error in dr Racket problem. unbound identifier in mymeber - racket

trying to do a dr racket problem to tell if a number is apart of list. getting errors
#lang racket
(mymember (x, l))
if l=?null
then "false"
if x==car(l)
then "true"
mymember 2' (1,3,4,5,6)

Racket uses prefix notation. This makes commas unnecessary. First, some syntax:
How to define a function?
( define ( name variable1 variable2 ) body )
Where name is the name of the function, and the variables are the parameters. Which are followed by the body expression.
; Number -> Number
; converts from fahrenheit to celsius.
(define (f2c f)
(* 5/9 (- f 32)))
How to call a function?
( name expression1 expression2 )
name is the name of the function and expression1 and expression2 are its arguments.
(sqr 3)
;; == 9
Similarly, to check if two values are equal: (equal? x y)
How to use the if expressions?
( if question-expression then-answer-expression else-answer-expression )
If the value of the question-expression is not false, the if evaluates the then-answer-expression, otherwise it evaluates the else-answer-expression.
;; Number -> Number
;; reciprocate all non-zero x, otherwise return 0.
(define (inverse-of-x x)
(if (= x 0) 0 (/ 1 x)))
... and so on. Read the Racket Guide for the essentials on syntax, semantics and datatypes in the language.
Fixing all the syntax still leads to one error: an infinite loop. That is because the recursive call doesn't call cdr on the list. So the recursive call is made on the same list (not a shorter list) forever. Wrapping a cdr and fixing the syntax leads to a correct function.
#lang racket
; [X] [List-of X] -> "true" U "false"
; is x an element of l?
(define (mymember x l)
(if (equal? l null)
(if (equal? x (car l))
(mymember x (cdr l)))))
(mymember 2 '()) ; = false
(mymember 2 '(1 3 4 5 6)) ; = false
(mymember 2 '(1 3 2 5 6)) ; = true


a function called A-SUM that calculates Σpi=ni, where n≥0,p≥0. Below are examples of what A-SUM returns considering different arguments

CL-USER> (a-sum 0 3)
->> 6
I wrote this program :
(defun a-sum (x y)
(if (and (> x -1) (> y -1))
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(sum 0)
(num x))
((equal i (+ (- y x) 1)))
(setq sum (+ sum num))
(setq num (+ num 1))
(print " NOPE")))
put if I run it in the terminal it returns nil and not the answer stated above;
can someone help with the problem so it returns the value then Boolean.
DO,DO* Syntax
The entry for DO,DO* says that the syntax is as follows:
do ({var | (var [init-form [step-form]])}*)
(end-test-form result-form*)
{tag | statement}*
The body is used as a list of statements and no intermediate value in this body is used as the result form of the do form. Instead, the do form evaluates as the last expression in result-form*, which defaults to nil.
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(sum 0)
(num x))
((equal i (+ (- y x) 1))
(setq sum (+ sum num)) ;; (*)
(setq num (+ num 1)) ;; (*)
sum ;; (*)
All the expressions marked commented (*) above are used for side-effects only: the result of their evaluation is unused and discarded.
Problem statement
It is not clear to me what Σpi=ni means, and your code does not seem to compute something that could be expressed as that mathematical expression.
One red flag for example is that if (+ (- y x) 1) is negative (i.e. if y < x-1, for example y=1,x=3), then your loop never terminates because i, which is positive or null, will never be equal to the other term which is negative.
I would try to rewrite the problem statement more clearly, and maybe try first a recursive version of your algorithm (whichever is easier to express).
Please indent/format your code.
Instead of adding setq statements in the body, try to see if you can define them in the iteration clauses of the loop (since I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, the following example is only a rewrite of your code):
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(sum 0 (+ sum num)
(num x (1+ num))
(... sum))
Consider what value(s) a function returns. It's the value of the last form evaluated. In your case, that appears to be a do or maybe a setq or print (It's difficult to read as it's formatted now, and I don't have question edit privileges).
In short, the form that's returning the value for the function looks to be one evaluated for side-effects instead of returning a value.

Append two functions recursively with Racket?

I'm using racket language, but i'm having some trouble getting some expected results for a recursive function. My goal is to input an integer n and output the element n times, as a list.
' exclude the ' and the text, #lang racket
; take n (integer) e (scheme) build new list
; 2 `() -> () ()
; 3 `a -> a a a
; 4 `(a) -> (a) (a) (a) (a)
(define (list n e)
(if (= n 0) e
(append e(list (- n 1) e)) ))
; (list 0 '())
; prints '()
; (list 2 '())
; should print '() '()
Your problem would appear to be that append isn't doing what you're expecting it to - it unwraps and discards top-level empty lists. (e.g. (append '(1) '() '(2) '() '(3)) ;; => '(1 2 3)).
So, swapping cons in for append will result in (what I believe to be) the expected output.
(define (my-list n empty-list)
(if (= n 0)
(my-list (- n 1) empty-list))))
(my-list 2 '()) ;; => '(() ())
You should also reconsider clobbering Racket's built-in list function.
This answer has a useful breakdown of what append is doing internally and why it's undesirable in this scenario.

Common LISP Code explanation

Can someone explain to me what this code does and how it works ?
(defun f (&optional (x nil) (y (if (atom x) nil (car x))))
(cond ((atom x) y)
((< (car x) y) (f (cdr x) y))
(t (f (cdr x) (car x)))))
A quick run through the code shows it's a function which returns the largest number given two numbers or a list of numbers. It'll return nil if given an atom and an error if one of the elements of the list is not a number.
here are some of the results I got:
CL-USER> (f '(1 2 3 4))
CL-USER> (f '(1 5 2 4))
CL-USER> (f '(1 5 2 4 7))
CL-USER> (f 'y)
CL-USER> (f 3 'y)
A type error comes up when there is a non-numeric in the list:
CL-USER> (f '(1 x 2 4 7))
gives the following error
The value
is not of type
when binding SB-KERNEL::X
[Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]
As for how it works? The function compares numbers in a list, the first parameter, and a number, second param and returns the largest of them all. It does this by recursively comparing the first two numbers of the list returning the larger number which it compares to the rest of the list.

LISP - Closest function without setq/setf etc

I'm trying to write the "closest" function,in Lisp, without using setq/setf etc...
The function finds the nearest vector of a given vector (finding it on a list of lists).
I tried but without sets is too hard,thanks a lot.
Usually the updating of variable is done by recursion:
(defun main-function (arg)
(main-function-helper arg 0 1))
(defun main-function-helper (arg var1 var2)
(if (= arg var1)
(main-function-helper arg (1+ var1) (1+ var2))))
When you're done you can put the helper into the main function:
(defun main-function (arg)
(labels ((helper (var1 var2) ; arg left out since it's not changed
(if (= arg var1)
(helper (1+ var1) (1+ var2)))))
(helper 0 1)))
This is of course a silly implementation of 1+ for positive arguments.
Without set, returns a list of lists in case there are ties:
(NOTE: loop macro uses set at some point :P)
(defun euclid (v1 v2)
(sqrt (loop for x in v1 for y in v2 sum
(expt (- x y) 2))))
(defun closest (target listoflists distancefn)
(loop for l in listoflists for d = (apply distancefn (list target l))
minimizing d into min
collecting (list l d) into col
finally (return
(loop for (vec dis) in col when
(eql dis min) collect vec))))
(closest '(1 2 3) '((1 2 2) ( 1 2 2) ( 2 2 2)) #'euclid)
> ((1 2 2) (1 2 2))

explanation of lambda expression in scheme

I was wondering if anyone could explain this lambda expression and how the output is derived. I put it into the interpreter and am getting ((2) 2). I'm just not sure why it's giving me that instead of just (2 2).
((lambda x (cons x x)) 2)
The expression (lambda x (cons x x)) produces a function; the function puts all arguments into a list x; the function returns (cons x x).
Your expression calls the above function with an argument of 2. In the function x is (2) (a list of all the arguments). The function (cons '(2) '(2)) returns ((2) 2)
(cons x x)
is not the same as
(list x x)
since it produces dotted pairs, e.g. (cons 2 2) returns (2 . 2).
But when the right side of a dotted pair is a list, the whole thing is a list. (lambda x expr) takes an arbitrary number of arguments, puts them in a list x, so that's (2) here. The dotted pair ((2) . (2)) is printed as ((2) 2) per Lisp conventions.
Yep, you've ran off the deep end of scheme.
You've stublled across the notation that allows you to write a function that accepts zero or more arguments. (any number really)
(define add-nums
(lambda x
(if (null? x)
(+ (car x) (apply add-nums (cdr x))))))
(add-nums 1 87 203 87 2 4 5)
;Value: 389
If you just want one argument you need to enclose x in a set of parenthesis.
And you want to use
(list x x)
(cons x (cons x '())
as the function body, as a properly formed list will have an empty list in the tail position.
You probably wanted to write:
((lambda (x) (cons x x)) 2)
(note the brackets around x).