant really find a working program that allows me to read a .dmp file
I need this program to read a crashed TeamSpeak 3 .dmp file
The website worked for me but the support has been withdrawn.
Is there a clone of this website that has the same method?

General issues can be addressed with DebugDiag tool
If you'd like to go deeper - use WinDbg


Tracing (for documentation purposes) through .cmd and .pl files.

I am somewhat new to programming and VERY to command line and perl. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way that I can trace through a .cmd file and see what perl scripts its calling and then open those files and see what files it is calling (or functions etc...) without having to go through each file manually. I use Visual Studio 2010 and Notepad. I am mostly trying to do this to get everything documented and I would like to eventually be able to have a TOC or Tree View of the files and which files/commands/functions they call etc.. I am probably not explaining this well :) So, apologies AND Thanks in advance!! Britt
The perl debugger will let you step through perl applications/scripts and see what is getting used with various levels of detail. See perldoc perldebug or the online documentation for how that works.
Padre is a nice (and free) IDE for perl and you can look at other answers to this question for more ideas on how to use perl with VisualStudio.
Tracing batch file is problematic: Is there any way to trace through the execution of a batch file?
For tracing Perl programs, install Devel::Trace and set PERL5OPT=-d:Trace.

Eclipse AVR Programming - ATMega2560

I am having some trouble uploading code to my Seeeduino ADK (essentially a Arduino Mega 2560) using Eclipse. Basically, this thread explains my problem. Sometimes I get a series of timeouts using the Arduino IDE upload, which is usually fixed by removing and re-inserting the USB. Unfortunately enough, this does not help fix the problem in Eclipse.
I have been trying to do the upload using AVRdude via the command line (I even tried the "hacky" solution in the last comment of the above thread), but to no avail. This is the line I am using for this:
"%AVR_DUDE%" -pm2560 -cstk500v2 -P\\.\%COMM_PORT% -b115200 -F -V -D - Uflash:w:"%HEX_FILE%":a -C"%AVR_DUDE_CONF%"
Which gives me:
avrdude.exe: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
I know the above batch variables are OK, because AVRdude runs correctly (but then it times out). If anyone has any ideas or tips that could help me with my uploading I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks beforehand.
EDIT: As it turns out, the reason for this may be that the Arduino IDE sends a reset to the board before uploading, something which the Eclipse AVR plugin does not do. I will test this and write a uploading perl script, but I am fairly certain this is the problem.
Your suspicion is correct. The Arduino IDE uses a patched version of AVRDude to pulse the DTR line and reset the board before each upload. For some reason, some people have had difficulty getting the right command line parameters to replicate this on the Mega2560. I've had the same problem myself - ATMega328's work with no problem, but the 2560 needs to be reset manually.
There's some further explanation and tips for possibly getting it working here (check the comments too):
Check out the detail here...
If using avrdude > version 5.1 change the programmer to -cwiring
This will reset the chip first

WebApp ignores patched perl pm file

I never really came in touch with perl before, so I really hope, this is a real newbie question and I can solve the problem pretty quick...
We've one perl based web application installed on a windows 2003 server environment. The installed version contains a bug and I know where to apply the patch. Basically: I have carefully changed two lines in one of the web apps pm files.
To my surprise, the file change is ignored and I still get the same error messages with references to the old version of the file - clearly identifiable by the line numbers.
I've cleared the browser caches, restarted the web application (including apache) - no luck.
Now I think/hope that this is some kind of perl feature, but I even don't know enough of that language to ask google the right questions. One tutorial said, that perl is an interpreted language and that changes to source files are effective immediately. This isn't true for my site...
Are there some more caches/files I have to touch or delete in order to make my changes effective?
Are you sure your Perl is actually using the latest version of said pm file? There is no other version somewhere else included which is getting used?
Take a look at #INC
Step through your programming using a debugger
Sprinkle warnings around the code and see if it gets called.
Problem solved and the solution was outside perl - thanks for your patience.
The web application contained some javascript / css caching. After
deleting the caches (js-chache, css-cache)
clearing the browser cache
restarting Internet Explorer (!)
it started working again. Don't ask me why...

Auto-upload on save

I'm delveloping a PHP web application on my local PC. Whenever I save a file it would be handy if Eclipse could upload the file to my web server via FTP. Is Eclipse able to do that?? I think Netbeans offers such an option. At the moment I do the upload manually which is very annoying...
Take a look at Eclipse Target Management (RSE). You can find a tutorial on getting started page.
A big downside is that the quality of RSE's error messages range from okay-if-ambiguous to downright horrible (IBM-style 3 chars + 4 digits with no text message) so it's best if you know whatever protocol you're using well enough to guess what the error is without really needing the message to explain it to you.
So, after a whole lot of tries, I finally found something that works!
What you need to install is Eclipse WebDAV and FTP Support. I have not found the eclipse update site, but this site has n archived version of it. This allows you to sychronize your code with an FTP site.
Then, to Automatically Upload On Save, you can use my Auto Hot Keys Script at:
Eclipse Synchronize Hotkeys

Matlab and MrVista

I'm new to MATLAB and mrVista.
I'm running Matlab Version (R2009a) 32-bit(win32) from February 12, 2009
OS is Windows 7 Professional
I downloaded the most recent and extracted it into my C:\Program_Files_(x86)\MATLAB directory.
I think I need to run mrvInstall, but when I do, I get the following:
EDU>> mrvInstall
Checking VISATSOFT installation.
Windows, 32-bit, installation
Checking and possibly installing .NET framework.
This can take several minutes
Checking for visualization library (.dll) files.
You are missing msvcp70.dll.
So, I'm completely lost at this point. Do I just need to download msvcp70.dll from the net? If so, is there a safe place to download it from? If there's some other way I'm supposed to get mrVista to work from MATLAB, instead of mrvInstall, please let me know that.
Thanks in advance for your help.
EDIT: I've downloaded and installed the dll and still isn't working. I'll go ask on Super User. Thanks for trying to help anyway.
EDIT2: before asking on superuser, I tried once more to solve it myself. Turns out, under the File -> Set Path you have to Add_With_Subfolders the specific vistasoft folder. (Even though I'd already added with subfolders the parent directory where vistasoft lives, that wasn't good enough.) So, once I added the path, and made sure I was in the directory where my data lives, I was able to run the initial command from the tutorial:
mrVista inplane
It opens up very nicely now. No compiles or installs or other commands were actually necessary. Methinks I'm going to go edit a wiki now so no one else has this problem.
There's a pretty comprehensive discussion of Visual C++ runtime DLLs here
Whoever built the file that uses msvcp70.dll (and msvcr70.dll) presumably had Visual Studio 2002 and the right to redistribute that file.
You're probably not going to get much help beyond that because I'm a MatLab user and I have no idea what mrVista is. You've provided no link, no explanation, nothing that someone could use to help you.
See this page on MrVista Wiki:
There is information on this dll and where to get it from.
I guess "serverfault" is VERY badly named if it's the go-to place for things that have zero to do with servers;-). Maybe the complaint shd actually point to
Me, I've researched the top google hits for this DLL, the very top one seems to be on "" which has no bad reports I can see and is rated green/safe by mcafee, so that's where I would risk downloading it from. Weird that I can't find it on a MSFT site, though.