I'm trying to write the "closest" function,in Lisp, without using setq/setf etc...
The function finds the nearest vector of a given vector (finding it on a list of lists).
I tried but without sets is too hard,thanks a lot.
Usually the updating of variable is done by recursion:
(defun main-function (arg)
(main-function-helper arg 0 1))
(defun main-function-helper (arg var1 var2)
(if (= arg var1)
(main-function-helper arg (1+ var1) (1+ var2))))
When you're done you can put the helper into the main function:
(defun main-function (arg)
(labels ((helper (var1 var2) ; arg left out since it's not changed
(if (= arg var1)
(helper (1+ var1) (1+ var2)))))
(helper 0 1)))
This is of course a silly implementation of 1+ for positive arguments.
Without set, returns a list of lists in case there are ties:
(NOTE: loop macro uses set at some point :P)
(defun euclid (v1 v2)
(sqrt (loop for x in v1 for y in v2 sum
(expt (- x y) 2))))
(defun closest (target listoflists distancefn)
(loop for l in listoflists for d = (apply distancefn (list target l))
minimizing d into min
collecting (list l d) into col
finally (return
(loop for (vec dis) in col when
(eql dis min) collect vec))))
(closest '(1 2 3) '((1 2 2) ( 1 2 2) ( 2 2 2)) #'euclid)
> ((1 2 2) (1 2 2))
(defun list-parser (list count)
...);;this function reads items by count from list and do some process to them.
;;i.e.convert items read from code to char, or to other things and then return it.
;;Also, the items in list should be consumed, globally.
(defmethod foo ((obj objtype-2) data-list)
(setf (slot-1 obj) (read-list data-list 1))
(defmethod foo ((obj objtype-1) data-list)
(setf (slot-1 obj) (read-list data-list 1)
(print data-list)
(slot-2 obj) (read-list data-list 2)
(print data-list)
(slot-3 obj) (foo (make-instance 'objtype-2) data-list)
(print data-list)
(slot-4 obj) (read-list data-list 3))
How to let it work like this:(read-list just works like read-byte in some way:
1.return a value read(and parsed here)
2.change the stream position(here the list)).
(let ((obj)
(setf data '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
obj (foo (make-instance 'objtype-1) data))
(print data))
>>(2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
>>(4 5 6 7 8)
>>(5 6 7 8)
Or rather, how do you deal with this kind of task? Do you convert list to other type?
I am not quite sure what you are after, but here is a function which creates a 'list reader' object (just a function). A list reader will let you read chunks of a list, treating it a bit like a stream.
(defun make-list-reader (l)
;; Make a list reader which, when called, returns three values: a
;; chunk of list, the length of tha chunk (which may be less than
;; how much was asked for) and the remaining length. The chunk is
;; allowed to share with L
(let ((lt l)
(len (length l)))
(lambda (&optional (n 1))
((zerop len)
(values nil 0 0))
((< len n)
(values lt len 0))
(let ((it (subseq lt 0 n)))
(setf lt (nthcdr n lt)
len (- len n))
(values it n len)))))))
(defun read-from-list-reader (r &optional (n 1))
;; Read from a list reader (see above for values)
(funcall r n))
And now:
(defvar *l* (make-list-reader '(1 2 3)))
> (read-from-list-reader *l* 1)
> (read-from-list-reader *l* 2)
(2 3)
> (read-from-list-reader *l* 10)
What you can't really do is write a function (not actually a function of course since it modifies its argument) which works like this while modifying its argument list. So you can write a function which will do this:
> (let ((l (list 1 2)))
(values (read-from-list l)
which works by modifying the car and cdr of the first cons of l as you'd expect. But this can't work when there is no more to read: l is a cons and nil isn't a cons, so you can't ever make l nil with a function.
But in any case such a function is just a mass of traps for the unwary and generally horrid: for instance your example would involve modifying a literal, which isn't legal.
I have a list of two element sublists which will change and grow in the course of the program. I want to write a macro which takes a key and generates a case dynamically like:
;; This is the List for saving CASE clauses
(setf l '((number 2) (symbol 3)))
;; and i want to have the following expansion
(typecase 'y
(number 2)
(symbol 3))
I could have a macro which only refers to the global l:
(defmacro m (x)
`(typecase ,x ,#l))
which would expand correctly
(m 'y) ;expands to (TYPECASE 'Y (number 2) (symbol 3))
But how can i write the macro with a parameter for the list l so that it would work with other lists as well?
;; A macro which should generate the case based on the above list
(defmacro m (x l)
`(typecase ,x ,#l))
This doesn't work since l in the arguments list i a symbol and a call to (m 'y l) will expand to (TYPECASE 'Y . L).
Wanting to adhere to typecase mechanism, my workaround was as follows:
(setf types-x '(((integer 0 *) 38)
((eql neli) "Neli in X")
(symbol 39))
(setf types-y '(((eql neli) "Neli in Y")
((array bit *) "A Bit Vector")))
(defmacro m (x types-id)
(case types-id
(:x `(typecase ,x ,#types-x))
(:y `(etypecase ,x ,#types-y))))
(m 'neli :x) ;"Neli in X"
(m 'neli :y) ;"Neli in Y"
(m 'foo :x) ;39
Any hints and comments is appreciated.
You don't need a macro for what you're trying to do: use a function.
For instance, given
(defvar *type-matches*
'((float 0)
(number 1)
(t 3)))
(defun type-match (thing &optional (against *type-matches*))
(loop for (type val) in against
when (typep thing type)
return (values val type)
finally (return (values nil nil))))
Will match a thing against a type:
> (type-match 1.0)
> (type-match 1)
You want to keep the variables sorted by type, which you can do by, for instance:
(setf *type-matches* (sort *type-matches* #'subtypep :key #'car))
You want to keep the matches sorted of course.
If you want to delay the execution of the forms then you can do something like this (this also deals with sorting the types):
(defvar *type-matches*
(defmacro define-type-match (type/spec &body forms)
;; define a type match, optionally in a specified list
(multiple-value-bind (type var)
(etypecase type/spec
(symbol (values type/spec '*type-matches*))
(cons (values (first type/spec) (second type/spec))))
(let ((foundn (gensym "FOUND")))
`(let ((,foundn (assoc ',type ,var :test #'equal)))
(if ,foundn
(setf (cdr ,foundn) (lambda () ,#forms))
(setf ,var (sort (acons ',type (lambda () ,#forms) ,var)
#'subtypep :key #'car)))
(defun type-match (thing &optional (against *type-matches*))
(loop for (type . f) in against
when (typep thing type)
return (values (funcall f) type)
finally (return (values nil nil))))
The actual problem that you face is that if you do
(setf l '((number 2) (symbol 3)))
already on toplevel, if you evaluate l, you don't come further than
((number 2) (symbol 3))
So if you use l in a macro as an argument, you can't come further
than this. But what you need is to evaluate this form (modified after adding a typecase and an evaluated x upfront) once more within the macro.
This is, why #tfb suggested to write a function which actually evaluates the matching of the types specified in l.
So, we could regard his type-match function as a mini-interpreter for the type specifications given in l.
If you do a simple (defmacro m (x l) `(typecase ,x ,#l))
you face exactly that problem:
(macroexpand-1 '(m 1 l))
;; (typecase 1 . l)
but what we need is that l once more evaluated.
(defmacro m (x l)
`(typecase ,x ,#(eval l)))
Which would give the actually desired result:
(macroexpand-1 '(m 1 l))
;; T
;; and thus:
(m 1 l) ;; 2
So far, it seems to work. But somewhere in the backhead it becomes itchy, because we know from books and community: "Don't use eval!! Eval in the code is evil!"
Trying around, you will find out when it will bite you very soon:
# try this in a new session:
(defmacro m (x l) `(typecase ,x ,#(eval l)))
;; m
;; define `l` after definition of the macro works:
(setf l '((number 2) (symbol 3)))
;; ((NUMBER 2) (SYMBOL 3))
(m 1 l)
;; 2 ;; so our `eval` can handle definitions of `l` after macro was stated
(m '(1 2) l)
;; NIL
;; even redefining `l` works!
(setf l '((number 2) (symbol 3) (list 4)))
;; ((NUMBER 2) (SYMBOL 3) (LIST 4))
(m 1 l)
;; 2
(m '(1 2) l)
;; 4 ;; and it can handle re-definitions of `l` correctly.
;; however:
(let ((l '((number 2) (symbol 3)))) (m '(1 2) l))
;; 4 !!! this is clearly wrong! Expected is NIL!
;; so our `eval` in the macro cannot handle scoping correctly
;; which is a no-go for usage!
;; but after re-defining `l` globally to:
(setf l '((number 2) (symbol 3)))
;; ((NUMBER 2) (SYMBOL 3))
(m '(1 2) l)
;; NIL ;; it behaves correctly
(let ((lst '((number 2) (symbol 3) (list 4)))) (m '(1 2) lst))
;; *** - EVAL: variable LST has no value
;; so it becomes clear: `m` is looking in the scoping
;; where it was defined - the global scope (the parent scope of `m` when `m` was defined or within the scope of `m`).
So the conclusion is:
The given macro with eval is NOT working correctly!!
Since it cannot handle local scoping.
So #tfb's answer - writing a mini-evaluator-function for l is the probably only way to handle this in a proper, safe, correct way.
It seems to me that doing:
(defmacro m (x l)
`(typecase ,x ,#l))
(defun m-fun (x l)
(eval `(m ,x ,l)))
(m-fun ''y l) ;; 3
(m-fun 'y l) ;; error since y unknown
(let ((l '((number 2) (symbol 3) (list 4))))
(m-fun ''(1 2) l)) ;; => 4 since it is a list
(let ((l '((number 2) (symbol 3))))
(m-fun ''(1 2) l)) ;; => NIL since it is a list
(let ((l '((number 2) (symbol 3))))
(m-fun ''y l)) ;; => 3 since it is a symbol
(let ((n 12))
(m-fun n l)) ;; => 2 since it is a number
;; to improve `m-fun`, one could define
(defun m-fun (x l)
(eval `(m ',x ,l)))
;; then, one has not to do the strangely looking double quote
;; ''y but just one quote 'y.
(let ((l '((number 2) (symbol 3) (list 4))))
(m-fun '(1 2) l)) ;; => 4 since it is a list
;; etc.
at least hides the eval within a function.
And one does not have to use backquote in the main code.
Macro expansion happens at compile time, not run time, thus if the case clause list changes over the course of the program, the macro expansion will not change to reflect it.
If you want to dynamically select an unevaluated but changeable value, you can use assoc in the expansion instead of case:
(defmacro m (x l)
`(second (assoc ,x ,l)))
Sample expansion:
(m x l)
Output of (assoc x l) with the value of l in your question and x = 'x:
(let ((x 'x))
(m x l))
However if you did decide to do it this way, you could simplify things and replace the macro with a function:
(defun m (x l)
(second (assoc x l)))
Replace assoc as follows:
(defun m (x l)
(second (assoc-if (lambda (type)
(typep x type))
I have a list in Elisp. How do i return a list consisting of every nth element starting from the 1st? In Python i have slice notation:
>>> range(10)[::3]
[0, 3, 6, 9]
I can't find anything helpful in dash.el list API, so i wrote my solution using loop macro:
(defun step (n xs)
(loop for x in xs by (lambda (xs) (nthcdr n xs))
collect x))
ELISP> (step 3 (number-sequence 0 10))
(0 3 6 9)
By the way, (lambda (xs) (nthcdr n xs)) could be rewritten with dash.el's partial application function -partial: (-partial 'nthcdr n).
loop macro seems like overkill. How do i return elements by step in Emacs Lisp?
dash package's slice supports step from version 2.7. Therefore Python's range(10)[1:7:2] is equivalent to:
(-slice (number-sequence 0 9) 1 7 2) ; (1 3 5)
Here's a short illustration, comparing using -partial and a plain lambda in a loop:
(require 'cl-lib)
(prog1 nil
(setq bigdata (number-sequence 1 10000)))
(defun every-nth-1 (n xs)
(cl-loop for x in xs by (lambda (xs) (nthcdr n xs))
collect x))
(defun every-nth-2 (n xs)
(cl-loop for x in xs by (-partial 'nthcdr n)
collect x))
(defmacro util-timeit (expr)
(let ((t-beg (float-time))
(res (dotimes (i 1000)
(eval expr)))
(t-end (float-time)))
(- t-end t-beg)
(setq time1
(length (every-nth-1 3 bigdata))))
(setq time2
(every-nth-2 3 bigdata)))
(message "%s" (/ time2 time1))
Calling eval-buffer gives me a result around 4. This means that
(lambda (xs) (nthcdr n xs)) is 4 times faster than (-partial 'nthcdr n),
at least without byte compilation.
With byte-compilation, it gives an astounding 12.2-13.6 times difference in performance
in favor of a plain lambda!
I have some trouble fully understanding CL's Loop macro.
This is my code for Project Euler Nr. 32:
(defun number-to-list (nr)
(map 'list #'digit-char-p (prin1-to-string nr)))
(defun nine-digits-p (multiplicand multiplier )
(= (length (equationlist multiplicand multiplier
(* multiplicand multiplier))) 9))
(defun equationlist (multiplicand multiplier product)
(append (number-to-list multiplicand) (number-to-list multiplier)
(number-to-list product)))
(defun pandigital (multiplicand multiplier)
(equal (sort (equationlist multiplicand multiplier
(* multiplicand multiplier)) #'<)
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
(defun pandigital-list ()
for i from 1 to 2000 collect
(loop for j from 2 to 2000
when (and (nine-digits-p i j) (pandigital i j)) collect (* i j))))
(defun euler-32 ()
(reduce #'+ (reduce #'union (pandigital-list))))
Although this gives me the correct solution, my problem is with function "pandigital-list". Instead of collecting only the pandigital numbers, it returns a list filled with "NIL" and the few correct numbers.
How do I change this function to only return the numbers I am interested in ?
The problem is that the inner loop returns nil whenever it does not collect anything else. (Remember: in Common Lisp everything has a value.)
One solution is to redefine pandigital-list like this:
(defun pandigital-list ()
(loop for i from 1 to 2000
for sublist = (loop for j from 2 to 2000
when (and (nine-digits-p i j)
(pandigital i j))
collect (* i j))
when sublist collect sublist))
How would I recurse through nested lists?
For example, given: '((A 1 2) (B 3 4))
How would I add 2 to the second element in each nested sublist?
(defun get-p0 (points)
(loop for x from 0 to
(- (list-length points) 1) do
(+ 2 (cadr (nth x points)))
I'm not really sure why (get-p0 '((A 1 2) (B 3 4))) returns NIL.
I'd go with something like this:
(loop for (letter x y) in '((A 1 2) (B 3 4))
collect (list letter (+ 2 x) y))
The reason: it's shorter and you don't measure the length of the list in order to iterate over it (why would you do that?)
Since you ask for a recursive solution:
(defun get-p0 (lst &optional (n 0))
(if (null lst)
(let ((elt1 (first lst)) (eltn (cdr lst)))
(if (listp elt1)
(cons (get-p0 elt1) (get-p0 eltn))
(cons (if (= n 1) (+ elt1 2) elt1) (get-p0 eltn (+ n 1)))))))
? (get-p0 '((A 1 2) (B 3 4)))
((A 3 2) (B 5 4))
and it recurses further down if necessary:
? (get-p0 '((A 0 2) ((B -4 4) (C 10 4))))
((A 2 2) ((B -2 4) (C 12 4)))
The way you put it, you can consider the problem as a basic recursion pattern: you go through a list using recursion or iteration (mapcar, reduce, etc.; dolist, loop, etc.) and apply a function to its entries. Here is a functional solution:
(defun get-p0 (points)
(mapcar #'add-2 points))
where the auxiliary function can be defined as follows:
(defun add-2 (lst)
"Add 2 to the 2nd item"
(let ((res '()))
(do ((l lst (cdr l))
(i 1 (1+ i)))
((null l) (nreverse res))
(push (if (= 2 i)
(+ 2 (car l))
(car l))
As written your 'loop' use does not return anything; thus NIL is returned. As is your code is simply iterating over x and computing something; that something isn't stored anywhere.
So, how to get your desired result? Assuming you are willing to modify each point in points, this should work:
(defun get-p0 (points)
(loop for x from 0 to (- (list-length points) 1) do
(let ((point (nth x points)))
(setf (cadr point) (+ 2 (cadr point)))))